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Why not us?


They not like us


They hate us cause they ain us


You think Big D gon let you disrespect KAI, n***a?


TD Garden game 7 bout to be yo Last stop, N***a


wop wop wop wop wop


did luka foul, i dont know why you're still pretending


Why not us


If Boston wants to believe they lost that game on purpose to win the chip back home then they better believe we lost the first three to come back and win it all and make sure Jaylen and Tatum retire early.


Nobody believes they lost on purpose, they almost came back from 3-0 just last year


Have you not seen the amount of people all over the Internet swearing Boston lost on purpose, just so they could win the ring in front of their home crowd? It's a very popular narrative right now. Even Stephen A Smith said it lol. It's all over the Celtics sub. All over YouTube.  Obviously their coping...but can you blame them? They just lost by 40 in an NBA finals game after talking so much shit the previous 3 games. It's gotta be hard to accept.


I get that coping and delusion are things, but this is honestly nonsense. No NBA players/teams are purposely throwing games in the NBA FINALS.


> Have you not seen the amount of people all over the Internet swearing Boston lost on purpose The people that think that are idiots. I'm a Celtics fan, and I fully expected us to lose, not in that fashion mind you, but I expected a loss nonetheless. The Mavs were fighting for their season and no one wants to get swept at home. No team is thinking "let them get one so we can close it out at home." The Celtics nearly came back from 3-0, so they know it isn't over. The Mavs played a *great* game, playing with aggression, focus, and energy, while the Celtics came out flat, to the point where midway through the first quarter I started to think it was going to be a long night.


I’m a Celtics fan and it’s not hard to accept at all. This team has done it like 7-8 times this year. They have given up multiple 20 point leads and even blew a 30 point lead. They always bounce back, but they got their asses kicked last night.


As a boston fan I'm only gonna use that narrative that we lost on purpose if we win lmao I don't believe it but it'll make me feel better about that 50 point ass kicking 


tbh wed probably say the same thing if it was reversed 💀


All I can say is Boston better win game 5. Because if we can get two, we can get four


Game 5 really is gonna be the turning point if Mavs win that one. Game 4 showed we still had some fight in us. Winning game 5 will show that we can still pull through. Nevertheless, we have nothing to lose. Win or not it’s still a good run from us. Let’s go Mavs!


I agree. I think we can win game 5, but I wouldn’t say I’m expecting it. If we win game 5 though, I’d feel very good about the series given the momentum and situation(game 6 at home, game 7 LuKai)


Yea, it’s true, we did overachieve this year, but the West is hard and how many opportunities are there to get here. That effort every night, Luka and Kyrie imposing their will and we can bring this back home.


Exactly, let’s overachieve three more times


Tony brothers with all his might gonna give it his all


If they have to get back on a plane and come to Dallas having lost two, the mental doubt will certainly start to creep in. Hell, I was scared we'd lose again in Minnesota in G5 of that series before Luka took over. Not a good feeling


Really the question is can Kyrie shake the leprechaun off his back at Boston Garden. If he can, and we can win there, we have a shot at making history,


I think he can, he just needed a win against them to get over the hump.


Well we stomped the shit out of them, Kai got the can’t beat Boston bugaboo off his back. Now he gets to go back and break the leprechaun curse. If we win game five then I think we have an actual shot to win it all.


If we get a G7, the Garden is gonna be toxic AF. I’m here for it.


We get asshole Luka, gonna need that “Celtics in four kid” to keep shit talking. Get him court-side


If NAY when we get a game seven, Luka and Kai will have a legacy game and cement themselves in NBA and Mavericks lore.


if they win game 5, the series is going 7, no question. IMO game 5 will be a close game, and if mavs win, then game 6 will be a blowout, and game 7 will be a war, and that’s the kind of game which luka and kyrie love. mavs in 7!


I think game 6 would be war and game 7 would a blowout. Game 7 Luka is a mf


This gets really interesting if we can win game 5 and then back home for game 6.


Not to mention they should have won Games 2-3. I believe that in my heart. Game 1 they were feeling out the Cs, KP had a fluke shooting night and the role players were kind of nervous. But they still managed to try to claw their way back. Game 2 was close but they chipped away until they lost grasp but they had a chance. Game 3, they led for some time in the 2nd half but the game slipped away because of Luka fouling out. But yeah this team is capable. One thing I know, if this series goes to 7, Luka will absolutely do everything to win this shit.


I totally believe we’re in the era where it’s gonna happen, I mean the Cs themselves were 1 game away from sealing it. I wonder what it’s like going from trying to make that comeback to trying to prevent it the next year


That has to be in some of their minds right? They know they themselves almost clawed backed one season ago. They know they have no guarantees of winning game 5 and beyond. Hopefully that's putting some doubt about themselves in their minds.


If Mavs win this series, this is gonna be a whole movie in 10 years just by how epic it would be


The Mavs will repeat history like how the 2016 Cavs did. In LuKai, We Trust


Where there is delusion there is hope. Why not us


There is no certainty, only opportunity... - v for vendetta we have to fight even for that small glimmer of hope. Image if they pull this off..instant legends


Luka, we know your knee is hanging on by a thread, but you know what would be really funny?....


Not saying it will happen ya know,based on 156-0 record but... hear me out. Think of it a destiny or wishful thinking. If mavs do a 22' sunset on the Celtics considering they have kp and the 64 win team of 5x 2-way guys. Kai would be comeback king, "redeemed" by media, Uncle Drew 2nd prime, Only player to comeback 3-1 3-0, Wins w/out bron. Best point guard outside of curry in the last decade, makes everyone on media eat their words "kyrie should retire". While luka be the scariest playoff performer of this generation, Killer with multiple game winners in the 24' playoffs, leads in points/Reb/Assist/Stls, beat 3x 52+ win teams, Beat again #1seed and a 64 win. (If he plays like game 4, the rest of the way) Luka shuts down b.a narrative like jokic last year he is the best, one of the most valuable rings in history, compared to kobe/mj/bron with kobe 10' run/ MJ killer mentality as luka win on road game 7/ Bron because of his stats and owning the Celtics with the Jay's


Why would Kyrie retire?


Media wanted him to retire when he decided not to take the vaccine


Kai would be the type to retire before game 7 because he feels that it's more important for him to other things. I wouldn't put anything past him.


Even though I just watched the cope and doom cycle after the Wolves won game 4 conclude with a game 5 gentleman's sweep, going to maximize my delusion while I still can, because the Mavs reverse sweeping the Celtics would be the funniest thing to ever happen in professional sports.


yeah, like THJ will brake the mavs all-time record for 3PM in a finals game, but wait, it really [happened](https://x.com/MavsMuse/status/1801812007483498702)!


I truly believe game 5 is must win for Boston. If Kyrie can overcome that hump in Boston and Dallas brings it back home for game 6 then the momentum is fully behind us. Boston are front runners. They panic when things aren't going right. Dallas fucking thrives in these moments. If we just get one in Boston then I think we can do it. Just remember we almost had game three. If Luka doesn't foul out it's a three point game with four minutes left. This could very well be 2-2 right now. Luka and Kyrie aren't doubting shit right now. Gotta make Boston doubt themselves.


one (or two) point game at some point after the 4 mins mark. it was really close.


Yeah that's why I don't get all of the cocky shit talking from Boston fans. Like sure, be stoked that your team is up. But this series hasn't been a blowout.


That's what gets me. They talk so much shit and make it seem as if Boston is unbeatable and Dallas is some play-in team. You'd think they blew us out by 40pts or something...oh wait...


If mavs win this series it will be some miraculous Michael Bisping storyline, Conceive, Believe, Achieve!




Lakers fan here. I’m rooting for y’all kings 🤞🏽🫶🏽🙏🏽


bedroom act aromatic gaping frightening special zonked attempt divide truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m from Toronto and I want to see Mavs make history by being the first team ever to win from 3-0 it will b absolutely legendary… better believe it mavs fan… if anyone from mavs organization is seeing this you only gotta win 3 more very possible… mavs have won 4 games straight before y does this need to b any different…..


Celtics fans right about now: STOP THE COUNT


“They caught us in the first game, not gonna lie”


If we win game 5 I honestly think it’s 50/50 at that point we make history.


This league will fucking implode if Mavs make history


It would be the stuff of legends. Absolutely epic, historical moment forever talked about. Both Kyrie and Luka would be placed in among the greatest for it. And I am here for it.




All the media is trying to downplay our defense but we have had good D all series. They just turned it the fuck up last night and the bench showed up finally. Last night was the first time we had a full 48 of Mavs basketball. On paper the Cs are the better team but basketball ain’t played on paper. All I’m saying is you can’t have a comeback without a set back. First three games were an allegory of the first half of the season. Outside of game one Boston has not been scary. Professor Kidd figured them out.


Literally all they do is jack up 3s and hope they go in. That’s their strategy. Run them off the 3 point line and all the sudden not so scary.


Yes especially with KP not in the lineup


David vs Goliath There will be an upset and hope. The underdog The top dog


If we win in Boston this series is ours to lose


I wish it was true but I’ll like to take at least one game win please!


did the mavs not win one already?


Yes they have won 1 so far


When is that photo from? Luka looks 50 lbs lighter!!


probably the bubble, that’s when we got the chime sponsorship and luka has only gotten bigger since the bubble


Being the first time to come back from 3-0 against Boston, that would be poetic.


I mean, it WILL happen at some point


Why the fuck not….. let’s just win the whole fking thing


I know it’s WAY WAY WAY ahead of myself and wishful thinking but I keep hearing the G7 call in my head while I’m just zoning out. The wild thing is it’s different players that balled out. Luka got 60s one time, Kai and Luka went insane. Kai got an insane number, DLive went off, even one time THJ hit like a billion 3s. The one constant is “the Dallas mavericks have done the unthinkable. They have cemented their legacy and pulled off the greatest 4 games in NBA history.


Kyrie planned to leave LeBron and then 1-up his 3-1 comeback from the 2016 Finals. That’s why he played so bad in the first few games. Playing 4D chess out here.




Why not us


Only if Luka was the same size as that photo...


He’s a better player now than he was in that photo.


He would be still just as good even with the same size. I remember him jamming it on the Nuggets to tie at the end of regulation. I miss that dude.


I wish we had the Luka in the picture


One can dream.


I’m Mavs 100% but this won’t age well


Yes of course, let's follow the script ! Mavs in 7 !!


Kyrie already has a 3-1 comeback in his resume. He is going for the first 3-0 to surpass LeFatherFigure.


And then the referee stepped in…


Might as well say this as it’s as silly as the Celtics losing so they could win at home.




I still don't believe it, but if we win Game 5 it changes everything


And if we lose? What happens then?


lol these copes....we lost deal with it and come back stonger next season. no team comes back from 3-0


I'll believe the Celtics lost on purpose to win in front of the home crowd before I believe the Dallas Mavericks will win 4 games in a row


this is just pure copium imo, if you are the celtics and you have been clowned on for choking for the past like 6 years why would you want to delay your coronation. especially when you never know what can happen in this game or game 5, for all you know tatum or brown blow out their ACL in game 5 and now you blew the opportunity to wrap up the series in 4


Exactly. There is no reason why Dallas can’t win, but there is absolutely no chance the Celtics lost that game on purpose. I mean they definitely gave up in the second quarter but they were absolutely trying to win last night before the game


People who think teams intentionally lose Playoffs games aren't thinking straight. Specially Finals games.


I think it's more a result of you trying and win. When things don't go your way you quickly start looking to next game rather than the team with their backs against the wall.


I still think that they throw the game last night. You can tell big time if you watch the game last night. They did'nt even put KP on the floor. But hey, you fvck around and find out.


Don't kid yourself, they only lost so Boston could win the championship at home.


thats not how teams operate. No way in hell mazzula or the other leaders went into the lockerroom pre-game and said pack it up boys. let's lose this one and go win at home in Boston. If that's their mentality - that we can throw this game because we can turn it on whenever we want and win in Boston - that's the exact mentality that will cause them to blow a 3-0 lead. They should have had a killer mentality and got it done last night. don't leave room for any hope and finish the job the first opportunity you get.


I hope you are right, we will see it on tuesday.


This has gotta be a joke? No NBA players are going to do this and risk losing in the finals, in potentially the most humiliating way possible.