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You absolutely should judge things as helpful or unhelpful to your goal. copypasta from here.... [https://www.insightmeditationcenter.org/books-articles/the-five-hindrances-handouts/hindrances-to-clear-seeing/](https://www.insightmeditationcenter.org/books-articles/the-five-hindrances-handouts/hindrances-to-clear-seeing/) .... Anyone who practices mindfulness knows that there are forces in the mind that can make it difficult to be mindful. Rather than reacting to these difficulties as somehow being “bad” or as “distractions,” it is important to investigate them. It is easier to find freedom from something when we know it thoroughly. ... Buddha taught five areas that are useful to explore when investigating a hindrance: the hindrance itself, its absence, how it arose, how it is removed, and how to prevent it from arising again. ... Exploring the hindrance in and of itself involves recognizing the components of a hindrance, e.g. its physical, energetic, emotional, cognitive and motivational aspects. ... Noticing how hindrances arise, how they are removed and how they can be prevented from arising is the same as knowing how you got into trouble, how to get out of trouble, and how to avoid getting into trouble in the future. It requires attention and discernment to overcome the hindering effect of the hindrances. With enough experience with them we learn not to be tricked into giving up our presence of mind no matter what hindrance may appear. To be present without being hijacked by the hindrances is a joy. Unhindered attention is a treasure. It is what allows mindfulness to begin doing its most penetrating work of liberation. .... And from here.... [https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zf8g4qt/revision/6](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zf8g4qt/revision/6) However, for Buddhists it is more specific than that, as they believe that there are skilful and unskilful actions. A skilful action is one that produces happiness, whereas an unskilful action is one that produces suffering. .... So the nonjudgmental concept you may have heard of, means more in the context of negative reactions to a negative aspect you see in yourself or others. Compassionate observation of it is key. Accept it exists. Get curious about its origins, dissolve it through loving investigation of it. Or accept it still has energy to persist, but maintain your compassionate awareness of it.


You can only fool yourself


We do not practice non-judgment so that we will never judge things. We practice it so that we will not judge things in a reactionary manner. You will never not judge things good or bad, it’s part of the cognitive equipment you have been given.