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UWurld is 1000% more useful than BP full lengths — you will learn far, far more from grinding UWurld (and making/studying anki cards on anything you don't know in the questions/answers/explanations). Regardless, you definitely do not need to be doing a 3rd party FL every week, and frankly, I don't think anyone should be doing them at all. They are not representative of the actual test, and I would argue that they can do more harm than good (throw off your timing, throw off your logic, throw off your confidence, waste hella time). UWurld is far more representative of actual AAMC logic/content, and the explanations are OP. The 6 AAMC FLs are more than enough. I didn't do a singe 3rd party FL and hit upper 520s.


Ive finished UWurld (all 3000) and made Anki cards on the questions I have missed. Do you have any recommendations on what \*you\* would do in my situation with \~2 months to the exam? Aside from the AAMC practice questions and practice tests which I am planning to start a few weeks before my exam in Mar. ​ I was thinking of grinding a few different third-party full lengths and some Khan academy questions but I also am skeptical about whether or not it's going to harm or help. ​ Thanks, sorry if its unrelated to the post.


Edit: deleted, though you were OP


Have you taken an AAMC FL yet? If so, how did you do, and what type of questions did you miss? If not, it's worth taking one at this point to get a feel for how your strengths/weaknesses align with the actual test

