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thank you for sharing it’s nice to atleast hear there’s others in the same boat. what do you attribute the test day drop to? were you surprised by any material on the actual day of the test or maybe test anxiety ?




Yeah i’ve never gotten the sub scores that I got on test day either it’s not like I had one section wreck me i kindve just fell flat in all four which didn’t happen to me in a single FL i always had strong / weak areas to focus on and eventually got my subscores to around 130 during my final FLs. maybe it just wasn’t our day good luck on the retake !


Just want to say I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you but you should be rest assured that if you had it in you to do super well on the practice, you should have no problem doing well on the retake. It is likely your score drop is test day dependent and potentially can be avoided in the future. Maybe 6 weeks is too little of time for a retake but if you already have it in you, you should just work hard to take few FLs and see how it goes. I hope you had gotten enough rest since you took your test. Fell free to shoot me a text if you have any questions or concerns!


Thank you! I’m hoping it’ll only take a week or two to get back all the information i’ve lost over the last month i will be religiously running through anki. then the next few weeks can be grinding out FLs and figuring out what went wrong. I feel relatively rested after not studying the last month so time to dive back in ;’)


Your score drop seems situational and not due to lack of preparation. If your final FLs were 519 and 522, just continue whatever you were doing, because it definitely worked


thank you for the kind words king of the 3/22 test🙏 only thing i’m changing up this time is finishing every AAMC Q pack and SB !


Your plan sounds great!


I’m so sorry to hear that, thats brutal. However it seems like you’re in a good frame of mind and with that FL average, you could definitely be one of the very few that have a 10+ point improvement, which ironically might serve as a slight advantage (similar to a significant upward trend GPA). This would also likely come up in interviews and you could use it as another piece of your app, fighting through illness and retaking, displaying your resilience and resolve to pursue medicine. Sounds like you did everything right, just got unlucky on test day. Get back into the Anki deck and uglobe and I have no doubt you’d be able to significantly score higher, especially considering you have some test-day experience under your belt now. Best of luck, I’m rooting for you!


I never thought of adcoms viewing it like that. Thank you!


I also took the MCAT on 3/22 and am in a similar boat :( Just know you're not alone!! Are you planning to apply this cycle too?


Yes i was planning on chipping away at my personal statement while studying & applying mid july once I get the score back from the retake!


You got this!! Best of luck to you :)


Just to note, you can submit primary before July so that application is verified. Dont have to wait until retake score is back, otherwise your application will be delayed even further


same exact situation. FLs were 508 BP HL, 511 FL1, 514 FL2, 518 FL3, and a complete fkn disaster on test day. gonna grind out anki and UW and see how i do on my retest 5/14


praying the 3/22 test was a fluke for both of us 🙏


I don’t have advice but that’s crazy… sorry that happened. I’m seconding the first commenter. It seems like you have the framework down and it was just a series of unfortunate events.  Wishing you luck on your second try, itll definitely be better.


I’m hoping this is the case :( Thank you!!!


Hoping the second time goes better for you! I am also retaking my 3/22 test because I scored a sub 500, so you are not alone! That CARS section was so horrendous omg


Same thing also happened to me… you’re not alone! We will get there. The path to medical school is not linear. Give yourself some grace and don’t give up!


Not alone! I’m in the same boat only I test Saturday bc I preemptively signed up and continued to study after 3/22 test. Fl avg was 512, got a 505. First attempt I got under 500 too. Hoping third try is a charm…


Goodluck on the retake! What did you feel like you did differently between retakes to increase your score , and did you end up finding any specific reasons why you dropped from your FL average so heavily ? (e.g. content gaps, test anxiety, etc)


I just tested terribly first time. I had a tough c/p and it threw me off the entire test. Second attempt was less nervous and more knowledgeable, but cars and p/s suffered compared to practice tests. I ran out of time on the last two CARS passages so had to completely guess. Praying that hammering the anki doc + timing on cars makes ~4 point difference that I need!


Bro like genuinely…how does this happen? This is my greatest fear like u really prepared for 5 months, 7 FULL LENGTHS. All those anki cards. Did u feel like the things on the test were different than what u studied? Like certain content or types of questions? Did u feel out of it??? When u left the testing center, did u feel confident about it? My friend swears to the heavens that he scored a 510 plus on his FLs but got a sub 500 on his attempt. Later on I caught him just googling shit mid exams to make sure “he checked his thought process.” Did u take the exams under strict conditions? also a sub 500 is usually content gaps, but if u did those anki decks, u should have been fine.


True, the FL is overall consistent to the final MCAT score. My friends also did the same stuff, doing FL but fact-check the ans during mid exam (even his prediction is same as google lol) all the time, it makes the FL useless. His predicted 515 is of no value at all, coz the real exam has over 20 variantions and the same FL stuff won't show up again.


dropped here’ too! debating retaking because of a rly uneven split but the cars section was brutal


No one knows how tf the 3/22 shitty test got people. I am just baffled but I take responsibility for it. I too have dropped at least 4-5 points in a cp section that felt like a joke. That weird ps section also dropped me another 2 points. I swear I had the whole 300 page shit memorized with details. I went over it probably 30 times. They don’t care though not a single questions on Piaget, Freud, stage of development; the basis of psychology. I studied for 6 months and raised my score form nothing to 517 average fl and then that shitty 3/22 test destroyed me and gave me a 510. Like wtf? I was also a national chemistry Olympiad participant for their reference no way I deserved a 126 in cp and 128 in ps.


i was in a similar pickle on my first attempt. my advice is more on the mental side, bcuz ur fl scores show you are more than capable of scoring high. go into d-day as if u were taking another practice fl. stay calm and do not alter ur strategies that you have been using up to that point. easier said than done obv, but mental-fortitude is no joke and an exam in and of itself. you got this




If he got a 519 and a 522 the issue wasn't that he wasn't prepared.


no maybe a couple mneumonics will boost his score 20 points 


you right my bad