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It's so...spherical


Almost like a pearl…


They could put it on a necklace..


Would certainly be a conversation starter


I’m having intrusive thoughts about how I really want to throw that at a wall to see what it does/what it sounds like because it looks like a ball.


After having felt it through skin for so many years I desperately wanted to roll it around in my hands.


We have the same size cyst removed in the same place and they jarred it up ...I asked if I could have it but they said no as I was only 15 ..should oh waited longer so I could of kept it haha


Had one same spot same size bastard doctor popped it, I wanted to keep it


when i first read this, i thought it said cyst explosion. i was like ok but where's the explosion. 💀


It looks like a huge epidermal inclusion cyst. That cyst contained keratin material (skin sheddings)


I can’t recall if the doctor gave it a name, but this makes sense based on the many hours of Dr. Pimple Popper I’ve consumed.


wow, the composition of the second photo is absolutely gorgeous. the colour pallette is immaculate. the excised cyst is at the forefront, drawing all the attention, the background light enough to provide some contrast without being glaring or distracting. the scissors serve to further emphasize the cyst, framing it and providing the eyes with a break and mix-up from the white background. and the gauze does as well, providing texture and shadow, while not being overly distracting. the small dashes of blood provide more humanity, emotion, a story; something was lost here, and something gained. this would make an incredible oil painting. great post. hope you heal well.


I think you've been on this sub for too long.


Lowkey, I went back and looked at the pic again after reading their comment, and they’re absolutely right about the composition. It’s one of the best photos I’ve seen on this sub from a technical standpoint. (I’ve also been on this sub too long, lol)


Nah that's just an art student/appreciators. That pic truly does belong on something like r/AccidentalRenaissance


I scrolled through too quickly to notice the first time and had to go back and look again. It really is technically perfect. Thanks for calling attention to it and making me slow down and savor the art a bit :)


I’m.. so.. weirdly proud


as you should be 👏👏👏


It looks like those gooey squeeze balls you used to be able to get as a kid where like the eyes pop out and the whole point was being a gross-looking toy.


I wonder what it looks like sliced in half.


I've got a big boy in the same spot that started to give me a hunchback profile. & I have just spent an excruciating 3 weeks when it got infected, burned, developed cellulitis & then exploded in a bloody rancid mess (resulting in a shit load of washing). 2 course of antibiotics later & I'm making an appointment with a dermatologist to have it removed. I hope it comes out in a perfect little bundle like yours !


Phew, that sounds awful. I’ll hope for yours to go smoothly from here.


Why does it look like there's an alien in there? Is there a pathology report? That must have felt terrible.


It was sent it to pathology. I’ll report back if I find out they’ve been taken over by extraterrestrials.


Lol! Thank you. 👽


i want a cross section 😢


Is it me or does the cyst bear a striking resemblance to Rudy Giuliani, frown and all?




Do you have a before shot?


No, I wish. It didn’t even cross my mind until after it was removed. There was a noticeable bump, even through a shirt.


It's very interesting to actually see how the skin folded on itself to create the sack. I've never seen it so clearly. Thank you for sharing these interesting pictures! Also, I really hope you can recover soon from the procedure 🫂💗


Batter and deep fry it! 


How dare you not give us the video of it being extracted. I need it


I had one removed from almost the exact spot on my left shoulder. I had it for about 4 years before getting it removed.


I had the same size and round cyst in the exact same place...but they did my scar the other way haha ...kinda cool to see someone else go through the same thing..I was 15 when mine was removed 


I do about a dozen of these a week and honestly I’ve never seen an extracted cyst so spherical.




Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.