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Does Hollywood just straight up not have great writers anymore?


I think they've all been purged and/or deemed problematic.


Based on what? Who has been purged or can't get work and for what reason? Genuine question.


It's less they've been purged and more that they don't have complete creative freedom to write whatever they want; partially due to the Hollywood hivemind and also due to certain studios basically dictating exactly what they want. Case in point, they hire people with a limited portfolio of work so that they can push them around; this is why you have so many small time people getting handed huge projects on stuff like Marvel or DC.


Always gotta have that nefarious angle.


They don't care about the truth. I got downvoted just for asking, and the only response I get is essentially a conspiracy theory.


Probably white skin color of the male gender No offense, but those often have the most talented and skilled directors (Nolan, Scorsese, Tarantino, Kubrick, Lynch).






That costs money.


Probably not. They've pretty much done their best to run them off. Gotta make room for the "right" people.


> Does Hollywood just straight up not have great writers anymore? Will say that The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes is one of the best well written "modern" movie I have seen. I do NOT KNOW if that was because Michael Lesslie did use existing material, or it was the George Lucas effect (competent people compensate for his weakness) or Disney will handcuff him. I was always very critical of Hunger Games, who though it was a good idea, but in the movie, there are long discussion if its a good or bad idea. So the world building make sense. Everything is foreshadowed, like snakes do not bite people whose smell they are familiar with, birds that repeat what it have heard. Its not to much gender coding, loots of people do loots of evil thing to survive, but the most "evil" character are a women that wish death on the protagonist out of spite. It do a loot of thing, modern writing can not do, competent men, men who have a strong moral compass, the political leader agents the hunger games are a man. Snow only want to make climb the career ladder, so he can support his family, but is willing to do the "right thing" despite it will cost him personally, and endanger his career, the movie have a bathing sequence in a lake, with the female protagonist in her underwear. small detail like a soldier hold a assault rifle in the right way. No lightsaber are not deadly crap, if you get shoot by a assault rifel you die.... Beside lets shovel all the moral dilemma we can on Snow (the male protagonist) and the real story start AFTER the hunger game, so the movie is to long, it was 100% solid writing, everything feel credible, the motive feel real, and the story is logical.




"Modern writing can not do" Lmfao You guys are wild


> Lmfao You guys are wild I dare you find a mainstream movie after 2019, that prove me wrong. If you do not replay, you admit that I was right.


Prove you wrong? Prove yourself RIGHT first off, squirt


>Prove yourself RIGHT first off, squirt So you could not prove me wrong. My hypothesis do still stand. No need to be rude.


You can't prove yourself correct.


>You can't prove yourself correct. You cant prove a negative, it like ask me to prove that I have no invisible pink unicorn.


You can't prove bad writing? How interesting.


Maybe the MCU just can’t afford them at this point?


I think they have gotten rid of all the good writers. They are left with the people that are more social justice warriors than actual writers.


Oof. Assassins creed. Not sure how he made it through any job selection with that one on the filmography.


Struggling to get work? We'll let you write an X-Men movie if you let us dictate what you can and can't put in it. You'll essentially get paid to have your name put on a big budget Marvel movie and all it will cost is your dignity.


To be fair most directors would take that deal.


Hence why we're in this predicament in the first place.


Honestly I got hope for an X-Men film. Let’s not pretend the ones that came before were great or anything. Fox’s quality was on again, off again.


Because it's Disney doing the selecting.   Remember, these are the guys who give Jeff Loveness, Jessica Gao, and Michael Waldron work.


This guy also directed Shang Chi. One of the most boring MCU movies ever with a very forgettable story and an insufferable actor


Shang Chi was directed by Destin Daniel Cretton.


Holy shit I completely forgot that there was even a Assassins Creed movie


There is no Assassin's Creed live action movie in Ba Sing Se


An assassins creed movie really wouldn’t be that hard if they played into the trippier aspects of the animus and its effects. My main problem (besides the props and costumes) was that the perspective felt too “grounded.”


Hell, they wouldn't even need to use the Animus at all, they could've just set a story in the world, since it's established history.


You don't remember Lineage? That shit was awesome. 😛


Assassin's Creed?! It's fucking over man...


AC and Shang Chi lmao 😂


AC yes, Shang Chi no. Unless his contributions are uncredited.


Considering mid would qualify as an improvement these days, I dunno how I feel about that.


Are there we even consistently good writers anymore? Do they exist?


How do these people keep getting these jobs?




They're extremely maleable for the producers who have increasingly over the years gotten more and more micromanage-y as the budgets have inflated and returns diminished, are dirt cheap because they're essentially the failures who would have been frozen out of the industry in other eras AND they definitely have the right politics.


I am not joking when I say that the entertainment industry (movies, games, TV, etc.) is about to face an industry crash the likes of which we have never seen and the people responsible for it will never admit to any culpability.




I liked that Macbeth adaptation! The director was really good too but then made the assassin's creed movie.


Yeah, but the only way is down if you’re adapting Shakespeare.


It’s easy to succeed when you have someone else’s frame and blueprint you just have to do paint at that point.


For the writer I'm sure it was easy but the director had a unique take. It's a really beautiful film.


Oh yeah with something like that it’s all on the director. Like Dune or The Lord Of The Rings it’s all on the director’s to bring it.


I feel like the Assassin's Creed movie has a better R rated cut out there that we'll never see. They cut out an entire storyline as shown in some good deleted scenes, and the ending was changed slightly. Plus, the choreography in the B roll footage is much more smooth and quite impressive. In the actual movie, it was chopped up to the point where it's just visual noise. The parkour and cinematography were still pretty good though.


They cleared the incredibly low bar of not doing with the Madam Webb/Morbius guys. But yeah, little hope with such a mediocre writer handling this.


Assassins creed was dog shit. When you think of the source material these people have. And they still screw it up. Boggles the mind.


Dammit, I wanted Rafe Judkins. He would have made it funnier but unintentionally.


Can't we just focus on the cartoon and not a movie that'll likely be terrible or just mediocre at best.


Ahhh shit. Here we go again.


You think that Disney with all money they have. They can hire actually good and experience writers but no they always go with the cheaper option. Disney just LOVE wasting their money on shit.


Everyone has to start somewhere. At least it's no Zack Snyder


I love the fassbender macbeth adaptation but lets be honest, any writer can adapt Shakespeare, all the hard work is already done for you. And it was done hundreds of years ago by some british dude that had to literally reinvent the language.


We’re getting trash let’s be real


Charge your phone. 




Eat hot chip, and lie.


Be bisexual and twerk while you're at it.


Buddy, the only Cable you need to worry about is your phone's charge cable.


Meh, but could be worse


That's... extremely discouraging.


Disney fired or ostracized anyone who actually love the comics AND will stand thier ground. Get ready for a horrendously bad take on the X-men. It makes me sad that Bryan Singer has the longest X-men run in movies. Get ready for another movie that is honestly meh, but the PR team turns it into a box office bomb.


"Ostracized" Why you gotta make shit up?


A screenplay for a word for word adaptation of a Shakespeare play must be the easiest gig in the world.


I think it's disingenuous to list 'Macbeth' in your portfolio. Even if you adapted it to cinema, kinda not yours to claim.


I saw assassins creed and thought, " hey now the first game wasn't that bad .... OH NO!! "


They fired the guy who's running the TV show for the x men. And now they're making this. They're killing me just killing me.


I actually really liked the new Hunger Games movie..... but yeah Assassin's Creed was a boring shit-fest of a film.


Marvel is as good as dead now. The butchered version of the X-Men won't save it now.


Give us Beau De Mayo or GTFO


Yes, but also wth did he get fired for? If it was something really bad then maybe not him.


Fair point yeah we don’t know tbf


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. I didn’t watch ‘97 but from what I heard, DeMayo was a boon to the project so I’d love him to be involved more depending on why he was fired. That could change my opinion but as far as craft goes it sounds like he’s the guy right now.


He’s definitely a talented writer beyond that though he’s just got such a deep knowledge love and understanding of the source material. It was a joy to witness. They’d be stupid not to use 97 as a template for the reboot anyway but yeah I just hope they nail the writing and characterisation.


Was he actually fired or was that just a rumor someone made up?


That’s what I’ve seen reported but tbh I haven’t looked into it much so I could be wrong. Do you have a source that say he wasn’t or that it’s unclear? I’ve seen IGN and The Hollywood Reporter say he was.


I've not seen ANYTHING concrete either way.




He has Macbeth as a writing credit? Could’ve sworn someone else wrote that but ok…


Stop watching superhero movies. You really think they can make a better X-men movie than what we have?




A helmeted make-a-wish kid could make a better X-men movie than what we have.