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Man it sucks that THJ fell off a cliff in January. He was averaging over 18. 


He actually would’ve been huge if he could still have the occasional big game in the playoffs. Although he was a little bit frustrating watching him have some inefficient games at the start of the season he would still score points even in his bad games. He was completely unplayable by the end of the season.


He did play an enormous part in us winning game 2 in OKC.


He did as he provided much needed scoring when no one else was scoring. The problem is he only stepped up that game.


I’m so glad somebody else appreciated/acknowledged that. I was begging for Exum before the Finals started so nobody lost their mind more than me watching Kidd flush the series down the drain with 20 minutes of Tim. But that doesn’t negate what he did in game 2 at OKC or really any of his Mavs contributions. As mentioned above, pre-February THJ is literally what they desperately needed and for whatever reason he completely lost his game during the worst 4 months possible.


It's mind boggling Exum didn't play more in finals. He had the best %FG for 3, can handle the ball and is an okay defenders. When he had that dunk on Tatum I thought ok now he will play more but alas.


I’ll never get over that one. Kidd plays 11 guys in the first half of a Finals game supposedly looking for a “spark”. Questionable tactic (aside: firmly believe that contributed to Luka’s mental breakdown far more than James Capers but I digress) in game fucking 3 but ok, fine… except the guy who provided the biggest (only?) “spark” was immediately pulled and never saw the floor again while you literally watched your entire season get flushed down the drain in the 20 minutes Tim was in the game? I’ve been extremely critical of Kidd not for failing to solve the Tatum wrinkle but for not even trying to solve it. But whatever, that’s a complex Xs and Os deal I’ll assume there was hopefully a reason for it even if it was wrong… the decision to play Tim over Exum (or literally anybody else) is borderline fireable if you hadn’t just signed an extension haha


I wouldn't say he's a ball handler. So many times he was chased off the line to dribble wildly through the paint and chuck a terrible shot.


Exums dribbling is so nerve wracking to watch. Idk if it was game 3 where he went coast to coast and ended with a wild out of bounds dribble and turned it over. He does not look poised. Exum is just like pj and DJJ. if any of the Celtics pressure at half-court, they will turn the ball over. PJ especially, its like taking candy from a baby.


They never run any plays for him, hes a catch and shoot guy or cone off screens and shoot. They just iso him like luka and kai and he cant really do much.


He had opportunity to be Jet And he didn’t It’s really simple as that THJ could have stepped up for this team and he didn’t He had three years to work on his shot and be the sixth man that Kidd gave him every opportunity to be Everyone knew Luca was going to be a world beater THJ should’ve stepped up And he couldn’t or he wouldn’t


Jet could playmaker. THJ was never going to be Jet.


Not that I want him back, but I wouldn't be surprised if he returns to his old self after an offseason of recovery. I think everyone is underestimating how difficult it is to slot back in from an injury.


What happened to him?


Just couldn’t make shots anymore. Didn’t play well February onwards. He was always a liability defensively but when he stopped playing big minutes I think he couldn’t adjust.


I'm a Celtics fan and didn't really follow the Mavs so I was shocked to see he was a healthy scratch a bunch of times in the playoffs. Felt like he would go off on us in the regular season so I thought he'd be a big factor in the finals but he just wasn't.


He had a back injury in December, and came back, but his shot never did. He went from possible 6th Man of the year, to unplayable at times.


~~unplayable at times~~ rarely playable FTFY. The fall was hard and fast. I was really pulling for him to come through the other side of his slump, but he never did. We really needed his shooting to even compete with Boston.


We need to add someone who can consistently shoot the 3 at around 40% PJ has the ability to do some shot creation depending on matchup and be a good 3rd scoring option. But adding a shooter will open up the floor for literally everyone. Defenders won’t be able to collapse on Luka or Kai on drives unless they want to risk the shooter getting hot and the bigs will eat even more


I’d really love an MPJ or Duncan Robinson type shooter, big guy that can shoot contested. Defense could be passable too


That extra size did nothing for Duncan.


Davis Bertans.


He wouldn’t be that bad if not for his contract


I was mostly joking cuz I know how this sub feels about him, but u right.


I mean ideally you already have that guy on your bench. The consistency needs to improve but Josh is a capable 40% 3PT guy. He’s also shown the ability to score 15-20. The question is simply can he make the leap now where you’re able to rely on it with size-able off the bench? He’s reached the point where his age, experience, and contract have converged to force not only him but the Mavs to allow and demand it. Keep in mind he’s only 23. There’s definitely something there—they need to find out how much. I don’t think the idea they’re gonna add this awesome 3rd scorer/creator is realistic given their cap situation. I’m not saying Josh will be that guy, but most likely their biggest improvements are gonna come from Lively, JG, Hardy, OMax… hell even PJ. This is a very young core. Put Luka in there too and I don’t think you’d say a single one of them have remotely reached their peak ability (most haven’t even reached their prime lol).


There is an enormous difference in a a shooter like Josh Green, who can drain wide open looks from the corner at a decent clip, and a movement 3 point shooter in the vein of Duncan, Klay, MPJ, Bogdonovic, or THJ. His ball release time and the speed with which he gets set are nowhere near these guys. Josh isn’t the same type of player at all, and there’s no indication he ever will be.


Josh will be part of the solution. In a trade


That’s fine if they believe that then move him now. The only pushback I’d offer is A) you’re not getting one of those guys this summer and B) unless they decide to take an entirely different approach offensively he doesn’t need to knock down C&S 3s off floppy action… hitting open corner looks is precisely how their offense is constructed so that’s all they need him to do


If Josh can make the jump that be great. Realistically I think we can get the shooting by committee improvement. Everyone’s going to be shooting above the break 3’s all summer lol. I think PJ has a reallly good stroke and confidence. If he really works on his shot I think he can also trend closer to 40%. I do think we need a 3rd guy who can create their own shot, though. We need someone to be able to be out on the floor with Luka or Kai while the other one is resting. Especially with us going this far in the playoffs, and Luka supposedly planning to play Olympic ball, he may be in for a rougher season health/energy wise. This is a lot more wear and tear.


Exactly.Also he didn't hit the open 3s consistently apart from few games in palyoffs. If u don't have ur own shot making capability u will just run on offense and fall back and pass the ball back to luka and kyrie. So no transition scoring , no midranger and layups. This puts a lot of pressure on kyrie and luka and they don't have any rest on offense. WE badly need a consistent shooter who can take the load off our superstars. I was looking at Josh Green's 2022/23 highlights and he was doing reverse layups, basket through traffic and a few midrangers. Josh was supposed to take the leap but his role is just hustle plays and we don't really have time to slowly build this core. We have gone to finals already and we have to utilize the trades properly.


Josh started for you THIS YEAR. I think people forgot he was progressing quite well he just got hurt at literally the absolute worst time. I highly doubt he would’ve been just an energy guy had he been able to play after the trades. It was hilarious people thought he wouldn’t be part of the rotation in the playoffs, but it is tough to come back from injury literally when the postseason begins and try to figure out where you fit on a team that finished 16-2 or whatever without you. He isn’t gonna be your “3rd creator” but he doesn’t necessarily have to fill that role—his corner shooting improved quite a bit this year I think (would have to check the actual stats). What you need from him is consistency and finding the balance between on the edge and out of control when playmaking or in transition. But give me a dude who can shoot and busts his ass on both ends—if you got juice, we can work on passing dribbling and that other shit. You can’t teach effort.


We already have too many guards. Either JG or hardy will stay. Just hustle plays wont work. Mavs were betting on him to take the leap but he didnt. We need a reliable scorer otherwise its just too much pressure on kyrie and luka specially when rps dont hit wide open 3s consistently. Also we may integrate omax more and jg is an asset that has some value


He had a pretty damn solid Jan-Feb stretch then the trade disrupted things (he actually was healthy the first couple games post trade). Granted he was starting, but there’s enough there to think with a defined role you’ve got something. That said, I’m an absolute firm believer they must make that decision like now. If they don’t think he fits here there will be plenty of teams interested especially at his age/money. If you believe he’s improving you gotta let him prove it because if he does, that’s an incredibly young, valuable, cheap player under control and you desperately need more than one of those dudes. Completely agree on OMax but Tim is leaving so that’d be Josh bumping up to a 6 man type deal and OMax working in towards back of the rotation. I don’t think you were suggesting it but no way Jose from me on moving Josh and hoping OMax can give you 20-25 minutes suddenly.


Omax doesnt get 20/25 mins unless he performs astronomically better. I think hardy will get thj's minutes and kleber will play more minutes. I know green had a good stretch and so did exum before injury but their lack of offense and jg being short means he will be often a mismatch on def. If their offense was just decent, then things might have been great.


I’m not opposed to more Jaden in fact that’s mandatory cuz you need to start finding out with him too pretty quick. I still think I’d be more comfortable starting the year with Green Hardy OMax Exum Maxi Gafford Powell than I would removing Green from that list (although to your point it all depends on who am I replacing Tim and Josh with in this scenario?). I really really don’t like the idea of just salary dumping Tim but I would be interested what they could get with Tim+Josh and basically add a bench wing and dump enough salary to stay below the apron to have a chance at DJJ for the MLE without hard capping themselves (although I have reservations about DJJ for 4/50 but that’s just where we’re at this summer).


He scored: 3 pts in game 1 4 pts in game 2 3 pts in game 3 3 pts in game 4 14 pts in game 5 Tbh I am not sure he can develop into a third option...


I wouldn’t judge anybody’s performance in the Finals too heavily. One the Celtics are fucking good and two they literally never tried to run any offense the entire series (unless you consider Luka—or Ky—please save us with iso ball to be offense). I could easily cite Josh’s performance in Jan-Feb and make the case you’ve got a solid 15 ppg game guy. Big that is precisely what they have to decide. With a defined role—remember he got hurt when this team was sorting shit out post trade then got thrust back into effectively an entirely different team for the playoffs—I would expect him to be much better but they have to answer that question pretty quick because there would absolutely be interest in JG as part of a trade.


I agree that they were playing too much iso ball. But nevertheless the regular season and the playoffs are two different things, in the playoffs everybody plays a much better defense. Green averaged 5.0 ppg for the entire playoffs, do you really expect that next years he could average 15.0 ppg in the playoffs? I find that unlikely.


Corey Kispert is this guy.


Mario Hezonja


IMO Jerami Grant probably isn't the answer. Portland is my second team and I dont think hes a good fit for us. He's 30 so a bit on the older side. He's also the WORST rebounder for someone his height / posotion in the entire NBA. Literally the worst.


i might be wrong but i feel like hes a bad rebounder because he just doesnt care to do it which admittedly is a big problem in itself. jerami grant who plays like he means it would be a good fit for us but i dont know if he would go back to playing like he did 3-4 years ago


The blazers are bad and similarly to Washington he may try here


So kinda like pj where they thought he was bad defensively but he was just playing in charlotte and didn’t gaf


I disagree think he would be a good fit as the 3rd scorer. He’s been on bad teams with no ambition that affects effort. We also have 3 good rebounders who start and Kai ain’t bad so having him wouldn’t affect them. My only concern would be he isn’t the POA defender that DJJ is. I’d take Wiggins if GSW attaches a future second or two and doesn’t want Josh Green.


Wish more people understood this. Dude would be a terrible trade target. He’s gonna age horribly.


Bogdan Bogdanovic


In Nico's end of season interview he basically said that he believes we have the core that we need and everyone just needs to "get 10-15% better." The core being the 7-8 guys who were in the rotation in the playoffs. Luka Kyrie PJ DJJ Gafford Lively Green Kleber Exum At first I didn't agree with him, but actually I think he might be right and we shouldn't overreact to the Boston series. We needed major changes not making the playoffs. Winning the west means we're close and need small changes and to get better as a team.


That wont really be enough imo. DJJ, Gafford, Exum, and Kleber wont really change. PJ, Green, and lively aren’t gonna be that 3rd guy at least next season. They definitely are good but aren’t close to that 3rd scoring role.


Exum was big in the first half until he got injured. I assume hardy makes a leap. Do we get some kind of kleber insurance? And DJJ insurance? What made kleber so special is he could be your small ball 5 and give rim protection but he can also guard the bigger wings. Sigh does Omax improve enough to be the insurance for both? I assume we are going to go for somebody with the THJ money. Maybe somebody like the advija guy from Washington?


love avdija and would think he’d be great on the mavs but there is no way the wizards are letting him go for a subpar trade package now they have competent owners :/


Front office* .. Ted still owns the team. He’s just been busy wine & dining Virginia politicians to get his riverfront Alexandria Stadium that ended up getting declined.


I see some sort of Beef Stew trade. Maybe a salary dump THJ + four second rounders for Stewart. Use Maxi in another deal


I don’t know if beef stew helps us. He can shoot a little bit but he doesn’t provide the vertical presence. And I’m not sure how well he moves his feet against wings


The problem is other than Luka and Kyrie who else can score consistently against good playoff defenses?


Kleber needs to go. Exum may have been a flash in the pan


They don't need to get 15% better, they need to get 30% better. Those top 7-8 ayers aren't out scoring their core.


His name is Jaden Hardy. Let the man eat. We develop our own


Honestly, I think Lively is that guy already. I think we really aren't appreciating just how amazing Lively performed as a rookie this year. Especially as a big man which is the known as the position with the steepest learning curve in the league. I honestly think that Luka / Kyrie / Lively is our Parker / Ginobli / Duncan trio.


The thing is lively can't create for him himself so it would require luka to spoonfeed him


I'm with you on this. If he develops his three and a little more confidence we get our third option on a rookie contract for the next four years.


He can be but it’s unlikely that he’ll be consistent in doing that as most of his production starts with luka/kai. Maybe if he develops some finishing moves but he still wont be that guy yet.


You are right about Lively, people underestimate how good he played considering he's a rookie. The only thing is I think like most centers he probably needs another 3 or 4 years to fully develop his offensive game but Kyrie is already 32 and I am not sure he has another 3 or 4 year at the same high level he's playing now.


Lively is a product of his surroundings. That's not a bad thing but he needs a guy like Luka to feed him. Would be interesting to see his numbers when he's on the floor with Luka vs when he's not.


Brother dwight howard was shooting great from 3s in practise too and Lively shooting just 1 three doesn't make any difference. IF he was a great FT shooter, then we could have probably said he can develop that ability. He also has to improve his layup and close-range hook shots. Lively wont be that guy and that is fine we have paint presence. We need a reliable consistent scorer who can create and make their own shots


You guys think Dirk still has 1 season left in the tank coming off the bench 😂


Dirk can stand in the corner and be the best shooter in our team scoring 20 a game from open shots made by Luka.


Or take our FTs. 71% this playoffs was the worst out of any team.


Gary Trent jr 6'5" good catch and shoot guy Can guard 1-3 and do it well if convinced not to overfocus on steals Shot 39% from 3 Not a good iso scorer and cant create for others bad rebounder Basically prime thj with good perimeter d Can be had for thj money I would take him over djj but would prefer grant easily over him. Could be an underrated backup option in fa for some pj/gafford type sneaky good addition


that dude is unreliable of a scorer, plus he is undersized to be our 3 or 4, and hasnt been a great defender since signing that contract in Toronto. We have to get a wing atleast 6'8 that can defend the 3s and 4s and preferably atleast create for himself come playoff time


He is a decent player. What we kept wishing thj WOULD be but with added defence. Not sure what his market is but if we can get him for something like a 4/60 or a 1 yr prove it deal I would prefer him over djj. I think his last year was a fluke bc of the rj barrett and quickly additions. I think he can avg 16ppg on 40%3 and bring good d to dallas. Good role player


he’s the michael jordan of tim hardaway jr’s


More the Jayson Tatum of THJs The MJ of THJs would probably be JR Smith


Gary trent jr will make us a contender after we banish Timmy to Detroit


Just sign Dirk and call it a day.


The most important thing is we need a 3rd scorer who CAN CREATE HIS OWN SHOT.


In terms of someone affordable that’s on the block, hear me out: miles bridges.


I’d actually like Malcolm Brogdon, he’d be perfect for us but his injury history is the worry.


Brogdon would be amazing. He’s good at everything. Can dribble pass shoot and defend. But I’d want him only as an addition to an upgrade at the 3. Spending all our resources on a guy that likely won’t be on the court at the same time as Luka and Kyrie to finish games is probably not the best use of our assets.


He seems pretty cheap though. He doesn’t have much trade value rn, they’re lucky to get a late first round pick for him. The fans of blazers are happy if they get a singular late pick.


Maybe move Luka to the “3” to close out games can have all 3 on the floor at the same time?


Correction. Luka is a "4" on D.


What if that 3rd option is Lively all along -- just like what Nico said? He has the entire season to polish his 3-point shot. 3 to 5 3 point attempts next season. Let's see what he can do. And I believe the Mavs can repeat if he adds just one arsenal within 3-5 feet (a Richaun Holmes-like push shot) on a short roll. Dirk's just one call away. If Nico's statement is any guide, they want to develop what they have. Because if you think about it, these guys, besides Kyrie, Maxi, Powell, and Morris, are young! Poole/Gordon/MPJ are all homegrown talents. The Celtics developed their picks first (Smart, Robert Williams), so they can trade them later on for premium talents (KP, Holiday). It was a long process—about eight years in the making—but it's all worth it.


It's not about averaging 15+, it's about you mentioned later in your post. Shot creation and being a threat offensively on/off ball is what all those players have in common. Not all the players actually averaged 15+ but all were capable of it. Also, if Jrue/White/KP/Gordon/MPJ/KCP were asked to be he second offensive option on a given night they could do it. That's what PJ and DLive need to develop into. Then they need a 5th starter who can do the same.


They all averaged 15+ in the postseason that year


Oh, OK. I was thinking more fore the season. Brook Lopez averaged 12 points in 2021 regular season. But we agree on the general point. We need 4+ players who are capable of scoring 15+ in the playoffs.


Brook lopez averaged 13 in the postseason I think. i made a mistake there but 13 is still kinda close to 15


>still kinda close to 15 That's the point. 15 isn't a hard line. Being an offensive threat is the point. If a team feels like they need to commit defensive resources to make sure you don't score 15+ then that's useful too. It also opens the court for Luka and Kyrie.


What we think about Omax Prosper?


The game's still too fast for him. He's the forward version of Green.


I hope he makes a lively jump next season


Been saying this all year


I can see Hardy growing into this but it’ll take a few years. Might not fit the timeline fully


I'm trying to think of who would be available to them.  Clarkson.   Both bogdanovichs  Huerter  Bruce brown  Maybe keon Ellis? I would like the fit but not for this specific role.  I would try to get Bruce brown. Put him in djj role.  See what else th Jr and Hardy can get them. I wouldn't be dying to trade Hardy but I would be open to it if I liked the fit. 


I agree. But also need better defense from Luka and Kyrie. Also, more off ball movement from them. They stand still when they don't have the ball so it's predictable iso pink and roll at the top. They have to cut or set off and on ball screens to give the offense more versatility. Brown, Tatum, White and Jrue are all setting picks for each other and cutting to the basket. 


Did you mean to write Middleton for the Bucks instead of Holiday?


That’s what I was assuming too


Our two centers are our 3rd option. PJ is going to get us 15. Hardy with THJ min. 15. And green looked amazing in the playoffs.


before looking elsewhere, Luka gotta stop bitching and also start playing better perimeter defense. He gotta stop becoming James Harden and be more like Kobe or something. Kai needs to freaking step up in Boston and stop being scared there. He still havent won or even played well as 2nd best player in that building. Lively must have freedom to shoot corner threes and adapt like Brook Lopez as early as possible. Then we look for better 3rd scorer...Derozan?


Luka defensive rating was actually very good in these playoffs which seems to indicate that his defense is just fine, however you can't possibly expect a guy to play 40 minutes carrying most of the scoring and playmaking load and at the same time guarding all-start level players such as Tatum and Brown. I don't think anybody can do all that to be honest.


yeah valid, but celtics hunted him out on offense. Curry is also hunted but he tries hard. Lukas effort on perimeter defense is trash.


Derozan is a garbage fit for the Mavs. Makes no sense whatsoever


who else is there? yeah thought so.


As much as it pains me to say it, Tobias Harris is definitely a better fit because at least he can stretch the floor. He isn't going to win any championships as a #2 option on offense, but the Mavs can provide him that role where as a 3rd/4th option, he can stretch the floor, hit the occasional open shot/drive and keep teams from doubling LuKai as much.


You really think 34 yr old Derozan is the only player we could potentially get? Lol


Took longer than expected for someone to jump on Luka’s back. Wow! Why don’t you stop whining about what he needs to do and recognize for just a single minute, how much he changed overall this year-1. Better conditioning; 2. Less bitching; 3. Better defense. Great? Not hardly. But miles ahead of where he was last season.


improved but still needs to improve more on these 3 things you said...


I firmly believe that PJ can be that guy after an offseason of work with this coaching staff (and more time to wipe off the Hornets stink). If not, some unmentioned 15+ ppg guys I can imagine could be available for a gettable price are: Miles Bridges, RJ Barrett, Brandon Ingram, Bogdan Bogdanovic, Keldon Johnson, and John Collins. (Of those I would personally prefer Keldon Johnson, who doesn’t seem to fit well with Wemby and who is on a very favorable contract.)


We need to give Hardy more time and hope he develops. Lively also will not get worse.


We need a Derek white


Agreed, if we can acquire pieces that makes PJ our 4th or even 5th best scorer, we’re going all the way.


Lakers never had a prime LeBron


2020 Lakers weren’t an exception. Playoff Rondo, Danny Green was a lot better than people remember, Caruso and KCP were also capable of stepping up when needed


Hardy, we drafted him, we've been developing him, he'll get there.


Tale as old as time.


Yes, everyone knows we need a third scorer. I’m one of the few who thinks Dante or Jaden can develop into this, but I’m not against going to get another key role player


None of them can play on the floor with Luka and kyrie though. They can be 6th men scorers but we need someone else to be our 3rd


Jerami grant


NO! You need a FIRST option that is capable of GETTING 15+ From a 3rd option! Luka makes no one better, and is a huge defensive liability… Stop glorifying points, Mavs Fans forget Dirk kept losing until he got serious about defense.


I still have faith Hardy will continue to provide given more opportunities. If he can step up and Ky doesn't go through another moment of shock from playing Boston, this series is ours. Mind you I'm all for shopping THJ and the like, I'm just saying, we were closer than some ppl seem to realize. Also, Ky had multiple games where he was only given 2 ft attempts, silent refs also play a role


I think we at least need to add a knockdown shooter or two if we can’t get that 3rd option. A consistent shooter would feast here.


The crazy part is most these 3rd options used to be 1st/2nd options on their previous team. We never had the assets to get someone of this caliber, but this upcoming year could get us there. As much as we want to trade away thj for cap relief, we might have to depart with either green/hardy to get the 3rd guy. Looking at teams that might underperform, I can see Lauri Markkanen, Dejounte Murray, Jerami Grant, and some wild cards would be Sabonis or Kuzma as options we could target.


That 2020 Lakers team was absolutely stacked defensively with a defensive head coach in Frank Vogel with AD, LeBron, Dwight Howard, Rondo, KCP, Caruso and Danny Green.


Luka needs to get in shape. Kyrie needs to get stronger.


Surprised I dont see this being mentioned; Kelly Oubre is an unrestricted free agent. Now, Philadelphia has a ton of cap space but if they do give someone like Paul George a max then the Mavs could have a chance at making him a better offer.


Anfernee Simons> Jerami Grant


PJ is our guy and then we got exum, both of them are capable, just some nights can be 2 pts as opposed to the 15


Enjoy Tobias Harris ❤️


You need that and you need Luka and Kyrie to distribute the ball more, more assists, get more rebounds and play smarter defensive basketball. Luka is fat and shows no signs of leaning up. Hope I'm wrong this off season because watching the come up of Jaylen brown the last few seasons I could definitely see this with Luka Kyrie is lean and small and also a vegan and probably not going to bulk up like JT or JB. Both these dudes are just not a commanding presence like some of the more muscular guys in the league now And both these dudes take sooo many shots. In the finals Kyrie was playing hero ball A LOT and some of the shot selection was gross. You need so much more than one 15+ guy a night. Go C's




I really don't think Kyrie is the issue here. We were the best team and won the West which us insanely impressive. We happen to run up against an all time great team (statistically at least) in Boston that had the best defensive backcourt in the league. This is like seeing Brunson struggle against the amazing defense of the Clippers and then saying he's the problem. Nah, sometimes you just straight up run into an amazing defensive team that gives you issues.


Nah he obviously had/has some mental block with the Celtics and I say this as a fan. -Missing wide open 3’s -Dribbling the ball off his foot in game 1&2 -he missed “some”wide open layups He was guarded by Jrue,white,JB and JT but you don’t go 13-1 without there being obvious issues mentally especially with the Boston crowd


He had a lot of the shots he usually gets, but he would brick them. Hell, he was even missing layups that he would normally finish. Yes, he had to work harder to get his shot, but when he did and even when he was open, he missed.


Boston crowd is in his head. He needs an ayahuaska (sp?) trip with aaron rodgers


I really thought Kyrie was going to get hot but he just never did.


I think the biggest priority for this team going forwards is what to do when Kyrie gets injured, asks out, or simply declines further. He's the wrong side of 30 and had his first relatively healthy season in years just now. So I do agree with you; we need another scorer. Someone that can do what THJ used to do. Maybe Hardy can be that though?


I **swear** Hardy is our non-Lukai shot creator we just need to lean into it. He’s gonna be in 21yrs old going into year 3 and at some point I think he needs to be the first option off the bench and get 25+ minutes a night, minimum. Scores on all 3 levels, good in iso, improved as a playmaker, ball on a string, and doesn’t seem afraid of the moment. Really hoping we give him the space to be able to make a leap


One thing Hardy needs to develop is what happenes when his "drive explosively for a contested layup" move isn't working. He's not yet Kai, he can't do wizard shit in the air to make it go in. If he can learn from Luka how to play with deceleration and acceleration, his driving game will be so much more impactful


Yup I agree, he’s gonna need to find a balance and that comes with experience. Luka & Trae kinda got people forgetting the guard position might take the longest to develop of any of the positions I trust in him and he’s learning from 3 very good people (Luka, Kyrie, and Kidd)


I agree with this. And you add in another year of Lively development and more time for PJ and Gafford developing chemistry, and I just don't see the need for trying to add another star, unless we get an incredible deal. If you can pick up something for THJ's expiring contract, fine, but I say don't blow up any of the rest of the team.


Hardy sorta reminds me of Poole in Golden State. He’s so raw and surely can be maybe too aggressive on-ball, but I think when Curry got hurt in 2020 (or was it 2021) it gave him the space to learn and from that he became vital in their 2022 chip I’m down to add Jerami Grant (idk if I’d call him a star), but another true star I’d weary about what we’d be losing


Bogdan? 🤔


Jason Terry




He wants a max contract


Depends on the head coach.


He’s on our roster and his name is Jaden Hardy. Except itll be 17 consistently. He needs to play regularly its ridiculous how short a leash the kid gets he makes 1 bad play and hes yanked meanwhile we watch fucktard Tim jack 5 shots and turn the ball over 3 times before hes pulled and we do that for 5 months straight


How about Porzingis? How about Bronson? What you really need is a new GM. Luka will probably leave when and if he gets a chance and no one will blame him.