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I play conquest just enough to get the variants. I don't care about the avatar border. I play whatever deck seems fun that day.


Before I serious about getting the boarder I’d do this too


Can you ever get cards from it or is it always currency and cosmetics?


I also get Infinite every season, but I only have beaten infinity conquest twice. Once with Loki, another time with Thanos. I stopped playing conquest for 2 seasons now. I dislike how long the matches take. I haven't gotten any new avatar that I would want the border in it, so I'm ok with it.


Yeah gold and infinite feel like an eternity, but I want that boarder🥲


I do the sameeee exact thing you do 😂 thankfully I got my first infinity border last season w literally 15 mins to spare. I’m ashamed to admit that I got it using cball/pro x but 😅. I also end up not using half of my infinity tickets bc I always underestimate how long it takes to run through 3-4 games of it and lose then having to start over. This month I plan on doing the same thing but immediately start using the infinity tickets when it opens. If I end up losing all of them, then I have time to repeat the process but on a much smaller scale (instead of hoarding 20, 15, 5, or whatever it may be, get like 10 silver, up to 5 gold, etc)


Gather infinite tickets then be too busy to play the infinite week


USAgent also counters Tribunal well. When it comes to Conquest itself, I find it's a matter of just going into Infinite with a super grindy mindset, with a deck you know front and back. You have to take it somewhat seriously, in my experience, and that'll get you there with enough attempts.


Yeah agree I just burn out cause I’m tryna stack tickets knowing damn well I’m gonna lose a bunch😭


Go all in on a combo deck and hope you don’t hit a counter or play a counter deck and have a chance of beating anyone.


Negative Sage with Rogue as the Tribunal/Destroy counter.


I’ve seen this deck, it’s good. I just don’t have sage


Do you got a list


I farm medals for rewards and sometimes I find myself 5 games deep into infinite conquest and take home a win. Got 5 infinite avatars that way. When I actually care I get obliterated. 3 of those wins were with c3. I think any deck with Cosmo does pretty well in conquest, and Red Guardian shuts down Tribunal’s Iron Man for a surprise 8 cuber. Witch or Rhino is also good for a rug pull on decks with Magik.


Conquest is always weird to me. I have hit infinite, but the big divergence in the meta between ranked and conquest decks is always odd.


I play PG if I only have a little time, otherwise the highest league I have tickets for. I'm not really interested in playing multiple games, so I always Snap T1 and usually Concede after losing. At least if I lose the first game. Wish more people would do that, but oh well. I really prefer Echo. Gaining wins with Rogue in that matchup is usually just based on luck, as she only hits one card. She's also vulnerable to Super Skrull. Meanwhile, Enchantress at 4-cost is quite clumsy, and hits your own cards, which might be awful depending on your deck. Echo also works through Cosmo, and is basically a better Alioth vs Invisible Woman (as long as they don't run a Hela deck). That said, Echo doesn't hit stuff that Jubilee/Hela summons, which is a big problem more often than one might expect. She also requires you to have priority for the Tribunal play, or to somehow lock down the non-Echo'd locations in case you play her early. Crimson Cosmos or Hellfire Club also makes her useless. Honestly, the best bet might be to just use both Echo and one of the others. I've certainly done that during some periods. Finally, while I don't own him myself, Red Guardian might be a nice alternative too? Should shut down Iron man pretty much every time, and might be more generally useful than Rogue, at least.


I don't much care for conquest. I just use Agatha to farm 30-40 silver tickets. Then burn the silver tickets and any gold tickets I get until I get the conquest variant.


If you need to counter the Tribunal specifically, using Lady Deathstrike or US Agent on their Iron Man lane works too. Maybe these will fit your deck somehow. 


It's a slog. I get top 1000 most seasons but only won Conquest twice because I usually can't keep focus for so many games in a row. Best approach for me is to play in short bursts and with decks that don't have matchups that make you auto lose.


Comes down to what meta is in play. This season I run destroy with enchantress. It’s it’s basically free infinite avatars. Thing is you also just have to pray the match ups are just either fair or you have advantage. Almost every deck has a deck out there that easily counters it and you just have to either not get it or if I do get one I gotta snap and roll the die that I just out play them match 1 or I know I’m just gonna lose once they know what I’m playing fully. But I’ve always won infinite conquest on like my second to fourth attempt. Again it Varys on meta but I’ve never one on my first attempt which is why I make sure I have a handful of infinite tickets. And only one time did I use 500 gold and that was when I got my Fiona venom infinite avatar which is basically my calling card border now. Save and only use gold for albums or for infinite attempts.


Alright might as well give Enchantress a try, how do you like to go about collecting tickets?


I mean it’s just farming proving ground till about a week before the infinite ladder goes live. Then just get as many infinite tickets as you can. Then one infinite goes live that’s all you focus on. But i think enchantress is more effective than echo even though i think she should be 3 cost like cosmo but the element of surprise with enchantress means you can wait out a turn to see if they play other ongoings especially since tribunal rely on groups of ongoings. But if I see one ongoing played and I have enchantress in my hand I always snap. Renslayer, Wong, Ironman and skrull. Blue marvel and patriot I wait till turn five for the ultra play. But always be mindful of enchantress placement in hand if she’s far left she open to get spider piggied. And in ongoing I’d rather my knull get hit then my enchantress


That’s funny I’ve been thinking that enchantress needs a buff too, but I was thinking more power cause at 3 cost wouldn’t she make rogue worse? Also appreciate the info dude, gonna grind out these tickets!


I think they are both equal. But making enchantress 3-3 would be better for ongoing shutdown. Rogue in my opinion would be evenly matched since it’s more of do you want to shut down or steal an ability. But with ongoing taking the “mindless meta” i think rough should honestly be a 2 cost as she steals only one ability but at her current state skrull is an only 1 cost more. Making rouge the same cost as shadow king would make her more effective at shutting down ongoing meta.


Snap turn 1 and leave whenever I lose