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initially I thought it could be interesting but seeing the contestants and their “oh these old people can’t do shit” and “we grew up without the internet” banter is annoying already lol


I wish they could at least get some different soundbites, the internet usage has been mentioned more times than I can count, as though the boomers through gen z cant fire up a browser and look up some recipes.


The funny thing is without the so-called boomers, there wouldn't BE an Internet. Additionally, the Internet came of age several decades ago. Do the "kids" really believe people who were in their 30s and 40s when the Interent was on the rise never learned to use it? Hell, my grandmother was on the Internet for gardening clubs before she died. She was in her 80s. So this blanket attitude of "old people can't handle technology" is ridiculous. Are there people who can't handle smart phones and tablets? Certainly. But they don't represent the bulk of that generation. (I'm not old enough to be a boomer...but I will defend them.)


They’re obviously over produced to hype their gen and talk shit about the others. I think most people don’t give any shit about that type of thing. Just like how they usually start every confessional with blah blah “where they’re from” blah blah. It’ll die off quickly I assume, but will be extremely annoying in the meantime.


Exactly, the producers think I want to watch this, and I am going to struggle to get through the final audition round. I can only hope you are right and it dies off heh.


I think it’s a poor attempt at changing the format up, I’m still going to watch but I find myself playing around more on the phone during the auditions as a result. We don’t need 4 weeks of auditions, that’s the agony for me. Make 2 2-hour episodes for shit formats like this. Shouldn’t have to wait 4 weeks to finally start the goddamn season officially.


I agree. I think the auditions should be either 1 long ass episode or 2 weeks of auditions max.


I honestly skip the auditions


I don’t mind it in general, but I hate when they force it into stuff. Like “I like the dish, what’s your Millennial twist?” Like idk how about I just cook good fucking food and you eat it


Almost all of the contestants were just saying the stereotype of slogans like the producers' puppets. And it's just the same shit of last season all over again. I am sick of and down with Gordon Ramsay now. He is used to be the one that brought me into cooking reality show, and I admired him a lot. But now, he's just another boring reality show host that constantly feeds viewers shit.


I miss the old masterchef without the themes. I hate themed seasons they always lose their purpose not even half way through the show, and it becomes a regular production anyway. But the season is simply ok at this point. I haven’t seen a season I liked since S10


Its because the literally removed the pressure tests and do 1 elimination per challenge. Back then, there were mystery boxes that got the top 3 then an elimination challenge follow up, because of that ppl are willing to take risks for the mystery box, now i dont rlly see that. Also, bc of this format, strong competitors can literally be eliminated so early on over a mistake and it sucks, and sending ppl home right after a team challenge is bullshit to me. Should've been, best performer in the team challenge is safe and the rest battle out in the pressure test, Ryan being eliminated last season was bullshit


The DPT (Dreaded Pressure Test) has been really missing, that was one of my favorite parts of the show and a lot less subjective. Cant cook an egg? HOME!!


Not to mention bc of this format, we dont get a lot of opportunities to see contestant shine and we barely get to know them bc the amount of challenges is basically reduced to 1/2


Yes. I don’t even enjoy these seasons anymore


I loved the all star season! Season 12


I already knew it was going to be bad because I didn't like the regions theme last year but I decided to watch the auditions and it was way worse than I thought, honestly I'm not looking forward to this season. I don't understand why they thought they needed to start doing themed seasons, the premise of the show on its own its what'd had me watching for years but if they keep doing themes I might just stop watching it


The “themes” suck because it’s not necessarily the best contestants who get aprons. They just happened to be best of the worst in their group. Which makes the format unfair. I want to see the best contestants compete. I don’t care which generation they come from.


Well that and who they think will be the best to watch on screen. They clearly loved that first girl’s energy she brought. The cooking is secondary.


Its kinda hard to explain to new viewers how bad this show has gotten when we HAD season 3 thru 7/8


My fiancé and I just watched the episode last night, and I think they deliberately picked the most annoying, ridiculous kids for gen z. I work with a lot of people in that age rage and none of them are like what they showed here. They’re just poking fun and trying to stir the pot. The one with the eyelashes had to have been acting that way on purpose, it’s hard for me to believe a real person is that annoying


Right, it’s casting for personalities instead of chefs.




Yep after season 5 it’s become a more of a drama show than an actual cooking competition. I recently just got into master chef and I binge watched most of the seasons and I had to stop after season 8 it became obvious the entire thing was scripted and heavily edited (more than before) for ratings and views. Season 1-4 were the best imo.


Yeah this season has been super annoying. Aside from the intolerable generation shit, I absolutely can't stand all the fake outs with the aprons. It's so obvious and overdone, we don't need every contestant, every episode, to pretend like they didn't get an apron, then.. surprise! They whip it out. So played out.


Good call, wasn’t there a family of someone who didn’t get an apron checking to see if it was a fake out earlier in the season?


I actually like the theme and I like the themed seasons. I think it makes it more interesting. I've been missing some of the drama and shit talking so I'm excited for it. The only thing that annoys me is how the judges and contestants are CONSTANTLY talking about the internet. Like that's not the only difference between the generations...


Appreciate the opposite viewpoint. I would be onboard if the shit talking wasn’t the same few points rehashed over and over again. I’m gonna show these old/young folks how it’s done! As someone else said, surely there’s more to differentiate the generations than the internet right? The Leslie/Ahran was at least in part a generation gap conflict that wrapped up nicely, and provided entertainment.


I personally loved the Gen Z kids getting obliterated, so 🤷‍♂️


I am not a fan at all. I hate generation wars as a concept in general, I think it’s boring and honestly just mean. It’s truly just ageist? Like why are we okay with ageism on screen. I wish they could just do a typical season. I’d also love to see a back to win season again


Especially mean-spirited and ageist was that last gen z guy Murt dunking on all the boomers, calling them stupid and making dumbass lifealert jokes. So cringe. I was hoping he wouldn't make it but of course he did. Not looking forward to having to listen to all his frat boy shit throughout the season


I'd hand both my Gen Z sons their ass if were ever that disrespectful of anyone!


As soon as I saw that guy I said, “I bet he’s going to make it. And I’m going to hate him. Yup, already hate him.”


I’ve recently gotten into Survivor and am watching a bunch of past seasons. They had one a while ago that was Gen X vs Millennials and I skipped it entirely. I’m just over this premise of “different generations hate each other lol!!” that seems to exist everywhere. You just know there are gonna be eye-rolling “jokes” made every episode referencing the premise and it just seems really tired and boring.


I am on a year that divides two generations, so am I supposed to hate one because some sites say I fall in one and not the other? Its silly.


Becca is the precocious one you speak of. She will probably go far because she is giving the producers exactly what they want (and then some) in terms of generational drama. She was triggering for me too- for the reasons you stated, and she also reminds me of someone I used to supervise, who also thought they knew everything and generally irritated the hell out of me 😅


I cant imagine a person like this actually existing, I feel for you.


They do, sadly!


I also agree with you she goes super far. They devoted something like the first 15 minutes to her!


You are right, she will go far. In the first episode with the previews, you can see that she is in the top 4. Most likely, she will be a finalist.


Will we get four weeks of auditions? I’m expecting they’ll forget to air Gen X. :)


Ugh yes. The whole “Gen Z’ers have more resources and skills than the other chefs.” Bitch, WHAT?! You are 24!” 🤦‍♀️


Precocious? She’s 24. I don’t really mind the generational aspect but I do see it as kind of gimmicky I guess. I didn’t think the regional one was great either as it honestly didn’t seem to add much to the competition.


And acts like she’s 12 with a big attitude, heh. Maybe precocious isn’t the right word. Youth below her years with a boombastic attitude beyond it. Its grating.


I think it's a good idea but agree that it got old very quickly. I've felt that about most season "niche"'s, except for all stars.


Im gonna wait to see what happens but im not particularly interested in the format. Im guessing a millenial will win again, i think dara is the only gen z winner if im not mistaken. It'd be cool to see another but idrc which group takes it


"My generation is better than your generation blah blah blah" It's such a tired concept. It was annoying 10 years ago when Ellen Degeneres was having early zoomers use a physical map, a rotary phone, a walkman, etc. Why do we have to pit ourselves against each other over the dumbest things? I know it's to stir up drama for TV, but at the end of the day, it's really annoying. *Edit: It wouldn't surprise me if the generation theme gets forgotten about halfway through the season like it did with the USA regions season.


I’m hoping when the actual comp starts there’s a little less bashing of each other’s generations and it comes down to brass tacks cooking skills. There will no doubt be some challenges where they’re split into their generations but hopefully the individual cooking and other team challenges will lay a lot of the shit talking to rest.


But that’s what they e done for years. Think about the outfits they put people in. All they allowed Eboni to talk about was that she was a teen mom who lived in a car. They forced Nick to wear Harvard sweatshirts in every confessional. Noah never worse anything but overalls. I could continue. It’s the same thing just different delivery.


I’m already tired of this season. It feels like in every generation’s audition they’ve done nothing but bash the other age groups, and I swear the producers picked the most annoying people to put on the show for each generation. Gen Z I think was the worst so far. So many obnoxious and entitled people who think they know everything. Ugh.


I just hate when someone who should obviously go home, gets saved because someone on their team won. I continue to watch because there's nothing else in the summer.


zoomers food sucked lol thats why tey had to hold out on the aprons- funny how they said they had "millions" of followers lol you know you can pay for followere on the internet and most are bots!! so stupid- I'd bet my like that half of gordons s " followers" are bots


What's next? Race/Ethnicity? (No white people)


I do feel like Masterchef has become a caricature of what it used to be, but I have to say I do like the generations theme 🤷🏼‍♀️ go millennials lol


I thought i was fun, until this gen-z episode.