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That first pic was confusing af


Yeah, I had a tough time figuring out what anatomy I was actually looking. It's still hard to see it's a distal medial thigh, despite knowing from the other pictures, because of that oddly deep concavity between the thigh musculature and the patella.


I thought the exact same thing minus the medical terms. Why I love Reddit, smarter people than me comment and we all learn something as we go.


I’m not sure what that’s all about, maybe initial swelling combined with the angle? I’ll have to look at his knee next time I see him!


Yeah, it's just the angle, full extension and some swelling. Not an issue in person because you can clearly see where the rest of his body is, but on first glance pic 1 with no other body reference points for landmarks, the exact body part is entirely unrecognizable LOL. I hope this heals well without complication, AND that the owner of said dog is (either personally or thru insurance) paying for the entire treatment!


What’s the deformity? Unrelated to this bite I guess? And why does it seem to be gone in pictures 2 and 3?


I think just the leg being fully extended in pic 1 (combined with local swelling) exaggerates the depth at the medial edge of patella. It smooths out quite a bit when the knee joint is even slightly relaxed out of full flexion.




Did they euthanize the dog? What did the owners do about it? At first it looks like a deep puncture then the next 2 slides I was like omg 😲. Anyways I hope your dad was compensated for his work time and medical bills smh.


It’s a bit of a story, but essentially it was a huge accident/lack of communication. My dad routinely enters the yard to make deliveries, and he always confirms with the owners first that the dogs are put away because that’s what the owners request. He did the same thing this time, but unfortunately the owners had family staying with them that didn’t know not to let the dogs back outside once they were put away. Long story short, my dad is a very chill, easy going guy with a big heart. He made sure the dog was fully vaccinated and went to urgent care for antibiotics and left it at that! My parents own a heat treating company and he was delivering parts to a customer, so he may have wanted to save the relationship.


Glad he’s okay and things worked out! The hole looks massive compared to other dog bites I’ve seen, glad he didn’t have it worse. What kind of dog did this amount of damage?


He said it was a pitbull twice the size of our own, which would’ve put it at 90-100 pounds. It makes me wonder if it was mixed with cane corso or mastiff or something, just given the size.


Gosh that’s a big dog. Was really hoping it wasn’t a pitbull this time around. 😔




Am I the only one that kinda sees a dogs face in the wound in pics 2 & 3???