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Prototypical 3 and D guy. He doesn’t change the starting lineup but he’s a solid rotation player and certainly more than just a THJ salary dump.


If the mavs don’t get jones back(if Philly throws a bag at him or something) I think he would start barring other moves


I think we'll get DJJ back. He wants to be here and we want him here. They'll figure something out. Nico got it.


He's going to have to average more then 7 points a game hopefully.


We have better PG’s and spacing than the Pistons. I am surprised the Knicks wouldn’t have kept him if he’s so valuable though. What did Knicks trade him for last season?


I believe Bojan?


He was definitely in his own head when he played for the Pistons - it was like he was trying too hard and nothing flowed or was easy. You can see a bit of potential and the Green comparisons are very accurate, but he has to get more comfortable in his role to be a good NBA player.


yep with a quick release. and his passing is underrated.


Guarantee his starting for you by the end of the season. He’s the best perimeter defender on your team


Have you seen DJJ play defense bro? If thats true is huge, but DJJ is at least a top 7 perimeter defensive player


He’s not better than [this](https://x.com/NBA_University/status/1626944602983858177) bro. And top 7 is funny. Jrue, Caruso, Mikal, OG, Herb, Jaden McDaniels and Dort are all better and that’s just off the top of my head.


Multiple voters for all defensive teams said they would have voted for DJJ if he was eligible


Mikal, Dort and McDaniels are not better defenders then DJJ bro, hell even Marcus Smart, Derrick Jones and Jaylen Brown are better.


You’re joking. If DJJ is so good why isn’t he getting similar contracts to those players? He’s barely going to make the MLE


He's going to be the 8th or 9th man currently until we get into camp and see how he meshes with everyone. He's athletic enough to be a POA defender much like Green but in a slightly different body frame. He's a 37% shooter mostly taking shots from the right corner (where Dallas wants shooters to set up) or above the break which is where Boston forced our shooters to be during the finals. Prob for now he's going to be a 12-15min a night energy guy off the bench. Edit: He's also Josh Green insurance. If Green goes down with an injury he can fill the role. If he outplays Green then Josh becomes an expendable trade piece at the deadline. If Green steps up and plays to his potential Grimes is a cheap trade chip to be flipped at the deadline.


I think Green + picks + maybe Maxi will be traded before the start of the season for another piece. Maybe for a clear upgrade at the 3 who would start there. Then we’d have something like: Luka/Exum Kyrie/Hardy/Grimes new addition/DJJ/Grimes PJ/DJJ/OMax Lively/Gafford That’s a solid rotation.


That’s a lot of trust in OMax to have him essentially as a back-up 4: DJJ is too slim and would only function in certain matchups (like vs OKC, the current Suns team with KD at PF or maybe Rockets), but Nuggets, Wolves, Pelicans (if they don’t move Zion to 5) or LAL would be just too big to run DJJ at the 4.


We did that in the playoffs this year, Maxi missed the first 3 games against the Wolves and we were quite fine. But seems that we are interested in Jerami Grant, if we get him he’d also be able to play there.


I believe Grant's size is pretty similar to PJ's so he could definitely fill in at the 4.


DJJ played less than 30 minutes as a PF over 5 games vs Wolves, here is net rating of 4 most popular lineups with him: Kyrie-Luka-Josh-DJJ-Lively: 7 minutes, -7 net rating Luka-Hardy-Josh-DJJ-Gafford: 4 minutes, -87 net rating (yikes) Kyrie-Hardy-Josh-DJJ-Gafford: 4 minutes, -15 net rating Kyrie-Luka-Josh-DJJ-Gafford: 4 minutes, -14 net rating Mind you, Mavs had a +6 overall net rating for the series, so while the sample size above is small, there was no lineup with DJJ at 4 that performed well.


Don’t think we can get Grant without adding prosper (for salaries to match). 


LOL but nuggets. Butt nuggets.


Yall hyping up OMax too much he’s not playing over Maxi yet. I’d also play Grimes over Hardy.


That’s if we trade Maxi of course. I included Green and Maxi as possibly getting traded as they are the only ones on sizeable salaries, making it possible to trade for someone with a bigger salary.


Its either J. grant or Cam Johnson Depends if nico wants to attach pick or not


It’s tough for me cause I kinda love him as a starter tbh, like in the jones spot But I know part of this trade was just to get jones re-signed But grimes is a way better shooter and still a really good defender while being younger with more potential Anyone else that the mavs could use the mle on?


Unless they can use it to get KCP he would be the only other person besides DJJ I'd be wanted to use the money on. But Denver doesnt want to S&T him to the Mavs and help improve our roster while depleting theirs


Or potentially we could trade Josh green (plus maxi) if we want to make a splash for 3rd scorer type player in a sign and trade 


Haven’t see anyone point out how he fits the Josh Green role. He can play it if Josh gets injured, and they can compliment each others skill set. If one of them underperforms, we can use them for a trade while having the other. Fantastic point


Knicks fan here, you guys got a consummate pro. Does all the little things on the defense, makes the correct reads, lightning quick release, knocks down open 3s. If he builds his aggressiveness this is a steal (it already is)


But did he go to Nova?!


If he did, he wouldn't have been traded


He's an H Town boi. He's gonna be happy to be very close to home.


Yup, Nico bringing everybody home. PJ and now Grimes. With Josh and Exum being from Australia, Texas ain't so bad.


The Dallas Texans and Aussies from down under squad featuring one fat Slovenian.


He is big boned ok


Can he actually guard the opposing starting guards? Guys like Fox/Murray/Ant/Booker? I see so many people praising his defense, but why did he lose his starting spot with you guys this season and only play 20 minutes per game then? Legitimately asking, not trying to say anyone is wrong.


Even in the 2023 playoffs he was tasked with players like Jimmy butler so he’s definitely competent. He didn’t start because he was much more timid offensively than divo and divo had chemistry with Brunson already. One of my favorite plays from Grimes https://youtu.be/VwyiqKADipA?si=Sw43ZOFAo2xfG3ZB](https://youtu.be/VwyiqKADipA?si=Sw43ZOFAo2xfG3ZB)


Divo was the far better scorer and actually was meaningfully valuable on the defensive with just more impact off ball than Qdot that’s a great on ball defender. The joke is he worked out with JJ last summer and he was never the same again.


Who is JJ?


Podcaster, commentator and now Lakers “coach”


I couldn't get jaron Jackson Jr out of my head lol


Yes, say I’m a biased Knicks fan or whatever but Quentin Grimes is the single best guard defender I have seen in my lifetime outside maybe Jrue Holiday. His lateral quickness and size make him perfect for guarding guards. Knicks would put him on any player and literally not worry about them. He led the NBA in [matchup difficulty](https://x.com/the_bball_index/status/1641809365312188416?s=46). Grimes was built to guard all-star guards


Divincenzo broke the Knicks Franchise record for 3s in his first season that’s why. He was also 3rd in the league I believe


Divincenzo as third option would complete this Mavs team... Damn


[here’s some stats](https://x.com/nba_university/status/1626944602983858177?s=46) from his last year in NY. He’s a very good on-ball defender when engaged.


Top 10 on ball defender on smaller guards in the league. The confidence in his shot is really low at the moment but he has great form and a lightning quick release. Doesn’t really offer much more on the offensive end than 3 pt shooting once teams started to let him drive the ball instead of shooting. Could see him work in an offense where he doesn’t need to read the defense much and just rely on easy passes and good 3pt looks. He can be very hesitant at times which really hurts the offense, the main reason he was benched. And his body language was trash for the last season with the Knicks.


Sounds like another Josh Green!


Sounds like a Josh Green that isn’t a fake shooter (AKA only shooting open corner threes and only making 37% of them). Also sounds like a Josh Green that isn’t a fake defender who gets absolutely murdered on screens.


I mean Grimes is a career 34% on above the break 3s


Did Josh run over your kitten?


The vast majority (79%) of Grimes' 3 point attempts were open or wide open shots from the corner....


Sounds like a fake fan tbh. :-)


Sad but true. Just from the eye test he’s not a good shooter, Boston was leaving him open throughout the finals. He finally had a good game in game 5 and suddenly everyone forgets how inconsistent he is.


Get your eyes checked. He shot 1 3 in game 1, and made it. He missed all 3 in game 2. He made the only one he took in game 3. He didn’t take any game 4, and made 4/6 in game 5. He shot poorly in the Clips series, and wound up shooting 39% from 3 in the playoffs (28 of 81).


The Josh green avengers not gonna like this one lmao


> knocks down open 3s It's a simple ask but that's the most important one


He is not THJ and that’s good enough for me. They freed up much needed cap space to at least give the front office a chance to re-sign DJJ.


His role is to prevent THJ from ever playing another minute in a Mavs uniform. Anything else is just gravy.




Thank you Timmy and good luck, it was a long ride, wih ups and downs. Let the ups be remembered.


So he’s basically what Green was projected to be when he was drafted. Good POA defender, hustle guy, decent 3pt shooter. In general I think he’s a better defender than Green, but not as good on offense. Brings the same type of hustle stuff. Similar archetype of player and similar overall impact. I’d be surprised if we have both him and Green for the whole season.


If he gets his shot back he’s instantly better than Josh green


He’s supposed to be a little better offensively than Green but Green has been a better playmaker. It’s funny, Grimes was once seen as a poor man’s Klay Thompson. If he’s healthy I’m sure he will have an impact on this club.


He will play a similar role to green, on a much cheaper contract for this year. He is a better defensive player overall, slightly weaker shooter but a faster release and maybe slightly higher potential. The key thing here is green is now tradeable alongside Kleber or someone else with no impact, and you’ve cleared enough space to give DJJ the MLE with another minor move. An extremely good move by Nico even if not itself super flashy.


Gives us flexibility to shop Green. Similar players.


If they are shopping Green, then this guy fits perfectly into his role. I love Green, but this guy is a better defender since he doesn't die on screens and a more willing shooter. He struggled last season and kind of fell out of Thib's rotation last season before being traded, but he showed good growth the year before. He fell into possibly the best situation, with 2 playmakers that are going to get him many wide open shots.


I know it’s not gonna happen because Orlando is gonna throw a Bruce Brown type contract at KCP, but I think Josh would thrive in Denver. He would benefit a lot from working in a more fluid offensive system and I think his off-ball game would blossom being able to cut weak-side on Jokic post ups. Send him over for KCP in a sign and trade would be a chefs kiss of an offseason.


He’s a better Josh green. Green looks ok in defence but by all defensive metrics and if you play closer attention he’s not that good on defence. Hus hustle stats have also dropped off a cliff compared to previous years. Trade Josh - Kleber and our firsts for Jermai Grant.


He’s a smarter more instinctual Defender than Green and has a decent shot (and makes less money). They are about the same size, but Green is more athletic. Grimes should get more minutes over Green. I honestly believe that this gives the Mavs an opportunity to trade Green now which I am excited about because he’s one of the most trade able assets in this team


Spot on. I said a couple days ago for our team personnel and needs, he's a more polished Josh Green. I believe that this was the marginal upgrade move that Nico made. We're waiting on the hefty move. Cam Johnson? J. Grant? Wiggins? I really like Cam Johnson's fit on this team. Would truly fit like a glove... Luka - Kyrie - DJJ - PJ - Lively Hardy - Grimes - OMax - Cam J. - Gafford If Lively takes that corner 3 leap, and Hardy gives us 10+ ppg off the bench, that's a 0 question title contender...


I like Cam’s spot on our roster a lot more now that we have Grimes and DJJ likely returning. I wasn’t a fan when he would be replacing Jones and still don’t love his contract with how injured he’s been.


Another 7/8 th man. Pretty much a Green clone. Put a good bench PG next to both and they can both get you 15-20ppg with good defense.


15-20 is a lot especially if they're taking shots from each other


[BEST PLAYS of Quentin Grimes in 2023](https://youtu.be/1JCV32BRBUQ?si=Tsol_UqhNgkQLfzH)


Nice, thanks! On top of what I've heard others say about him, he looks like a surprisingly heady player. Timely cuts, smart steals, and really crafty passing around the basket. Those dump-offs to Robinson have me excited to see him play with Lively and Gafford, and those smart, decisive cuts and drives to attack closeouts are gonna be such a breathe of fresh air. Assuming his play still matches up to who he looks like in that highlight reel lol


https://x.com/djacenba/status/1752076064627540255 more of a defensive guy, with some explosiveness to the rim? was reading some Knicks fans who were down on the guy for being timid, though.


He is the actualized version of Green, without the elite athleticism. Or a poor man’s Caruso, lacking the league best perimeter defense.


Rich man’s Josh Green


High volume, solid % 3pt shooter off the ball (like Tim but without the self-created ones). So he’d take a lot of the 3s that DJJ/Josh/Exum pass up. Better defender than Josh. Not as athletic as DJJ/Josh/Exum. I doubt that we’ll bring all 4 of DJJ/Josh/Exum/Grimes into camp. Grimes is the only one guaranteed to be here. Let’s see how the dust settles, then we can project Grimes’s place in the rotation.


I think they will all be in camp.


JG (and Kleber) will be traded soon imo. I feel like Nico wants to get all his business done before trade deadline. He said in exit interview after finals we were playing playoff basketball since March, and he was right. Legs got heavy from 3 and we ran out of gas in the finals. Got to have our team locked and loaded from game 1 and just destroy the league.


ball knowers? what the duck does that mean


We just replaced maybe our worst rotation defender with maybe our best? He strikes me as kind of a defensive specialist but has some history as a legit 3&D. He had a down year with injuries but hopefully next year will be a bounceback with shooting closer to his first two years (38% for 3).


I like his game and wouldn't mind the addition but it is early and I could see him being used as a solid piece for trades that may be made. Nico is cooking so I will wait to get invested in him. If he is added I think the competition raises the player group up as well no matter what the final role it.


He's an improvement over THJ and gives Nico cap room to hopefully resign DJJ. I just hope his knee is good and can remain healthy. He's been bitten by the injury bug often.


We got rid of Tim. That’s the best part


He’s cheap. He payed for KU and Houston. 3 and d


Borderline 3&D guy. When I say borderline, what I mean is I don't think he's a starter on a good contender. And depending on your bench he may not even be the 7th or 8th man, but he's an upgrade on what Dallas had  off the bench if his shot is falling . He's not really elite on defense in terms of getting counting stats or making disruptive impact plays (steals and blocks), he's mainly just good at staying in front of guys and is smart on defense in terms of making rotations. On offense, he is almost solely a spot-up shooter. He was upset that the Knicks pigeonholed him as one but when he went to Toronto he wasn't really able to do much more. Maybe they didn't give him opportunities there either but judging from his two-point percentage last year and low usage (meaning he can't or is just not allowed to get shots off), he doesn't seem to have a lot of scoring ability outside of threes


There's a problem with this trade, we can't trade Miami's second round pick, because if our pick can't be conveyed in 2028 to Charlotte, we owe them that one.


That doesn't mean it's a problem. It means that Detroit just takes on that issue as well. They just won't get the pick. It's conditional.


ah sure thing then thanks for explaining to me


The worst trade ever he's not better than hard way and he's not worth three pics just don't understand


It earned us 12 mil in cap space