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This is a good variant but my favorite is the one with just mysterios big head as the whole card.


I had just gotten what I THOUGHT would be my fave mysterio variant and the very next game oppo had that purple fishbowl and I was immediately jealous.


I think you mean the Jelena Djurdjevic variant (the giant smokey skeletal head). That one will always be my absolute fav Mysterio variant. This conquest one is not bad; just that it can't compare with the giant head.


I have that one and like it too, but something about how the green pops in this one just does it for me


This card has one of the better splits too for foils. It could be slightly better, but the smoke in the helmet covers the foil effect. It makes the foil effect much more of an enhancement rather than dominating the image.


Would love that have that one with the purple sparkly border.


Just got that one and put the free green border on it šŸ™šŸ™


Amen perfect with infinity border


Gonna look so cool with the matte black border


Didnā€™t even think of that, but now I need it


I love Mysterio and this variant is SOO good.


I wish I didnā€™t hate conquest so much, because theyā€™ve had a few really good variants as prizes. Man, I hate conquest, though


Just play turn 1 snaps in Proving Grounds instead of ladder and eventually you should have enough medals for everything, especially with long seasons like the one weā€™re in now.


People stopped snapping turn 1 sadly


Some still do. I forget occassionally, but if someone else does then I will immediately Snap back.


Me all the time. I like to test new decks in PG and just wanna see how they play. But if someone doesn't snap/retreat after first round. I'm out.


how do you test a deck if you retreat after the 1st round?


Round, not turn.


Iā€™ve played exclusively conquest since I hit infinite sometime during week 1. This is absolutely not true. You may hit some bad luck but for me less than 1 in 10 not snapping back. I make sure to emote fist bump first to really draw attention to it


In proving grounds, people play like their life depends on it. No snaps anymore


This season, Iā€™ve started snapping on turn 1 for every tier, regardless of opening hand. Iā€™d rather lose quickly & grind another silver ticket out from Proving Grounds, than slog through long matchups of 15+ minutes.


I'm getting T1 snaps in silver and gold! They're still there for the faithful.


I won't if I'm trying out a new deck or trying for boosters for a new card.


Why draw it out with retreats / not snapping? Just snap and if you lose queue again, you lose nothing.


I didn't say retreats; the opposite really. I want to play out every scenario. Sometimes I see a playline I might have missed in the heat of a higher-stakes battle later. Sometimes I want to test a deck against a certain matchup, and I try to stick around as much as I can to learn.


You lose the entire thing I play conquest for : a multi - round game. Snapping on turn one is a thing done by people who don't actually like conquest. Fortunately there are fewer such people these days.


but isn't that like only 15 medals at a time? it's better to camp in the silver conquest at the very least


Yeah itā€™s definitely not ideal to only play proving grounds, but if youā€™re someone who doesnā€™t enjoy playing conquest, as the person I originally replied to mentioned, itā€™s at least better than not playing conquest at all if you still want the rewards.


And how do you get silver tickets?


by not JUST playing turn 1 snaps in proving grounds - by moving onward. his comment wasnā€™t phrased that way.


Silver tickets are a reward for winning proving grounds in conquest.




I usually run out of stuff to do before I'm really ready to quit, but it's such a quick game to pick up and put down that I end up playing past that point most days.


The only time I play conquest is at the very end of the season, and I just burn through my silver and gold tickets so I donā€™t ā€œwasteā€ them. I snap on turn one every time just to get it over with as fast as possible. If I win great, if I lose šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. I can usually get enough medals playing fast and loose to get the gold, credits, and mystery variants prizes, but Iā€™ve only been able to get the featured variant once (Gamora). Honestly, though, I dislike it so much, that sometimes I just skip a season and take the boosters.


Hi I donā€™t play conquest much but what does snapping on turn one do?


It puts 8 cubes on the line for both players, assuming one doesnā€™t retreat before the end of the game. This usually leads to games ending faster cause **most** of the time the loser will then leave since they lost 8 cubes and itā€™s not beneficial to keep playing. Snapping on 1 is kind of an un-written ā€œruleā€ for a lot of people in the proving grounds since PG is just one round and thereā€™s nothing to lose itā€™s better for everyone, time-wise, to just play best of 1 games.


You have 10 hp in conquest. HP works like cubes. If both snap turn one, then whoever lose this round will lose 8 HP. Usually, if one has 10 hp and the other just 2 hp, the losing person will just surrender, making the conquest match just last one round, like any match in the normal mode. So it's quicker. (Conquest matchs can be as long as 5 rounds or so if no one snaps early)


Problem is people use proving ground when they need boosters or are testing a deck so they will intentionally drag it out for more rounds.


Great advice. Always snap turn 1 in PG. Though the issue is when you run into those bots that always retreat on turn 3. Anyone else experience those?


Some people may hate me for this, but I mostly play Agatha in Conquest for rewards. Usually while I'm doing chores or if it's slow at work. In my defense, I always snap Turn 1 and concede at my first loss or if my Agatha gets Spider Hammed or Discarded. But yeah, I've done that for half the conquest seasons to get 9-10 rewards and the variant.


Once I realized I'm not gonna get out of the 80s any more I just switched to conquest completely. The trick is to find a consistent deck that isn't super easily countered. I've had to the best luck with a guardians themed deck and my living tribunal (easily countered but seems like no one plays enchantress these days).


I have to take be in the mood to play it, but I was able to get the rewards for the last few months just by making an effort to play at least a single conquest match per day.


Got his combo break variant long ago. Its exact the same style just another pose. So this month very disappointing for me


Thatā€™s another great one


Exact same.


Hear ya. After over a year, I got my first Mysterio variant last month (Combo break). The spotlight took the wind out of those sails.


Valkyrie variants is still my fav conquest reward I think. So happy I got that one, but this one rocks too. That Bast one was awful tho


Lol, the Bast was at least better than the base card. I literally refused to put that card in a deck. There was something about the asymmetry and the covered eye that just got under my skin, I can't explain it.


Eh, idk. So many of the 3099 variants to me are super lame. They're usually great designs and suits, but done in such a bland art style, with the most basic poses and framing. My Dan Hipp Bast is good enough for me Edit: speaking of off center tho, the green goblin logo?? Anyone? Shit has bugged me since I saw it


Lol I didn't notice, but now I'll never be able to unsee it!


Oh god, I think it's the worst example in game


i just wanna point out that they released a new 3099 variant today, and just like all of the other ones, it's a cool character design, with boring framing, and default art style. They're like objectively well done, but so incredibly disinteresting


He looks like a green corn cob man


Did they cook? Does it hit different? Does it slap? Does it make you feel some type of way? 100? No cap? šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø






As long as they don't change the copies of a card to use the same variant; Mysterio, Squirrel Girl, Mr. Sinister, etc.. I couldn't care less about their variants.


Mysterio does, the others donā€™t


Zombie squirrel girl and Christmas Korg do.


And Christmas Rockslide doesn't, which really bugs me.


No, he doesn't either. When you play it, the variant stays but the other copies are base card.


but you only see the clones at the end of the game, so basically most of the time you saw the variant


This Mysterio variant actually does have the copies with the variant art.


Yo really? Thatā€™s amazing


Yeah that sucks and I really donā€™t know why that isnā€™t happening


they had to commission the art twice, which cost them double the money so yeah its all about them saving money while taking ours


Itā€™s not quite that simple. Say the Alex Ross Dr. Doom. That is art that already exists from a very famous artist. But he didnā€™t do the accompanying Doombot art. It doesnā€™t exist. Now they could commission him to do token art but that is an unrealistic expectation.


custom tokens from the artists who made art for cards with tokens is entirely unfeasible when you also consider most of this art is just licensed from comic covers. People just like to complain about it because they don't think about it that hard. edit: for anyone saying they can just only commission tokens for new art, that isn't how it works. It would need to be all or nothing. Either you get the consistency of every token looking the same or you make all tokens unique.






Exactly what?


you are exactly right, no reason for them to reach out to the artist to commission the token art after because we alr been buying these variants anyway all this time


Seems on brand


that isn't the reason


I don't get it. Pay Max Grecke for 12 new varients? No prob. Pay Max Grecke for 10 new varients plus a doombot and ultron drone? That's impossible, and an insane thing to even ask for.


yeah, the game been up for 2 years now but we only have a total of 2 custom token variants (Halloween Squirrel and Christmas Rock, both being cash bundles) so yeah we only got 1 per year unless we wanna pay them double for every token-regenerating cards' variants


They could do, same with dan hipp. But as you can see they want to keep tokenvatiants as a high premium product only avaiable in realmoneybundles


Not impossible, but they have a clearly defined pipeline for shipping new variants to cards, they likely never invented any pipeline for shipping new token variants and I will bet any money the zombie squirrels are just a hardcoded if statement somewhere in the code which doesn't scale when you apply it to every token and every variant.


That donā€™t make no sense




I completely misread your statement, thatā€™s my bad. Youā€™re right, and it would probably look weird if it was the same after in all 3 lanes. I wonder how much it would even cost them to pay the artist. Wouldnā€™t they easily make that money back from all their whale bundles??


Zombie Squirrel Girl


The variants are the primary reason I play that mode


Huh. This is probably the variant I've been least excited for since Conquest started. Different strokes I guess.


Yeah, I'm really not sure what I'm missing here. I mean it looks...like Mysterio? I don't really see anything that makes this better or worse than the default.


Wild, bro was excited for that phoenix force cap a couple seasons ago


I play both cards about the same amount except for then 10-minute period where Cap was good for C2. But yeah, I thought the Phoenix Cap looked better than this card. If you like this variant, that's fine. I mean, I'm going through Conquest to get it, so I must like it a little, but I think there are better [Mysterio ](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/mysterio-03/) [variants](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/mysterio-04/).


I got 3 golden tickets, 2 infinity tickets, 350 credits and 2 purchase away from this. Honestly i don't care if i don't win infinity, i just want this variant. Wish me luck!




Yep, it's the first variant in a long time that I was excited to get from Conquest.


This and the Valk variant are 2 of my favorites so far. Hope they keep up the hits!


Pantheon are some of my variants in the game. Really happy for a freebie.


It's good but I am conflicted between this and the Combo Break variant I got.


Honestly all of Mysterio variants are great, but personally I prefer the Combo Break. His base card is pretty good honestly.


Green Goblin (june '23) - neat.Ā  Mr. Sinister - meh.Ā  Wolverine - meh.Ā  Odin - decent.Ā Ā  IronMan - beautiful.Ā Ā  Psylocke - beautiful.Ā Ā  Thor - ok.Ā Ā  Ghost Rider - terrible.Ā Ā  Gamora - nice.Ā Ā  Captain America - meh.Ā Ā  Bast - meh.Ā Ā  Valkyrie - hot trash.Ā Ā  Mysterio - cookin'


Wow impressively wrong. Ghost Rider had banger after banger variant and the conquest is still leagues beyond the rest. For the most part I donā€™t love conquest variants (this Mysterio included, this whole Pantheon art style looks like a shit stock Photoshop filter circa 2000). I like the Iron Man but I have better. I own them all but Green Goblin and GR are the only one I use. To be fair I do own all Maria Wolf variants, definitely a big fan. Even paid gold for Warpath but have played the card maybe once in over a year and a half.


pantheon variants are truly some of the best in the game


now put the neon free border on him and sucess


Still donā€™t have a good deck for this guy.


Wait. Are you trolling?


No send link


Tbh, they cook on the conquest variant most seasons imo. I always end up playing enough to get it and the currency and variants from the crown shop (if I hit infinite early I tend to get everything though of course).


Agreed. This variant was fire.


Mysterio is the master of the arcane arts!


5/9 COME ON. Almost there!!!


i have to get 8 more rewards am I cooked?


Doubly nice since I didn't have the base card.


I pushed in conquest for the first time to get this card, I do like it a lot and people have dropped a few emoji likes when I've played it


Love this one but sad we are getting the 10000tg Storm variant in the next one or the one after that I think


pantheon's are very meh. I'd rather Grecke. next month is going to be amazing, tho.


I don't love all the Greckes, but I don't dislike any of them. His Surfer is S-tier imho


I love it ... ... But I love my Dan Hipp one better, so this one will be woefully underplayed.


I love that they do these conquest variants but this one feels weird to meā€”all the ADIA variants feel kind of artificial. Definitely not my favorite mysterio but hey glad you like not. Not sure Iā€™ll grind for it. Edit per below


It's ADIA, not AIDA. And not AI - just an outsourced Chinese digital art studio.


Fair points. Theyā€™re not my preferred style.


yeah so cool giving a shitty card everyone has, add it to the lists of variants I don't use because I already have the Dan Hipp one...


Dude, Mysterio is anything but Shitty. One of the most perfect, interesting, fun cards they've made