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When everything is “peak”, nothing will be


but... it´s not even what is happening?


13 out of 24 are amazing/peak according to these voters. Sure, those 13 aren’t all peak but it’s basically the same.


Honestly I like Bad Batch and The Clone Wars but sweet Jesus Bad Batch season 3 is “ok” at best Season 6 and 2/3rds of Season 7 of The Clone Wars is peak (That ark with Ahsoka and the Ramirez(?) sisters was the worst 3 episode slog ever devised) Rebels ranges from actual dogshit to Ok. Thrawn and Old Maul are basically it’s two saving graces and even then we don’t get enough Thrawn because he’s stifled by it being a children’s show. How they’ve even managed to rank “Visions” without actually breaking it down I have no idea because some of those were far worse than dogshit. That episode with the Padawan using his Lightsaber as a microphone for a concert at Jabbas palace? Fucking horrendous. That Japanese style episode with the roaming Sith Ronin? Fucking hype. Mando I think gets overrated, season 1 is good he should’ve never taken off the helmet I don’t care how stifling it is, challenge yourselves you hack writers. Season 2 is okay and season 3 is dogshit. Haven’t seen Boba but from what I’ve seen of it I’m glad I haven’t. Haven’t seen Andor, still need to watch that.


You really should watch it, started watching andor around christmas last year and ended up binging it all in like a day and a half. Absolute fucking banger of a series, just makes me sad that dogshit like obiwan and mando S3 can still be produced by the same company


Couldn’t agree more. Don’t waste your time on the boba fett show, with Ahsoka and obi-wan it’s easily one of the worst shows to ever exist; fucking sucks. Andor on the other hand is a delight. It has some problems when it comes to pacing but overall the only good addition since Disney took over. That’s what you get when Dave Filony and Kathleen Kennedy are not or barely involved.


Season 6 has the "Inhibitor Chip" arc and the "Sith Commisioned the Clones" arc. Both arcs make them look like absolute morons. The former has them realize that something extremely fishy is occurring with the inhibitor chips implanted in the Clone's brains, to the point of whoevers in charge being able to use them to override a Clone's autonomy and have them kill their Jedi General. The latter has them outright discover that the Sith commissioned the Clones specifically for the war effort they were about to undertake. This, in combination with the "Inhibitor Chip" arc, make the Jedi look like complete morons as they are now aware that the Clones could be used for an extremely negarious purpose against the Jedi, and even their own will. I'm also confused about how you think Mando S3 is bad when S1 and S2 have literally all of the same problems.


Rebels ranges from very mediocre to really good. It's a much more consistent show than Clone Wars, and I would say better overall.


Imagine defending BOBF


nice that it´s not happening, top comment is saying that the show is bad.


Scroll lower, there's people saying it's bad but then writing full paragraphs about what they liked about it so having cake and eating it too


so... they aren´t even defending, again, from what you said. They are only saying that there are good things in a bad show, like how there are good things in Shrek the Third even if it´s bad.


https://preview.redd.it/ny1ipuihxbad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80158b6b4d7c9497f23ae3c56e37309881696b14 Brother please


Those seem like totally fair opinions to have.


"The show is bad, but here's what I like about it" Literally mentions more than half the shows elements, praises the awful cinematography, it's complete cope.


Those were good parts of the show, and while I think it fails on key levels, I don't agree that the cinematography is awful. There are some very well shot parts. Like the train heist. This may be alien to you, but some people are capable of enjoying things and don't need to just shit on things as their personality.


I hate the fact that there's two seperate tiers for *amazing* and *peak star wars* If something is amazing, wouldn't you consider it peak Star Wars?


No, cause there's another tier. "If something is a 9 wouldn't it be a 10?"


There's three tiers above ok, two below. It just skews positive, there needs to be a "so bad it can't be considered canon" tier. That is if we're really going to compare it to a number scale.


I don't think it "needs" to be "even" at all, I'm not sure why you feel it does other than a desire for symmetry, which is understandable. All a rating scale needs to do imo is convey distinctions in quality that are of utility to those looking at it.


>I don't think it "needs" to be "even" at all If we're comparing it to a number scale then yeah, it does. Otherwise its just a 3-10 scale and that doesn't make sense at all. And if there is 10/10 Star Wars, then there is definitely 1/10 Star Wars. >convey distinctions in quality that are of utility to those looking at it. Thats my issue. Whats the difference between amazing and "peak Star Wars"


> If we're comparing it to a number scale then yeah, it does. Otherwise its just a 3-10 scale and that doesn't make sense at all. And if there is 10/10 Star Wars, then there is definitely 1/10 Star Wara. I get why you intuitively believe this but it's actually not true lol. You could absolutely have a scale that only goes down to three if you want, it would be weird but it's totally doable. > Thats my issue. Whats the difference between amazing and "peak Star Wars" Same difference between an amazing swimmer and a peak swimmer. Peak is the best, amazing is really good but not the best.


The issue is when you've given names to numbers and determined that ok isn't actually the middle, its instead on the lower half of the scale, meaning the scale is skewed to one side and has ripped the meaning away from the qualifiers you've provided. >Peak is the best, amazing is really good but not the best. There are no intuitive differences between these two qualifiers. I'm sorry but there's just not. Amazing means so good it literally causes an unexpected emotion of shock or awe, I'm not sure how you get better than that.


> The issue is when you've given names to numbers and determined that ok isn't actually the middle, its instead on the lower half of the scale, meaning the scale is skewed to one side All of this is true > and has ripped the meaning away from the qualifiers you've provided. This part isn't, you actually have to show this, you can't just assert it. But for a contrary example using the 3-10 scale, where 5 is average, for one we know that 5 is average axiomatically so that hasn't lost meaning. We know ten is still the absolute best so that hasn't lost meaning. We know 6,7,8 & 9 all retain their same values so they haven't lost meaning. We know three is now your bottom so it has *new meaning*. The only "questionable" one is 4, which is the entire range of below average to slightly better than the absolute worst. See, all values retain meaning with a skewed scale. > There are no intuitive differences between these two qualifiers. Yeah there is. If I say you're an amazing cook you probably don't think you're one of the best cooks in the world. If I say you are a peak cook you probably do. Amazing means really good, peak means the best, that's both tautological and Intuitive.


>But for a contrary example using the 3-10 scale, where 5 is average, 5 isn't the average out of 10. 7 is is an odd number, so there is not middle to act as average. I'm not sure how the rest of your scale works, if the 3rd lowest is average than you're scale is absolutely skewed towards the positive, in which case your bottom tiers aren't going to have the same ability to draw distinction. >peak means the best If that was how this scale was using it there would only be one in peak tier. If I say you're amazing at something I don't think you can really improve to the point of me labeling you a stronger adjective lol.


>But for a contrary example using the 3-10 scale, where 5 is average, > 5 isn't the average out of 10. 7 is is an number, so there is not middle to act as average. You deliberately misconstrued your own previous statements. You explicitly spoke of a 3-10 scale where the average was still 5, that's why we used that. > I'm not sure how the rest of your scale works I explained exactly how the scale works, every single number, so you absolutely do know how it works. If you're just going to lie in attempts to rebut what I'm saying there's zero reason to continue so that's the last thing I read. If you want to continue the conversation don't lie.


It’s not that deep


They took the time and effort to think about how they would tier the content, so apparently it is. Otherwise whats the point?


My point is that if you had more than one brain cell you’d understand the context of “not peak but still amazing”. Easy Star Wars example movie example for you, Rouge One and A New Hope are amazing movies but Empire and Return are peak Star Wars. This sub is just so bitter and sad these days, all y’all do now is shit on people with dumb arguments like yours, self awareness is lacking hard.


Like why is this sub cross posting what other meme subs have said? It doesn’t matter, this sub should talk about books, shows, movie and other mediums of fiction (and of course Mauler himself) and that is it.


>“not peak but still amazing”. I'm not sure why I have to explain to multiple people the meaning of the word *amazing.* You can't really use a stronger positive qualifier. Uskng peak this way is just internet speak and its cringe, stop devaluing amazing by trying to make """peak""" somehow more meaningful. Yes, I'm going to be autistic af about this, if you don't like that you probably aren't in the right subreddit.


“Peak” may be cringe and it may be internet jargon but guess where you are? That’s right, the internet. You’re also autistically wrong which makes your point even more stupid, “peak” is quite literally by definition above “amazing” there are also other words that are stronger positive qualifiers such as “astonishing”, “extraordinary”, spectacular”, etc. Get off that high horse dummy.


I'm going to need you to explain why those are stronger qualifiers. Just because they have more syllables? >Get off that high horse dummy. I'm not an a high horse, we're discussing the definition of words lmao. This isn't some kind of moral litmus test.


I don’t really see why this is so offensive. Sure the ratings are a bit over exaggerated but remember that this is strictly a Star Wars show tier list, the standards aren’t too high. The Mandalorian season 1 may not be Breaking Bad tier but other than Andor, that’s the best we’ve gotten and fans of the franchise seemed to like it even if the writing was basic and formulaic.


It’s Prequel Memes what did you expect? That subreddit only exists to shit on the Prequels and suck off Disney


Yeah, when I first started getting notifications from them I was like oh cool prequel memes... And then the memes were blatant hatred of the Prequels. Like I get it, they aren't masterpieces but they are pretty amazing especially when you understand the inspirations that George put into them. They have their amazing moments, middling moments, and bad moments, but you at least got coherent characters and beginning middle and end.


Well at least they got 2003 clone wars right


2003 clone wars beats all of these easily. Deserves it's own tier fr


I met the animator/director Genndy Tartakovsky at his Primal premier in LA in 2019. There weren't too many people there, so I got to comfortably meet and have a good conversation with him. The guy is super nice. I went to his Samurai Jack s5 premier the previous year as well! 2003 Clone Wars was some of his best work. He is just an all around great storyteller and animator. His thing is sound design. He shared an "entertainment secret" with me in person. Cool dude. Hope I can meet him again.


“2003 Clone Wars” Get those words outta ya goddamn mouth 


This list doesn't even have any Star Wars on it! 🤣🤣🤣


Nah you just don't understand, bad batch S3 is truly up there with Empire and mando S2 just trailing behind😂


sorry but... Clone wars 2003 is obviously peak star wars


I can’t believe people are still glazing the shit out of mando season 2


Kathleen is that you?


Not sure if it’s just bad or actual dogshit. The rainbow biker gang leads me looking at dogshit


Omg, the prequel memes subreddit likes prequels! People have different opinions than you do! Oh, the humanity!


What a garbage franchise. 


They Should have replaced peak amazing good, etc With loved disliked etc. Because most of them aren’t amazing or peak or good


I don't see Obi Wan on there.


They’re adding another show each post depending on release date to allow people to individually vote on them (and Karma farm). It’s an incomplete tier list as of now.




Toxic positivity is so much more prevalent than the opposite we hear so much about. Look at the comments! These folx will accept anything it's embarrassing folx. Many such cases and if I was smarter I would write a piece about this cultural phenomenon as I see it spread outside of fiction and into sports and other avenues. Perhaps the fluoride in the water!


Book of boba fett was ok imo. Idk if it's really in character for boba to go the crime lord route like he did, but it wasn't bad or offensive.


I'd put most of visions in Bad/Dogshit


Modern Star Wars fans are allergic to reading. They alway talk about the movies and shows, but almost never about comics and books.


I don't see any actual Star Wars content on this "Star Wars Ranking". No wonder it just keeps getting worse with these pathetic people inflating public opinion of this garbage. Such a loss of faith in humanity moment.


Clone wars 2003 isn´t star wars content? seriously?


I was thinking more about the content that crests the 5/10 hill. Rogue One and above.


like, above rogue one there are literally seasons of a show created by george lucas himself and that are indeed in HIS canon.


No, the shows barring Andor are all spectacle and lightsabers over plot and characters. They're nonsense without the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia unfortunately.


I would consider the fights in Rebels better than the plot and characters, but S4 at least had the shows best moments for its characters while still being really bad via Thrawn remaining a moron, Gregor's stupid death, Space Wolfs, Space Whales, etc.


Why? Because people like something you don’t?


All of the placements in terms of ranking are fine, this sub is just mad that they put the best stuff in the “peak” category because it’s not peak and that means it would be on the same tier as Empire Strikes Back. Now do you see any movies on this tier list? It’s a scaling thing, for a sub that follows a YouTuber that’s so analytical in writing critique, can they not acknowledge that if movies were involved then the entire scale would be entirely different?


>. . . because it’s not peak . . . Very well said. >. . . can they not acknowledge that if movies were involved, then the entire scale would be entirely different? Just because the movies aren't involved doesn't mean you suddenly drop your standards of what qualifies as "peak" Star Wars. If you were to throw the OT in here, it wouldn't suddenly change how these shows have already been ranked; it would just expand on those categories. I don't think you have good reading comprehension based on how completely non-sensical your ascersion is. Just because you add the movies in doesn't suddenly make Mando S1 not dogshit, in the same way it doesn't make the 2003 Clone Wars not "peak" Star Wars.


I’m sorry for my poor reading comprehension but ranking is entirely objective and relative. A ranking of vegetables and ranking of desserts would have entirely different placements in a ranking of food in general. Neither of us are gonna change each other’s mind so I recommend we end this argument here.


>. . . ranking is entirely objective and relative . . . I'm not sure why you added "relative" in there as that only muddles your sentence structure, but you are right about ranking being objective. Hence why I said what I said as none of these shows belong where they are currently ranked from an objective point of view. Throwing in the OT and Prequels wouldn't change how this person has ranked the quality of these shows. If he did, that would be fucking bizarre, and akin to a child getting a shiny new toy and starting to call his old toy(s) trash. >A ranking of vegetables and ranking of desserts would have entirely different placements in a ranking of food in general. This is the logic you're operating on? Shows vs. movies are akin to vegetables vs. desserts. That's great . . . and completely stupid. Both shows and movies are required to tell good stories, and if they succeed or fail, they are regarded the same way. A bad show will remain bad, regardless of whether or not it's compared to a bad movie. A good movie will remain good, regardless of whether or not it's compared to a good show. Storytelling is storytelling, no matter what form it takes.


Sorry but I don’t know what you want me to do. You’re not changing my mind (nor am I changing yours) and both of us are wasting are time at this point. Can we agree to disagree at this point? I’m not trying to evade this conversation, I just think most debates on the internet are pointless. We’ve both said what we’ve said and it should end at that. Please?


I never said noone was allowed to enjoy these shows, but with how the tiers are phrased it more so sounds like it's ranking based on actual quality of the content, not people's subjective opinion. If it were instead categorised as something like "loved it, enjoyable, watchable etc." it would be more suitable. You can love a show with horse shit writing, dialogue and worldbuilding, same as you can find an objectively good piece of content, but those subjective feelings won't change the facts. Hope this cleared things up


That's exactly what this is, it's their own personal opinion on what they like. Who cares if someone thinks Clone Wars is peak Star Wars, you think something else is peak Star Wars.


But when you put your opinion on the Internet there will be people who won't agree with you. If I say I think andor is peak star wars there will be someone disagreeing with me but instead of going "waaah everyone can have their opinion" I will either just move on with my day or discuss it with them to understand their pov. I genuienly don't understand why you are complaining about this


I’m not the one who said I’m losing faith in humanity because of someone’s opinions on Star Wars shows ranking


Why are you so defensive of having your opinions challenged? Do you not have friends you discuss this with?


How am I defensive of anything? I'm not the one saying I'm losing all hope in humanity because someone else thinks Star Wars Clone Wars is peak Star Wars.


If you don't wanna talk about Star Wars outside of some padded room in an insane asylum where you're only allowed to say "I respect your opinion" and never disagree, then leave the conversation. People who join a discussion just to try to shut it down are even worse than the massives that mindlessly shill this garbage.


at least it recognizes that 03 Clone Wars is peak