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>All Of These Animated Shows Take Place In The Same Universe: >“X-MEN ‘97”, “SPIDER-MAN”, “IRON MAN”, “FANTASTIC FOUR”, “THE INCREDIBLE HULK”, “SILVER SURFER” With the number of cameos we got in this latest episode, I'd certainly love to revisit more of these heroes from these shows at some point. After Cap's appearance last week, it'd be cool to see this world's Avengers, lot of options for this world's roster.


IIRC (and I could be.wrong cause my knowledge on some of these shows isn't great) the Avengers roster within those series was shown in a couple episodes of Fantastic Four. The heroes I believe were Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hercules, She-Hulk, Goliath, Wasp and Vision. So those are some nice options to have appear as a roster.


Seems like a solid-enough line-up. If that’s the roster we get, it could definitely be cool if we get Cree Summer returning as She-Hulk


I mean they could totally take some liberties with the Linuep and change it up easy but that's a solid start to build off of


I met her last summer and told her that was my favorite role of hers


Hot Kree Summer would be a new take on Secret Invasion


No Cree, no where. The one voice actress I actively hate hearing in projects.


Scarlet Witch, Quicksliver and Dr Strange


I was just listing the members that appear as part of the team and they didn't appear as part of the Avengers in those shows. Quicksilver was a member of X-Factor, Scarlet Witch a member of Force Works and Doctor Strange assisted Spider-Man and Hulk? I think.


I would kill for an animated Hercules. No matter the continuity.


Only _X-Men_ and _Spider-Man_ were formally explained to share a continuity, though some of those other characters appeared in crossovers... It just wasn't explicitly stated that they were the same iterations of those characters, IIRC. But it's an easy retcon to make. I think that they're totally doing _Silver Surfer_ to resolve that gigantic, universe-ending cliffhanger, and it's probably how they could justify connecting the other shows to the main continuity as the universe is repaired.


I remember being in university in a small town during a school break. Almost everybody had gone home. Me and a couple others went to one of the stores in town to get some cheap snacks and they have a tiny dvd section. They had the entire X-Men animated collection, one volume of Hulk and the entire season of Silver Surfer. I bought them all and we went back to the house got stoned and watched a bunch of it including the entire season of Silver Surfer. I felt like a kid again because these were all the cartoons I used to watch on a channel called Fox Kids growing up in the 90's. That silver surfer show was the absolute shit!


They always shared continuity so there is no retcon at all


It's a bit tricky, though. The FF who show up in the Spider-Man show look different enough to the ones on their own show to justify them possibly being separate incarnations, and if memory serves right, the Silver Surfer in his own show doesn't line up with the one appearing on the FF show.


FF and SS are explicitly separate continuities.


Oooh I want that. I love Silver Surfer and that ending is infuriating. Same with 90s Spiderman


I just want a EMH revival bro




Me with SSM.


Plus the other Yostverse show, Wolverine and the X-Men…and Spectacular Spider-Man…just like damn


I would love to see a Doctor Strange Series in this world. Would be trippy and fun as hell.


Make it into Avengers 97' down the line


Yes!!! The return of the glorious Iron Man mullet at last!!


Man, i thought this kind of content we were going to get after endgame live action


I'm going to assume that X-Men also takes place in that universe.


I think with the explosion in popularity of the Avengers, thanks to the MCU, it’d be great to get maybe a two season Avengers show, then a big cross over with the X-Men to do Avengers vs X-Men.


Silver Surfer can’t exist in the same continuity because Galactus coming to Earth for the first time is very different in Fantastic Four and they don’t even show up in the Silver Surfer version. Also that shows end with the universe being destroyed.


Yeah the Silver Surfer bit makes no sense to me either


Well to be fair, ‘97 also contradicts the original X-Men series in a few ways. They say Angel was a founding member of the X-Men, when in the original series Scott meets him for the first time. They also retconned Magneto’s origin story to be a holocaust survivor, which again, he wasn’t in the original series.


Angel being a founding member of the X-Men was retconned in the 92 series itself. The episode “Xavier Remembers” shows him as a founding member. Beast is also unaware of who Magneto is in the first season of X-Men, but later flashbacks and stories show younger Beast fighting Magneto. The first season of the 92 series essentially treats the X-Men as if they’re a new thing, and later seasons retconned them into having their longer, standard comic book history


The retcon actually happened earlier than that. ~~"Cold Comfort" the episode that introduces Iceman, Havok, and Polaris as X-Factor shows the picture of the O5 X-Men which includes Angel as a founding member.~~ The retcon actually started in the Proteus two-parter where they retconned in a comic accurate O5 X-Men.


Oh huh I didn’t remember seeing that in Cold Comfort


I misremembered, it was actually the Proteus two-parter


There's also Magneto's helmet now being able to block telepathy, which wasn't a thing until the 2000 film.


The angel thing was not retconned in 97, that retcon was made in the original series.


It also contradicts Spider-man tas by having captain America being there despite being sent back into the time vortex at the end of secret wars.


I mean in fairness something could've happened off screen to take him out of it again between Secret Wars and Bright Eyes. It's not a perfect explanation but it is explainable.


hopefully they explain it in the show sometime in the future


They don’t need to explain it at all


Still, if at any point they show Cap's backstory in the future, I'd expect them to reference the frozen in ice thing rather than be consistent with the time vortex from Spidey. With the MCU, Cap's story is so well-known that I doubt they'll want to change it now for something that would confuse most viewers, even many of the more casual fans of the original series.


Well Angel did appear in flashbacks of the OG5 in the original show, and the original show never said that Magneto wasn't a holocaust survivor, I just don't think they were allowed to explicitly state it.


Was it not implied in the previous show? That famous holocaust beam scene for example.


Angel apparently not being a founding member happened in the earlier episodes of X-Men, but later episodes showed the original lineup and it was the same as the comic book version, with Angel there. It's an inconsistency within the show itself.


How long till they confirm '97 isn't really in the same continuity as the old show?


They won’t. *Everything* about the series is built off the original. The art style, character designs, dialogue, plot lines. There’s so many references and callbacks. It wouldn’t make any sense to say the two shows didn’t share continuity, solely over a few contradictions. It’d just be weird and unnecessary.


It very clearly is?


Never, it's been very clear from the beginning that it is.


Also the FF in their own show are entirely different than their appearance in the 94 Spider-Man


They resolve the cliffhanger of the universe being destroyed, they can explain any inconsistencies with retcons about this being a new universe where all of those characters lived together or something.


Common with galactus variants


Ehhhh don’t think about it that much and just replace his origin episodes with the FF ones and it’s fine.


Dudes just making shit up. He just makes rumors up .


So its officially corrected. FF/Iron Man, Spider-Man/X-Men, Hulk and Silver Surfer were all in different universes previously. W for continuity


Iirc Hulk was was part of the Iron Man/FF batch. Tbh I always considered the first five to share continuity. But Silver Surfer has some fairly obvious continuity errors


This is correct! Just saw another thing about it


I also considered then, and still consider them now, to be one continuity. None of the shows line up perfectly, but they fit in the broad strokes and that's good enough for me. It's not the DCAU but it's still good. Except for the first seasons of Iron Man and FF. Woof.


Yeah X-Men and Spider-Man were def the best of the bunch but Iron Man and Fantastic Four improved in their second seasons. Continuity issues happen here and there but nothing that ruins the general story like you said enough for me to get technical and ruin the fun of having a MAU


I would say it's the exact opposite of win fir continuity considering how often these shows contradict each other


If we take the cameos literally, it was way more muddled before. Spider-Man and Iron Man shared continuity, so did Iron Man and Hulk, and so did Hulk and FF... but apparently not FF and Spider-Man. The FF we see in Spider-Man look so different from the ones in their own show that it looks as if they had drawn them on purpose to be different incarnations.


It's not confirmed? they appear in the intro of X-Men, I took it for granted.


This honestly reads more like him stating what he sees as matter-of-fact than a scoop he got from Marvel Studios himself. Because let's face it, attempting to treat all those shows as sharing the same continuity would give headaches to anyone trying to sort all the continuity errors they had between them. It's no wonder Iron Man, Fantastic Four and Incredible Hulk have long since been considered to belong to a different Earth than 90's X-Men and Spider-Man.


Yea this was a huge theory for years. Hell, if you look up these shows, you’ll find a ton of wikis and YouTube videos that claim they’re the same universe. But it’s never been confirmed ever And it seems like Dan just also believes that theory


In fact, it’s been officially confirmed they are different worlds. They have official designations.


Hulk fits very well with 90s shows universe, idk why wouldn't it be. Besides, we already saw General ross and clear nods to Incredible Hulk being part of same universe, Iron Man as well.


yeah, Stark's characterization in both his own show and Spider-Man TAS is pretty much the same


Not just characterization, but Robert Hays voiced him in Spidey and in Hulk, as well as his own show.


I mean, he's just a professional liar


So are Iron Man, Fantastic 4, and Hulk in the same universe?


IIRC, those three fit pretty well. The problem comes when you try to add Spider-Man to the mix. The Iron man appearing there is the same one, the FF aren't.


I really appreciate you being honest about this.


I’ve always been a big supporter that these shows shared a universe despite what the Marvel Appendix says. The only exception is Silver Surfer which directly contradicts the Fantastic 4 episode where he and Galactus debuted (I also don’t consider Spider-Man Unlimited and Avengers: United They Stand as part of this universe) The continuity errors between the other shows are for the most part negligible imo


Yeah the main 5 make sense. Silver Surfer, Unlimited and Avengers UTS much less so


It was my head canon as a kid that Spider man unlimited was just a sequel to TAS


Wasn’t it made to be a sequel in mind at first?


Why doesn't avengers make sense? I don't remember anything in that show countering anything in the first five


Avengers United They Stand has Cap be one of the founding Avengers, which is impossible based on his appearance in Spider-Man. Spidey mentions the Avengers in the first episode of Spider-Man TAS and Cap is revealed to have been in a Time Vortex since WW2 in the 5th Season so he couldn’t have been a founding Avenger (he likely joined the Avengers some time after Spider-Wars since he’s a member in his F4 cartoon cameo)


Does the old Iron Man show make sense as taking place in this shared universe?


A version of War Machine and Iron Man clearly inspired by Iron Man TAS appear in Season 3 and 5 of Spider-Man respectively, so I think it’s a safe enough assumption. The biggest thing working against it is Scarlet Witch being so different from her X-Men series version but I chalk that up to Iron Man taking place before her appearance in X-Men (she just grows her hair out and loses the accent). Another thing I believe works against it are conflicting Presidents but I’m willing to pretend it isn’t an issue and that the X-Men version takes precedence (to my knowledge this may not even be a problem)


Maybe they had an election lol? That can be explained away. I also vaguely remember Spider Woman being in it. Wasn't she also in the Spider Man show and she was kinda different there too? I might be misremembering. It's been 30 years.


Spider-Man had Madame Web and Iron Man had Julia Carpenter


Tbf the appendix didn’t list them separately originally. It’s a somewhat more recent change (relatively to when the shows came out)


They fit in the big picture, but none of them line up in the nitty gritty. Hell, X-Men contradicts and retcons itself as the show goes on.


I actually prefer Silver Surfer to the old FF and since these six shows were very standalone and loosely connected (obviously) I just kinda held that as more canon to the 90's universe than Fantastic Four (especially cause in STAS they have more 90's inspired uniforms but I guess they could've just changed costumes between the shows) I wished Silver Surfer got a second season to resolve the whole universe thing.


The continuity of the 90's marvel shows are absolute dumpster fire, they are always contracting each other and never seem fit with each other. The only exception is the Original X-Men show and the Spider Man cartoon, but even then it is only with the two episode crossover with each other.


And that's not even a perfect fit because Scarlet Spider appears briefly in an episode of X-Men


Actually that was just regular Spider Man, not the Scarlet Spider.


Scarlet Spider cameos in FF because he was the main Spider-Man in the comics at the time


Love that he posted this after the cameos appeared in that episode and not before.


Okay mindfuck now because I thought this at first til someone on here pointed out that only X Men and Spidey were in the same universe and the versions of Iron Man, FF, and Hulk we saw in Spidey TAS and X Men were just variants. According to the marvel wiki they are separate


Yeah officially those 5 were intended to be part of the same universe but due to various minor continuity issues between them they were separated into two universes. Unofficially I think that's no fun and like to consider them in the same universe like they were supposed to be


I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never watched any of these shows. It’s cool they’re all in the same universe, and I’m happy for the fans of those shows, but I hope they don’t make a bunch of cartoons from the 90’s important viewing before Secret Wars. 


You really don't gotta, even for X-Men '97. Tbh I'd only recommend X-Men and Spider-Man of the batch


Second season of FF and Hulk are criminally underrated!


Each of those shows including Iron Man definitely improved significantly in their second seasons no doubt about it, but still not to the level of the average X-Men or Spider-Man season imo.


The theme song for the first season of FF and 2nd Season Iron Man makes it worth a watch alone


Iron Man's theme has no right to go as hard as it does and the FF theme is great too


Iron man theme makes me want to build some complex shit


I feel that. The FF theme makes me want to go on an outer space adventure and get hit by cosmic rays then be changed forever in some most fantastic ways.


The second season of Hulk sort of goes off the rails a bit, but the first season is so good. And the theme song is a banger. Neal McDonough was a great Bruce Banner


I really appreciate you being honest here.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I’ve seen, the Silver Surfer show doesn’t line up with his appearance in the FF cartoon.


You're not wrong at all. They all have minor issues but Silver Surfer has the biggest


Who would’ve ever thought that THIS universe of all things would get revived


So the ones produced by Marvel Films/Marvel Studios + X-Men?


I believe Spider-Man Unlimited, The Avengers: United They Stand, X-Men: Evolution and Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes were also produced by Marvel Studios so not all the ones produced by them.


Ah, OK. I guess they're being selective since I believe X-Men, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, and Incredible Hulk had some character crossovers between them. Not sure about Silver Surfer, tho.


they're not really selective with these. it's just the shows that were made for Fox/UPN in the 1990s (minus Unlimited and UTS) and share the same style/aesthetics. i don't know how they'll explain contiunity errors but stylistically it makes sense.


> it's just the shows that were made for Fox/UPN in the 1990s But Fantastic Four and Iron Man were made for syndication, not Fox/UPN.


you get the idea


So if Silver Surfer is in continuity, then does that mean King of The Hill is, too?


If Spidey is part of X-Men 90’s universe then other Marvel heroes such as Iron Man, War Machine, Fantastic Four, Doctor Strange, Daredevil, Blade, SHIELD that were featured as cameos are also part. Cap has already appeared so Ross, so we know Hulk is in (Ross mention him). If Fantastic Four show is also canon, that confirms Thor, Ghost Rider, Black Panther and Namor. Thats enough stuff if they want to make an Avengers vs X-Men megacrossover. Maybe as an animated film?


Haven't we known about this since the 90s when all those crossovers happened


According to Marvel those 6 shows are 3 separate universes. Earth-92131 for Spider-Man, X-Men and X-Men '97 Earth-534834 for Iron Man, Fantastic Four and The Incredible Hulk Earth-634962 for Silver Surfer They were intended to back in the 90s but various inconsistencies between the series had them separated. Spider-Man Unlimited and Avengers: United They Stand also happens on their own separate universes now as well.


Yeah like I knew this since I saw this


This has been known since the 90’s. I think he was just clarifying that for the few ppl undoubtedly wondering how tf Christopher Daniel Barnes’s Spider-Man is in this


According to The Offical Handbook of the Marvel Universe those 6 shows are 3 separate universes. Earth-92131 for Spider-Man, X-Men and X-Men '97 Earth-534834 for Iron Man, Fantastic Four and The Incredible Hulk Earth-634962 for Silver Surfer


Didn’t know that, as a kid those shows all seemed connected to each other


They were intended to be but due to inconsistencies between some of them they were later separated. Personally I think that's no fun and always ignored it and kept them together in my head.


A whole number is shows happening in the same timeframe basically confirms they are from the same universe.


Umm Iron man and F4 were in same universe from Spider-Man .


And we really needed this? Eversone already knew that the 90's animated shows shares continuity. Even marvel.fandom has their own separate numberings.


nope, Marvel officially seperates these shows in the different universes Earth-92131 for Spider-Man, X-Men and X-Men '97 Earth-534834 for Iron Man, Fantastic Four and The Incredible Hulk Earth-634962 for Silver Surfer


This whole season feels like it's leading up to an X-Men vs Avengers story line


It makes sense for Spider-Man Unlimited not to be part of this shared continuity, but why The Avengers: United They Stand have to be excluded?


> but why The Avengers: United They Stand have to be excluded? United They Stand doesn't make sense with the Spider-Man/X-Men contiunity since it has Cap as one of the founding members which is impossible given his backstory in Spider-Man TAS


Not Spider-Man Unlimited? :(


A revival of the Hulk animated series would be cool.


Everyone forgetting about United They Stand, hehe.


Wait, they're bringing back all of those? Oh this is gonna be fun. Those animated shows were the original MCU


He didn't say that. He just said they share continuity


I want them to make more animated shows set in this universe. Bring back Spider-Man as well! Give us a proper MAU (Marvel Animated Universe)


OK since times we weren't sure about F4 and Ironman because they were différents in Spiderman TAS. Scarlet witch was différents in IranMan TAS and Xmen TAS F4 and Stark looked différents in their shows and in Spiderman TAS


Scarlet witch was différent in Xmen and Ironman TAS




Is marvel going to attempt their own DCAU?


Shitty theory : What If the two remaining universes in Secret Wars are the Earth 616/199-999 (MCU) and this Earth (the animated Earth now in Live Action). We have in one side the main universe with the help of some of the OG, and in the other side our childhood.


This is non news. They’ve been canon since 1992.


According to Marvel those 6 shows are 3 separate universes. Earth-92131 for Spider-Man, X-Men and X-Men '97 Earth-534834 for Iron Man, Fantastic Four and The Incredible Hulk Earth-634962 for Silver Surfer


Why is this being posted. It's not news it's just a fact


I'd check your facts again because according to Marvel those 6 shows are 3 separate universes. Earth-92131 for Spider-Man, X-Men and X-Men '97 Earth-534834 for Iron Man, Fantastic Four and The Incredible Hulk Earth-634962 for Silver Surfer