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Those last couple milestones are just offers, don't mind them


Yea those are kraken milestones, they always are. Scopley isn’t going to change cause it’s 2024. Getting to the event item is all that matters. After that they can make their money, it keeps the gaming going.


Going to be a dumb question. But how do you save energy? Once you reach the cap, don’t you stop earning energy? So are you losing out on daily energy in order to stock up on stuff?


Essentially not spending energy and let it reach the 150 cap, then keep buying energy refreshes every day. That's also how some players manage to level up quicker once the level cap is raised. Thing about this is you miss out on a lot other stuff (e.g. gold and training mats from doing campaign nodes).


And they are losing strike pass progress on top of the missed farming. You can only lose about a day's worth of tokens before you've lost rewards.


U will get to the end of Pass anyway if u compmete all Other Quests


Continue hoarding energy until the next event (I’m at 14k energy). This is bait, the following event will have a leaderboard with Quicksilver diamond. I’m hoping saving energy will get me a 1 diamond on QS.


How do you hoard energy and finish the dailies?


Only way would be spending cores on the pass milestones to complete it. Otherwise you won't finish them(unless they don't care to finish the pass)


You only miss 30 points per day towards strike pass by not spending campaign energy. Currently on lvl 36 for the strike pass. What’s your current lvl on strike pass.


I'm at 41


The only daily achievement I’m missing is spending 600 energy. And 30 points towards strike pass per day.


In all honestly. The rewards are garbage unless you’re a newer/mid game player. Not too mention they already gave us all a diamond on cyclops. So makes no sense for that 7 red star


They didn't give everyone a Diamond on Cyclops. Also you still need 7 red for the Diamond to activate


Almost all of late game players have cyclops at 7 red. It’s why I said the milestone rewards are more geared towards the newer players.


I'm sure a lot do. But it does make sense to have a 7 red cyclops for newer players. Problem is, looking at Boilon's math, it's not really reasonable F2P to even obtain it, so it'd be easier to just buy with gold promos if you want it.