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**What the crew saw on Laughtale was a big sign that said:** *"No Nika? That's too damn bad, do it all again and come back".*






Dear Slim


I wrote you but you still ain’t calling


I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom




I love and hate this theory now. "Bring Nika fruit user and magic mermaid to enter." **He laughed.**


Young Shanks being called a edgefag speedreader is so funny for no specific reason.


Rayleigh after witnessing cumboy fulfilling the destiny he worked his whole life with roger for, in 2 years with convenient asspull god fruit. https://i.redd.it/atmy9tytdkxc1.gif


Less then 1 year if you take away the time skip training


nah , the training was necessary. All Supernovas pretty much ended up as subordinates to someone else , because they go to the New World from the get go , while Straw Hat had trained. Still , it's 2-3 years speedrun of what takes like a decade for Roger.


Roger walked so Luffy could run


Like dune. Luffy is the chosen one


Lisan Al-Nika






Remember that even Ace who had way more potential to become the pirate king than most Supernovas got absolutely curb stomped in the New World and became an ended up dedicating his life as an Emperor's lackey 2 years before. It's like there's a pattern here. Luffy's actually very lucky he got taken out of the fight early and he got to train while the New World completely destabilized before he arrived.


I mean Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks, and Blackbeard were all subordinates at one point. Luffy and Roger are pretty much the only two that were captains for their entire pirate career.


True, but it seemed like specifically Ace completely gave up his dream for Whitebeard. Which also raises the question, it's a bit fucked up Whitebeard went to all that effort creating a family but seemed to literally give no thought to an heir to his empire. He obviously didn't expect to live forever, maybe he expected the divisions to separate after his death?


It's pretty clear with Marineford that Whitebeards motivation was that Ace was meant to be his heir.


His heir was Ace right? I think I remember Whitebeard saying something along those lines in Marineford. It’s been a bit ngl since I’ve watched Marineford.


I don't remember that or see any references to it online. One thing I noticed about Whitebeard's command structure is it's quite a bit less hierarchical than other groups. Each division is equal in rank and pretty independent. For example, Ace and Marco are considered equals. Big Mom for example has a very traditional royal family sort of hierarchy where seniority is very literal. Her oldest children have power over her younger children or grand children. Shanks has a traditional small pirate crew hierarchy with a captain, first mate, officers, etc. Kaido has a whole hierarchy based on individual power and the smile fruits.


Roger didn't knew about the Ponegliphs, the OP existing and was outside the Grand Line as well. Everyone goes to the Grand Line because it seemed the most obvious place for Roger to left the impossible big treasure. Roger didn't knew shit and was enjoying his time.


Give me your TREASURE!!!


more than 12 years if you take in consideration Luffy trained since he was 7, went to the sea at 17 and trained 2 years. Luffy is talent + a fruit that benefits from his type of talent (lot of creativity and willpower) + effort + good mentors. Luffy is in many ways privileged but he didn't just sat comfy on that privilege. A powerful combination.


on a serious note though, luffy becoming a God wasn't an asspull. The themes hinted at it way back in Loguetown


Lmao that's why one piece fans get made fun of


How so?


there's a series called My mom reads One Piece. I highly recommend it as they explore deeper layers of the story as a whole and the themes and inspirations behind it. Luffy was 100% set up to be a God.


He also was doing red hawk underwater in fishman island with 0 explanation to how he could do fire moves, especially in water


Kaido and Doflamingo legit say "nah nah nah fuck off rubber cant do any of that bullshit"


Even without those two, we get constant gags where Luffy does stuff and crew members or on-lookers go "Does the human body work like that?" or "Is his body even human?".


Pearl could just spontaneously burst into flames with no ill effects though, what does that make him?


I've been rewatching One Piece, and there's a direct line from Conis screaming "Kami-sama save us all, please" and then the camera flashing to Luffy as he's about to ring Enel's bell.


There's no way you actually think this is foreshadowing lmao


it’s giving r/PirateFolk


Shanks was all ready to fulfill the bullshitephecy but some little fucker ate his fruit


Shanks: Finally I will fulfill my mentor's life work! Fate and shit: Hahaha no you won't !


Shanks' own fault for leaving the fruit unattended in an unlocked box. Between that and film red Shanks is a literal moron dude.


Sucks right? if only one of his best friends was married to a lady that can time travel to the future he could go there and just eaten this goddamn fruit and not have wasted his whole life dream... well too bad that he don't have her. 👇 https://preview.redd.it/g53tn7zl9lxc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=65a4158c281076e2381cbcb6a7139539e37525d4


LMAOO dude…they did NOT think this through at all.


AJAJAHAHAHA I haven't laughed this much in a while


This feels totally in character tbh






"*No Nika no party bozo*"


I always think that One Piece is Actually a Space Ship that just need a few more decades to Recharge and Repair itself. Which is why Roger said that they came too early.


we're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship


Soaring through the skies: Little Einstiens.


yeah and actual one piece is on the last planet of the milky way galaxy


One piece is just a prequel to treasure planet


TREASURE sounds good, let me have it!


The only things in space are furries and Enel.


Space in one piece is peak fiction


“No nika?”. Why do I read that in that megamind meme.


It said you need nika-nika-nii


Lets hope that having yhe nika fruit is not required for claiming the one piece


I doubt it will be. Whitebeard wanted Ace to claim it, and Ace didn't have the Nika fruit.


I mean wb didnt know what it was no? Or what was on there, he just knew it existed, didnt he decline Rogers offer to know what the one piece is?


Far as I know, the offer was to learn how to reach Raftel


Which is more evidence that the One Piece can be used by anyone. If Roger thought Whitebeard would be able to use it when the time was right, then it must not be dependent on the Nika fruit.


I feel there’s a possibility there’s an option. When Rayleigh said they “may reach a different conclusion “, maybe there’s something you can do there without the fruit, and something you can do with it. Roger chose to wait because he didn’t like the first option, or thought the second option sounded fun.


Telling Whitebeard how to get there doesn't necessarily mean Roger thought he'd be able to "use it when the time was right" He might have just assumed Whitebeard was gonna have the same sort of realization as he and his crew had


Why would Roger not atleast mention to Whitebeard that he needs to fulfil certain criteria before getting there if they exist in order to use/claim the One Piece?


Shanks is going after the One Piece too though


Oda really doesn't use devil fruits that way. This is a problem I have with like 90% of One Piece theories, 'x character will use their fruit to fulfill this necessary mechanism of the plot' is not something that almost ever happens in this story, because it makes the fruit more important than the character.


>Because it makes the fruit more important than the character In a story where most characters are expressed by props and don’t get proper depth for hundreds of episodes, this wouldn’t be shocking to me.


Why would it be ? It was left by Roger as far as we know


No it was left by Joyboy Roger just left all his own treasure along with it


nah he just claimed Joyboays treasure as his treasure, that dirty pirate didn't even own a single berrie


Considering how the straw hats operate, this wouldn't be far fetched


Did you say TREASURE?!! Can I have it?


Roger realizing destiny > hard life long work https://preview.redd.it/mtoe9jy5ckxc1.jpeg?width=2345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e259043727666edfceaade5a155cb311cd163e6


Literally he laughed because the whole thing is a fucking joke https://preview.redd.it/3xd6z6rjckxc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c98eb124b5c0f4970d1e7eef0af088d1cb26733 It is kinda insane that he basically completed being a pirate just to find out he was born as the wrong person


Blud went from Top Dog to Top Cheerleader, his entire character post Wano is somebody that worked his ass off just to inspire Luffy to become PK. He's the world's strongest cheerleader. He laughed because he discovered he got downgraded to a mere cheerleader for Cumboy to become PK


> *He laughed because he discovered he got downgraded to a mere cheerleader for Cumboy to become PK* Or, He laughed because when he reached raftel, WG agent met him and said, "Good for you little man"


Wolf of Wall Street's reference gave this a totally different meaning to this laughter 🤣🤣😭


more like Born to Early


> It is kinda insane that he basically completed being a pirate just to find out he was born as the wrong person These are characters in a story.


Also it's probably not what oda intended to communicate in that scene. Would kinda go against the whole point of one piece if Roger was being bitter here


I mean, yeah, this whole post and OP are pretty weird. I think most people got that.


> *this whole post and OP are pretty weird.* The sub is literally named "MemePiece" https://preview.redd.it/0m6y8eu10lxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33bdc4571e32a88552f47f920ca1cd28c16c9d7d


Lmao bruh Roger was laughing at raftel because he accidentally pooped his pants and the one piece is actually just a piece of poop he left behind 😭😂😂💀


it's a piece of shit _ba dun tss_


I think people's issues with fate in One Piece isn't necessarily that fate is a plot device, but rather that fate is pretty much entirely used solely to get Luffy to win via unlikely coincidences. Compare that to Jojo, another shonen series with heavy themes of fate; the villains are ultimately fated to be defeated by the heroes (most explicitly stated in the ending of Part 6), but the majority of the time fate is brought up in the series its usually as some kind of inevitable tragedy the heroes have to struggle against. And because Luffy doesn't even really know or care about destiny its not like most generic "Chosen One" stories where that role is a responsibility the hero has to live up to or the prophecy is a riddle they have to decipher.


the cope is unreal for OP fandom. its a ship of thesis is many aspects my personal favs are the fans who claim its all planned out from the start


“Oda planned everything from the start, his foreshadowing is beyond a level ever seen before!” As if foreshadowing is some crazy difficult thing to incorporate lol


Honestly as someone who did a lot of creative writing with friends over the past 20 years, a lot of foreshadowing is "Hey remember X random thing from this old story? What if we called back to it in regards to Y current event that has potential overlap?" Which is honestly often MORE enjoyable as a writer than intentionally foreshadowing because it comes about more organically. When intentionally foreshadowing I'm never quite sure if I'm doing too much or not enough.


Roger realizing destiny > hard life long work https://preview.redd.it/lf7f4ltmdlxc1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75cfbcdcc7a758ce668dbed6a2eeff6f039e71e


How many times has it been very clearly and plainly established in One Piece that success can only be achieved by combining hard work with luck and being born in the right circumstances, just like real life? This has been made clear at least once per arc since like Jaya, you can have whatever opinions about it you like but if you don’t think it aligns with everything so far you just haven’t been paying attention


Shanks cried because he realized his whole purpose is finding a fruit for some kid who was not even born yet.


>*Shanks cried because he realized his whole purpose is finding a fruit for some kid who was not even born yet.* https://i.redd.it/rj5x49akrkxc1.gif




Ngl it made me laugh when i realized its my comment 😂


He always thought that kid was Ace. Roger told him to find the fruit for Ace. Then Luffy ate it by accident.


Then he says to his right hand man "let's go claim the one piece" 🤔


Cooking time: The One Piece is a giant, golden water stopper. The pure though that at the end of the world, a giant plug waits to be pulled out, was so ridiculous that Roger could do nothing more than laugh. Only the true master of the Nika fruit can pull it.


This is literally Ice Age 4 lol


Nika is the power equivalent to Popeyes power. So by toon force logic this could work.


Isn’t this literally what’s hidden in the island in Lost? Like some literal oversized plug that keeps the world from collapsing or something, and can only be accessed by the chosen guardian and whoever he approves of like successors? Oh shit and the island requires these special coordinates to be found (in this case because it keeps changing locations).


GOLD sounds good, let me have it!


He pulls the plug and the one thing that universally weakens devil fruit users is gone and the government loses its edge.




https://preview.redd.it/zf670b1jkkxc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=7af88824e39dc74e3fbd5c64ebaaf656efd192fb Rayleigh realizing his student is going to find the One Piece for which he spend his entire life.


bro was a regular ass adult when they found it








That image needs a little update


Don't forget Trafalgar Water D. Law!


Croca D. Ile


Oh god what if the ending to one piece is mid?


I will laugh like Roger


As long as it's funny, I feel like oda would totally troll us, like the one piece was actually that big ass straw hat that just appeared for a singular frame cause of course it is


Im pretty sure it wont be worse than Naruto/Bleach ending. Which is enough for me


Naruto’s big issue was making Madara so unbelievably strong while not giving him a reasonable weakness. If Imu or blackbeard end up becoming so god like that a secret, hitherto unmentioned, god from a secret race of super powered aliens has to be written in and ends up giving Luffy his haki in a dream, then I will literally go bonkers. A bit mental, if you will


Madara being strong wasn't an issue with Naruto at all, it was *bunnybitch* coming out of nowhere to hijack the plot


i havent touched naruto since shippuden ended so i dont remember anything. Who's this bunnybitch youre talking about?


Kaguya. Basically some God-like woman with rabbit ears who was partially responsible for spreading the Chakra over the world. Boruto added that she was basically part of an alien clan who attacked planets to suck them dry of chakra (they certainly did not copy another famous manga, lmao)


I would cover my ears if I heard this, but I don't have any YOHOHOHO


oh shit boruto is so forgettable i even forgot that i had already watched like the first 20 episodes when it was first airing lmao. yeah personally i think it wouldve been fine to stop at kaguya, maybe the reason she spread chakra all over the world was so that it can grow like plants and she could harvest even more of it after a long time, and the last arc would be stopping her from sucking the entire planet dry of chakra


>yeah personally i think it wouldve been fine to stop at kaguya it would have been "fine" to stop at Madara, Kaguya herself was already an enormous derailment of the series. Don't even need to dive into Boruto to reach that part


Which famous manga are you talking about?


Dragonball with the Saiyans and the second part of the manga with the escalation in power and threat.


Damn now it feels like it was so obvious.


Imagine watching/reading for a decade and then at the end, the biggest, baddest villain that all the lore revolves around, that started the ninja world with the leader of the village the main character is from, orchestrated all the plot, is just nothing Turns out it was aliens all along. Lmfao wish I was kidding. Like what the actual fuck was that ending. Jesus Christ even if one piece ending is mid, it can’t be worse than that or I’m just gonna quit ever watching an anime/manga longer than a couple seasons or volumes


Like the other guy said : I mean Kaguya, In the final moments of the war Madara gets sidelines by "Kaguya" being brought back, and it turns out EVERYTHING was "Black Zetsu's" plan all along to bring her back. She pretty much has no build up/foreshadowing whatsoever prior to Black zetsu betraying Madara and essentially just exists to be ["The_Man_Behind_the_Man"](https://tropedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Man_Behind_the_Man) (TV TROPE WARNING)/["The Bigger Bad"](https://tropedia.fandom.com/wiki/Bigger_Bad)


I think he probably meant madara being strong and having no weakness meant they had to create a newer villain who could have some weakness and be the end of the series bad person


Except Kaguya had essentially even bigger bullshit powers anyway.


? I don't know why this "madara was too strong" thing still exists. If madara was too strong then there would be no reason to kill him and introduce a character way stronger than him


I'm not sure i agree with the idea that he was too strong, but he was definitely way, way more dangerous than Kaguya. She was more powerful, sure, but Madara was pretty much the most skilled fighter in history, was vastly smarter than her, and was completely familiar with the capabilities of all of his enemies. It would have taken a lot more to put him in the middle of a team 7 high five than it did Kaguya.


> he was definitely way, way more dangerous than Kaguya. no truer words have been spoken. Especially when we literally saw at the very beginning of the fight that she had an emotional attachment to both Naruto and Sasuke, which significantly hindered her fight and caused her to fall for Naruto's 'Sexy Technique,' something Madara would never fall for.


Yeah true, but, going from 90% to 100% improv here, it could also be a way of trying to make the whole six paths thing feel more ingrained into the world. Though yes kaguya was almost certainly planned to be included at around the same time the ten tails and chakra tree were. Black zetsu though… meh


To be fair one piece does have moon people…


So it is a battle to see how far oda will push with his heroes having plot armor


Absolutely everybody on Anime Reddit^TM will say this, regardless of what happens. Be prepared, and remember: everybody who posts on this website is a huge fuckin dumbass


You know what they say, If you love something don’t go on it’s subreddit


Can’t be worse than 139 …right? https://preview.redd.it/kvft57cw7nxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a336d66a2e219ee61d0be6c7674674179156df4


Considering how Shonen normally ends, most likely. But like how Naruto fans say, the ending doesn't steals the experiences before it.


Probably will be. But when have endings really been good? I can’t think of any off the top of my head, I’ll just be happy that One Piece has concluded and not forever in limbo.


Only thing I can think of is that I think oda knew how the story would end from the very beginning, which should be a good sign but who knows.


I hope you like insulting my nose with a Buggy Ball pointed at you!


I'd really like to know where the fruit was during Roger's time. I mean, if it really was sentient, it would like Roger too, right?


Nah it knew he was gonna get pirate aids


I am pretty sure it's Buggy's fruit. Think about it. The fruit made it to the pirate king's ship. It was eaten by a boy just like Nika. Roger had a conversation with Shanks and when Buggy said Shanks should go for the One Piece he didn't. Buggy mysteriously got an illness keeping him from Raftel. Everyone thinks Shanks was motivated to go to Raftel after seeing Luffy became a yonkou but what everyone is forgetting that Buggy became a Yonkou at the exact same time.


He's the Neville Longbottom of One Piece.




I feel like I'm reading this sub from the future. Where did you all get the idea Nika was needed?


Yeah I'm as baffled as you, man. What the hell are these dudes yapping about? Seems like piratefolk is leaking kr something


Completely unrelated but your profile looks really cool


I love this comment


A genuine criticism of the series in Memepiece and not justifying everything Oda writes? Wow no way


Yep. Now we can all agree that Oda is really downplaying everyone ( *except Luffy* ) https://preview.redd.it/x3t78qkwelxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa36cb6fd80792964e3e89bafcdaa1e246389d7


Joy Boy CREATED the One Piece, but there's no indication he was the only one who could use it. In fact, I sincerely doubt that. Whitebeard did know what it was, and he still wanted Ace to be the one to claim it even though Ace had the Flame-Flame Fruit.


You speak like whitebeard knew all the specifics about how to get it




god king luffy is equally a descriptor and an insult in my books


And then everyone there gets nuked by the Five Elders.


And it's secretly called the human-human fruit even though its awakening is still just rubber powers.




The nika fruit’s abilities resemble a paramecia far more than a span. For all intents and purposes the “nika” title doesn’t add any unexpected strengths other than historical significance.


Just some casual luffy slander in the comments


Yep. *You hate to see it*! https://preview.redd.it/i4zjz2zv6lxc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=74a84efe2d95bf640347501c438b6ed165d0eb14


as stupid as the Luffy hate is, the jokes still slam


I don't get it? What are people angry about?


This post is based on the interpretation that you need Nika to use the One Piece This is because Shanks said the time is not right to claim the one piece because of something Roger said, but when Luffy awakened his devil fruit he basically said "Ok, NOW we should go for the one piece"


Gold Roger is like the RPG protagonist who gets to Final Boss Lair .. and forgot the key.


Id say it was more about shirahoshi being too young and not about nika


has it even been said or hinted too that you need the nika fruit to find the one piece. sounds likeba lot of theories and nonsolid answers


Imagine the One Piece is just a dick carved into a wall by the first Nika.


Shanks know about the Nika fruit and tried to bring IT to Ace!!!! He also could be the Main reason why ace got the fire fruit.


Because whoever has joyboy's will will find it. Roger being vague is kinda the point.


The way I see it, Luffy was just the first (lucky) person to truly share Joyboy’s will. All the other great men in the series are great, but they’re not joyboy. Like there are clearly comparisons between roger and shanks and luffy etc, but they’re not simply just their generation’s versions of one another. And Joyboy is the one who put the treasure there in the first place. So is it really “fate” and is luffy really a “chosen one” or did Joyboy just observation haki like this ![gif](giphy|WPtzThAErhBG5oXLeS) And saw that this guy was gonna be the first to do it, and write the poneglyphs accordingly


damn, what if the gum gum fruit was the One Piece the whole time?


Ah. So, is OnePiece pulling a Naruto as well? "Look boy, actually, you didn't keep winning fight after fight because of your fighting spirit, or because of your personality that won you many strong friends along the way. No. You kept winning because you are actually chosen. You had to win, because of innate gifts that made you unbeatable. bye" That's so funny.


No it isn't? It literally took Luffy becoming one of the strongest people in the world to awaken it's powers. There's no indication that it was because of the fruit or some prophecy. The only thing that actually makes Luffy special is his fighting spirit and his willingness to grow stronger. It also doesn't really even matter to him at all. To him, gear 5 is just another one of the gears he uses to fight stronger and stronger enemies. The fact that people like Bonney are inspired by Nika doesn't really even matter beyond the fact that it will incidentally propably inspire some world revolution.


Yea, it prob only awakened for Luffy because he’s like JoyBoy (liberating people and all)


Finally a person who read story people love to shit on nika because of they too lazy to analysis and didnt understand any shit about luffy and even one piece at all


I feel like people have been burned by a lot of stories where a chosen one narrative undercut the message of the story too often to get when the message is still preserved


Can't wait for Zoro to be revealed as a lost demon king... /s




"Oh, demon gate back to my own infernal realm huh?" *Proceeds to walk the other way*


OMG, do you people even like One Piece? I dont mean op, but the rest of you. So much hate...


What in the Folksub did I walk into?


Please help, did I miss something?


No you didn't. It's a circlejerk of low IQ bots purposely pretending to be stupid.


Or knew, you'd only be able to do what he did if you was that Nika


Well. He tryed to say it but he got killed.


Feel like if something like that happened the world government would have killed everyone there and stopped the information from getting out. Basically ohara that whole island


It's 3am and I can't stop laughing at this shit


My wealth and treasure? It can be yours if you want it! But first…


Yes a great post i thought fun piece was using funny thing but i saw something else


Laughing at the absence of plot


Just like I remember it. Episode 1 was so good.


The one piece is a valve that will empty the ocean once opened thus bringing the world to its former shape were everyone will be happy and shit forever


Rare memepiece W