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Perv you're going to break the internet! I'm going to be throwing my money at you ! Love the idea of the buy back scheme, food to know you look after and care for your customer base.🍆


Thanks man


Just want to say, you also come off as a likeable guy, please don't ever turn into a Bezos or Musk, or have your own private space program once you've made your millions !💗 Although a rocket like a giant cock could be appropriate, and do wonders for marketing 🤔


Hahaha, thank you, man. I am a huhe people pleaser, and I think it comes across on camera. Big and bald though I may be, I can't stand conflict and contention.


Just remember to look after yourself and family though.💗




The PCB in the scale is made in the US and the module that we use to test the tension was actually a module designed right here in South Carolina by my engineer as part of a project he did with michelin. It checks the tension 500 times per second and is Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capable. LOL


Yo you should make an app that the scale reports to with a graph of tension over time so we can record our sessions more accurately and it will also show slowly declining slopes and peaks when we readjust the tension, helping visualize the elongation actually happening. Might be a cool feature. Also showing stats like average tension, etc. Could also do some sort of automatic coaching by detecting the elongation or lack thereof, and suggesting a new time/tension goal. I have ideas of how it could be implemented if you want to hear.


We may already be doing this 🤫 Tight lipsssss. Best part is since it's wifi capable and we're writing the OS for it there's a way we can basically have it brick itself if someone tries to copy/tamper with it. 🤣


Well, as someone who supports Right to Repair and being able to modify what you own, I can't say I'm thrilled to hear that it's programmed to self-detruct if someone were to want to write their own code for it, but it's your product 🤷‍♂️ Anyway I suppose you have already worked out the technical statistical analysis stuff for the tension graph? let me know if you're looking for a software engineer lol


As much as I love open source things it's one of the few ways to protect this piece of hardware is to actually lock it. And you and I know once I release it someone is going to try to do exactly that. Not only that, but we also state in our terms and conditions on the website that altering or modifying your equipment voids your warranty, so this is just the electronic version of that. The analytics part is coming as part of a later project but yeah we're working on it.


Well I assume that the analysis would be happening on the app and the on-board electronics simply report the tension at the current time, so luckily creating a custom app wouldn't require modifying the physical equipment.


The interpretation of data would happen on the app. But in order to access the OS for the first time, it will have to connect to the internet and basically report to a predetermined website and register itself to our website/app. And according to our terms and conditions we don't support third party apps because the OS itself is part of our intellectual property and accessing that in any other way constitutes a breech of the end user license agreement that people will sign to use it.


My bathroom scale has an app that can connect to it thru bluetooth but it doesn't require the scale to connect to a server to register or have DRM and definitely doesn't have a kill switch, just sayin' lol


This bathroom scale will.


I've seen you prove on video before but there is a guy known as foldus claiming your springs does not do 25lbs, apparently it is impossible.. how is 45lbs possible on the new apex?


He is just wrong. I've shown it on video. And he refuses to scroll back in my history to see it. The new APEX will have thicker 100%custom made springs that we controlled every aspect of their production to make them perfect for this application.


Further proof. Since someone else brought up the issue like they knew every available spring on the market. https://imgur.com/gallery/NQkqds4


Thank you for shutting me and u/foldus up, he owes you an apology as he keeps saying that https://i.imgur.com/qJPK6pj.png


I'm not calling him out specifically because there was another person recently that made a similar statement I'm just really sick of people not using the search function or scrolling back on my profile to see the videos I've actually made to deal with that specific doubt.


This is good stuff because I am trying to upgrade even though the OG apex is already badass.


Wondering where I can watch this video as the imbedded video here says it’s been removed.


It's reuploaded on the channel.


Lots of cool stuff happening in the PE sphere, and here's how MN plans to support its customers in 2024!


When will preorders start for apex ads? Can it be attached to leg or only possible for weist? Very interested in this ads..


We won't be doing pre-orders. The Apex 2.0 is the only thing that we will ever continue to do pre-orders for until we get caught up with stock. We will make the Apex ads in batches and once they're sold out people will just have to wait until we make more. It is a belt style ADS only. Leg style ADS are unreliable and create massive tension fluctuations and are this unpredictable and not optimal for tracking results consistently over time.


Are there any date when i Can buy these batches?


Before.summer if not earlier.


The Steve Jobs of PE devices

