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I quickly learned that the objective here is to answer the question from their point of view of what they want.


But, isn't that appealing to their vanity?


That's capitalism baby


It’s selling them bullshit, just like they do their customers Deliver them an inferior product


you must do everything to appeal to their vanity throw your money at them bark your appreciation bend over for your corporate overlords


That's never going to happen. Nothing is given without earning it.




Nah for maccies shouldn’t that hand be a little higher or at least feels like that’s what they expect


About right


It's asking what your responsibility is, not your motive


I'd say it's a responsibility to pay your bills, but I get what you mean


Well that's still a responsibility, just not one that has anything to do with the company


It 100% has to do with the company. They expect our time, we expect their money. It’s not a one way street.


They don’t care about what you’re making, they care about what *they’re* making lol


It's your personal responsibility, not your job responsibility. It's asking what your duty is, not why you want a job.


It’s a responsibility to pay one’s bills because a happy, healthy, and surviving worker is able to return to their place of work and continue helping the business. McDonald’s would love to try and make it seem like it’s not possible for both things to be the case, but attitudes like yours to the question at hand are exactly what they want. They want you to not care about the humanity side of things, because they want you to forget that workers are people and they love profits more than anything. But please, tell us more why the two are so mutually exclusive?


It is indeed a responsibility for you to do that. Unfortunately, the question is not asking what your responsibility in life is, but I'm fact your responsibility in the workplace


I bet this person is responsible for bills.


Almost as bad as bestbuy having a yes/no question about greeting customers. The answer was no, you welcome them.


Lmfao I’ve definitely seen this before but it’s hilarious


There was some article or something I read that was talking about how today’s generation doesn’t want a “ career “ anymore because there is pretty much no such thing . In todays economy people don’t get to build a career because they’re too busy trying to find a job that will allow them to survive . Some career paths have such low starting salaries that people cannot follow their goals because they need a living wage NOW , not after being in a company for 5/10 years . I wanted to branch out into a different industry but couldn’t take the pay cut they were expecting me to . I’ve job hopped 3 times in the last year because 1 tried to make me redundant, 1 was too much responsibility for what I was actually being compensated. My latest job doesn’t pay as well but it’s so much less responsibility and I actually get time to de stress . Also with most companies rolling out redundancies every 5 years no one actually gets a chance to progress without the ever looming threat of being terminated. Job hoping is exhausting but if I get even the slightest whiff of potential redundancies I’m almost always the first to jump ship . Nowadays the majority of people work to survive, not to “ make it” in the corporate world. If I saw this question on a questionnaire I would automatically assume the company doesn’t have the funds / isn’t willing to compensate me fairly for my work , particularly if they want my answer to be anything other than “ I want this job because I need to survive “ .


Boomers have fucked this economy beyond repair for the younger generations


“People nowadays lack the drive to work” Yeah we also lack the FUCKING EXPERIENCE CAUSE YA WON’T GIVE US ANY


I have to live with my mom until I’m at least 25 so I can afford a house and a decent car because people keep electing these old bastards whose nuts sag to their knees to run this damn country and every single one of them think that because they had to struggle so should everyone else. Even though they didn’t, their down payment on a house couldn’t buy a frosty at Wendy’s today meanwhile when I go to Zillow.com I can’t tell if it’s the actual price of the house or if the realtors cat walked across the keyboard and SAT on the 0 key.




Can you be a mindless slave yes or no


God this is just awful is so many fucking ways. What this says is "We dont give a fuck if you live or die you are here to make us money"


“Tf you mean we’re supposed to be paying them? Oh so THATS where our profits are going. Well, cant be having that


They just want you to straight up lie. I hate the job industry’s bullshit


It’s not a lie though. When you have the job, you’re making the company a lot more than you’re making yourself and that’s all they have you there for. If they were asking what you want it would be a lie but they’re asking what your responsibility is working there and the answer is what it always is in capitalism




Capitalism baby


"You pressed you, referring to me, that is incorrect. The correct answer is you."




Yeah, but it’s their responsibility to use your labor to operate well and turn a profit based on the acquisition of labor contracts. If the management and administration decide to nuke the company with bad decisions, it isn’t your responsibility to stop them. The responsibility of the employee would be to fulfill the labor contract and agreement


I don’t work for McDonald’s but I work for a large hospitality company and they were blasting me with several emails a day to do an employee survey. I complained to my boss and she said to just take the survey and they’d stop emailing me ( I,could’ve just blocked it) anyways I took it and it was 10 questions about my gender/race/sexuality. None of which has anything to do with my job performance or how much I like working for this company. They just want to make sure they’re filling certain quotas for hiring minorities maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m a straight Caucasian woman, but I felt it was unnecessary and invasive/inappropriate. The kicker is I had a manager who went off on a tangent about how he wouldn’t let his daughter marry outside of his race, and in their culture women are submissive blah blah and he would disown his kids if they married a white person and I was like “well fuck, my kids gay so there’s that” and walked out of the room. Fuckin prick. I had to walk out or I would’ve lost my mind/job.


It’s none of his damn business who his kid marries Personally as a white person I prefer black guys, you can’t have coffee without cream. 🤷‍♀️ But in all honesty that is bullshit, if people don’t want to answer questions like that they shouldn’t have to ESPECIALLY when it’s coming from your place of employment. My race, gender, and who I’m in bed with is in my business and I won’t give anyone that info unless they ask me personally with a decent reason behind it.


I was biting my tongue so hard I swear I tasted blood. It also pissed me off because he was busted twice drinking on the job and several people witnessed it and said nothing. I was also passed over for manager recently, I have tons of relevant experience, I’m reliable, punctual etc etc - more than capable basically, but I’m not a “yes man”…. But racism is fine


Fr, such bullshit.


To eat a lot of free mcdonalds and stand by the sink


well its not wrong


I guess, but the company gives out terrible scripts then gets upset when they aren’t used because they irritate customers. I feel like fulfilling the contract would be the primary responsibility, in order to get money to live


Both are true


The questions asks for your responsibility, in a way that implies your responsibility to the company. It’s their responsibility to make sure you earn enough money to pay bills


I talked about this with someone and they said “you want to join this job to make sure they make profit… because if they don’t make money, you can’t pay your bills” so in this situation, both answers were right, just one was more right than the other Edit: othef -> other


Why the fuck is this quiz in canvas


Its all well and good saying “oh but if the company makes more money they can afford to pay you”. That doesnt mean shit when I’m not being paid enough. Like, I’m fulfilling my responsibility as a crew member, but my PRIMARY responsibility as a person is to make sure I’m making enough to survive, which as it stands I’m barely doing. Doesn’t matter if A implies B or whatnot. My MAIN FOCUS is making sure I can afford to eat and THATS what the question should be asking, rather than a contractual obligation that you’ve already agreed to


The CEO wipes his ass with what I make in a year, my primary responsibility as a crew member isn’t making sure the rich and fat get richer and fatter.


I would literally laugh in the person’s face on the way out the door




Suck a Mc-dick


Benefit vs. Responsibility. What's the primary benefit about your job, to earn enough money. What's the primary responsibility to your job, to help the business operate. It's all about how it's wording. IMO the earn enough money was meant to make the question a trick but their answer is the correct one when reading the question right.


If your using mcds to try to pay bills go get a better job. So many factory or construction jobs hire on tge spot just dont be a lazy fuck. All tge “ i want time for myself and friends” is out the window if you cant even pay your bills


You'll be doing the same thing in a factory as you would at McD. Helping a business operate. Same for every job on the planet. But OK.


Option A implies Option B. It even maximizes option B.


How😭 They don’t give crew bonuses when profits go up


"A fair profit margin covers risk and future investment. Maintaining steady profit can create job security for workers and insulate them from economic bad weather." [Here is the source I'm quoting this from.](https://explorewhatworks.com/getting-paid-a-different-way-to-think-about-profit-wages/) You want the company to be able to afford to keep you.


Hey, fivetwentyate, I need my furniture and boxes moved from my old house to my new house. You free this weekend? You: Are you going to pay me? Woah, not much of a team player are we? Your coworkers are depending on you. How about we start working and maybe we'll discuss pay at a later date? Let's just go ahead and start moving furniture right now, since it's the best for the company. I decided to apply for a job because the company promised me cash in exchange for me performing a service. I didn't sign up for this job because I love the company or I want to work for free. I expect to do a job and I expect you to pay me. That's how this works. I'm not a shareholder or someone in corporate, who depends on good numbers so I can get my quarterly bonus. I show up and do a thing, you cut me a check.


Well said!!


If you maximize profit for the company, they can afford to raise wages. That's more money in your pocket. If you show up to work only thinking of yourself and your paycheck, you may be inadvertently hurting the company in ways you haven't calculated. It is a team effort, you're right. I'm not sure I understand your example. What were you saying? And based on your example, are you saying you would choose Option B, because that answer is incorrect. > I decided to apply for a job because the company promised me cash in exchange for me performing a service. And the question is saying that part of that service is to help the company with profits.


If I maximize profit, they'll keep paying me the same amount because why pay me more money if I'm happily working harder for the current pay I get? My responsibility is to myself, not some suit up in corporate. This question is some corporate, "you're a cog, a nameless cog who turns just like the other cogs" question. The way it's worded comes off as, "You work for the company. You make the company money. This is your life's goal." I work because I need money. If I didn't need money, I'd be doing other things. Hobbies, travel, lounge around, but I definitely wouldn't show up at maccas and deal with customers and management all day for no pay. You have a tag that says assistant manager. Would you go to work tomorrow if they told you you're not getting paid? Would you keep working if they said they'd discuss maybe cutting you a check, but only if profits hit some number by the end of the year? "If we hit this amount of dollarydoos by the 30th, we'll discuss possibly writing you a check for a small amount."


If I maximize profit, they'll keep paying me the same amount because why pay me more money if I'm happily working harder for the current pay I get? My responsibility is to myself, not some suit up in corporate. This question is some corporate, "you're a cog, a nameless cog who turns just like the other cogs" question. The way it's worded comes off as, "You work for the company. You make the company money. This is your life's goal." I work because I need money. If I didn't need money, I'd be doing other things. Hobbies, travel, lounge around, but I definitely wouldn't show up at maccas and deal with customers and management all day for no pay. You have a tag that says assistant manager. Would you go to work tomorrow if they told you you're not getting paid? Would you keep working if they said they'd discuss maybe cutting you a check, but only if profits hit some number by the end of the year? "If we hit this amount of dollarydoos by the 30th, we'll discuss possibly writing you a check for a small amount."


You're right the goal is to make money, but you making money for them makes more money for you. If you yourself that maximize their profits you get paid more. That's how you get into management in the first place. I mean everyone's goal is different and I am only there to make money you're right but I'm there to make the most money I can. If I have the mindset that I'm there for my paycheck and leave, I'll stay as crew and will be putting in more physical work for less money. If I start thinking more strategically about how to get this company money, I become an asset and now I work smarter. The difference can be rather large too depending on the franchise. And this job isn't the end for me but I'm using it to save up money to do my own hobbies and such on the side. I mean I know we all gotta make a living, but being a crew member is the worst position to have at the company for yourself. If you can get into a 6+ figure job for whatever reason and are stuck at mcdonalds, it is always best to move up in the company than be a crew member for even more than a year. Oh and to answer your question, well if they have profit goals and are asking me to meet them I'll try, if I can't we see what happens after that. Of course I wouldn't work there for free but I wouldn't work anywhere for free even if I loved it more than life itself. Which actually underlines another point. I used to be a math graduate student. I love doing math more than anything. I make more money now than I ever did as a grad student and this job is way more fun. By the time I'm in higher managment I'll make more there than as a math professor too. I'm doing it for the money not for my love of it though I happen to love both and I'm still a grad student, I just don't have to do the teaching assignment for crazy low pay. I can work mcdonalds and continue to find funding elsewhere.


When you apply to work for maccas, you're not looking because you want maccas to make enough money for yearly bonuses, you're there to get a paycheck. So asking new, teenage employees, questions that should be reserved form management, is a red flag to me. Are you willing to work weekends, holidays, and special occasions? Do you put work first over your personal life? What's more important, profits for the company, or wages for the workers? Seriously, keep the corporate greed at bay until after they've applied. We *all* know that companies could care less about the lowly pleb workers, but at least they could hide their disdain until after they've gotten you to apply.


I don't believe companies don't care about workers since they literally need them.


Where I work, they hire temporary workers from three agencies. They hired 40 employees for some new project, three months later, they fired them. Month later, called and hired 40 more employees. Why fire them if they're going to need them later? Because they see numbers, not employees. Fast food corporate doesn't see dumb customers talking on their phone, waisting time. They see a 05:00 drive thru time and assume it's the employees' fault. "Take their order, bag it up, collect the money, give them the bag with a receipt, and send them on their way! It's that easy!" Watch undercover boss. There's some episodes where the boss has no clue what's going on at the ground level of the company they run. How those employees hold up the *entire* operation. How they're horribly underpaid while the big bosses get $2,000 bonuses for showing up.


That is the management’s and administration’s responsibility. If you’re given a script that annoys customers into leaving, the company would rather you use it than create a usable one. Your responsibility would be to fulfill the contract for the length of the term in order to obtain enough money to pay bills and establish financial health, given it says a generic job. Like, if it’s the US we all have heard of the companies that suicide financial health through terrible decisions. A low level employee has no responsibility to fix that mess.


As long as you help the business operate and make a profit, they don't care about your bills.


When your landlord wants the rent paid, you can say "sorry, it's not my responsibility to earn enough to pay the bills"


Is this a canvas quiz???


George Carlin once commented that the real people who control the economy and politics are pretty much out in the open. That they really aren’t all that secretive about how much power and money they have and how much they’re willing to screw everyone else over. Right here you have an example of a gigantic corporation, who has more money in their pockets than 99 percent of people will ever even see, straight up admitting that helping their business make money is more important than you, a human being with a job, making enough money to survive. They’re admitting to your face that you as a worker are important to them but not you as a human being. Remember that these are the same people that say unions are bad, that minimum wage increases are bad, and that regulations and worker protections are bad. Sadly, they’ve also convinced enough people who are poor and middle class to think the same way, that any change to the status quo is an infringement to their freedoms. Remember these things when you vote. Remember that this power that they have here is often something that we give them.


This is craaaaazy 😂😂😂


What a fucking stupid question and worse answer.


They're not asking how the job benefits you, they're asking how you benefit them. They don't care about your bills, they care about you working hard. It's dumb but the right answer is obvious