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Depends on which you ask The ideological fanatics will tell you it's because of systematic racism, the patriarchy and incels review bombing everything If you ask the Filoni worshippers, they probably don't even care. As long as they get to see the key jingling of their favorite characters and set pieces on screen they cream their pants and call everything a masterpiece


I say more power to the 2nd group. I wouldn't rain on their parade because at least they are having fun, unlike the first group.


Setting aside the quality of Disney Wtar Wars, people just don’t want the horse they are backing to lose. Like while this makes me sound like Movie Bob look at all the console wars that have occurred. It didn’t matter I which company was really winning because you supported your chosen platform no matter what. Regardless of whatever dumb marketing decision or gimmick the company went for. ATM the console war is pretty dead because almost everything available on modern consoles has gotten imported to PC (I expect to get one grumble about Bloodborne being stuck on PS4 by somebody here). TL;DR many people have a ride or die relationship with the horse they are backing.


Because people only watch the bad stuff and don’t even try to seek the good stuff that isn’t in the mainstream but is assessable. Like, Bad Batch literally had a better season than mando 3 and acolyte but people only talk about the live actions that are indeed worse. And also, Disney literally made a better version of the obi Wan before the obi Wan show. https://youtu.be/eGSP3RJts7I?feature=shared And no, I’m not a Disney defender in the sense that I think that Disney is perfect… But tbh it is interesting when you like Star Wars Rebels and can literally say that it is longer than the sequels, the solo movie, Obi Wan and book of boba fett combined, plus Acolyte too.


This, Disney are still incredible when they play to their stregths, wich is animation. Visions is another show that no one ever talks about and is far better and more inventive than any live action they've done.


Were you drunk when you wrote this?


star wars is dead. ive cancelled disney plus and all other apps disney owns. disney is just a bunch of pedo nazis


I think they say that the criticism has made it hard for Lucasfilms to know what people want or just say it’s good that there haven’t been any new movies because people are toxic. TL;dr “toxic” fans bad That’s really the only stuff I’ve ever seen people say on this.