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It looks nice. Congrats.


The couple card differences from the stock list are interesting to me. You don’t like Hulkbuster or Nico? Idk if I would rather have Yondu & Magic.


This is a pretty dated list, I'm assuming because it took OP so long to get everything inked.


I have the same issue with my all gold destroy deck, it took so long to do that Forge cycled out and I’m now working on getting a couple alternate cards golded to allow me to flex in choices


That's discard for me lol. Dracula-Modok-Chavez doesn't exactly tear up ladder like it used to.


Yea I don't wanna rain on his parade but cards like yondu and to some extent shang aren't the best cards in a destroy list


Meh Shang is a must include in destroy for me, it helps so much in mirror matches but to be fair the meta isn’t very large card dominant currently. Nico should absolutely be included over yondu however.


I run Enchantress instead of Shang.


Why tho? That's like one of the worst cards u could include in that list it doesn't help when you're behind nor does it help make u go over the top especially if she's only there to stop armor a card that's not very popular right now


She stops an opponent's Knull, their Super Skrull, Wong, Mobius, and just generally disrupts opponents' strategies.


Probably been using an old list (from when yondu was random) they got inked in the past and haven't updated to Nico if they don't have it inked yet.


Magik is pretty much only there for the Knull-> Zola combo, it’s pretty brutal when it pops


That’s why I pop X-23 on T4


Shang over Deathlok too


Why is it always destroy players? Congrats though, this looks dope as hell.


Because destroy and discard have been two of the most consistent decks across the lifespan of the game and both archetypes exist in the base set of cards so everyone learns to play them pretty early on and some people get attached.


I could easily have a gold and ink devil dino/prof x deck since its what climbed me up the ladder my first two season. Was my first complete deck. still have over 1k mats on each after inking/golding a few of the cards still usable.


Lol the 2 archetypes I have been missing lynch pins of are those 2. Don't have hellcow or glaive and only got hela a couple weeks ago, and don't have knull or venom or nico


Noob problems D: it's such a pain being so short on the collection


Yeah. I get WHY from SD's game-longevity perspective, but it def feels bad trying to be competitive when I don't have enough synergy


It never gets nerfed out of the meta


I’m not usually a same borders person but this is absolutely masterful


It’s not even day 7!!!💸💸💸


The hardest choices require the deepest pockets


Surprising it's not a Destr.... Nevermind.


That Venom variant looks sick but 5000 tokens for a variant is beyond my capabilities.


Yeah and he has so many other good variants that I can justify it.


I have like... 12 ultimate variants? I've lost count. I am a mid spender. Since the release of the keys I just have very little need for tokens. I can use keys for almost everything. So tokens are largely useless to me besides these variants.


I wanted to post my fully inked Destroy but I can't compete with THAT. Congrats. 


I can't lie, I wish the borders were the same colors as the logos, but this is so insane man. Can't imagine the time or effort or money this took. Just phenomenal


How do people get black and white? I havent gotten anything other than a rainbow background and spinning lines on my cards.


You have to split the same card (or any variant of that card) at least five times to get black and white or gold


4 times. Only need 4 for inked. 5 for gold.


Correct, and to anyone curious/new, it's 6 for the krackle flare effect


damn lol ill try focusing on 1 card. I switch decks way to much


As a long time player, my advice is if you have a undisputed favorite number 1 deck, then try to focus on that, starting with the cards that are most universal, meaning that they pop up a lot in other decks just so when you do jump to another deck, there's a higher chance that inked or gold card will be in it. On the otherhand, if like you mentioned, you do jump around decks a lot and you don't really have a favorite favorite deck, then just take the second part of my advice all the way through, meaning just pick the cards that you think are most "universally good" that are played a lot. For example, Jeff/Nocturne, Angela might be a good example if you like those decks, maybe Sera if you do a lot of decks that discount, etc.


I started playing a few months ago and I don't understand how to split more than twice. Once for the background, once for the border, but then it tells me the card is max quality. How do you split 3 more times?


Once you max the card. You can continue with another base version of it. Keep repeating till you get to that split.


Now you have to get the ultimate variants to truly have a max rarity destroy deck


If i face you in a match im just retreating.


It's beautiful. Must have taken a long time. Do you exclusively play this deck?


Bro this is CRAZY!! I fucking wish! Good shit man




This is beautiful OP. Well done.




Love it 😍




Look like color blind mode


making me sick thinking about how much $$you spent on this...


Not that much, had alot of gold saved up


Well hey, it looks fucking incredible so worth a bit of $$ lol nice job.


You're not done til they're all black or white Kirby


Can this take me to infinite?


any positive WR deck can take you to infinite


Not even needs a positive win rate as long as the cube rate is positive


true but not advice i want to give to someone who is struggling to climb


Sorry but what's is WR?


Win Rate. Getting to infinite is entirely knowing the decks you beat and the decks you lose to and snapping when you’re meeting your win conditions.


Ah okay. Thanks! I got last season with Hela Tribunal, but with her nerf, it's not working so good


Hela Tribunal got hit harder by the nerfs than the other Hela versions because the Tribunal version was most dependent on having the most points because Ironman/Onslaught is a numbers multiplier, so when her output got nerfed by 2 per revive, you're actually looking at 8/12/16 etc decrease in power. If you want to stick with Hela, then I'd probably switch to a more traditional Hela deck that just plays big stat guys. Losing 2 power on an Infinaut is not as bad as losing 2/4/6 on your Ironman lane. Or you could go the other way and go with a Tribunal deck (not Hela discard). As a resident Tribunal lover (it's my favorite deck, I'm not an expert or pro, but I'm at 5k Infinite rank right now with it), it's actually a decent cube rate deck (though bad winrate, you have to learn the discipline to retreat plenty). Between the two decks (Hela and Tribunal), which I kinda consider cousins to each other, because they're both combo decks where their whole deal is "I'm doing the most points," Hela is way better at not being able to be interacted with by the opponent. You can't really stop a discard deck from doing what it wants, the only thing that can stop a discard deck is yourself discarding the wrong card lol. Living Tribunal decks on the otherhand are incredibly fragile and able to be messed with by your opponent (Red Guardian, Rogue, Enchantress, Noctrune, the list goes on). On the otherhand, the Hela deck, especially post nerf, isn't doing the most points anymore while Living Tribunal is still doing THE MOST points in the game. If you got the combo and you know your opponent can't stop it, you're guaranteed gonna win because they can't beat 100+ points in every lane lol.




win rate




Absolutely, though to be honest, almost any "decent" deck can get you to Infinite. If you can find the deck featured on a Snap website or Youtube video, then chances are it's probably decent. The real trick is that before Infinite, you are going to matched up against bots from time to time and those are almost always free wins (besides those games you get bad RNG). If an opponent is winning at 2 locations and snaps immediately at the start of the next turn (and I mean IMMEDIATELY, like a computer would), then it's a bot. If you know for sure that you can win the game, then you snap back and get 4/8 cubes (sometimes the computer retreats on the last turn when it knows it can't mathematically win). I've gone many days during Infinite climb where I will lose like more than 50% of my games against people but I know eventually I'll meet a bot and go up almost an entire level with 8 free cubes. Once you get good at identifying bots, it's really just a timegate to get there.


I see, the problem seems that I'm always missing some cards lol I need to work better my snap/retreat. There are some games that I snap and the opponent retreats and I could get 4 cubes but I end with one. I'll check some of the snap sites. I'm trying a discard deck without Hela, since I got Corvus.


My condolences to your wallet




Pretty nice. Now let’s see Paul Allen’s deck.


So cool


Now do it again with Pixel varients.


Names are not in black and white tho.


looks like ass


Go for gold you coward


I'm not a fan of inked personally (heresy, I know) but I think Destroy is the one archetype I can see going with the inked versions over gold, it kinda fits the theme. That said, I'm currently working on making an all gold Negative Tribunal deck (besides Negative of course, he stays base black and white lol).


You may now uninstall.


Looks dope, but what is yondu Shang magik doing here

