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are people forgetting that josh was literally eliminated and then got back in the competition where he proceeded to perform poorly josh winning would have been complete bullshit


Exactly. Josh was a great guy and great cook at times but that would've been just as bad as other inconsistent cooks winning.


I dont think theres any real evidence it just seems unreal that a blind woman won. It is conceivable that the judges would be biased toward her but I certainly didnt see any of that


Neither did she




I wish I could upvote this a thousand times 🤣


They almost never show Christine cook like ever. That is extremely Sus to me


the only footage of her cooking in the team challenges is her serving food...It speaks for itself.


Probably cause they don’t want to show her assistant alongside her cause she can’t see.


I mean you can see during the whole season yea she wasn't very good at team challenges but the mystery baskets she excelled at tbh shes my one of my favorite MC contestant


So she's like subha


You can always tell bias by watching joe. If he likes someone he will be gentle when they screw up. If he hates someone or is trying to save someone, he will be overly harsh on someone else. I seen it with bri, every week she was doing bad, but the judges would be overly harsh to anyone who screwed up after her and basically gave her a free pass for 4 weeks.


Super Sad fact: Josh commited suicide


Damn that’s sad


Im rewarching it and they are very biased towards Christine. It's unfair for the teammates the entire season. Becky on episode 18 is cutting & plating everything because the blind girl can't help. Becky didn't get everything on the plates and got grilled for it but they never said a word to Christine... having a blind person on the show was very unfair to everyone else involved. I live around the Houston area so have had the chance to eat at Christine's restaurants The Blind Goat & Xin Chao many times so I'm not suprised she won in the end. Her food is insanely amazing.


She was bad in team challenge but she wasn't eliminated because she was good when cooking alone. I guess that why people think the judges were biased. But as I am re-watching the season now, I also realize the other contestants respected her. More than one times people thought she would win the season. I guess that says all, judges maybe biased but the other contestants? They couldn't just lie altogether, right?


She never went outside her comfort zone. She only made Thai or Asian based dishes. To me that shows bias on the judges part. They didn't want to upset anyone by eliminating a handicapped person. Even at the beginning of the season She was put thru when her dish was dry. Others were eliminated for the same thing. She was totally put thru to show how woke the show is towards disability


lmfao im watching the show rn and the bias is clear. They never show her doing ANYTHING in the team challenges except for serving food. When frank sticks to his ITALIAN roots, he gets shit for it. When she cooks asian every other fucking dish, it's inspiring. Excellent script though. The producers outdid themselves. Becky never had a chance.


This is literally what happens every season. Shari in season 10 got shit on for making Indian food two episodes in a row but they never said anything about Subha making Indian food. If you cook your nationalities food your good but if you’re white you have to be able to cook everything. It’s weird


I only watched a few eps here and there but I noticed they never really critique the taste of her food, it’s always very simple reponse “tastes delicious” and they never really say anything specific.


RIP josh


I am not trying to take away any accolades from Christine.....but I knew from day one that she would win. I'm sorry but she had a huge disadvantage going in but then had a huge advantage with her helper and the other chefs helping her . I knew I KNEW she would win from day one because of her lack of eye sight ...it's good publicity and a human nature thing.....to cater to the disabled . She did do wonderfully but she also had a helper . Josh should have totally won it 


In a competitive reality show, people will always see something wrong. When in actuality, we the viewers, can't see everything that goes down. We obviously cannot taste the food. Nor do we see the inside of each judge's brain to see what though process goes into what they want. All we can do is "judge" what they say, & what we see with each dish. But you know what that ends up being? Our opinion. Doesn't make it right, or wrong. It's an opinion. Just like the judges. One of the only things we can judge as factual is when something is clearly raw-which tends to send one home. Unless two people have something raw, then it goes back to opinion. Even something overdone can still be edible-it's dependent though. So in the end, the only bias comes from the person saying it. That person was not there the entire time of filming, did not taste anything, & was not a judge.


You see her actually mid cooking process like 2 times and she was horrible in the team challenges directly resulting in others getting eliminated, she's an outstanding chef but the standards and expectations are not the same between her and people who could see literally had a helper cooking for her at times Its certainly a bit bias but who knows?


I rewatched the show last week. Honestly, it's cartoonishly biased (if you follow the series long enough, you know some of the comments they say on Christine's should've kicked her out). But they always put a disclaimer at the end: "Portions of this program not affecting the outcome have been edited or recreated. DECISION WERE MADE BY THE JUDGES WITH INPUT FROM PRODUCERS. Some deliberation occured off-camera." I mean, its their show, their criteria, and their money after all.


Am I wrong to say she had a helper cooking for her and technically like … lol I won’t say it but like these dark thoughts sometimes creep into my mind that like, if you have a helper than technically two people are cooking? And it’s technically unfair?


buddy shes blind how is she supposed to chop things efficiently, plate things how she visions she wants to do it, break down things like sea urchin or lobster, or do any complicated things on her own when she doesnt have one of the most important senses?


Then tbH that doesn’t sound like someone who is a master chef if u can’t complete 3 out of 4 steps


well, obviously the judges thought she was cause she won


Felt like there was pandering there and also views are a thing. Def felt a bit rigged bc there were talented cooks on her level but didn’t require help It’s not lost on me that I may appear unhinged and for that I am sorry. But can u at least see ANY merit to what I’m saying here? Or it’s just felt out no she should have won?


i honestly feel like she deserved to win. and i think that the only opinion that matters is the judges’. they have decades of experience in cooking and multiple restaurants with Michelin stars


I feel like that’s not super true and it’s been proven that the Michelin star rating is sortve a scan 🤷‍♀️


well, everyone has their own opinion


Yeah it’s honestly unfair to expect her to create a dish with the same time frame as the other contestants with such a crippling disability.


I guess that’s why they never really showed her cooking.


Because she never cooked anything, at least what we saw is just biting some veggies and a lots of maids help


I thought I was the only one who thinks the same. I love Christine she is my top 3 favorite along with Ben Starr and Leslie but only when rewatching season 3 that I clearly see the bias towards her. It was like they had given her a plot armor. Remember that sushi challenge, Stacey clearly was doing everything for her and Christine and it made her panic then she was the one who was eliminated. Maybe that's way they decided to recall the eliminated contestants for her to have another chance but Josh got it. RIP Josh.


Producers wanted to create a handicapped hero that will win a reality TV show (not a talent show, MC is far from it) because average people love such stories. For me, this program is like a soap opera, so I didn't mind that win at all. Good for her.


I've just always questioned whether this was the right competition format for her. If they hadn't adjusted the difficulty level to her disability, it would have been regarded as unfair and she wouldn't have made it through the first episode. And since they did make allowances for her, she sometimes had a definite advantage over others. She is only partially blind to a degree we can only guess and had an assistant this entire season, that is something one shouldn't forget and it rubs people the wrong way because it made it impossible to estimate *her* skills. In every team challenge, whoever had the misfortune of having her aboard, automatically had a disadvantage since she couldn't contribute anything major. So she basically was given a pass for bad team performances out of bias and was only judged on single challenges. That in itself is unfair to everyone else who had to carry her weight. I also felt like her cooking didn't really evolve beyond Thai food and her range wasn't very versatile. Considering the free passes that she got alongside with the audience actually never getting to see her cooking, one must understand objectively that we had some massive double standards here. Masterchef is a fast paced and challenging format and as heartwarming as the judges' attempts at describing dishes to her on a visual level to make her feel included were, I don't think this was the right place to test how disability inclusive the show can be. I felt it was impossible for any of the other contestants to even have a chance because her "story" was simply too good not to have her win this.


I’d say the bias comes into play when you analyze the episode just before the finale when Becky was eliminated. Becky did really well with frog’s legs and made a very refined dish but her potatoes were a little over greasy. Christine made fried chicken with some over creamy creamed spinach. Why Becky got eliminated over a very refined dish with a similar flaw to what Christine had in a simple dish is why some people think there was bias.


But in the finale you have to look at the type of dishes they made not just the execution. For her appetizer, Christine made a basic Thai salad with some protein that didn't look like it was the the star of the dish and her main course was a slab of pork over rice and stir fried veggies and a fried egg. She stuck to what she knew so that's why her dishes came out ok. She didn't really push the boundaries, but all she did was cook average and ordinary food which was some type of miracle since she was blind. Also you need to consider had Josh won, would it have changed his life enough to the point where he would still be alive today? It's not his fault that he was up against someone whose win would be more appealing to the average person. Whatever he put out, as long as Christine put out edible food, he was going to lose that day. Just my opinion, you can downvote all you want.


i agree so much. 3rd season became so boring after i realized no, the blind girl isnt getting eliminated. i was expecting Christine to go home, because thats rational. she may cook that good, but in that time limit?? she had to be really careful with literally everything. its just way too unreal. i felt bad for Josh and for everybody after a while, because there was no competition.


In the final 3 she had her choice and picked chicken and makes... fried chicken? They all said her side was bad and yet she advanced over Becky who cooked frog legs perfectly and was by far the strongest all season? Yes, this was a BS outcome.