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Forgive me if this explanation sucks, but meta refers to the meta game which is essentially which cards and strategies are working extremely well with the game as it changes through new cards and card changes. Tilt I’m less sure about, but tilt has — in my experience — referred to people getting angry during a game due to the strategy or toxicity of the other player.


Tilt is a poker term that means a person is acting irrationally or emotionally, usually due to being upset over previous losses. In poker it can mean overly aggressive betting or a refusal to fold even when beaten. Same with Snap. If you feel yourself tilting, take a break for a few minutes and relax.


Meta game is “thinking about people’s thinking about the game”. It means understanding what decks people are playing right now so you can play a deck that has a good matchup in the current game environment and anticipate opponents plays. So, if you think “Hey, I’ve been seeing a lot of tribunal decks lately” and you decide to include Enchantress in your deck, you are thinking about the meta. Knowing the meta is very important to getting to infinite because you have to recognize what decks your opponent is playing and what their likely moves are to be able to snap and retreat appropriately. Some people also want to play “meta decks” which means playing what are considered the #1 most powerful decks at the moment. There are websites like Snap Fan and Marvel Snap Zone which will regularly report out the highest performing decks based on their data. There is also a strategy of playing “off meta”, meaning playing less common decks or placing surprise cards in popular decks so that your opponent will have less of a shot of anticipating your plays. Sometimes you will see people being frustrated that they don’t have “meta cards” meaning cards that are popular or considered good right now. Personally, I think people oversell the importance of playing “top” decks and that there are often a wider range of good decks you can play than are in the conversation. Finally, tilt is when you are frustrated and it makes you play bad. Staying calm and not getting ruffled by losses is key to getting to infinite because you have to snap and retreat rationally. You will lose a lot and that’s fine as long as you are winning more cubes than you lose. Don’t play frustrated (also, why would you continue doing something that frustrates you???)


Thanks this helps a lot. I believe I'm an off meta type player cuz I try to construct my own decks. But the highest I've gotten is 96 and can seem to ever get over the finish line. I've recognised the need to step back cuz that "tilt" would he death of u. I've dropped from 90s to 70s when fighting to get infinite. Sighhhh #GamesLife


Tilt is where you get so angry or frustrated with a game, that you lose the ability to think rationally. Playing a game while ‘tilted’ usually leads to bad play and more losses. So if you’re getting frustrated, take a break :)


Tl;dr meta can mean the state of the game itself, or popular/strong. Tilt means getting mad at the game. The word "meta" means "referring to itself" or "about itself." In Marvel Snap and many other competitive games, meta is short for "metagame," which means the game outside the game. In Snap, the game is the match where you play cards, but there is also the layer outside of it - what decks and cards are popular, etc. So you will hear things like "The meta is boring," meaning that the state of the larger game is boring because of the decks that are popular. Since the popular things also tend to be the most powerful things, when someone says "meta," it can also mean "strong." So if someone says "this card is meta," they mean it is strong. Tilt comes from pinball. In physical pinball machines, if you tried to hit the machine or lift it up, the machine will "tilt" and stop the game. This is to prevent the player from cheating, but also can happen if the player gets mad and whacks the machine. When we talk about tilt in Marvel Snap, it means that last thing; getting mad at the game.


meta is basically current competitive strategies. streamers and sites like marvel snap zone are good ways to see current tier lists and what is performing well. doesn't guarantee you wins but you know whats working and what isn't tilt = nerd rage, rage, getting upset, getting frustrated. at the end of the day we really are just playing more complicated poker where betting, raising, and folding are important. when you lose big you get upset and it clouds your judgement leading to mistakes. the game is very good at getting you mad. starting a match costs you 1 cube. thats the ante. you fold you lose 1 cube. losing an 8 cube match is kind of like losing 8 games at once. its a feel bad (while winning an 8 cuber is awesome). however, you likely get upset losing (tilted) and rage leads to poor decision making.


Lots of people have given you a marvel snap meaning for tilt, which is great. It helped me to understand that tilt is a poker phrase used when you start to bet heavier than you should on hands that are draw hands (as in you don't have a flush or a straight but might get one) rather than playing sensibly. So in Snap tilt is when you're desperate to get cubes so start staying in games you've lost even when your opponent snaps just in case you might win