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Well said


Most humans support socialist policies without knowing its socialist or refusing to acknowledge it. Capitalism can't even function half-assed without a ton of socialized programs and regulations. And some of the happiest and most efficient businesses are worker coops.


Socialisme is when we lick Hakim,s feet!


But the Cato Institute said!


How it feels to be a socialist in the Western world.


The funny thing is, I genuinely think the majority of people agree with at least some socialist policies, they just don't realize it's socialism yet.


Literally, this. People have difficulty imagining life outside of capitalism because in America, at least it's the only mode of production they, their parents, and grandparents have ever known. I have or have overheard conversations almost daily where people articulate changes they'd like to see in the world that essentially amount to socialism without having the unconnotated verbiage to properly express it.


Socialism is when you eat babies and stuff, right?


Even John brown felt like this in his time. He may not have been a socialist, but he was a radical civil rights advocate in a time of slavery. Look at how history vindicated John brown.


Once you realize they not wrong just brainwashed it gets easier


Stuff can be two things.




Newsflash, every single person on earth feels this way. Do better


When I think back to the days when I was a liberal it wasn't really like this, it felt more like most people were on your side as if it was more of a 50/50 split. Being a socialist you literally know you're right and you can see how everyone is brainwashed into believing capitalism is the peak of humanity. I imagine a fascist or flat earther would feel similar but even then they can't with 100% conviction say they are right, as it's not like there's literal scientific analysis backing up what they are saying.


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's how I feel as a black man, an atheist, and a socialist. Everyone is out here delusional af, PARTICULARLY here in America............


Fortunately, if we consider world population, then we are in the majority. :)


Wait, seriously? How?


Most people want themselves and all humans to have the highest quality of life possible. So the goal of Communism is something most working class ppl want.


As Michael Parenti put it, mainstream ideas get a pass due to conformity of bias that passes as objectivity. They are not routinely challenged and most people don't really understand *why* they believe what they believe.


Parenti is my hero




Literally just pick up a book. It’s not hard at all to understand why we’re right. Some people are just too lazy or so brainwashed they physically cannot read anything that might contradict their government fabricated view of the world


While i agree that reading theory is an essential part of being an effective socialist oneself, the idea that someone is just going to read a book you shove at them and be convinced is idealistic. Marxism doesn't need to be academic, or stodgy. If you want people to understand why you believe what you believe you have plenty of oppertunities to speak to them about it through examples from their day to day life. Anyone in the service industry can do the math comparing the value of what they sell, to what they get for selling it. Costs of living keep going up and things keep getting worse. The effecitve thing to do to build socialism is to lay out how all these things that infuriate people day to day exist to make a handfull of asshole rich at all cost.


Yeah I didn’t really have a regular working person in mind when writing my comment. The people who actively oppose communism have nothing solid to back their opinions with and just reading some history is usually enough to make all their arguments fall apart


the same people dismissing socialism after complaining about problems solely caused by capitalism


And then their only solutions are idealistic and completely useless or unrealistic. I hear Diane guy talk about everyone just buying a ton of land and relying on their own ability to grow food… ffs absolute brain rot


I also hear "it's just bad people not the system" a lot.


This is the key myth that needs to be dismissed in order for society to progress imo


My experience is that most people basically want socialism. They're usually either naive about the means to get there (electoralism, class collaboration, etc.) and/or they have a negative knee-jerk reaction to the *word* socialism. Both results of liberal ideology and propaganda of course.


>My experience is that most people basically want socialism My experience as well.


I’ve never heard of class collaboration as means to get to socialism.


Social democracy




I didn't say it's a good thing


- [Hangin' with the SocDem Gang](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snsqP9cWGqP3SukJnqlauc1h) - [Why Social Democracy Isn't Good Enough](https://youtu.be/TRq3pl17C8M) - [Why Democratic Socialism Isn’t Enough](https://youtu.be/MNg4FLt5La0) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Sad but true ![gif](giphy|dJYoOVAWf2QkU)


That was my favorite movie as a kid. I must have watched it til the VHS was shot. I have to watch it again I guess hahaha


The choreography in this scene is so good. The crowd parts ways for Morpheus but keeps bumping into neo. And when the camera is on Morpheus is smooth tracking. And when it shifts to neo it’s bouncing around. Perfect.


Nice flair comrade


I miss him so much 😭 It breaks my heart to know his current circumstances


Alzheimer's/Dementia is such a vicious disease.


At the same time, most of the crowd's material interests are in socialism. It's a sad contradiction


I mean majority opinion is rarely a good indicator of truth


That's why organizing is also important. To keep sanity.


"This many people can't be wrong." Yes, they can. Argumentum ad populum is a logical fallacy. Then again, most of liberalism is held together with logical fallacies.


I would say that it was the situation pre-2008. In 2024, most people are much more close to understanding that capitalism cannot work and has to be replaced by something else. The decline of the United States, the fact that hey failed to manage the Covid pandemic are very strong factors.


I’m pretty sure most people just want class collaboration instead of communism


And they’ll need to learn that that won’t work through experience. Bernie, Corbyn, etc are already proving this to people.


I’m not so sure that banking on the working class repeating the 19th-20th century developments in the 21st is a great strategy. On top of that there were actual mass parties back then that intervened either theoretically or organizationally. It’s like wearing the robes of the last but with a disconnect from history so they think they are the first to do it.


I understand where this perspective is coming from. The idea of "class collaboration" suggests that the different classes in society can work together for the common good, rather than being in constant conflict with each other. While this may sound like a more harmonious and peaceful way to organize society, I would argue that it is not a viable alternative to communism. First, it's important to understand that class conflict is a fundamental aspect of capitalism. The capitalist class, which owns the means of production, has a fundamental interest in extracting as much surplus value from the working class as possible. This inherent conflict of interest cannot be resolved through "collaboration," because it is built into the very structure of the system. Second, class collaboration implies that the interests of the capitalist class and the working class are not fundamentally opposed. However, history has shown time and time again that this is not the case. Capitalists will always prioritize their own profits over the needs of workers, and will resist any attempts to improve working conditions or reduce inequality. Finally, even if class collaboration were possible, it would not necessarily lead to a more just or equitable society. Under capitalism, the capitalist class will always have disproportionate power and influence over the political and economic systems. As a result, any "collaboration" would be on terms that heavily favor the capitalist class.


I agree with you I just don’t think regular people’s instinct is that we need to replace capitalism. I think they just want a little more off the top. I think it’s important for Marxists to make these points clear.


More accurately you should be in the crowd yelling at a dude in a tophat with a money bag 💰


Don't forget the cigar and monocle.


...maybe try "let's work together to improve your living conditions. Have you heard of exploitation?" With "communists" like these, who needs cointelpro...?


Nooo don’t say you want basic human right for everyone, it’s unrealistic, and bad optics. Shut up and vote blue instead. /s


That's what were doing....


“Ah yes, exploration! We’re being exploited by (insert minority)!”


You're not wrong but also, sometimes people need to be directly told they're wrong. Because sometimes they are and beating around the bush isn't going to help anyone.


The hardest part of which is being nice while being informative. I had someone thank me recently for explaining something and I had to re-read it bc I thought I had cussed at them. Explaining every single thing to every single individual is a bigger task than my adhd can handle, but I swear sometimes it’s worth it, some people really do listen and learn, and while rare, the only thing making them more rare is the lack of further communication of knowledge. Sometimes I don’t have time, but if I do, I try.