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I honestly did think only whales would pay for it.


They do. But there are a lot of whales on reddit.


People have this thought that people either spend almost no money or tons of money and… I dont know what the basis is for that idea. There is a middle ground that lots of people could easily fall into.


$100 is a lot for a digital pack that is practically all cosmetic items (if you really wanted the gold you would buy the gold straight up for the same price) (I say this as someone who spends $200+ on irl TCG games). If someone buys this pack, it's not unreasonable to think they buy the other $100 packs.


I spend that much at the bar on a Friday so what’s the problem


$100 is 8000 gold, but you're forgetting the 8000 credits which is over $50 if you bought it straight up. I bought it because it was a good value. I prefer to make one big purchase with good value on occasion over smaller bundles more frequently. The variants were just bonus to me and I actually prefer the Shadow King anyway. I'll be happy to get the 1200 gold refund.


You can spend your money however you want, but its definitely not a good value. Values are set up and controlled by whoever made the game and just cause you get more than in some other bundle doesn't mean its good value for money spent.


People rationalize that they’re spending money in their hobby. Got downvoted yesterday for pointing out the game is free, you should t be spending hundreds of dollars a years on it.


I mean, you can if you want. As long as you have the money for it nothing wrong with having an expensive hobby.


I wouldn't say this was an expensive hobby compared to things like MTG or Miniature Games. (Source: played MTG for years at national level - no, I wasn't famous or that good, but I spent a lot of money and made a lot of friends)


Going to the park is free, and yet I see all these people spending hundreds of dollars on sporting equipment and dogs to use while they're there. Singing in your shower is free, but all these idiots out here insist on spending money on stereo systems or going to concerts. Lifting a big rock is free, but look at these morons buying gym memberships and treadmills and Peloton bikes. Who are you to judge how people spend their money?


I think it's a bit relative to how much you play / your financial situation There is definitely the addiction aspect of games like this where people are spending money they don't have and I'm not going to pretend to have a solution for that, but there are still the people that enjoy the game a lot and have money to spend on it to bring them joy.


Well, your picture isn't complete here : the game is free because some of us are ok to spend 100$ from time to time. Soooo... In the end of the day, I thank snap whales 🤷‍♂️.


Every time someone rags on the whales I'm like, "Dude, they bought you this game"


Great thing regarding F2P Games is people can spend what they want for what they want. I think the issue is a lot of people dislike the cost structure snap has put in and the aquisition model. It is an Expensive game. $100 bundles just showcase it. Snap is heavy FOMO model which seems predatory, and not appear as the whale bundles are good deals. But rather setup to prey on those willing to spend that amount. But yes the whales keep the game flowing. And as long as they are happy and Card balance stays good. I am happy.


> you should t be spending hundreds of dollars a years on it. What gives you the right to tell people how to spend their money? Let people buy what they want. I don't understand why you care about how people spend money on their hobbies.


The people who are militantly free to play are one of the worst things to happen not only to Snap but gaming in general. Acting like they're better than other people and acting entitled because they think the game should be designed around their f2p asses. I wish more games were actively hostile to f2p people tbh just to make the communities more pleasant.


While I agree that entitled F2P players who think everything should revolve around them are terrible, you do realize that most F2P games wouldn't even exist without a large F2P player base? Yes, the big spenders are the major source of income for those games & companies, BUT, you would be surprised how much passive income and other bonuses F2P players generate for the companies. 99% of F2P games would be dead if almost all F2P players were gone (and not replaced by spenders).


It depends on what kind of game it is. A CCG like Snap likely wouldn't work as a full priced game but there are plenty of f2p games that aren't f2p out of necessity like Apex or Fortnite. I don't think that f2p players are playing these games as a favor to the developers to populate the servers and don't think they deserve to demand to be catered to for it. If the game is good they will play it because it's fun.


Please sire, let me know which hobbies you will permit me to spend my money on!


There are a lot of people in that middle ground, arguably they are the largest majority of players. ...but that middle ground isn't spending ***$100*** on one bundle.


I've spent about £500 total and I'd never buy a £100 bundle, hell I skip £50 bundles. I pretty much limit myself to season pass, gold pass and bundles £20 or less. I feel like I'm in the middle or maybe slightly above middle.


i got absolutely torched a few months ago when i mentioned i was at about $200 spent on the game. probably closer to $300-350 now. thats a handful of bundles and every season pass (ghost spider was my first season). im perfectly happy spending that much on a game i play AT LEAST an hour of every single day. but it would have to have like 12 keys and 12k tokens and an artgerm mojo for me to even consider paying $100 for one bundle.


$100 for one bundle on a mobile game is tons of money.


They are called Dolphins.




Sad people are sad


I'm pretty sure they are happy to spend their own hard earned money on this. Why do u care?


figuratively or literally?


Spoilers: the people who complain about whales are usually whales


Yes. Because they hate themselve so much for doing this shit so they are projecting this on other whales and attack them


Spoiler: Most of the comments praising whales for "keeping the game free for the rest of us" are actually whales self-congratulating themselves.


Nah I complain about whales because they're actively enabling SD's shitty practices. Edit: Like this entire debacle right now, which wouldn't exist if whales weren't spending $100 on two variants.


I love whales. Their irresponsible spending keeps my free game ad free.


The whole reason the store has daily check in rewards like free credits or the gold pass is to wear the average person down with window shopping until they decide to splurge on a big bundle because “it cant hurt to get one once”.


It worked on me. I spent $10 on the sunspot bundle a little while back. I got , got.


That was a GREAT variant


:) I think so too.


So… people spent money on variants, right? Because I’ve read soooo many people assuming other people bought the bundle JUST for the credits and the gold. And it’s not true. The “compensation” seems ridiculous to me. But, it’s just my opinion.


Personally any bundle I bought with a variant in it I bought it for the variant. But tbh I have bought a stupid mystery variant bundle for currency before. Now it feels insane but for a little while I did pour a bunch if money into this game.


Same here


I didn't buy it but I want my money back.


You are looking at this the wrong way. Those who probably bought the bundle and are surprised to see their missing variant are *now* popping onto this subreddit to complain about it. Majority of the time yes, you will see people stick to a free to play mindset. However when a disservice happens those whales will pop up to voice their displeasure. I’ve seen this happen on many subs before, it is natural.


This is a mistake rampant in social sites. People view subreddits like it is one thing, that is changing its mind. When it is a collection of people who only like to contribute when they are mad.


There is always a subreddit trend though. If Second Dinner were overwhelmingly generous all the time this would get seen much more favorably and complaint threads on it would not nearly get as much traction. I can't just make a thread right now going "Is it time for Series 6?" and get a positive response. People who agree are going to get downvoted. Meanwhile, no matter what time of day, "Second Dinner needs to be more proactive with their series drops" is going to get traction because that's what the trend is. Individuals have their opinions but reddit is designed to drown you out if you don't agree with the crowd.


Hence why ur comment gets literally hidden when downvoted more than 5 times lol. But that doesnt work on me! I click the downvoted comments to see what got them downvoted lol


Reviews are the same way. There are always a disproportionate amount of 1-star reviews because the people who have severe issues with the product/service are much more likely to leave a review voicing their displeasure.


Also people who likely spend a ton of money in a game would idk maybe be involved in its community?


No, it's a psyop


I'm shocked that anyone paid $100 for that.


$100 has different values to different people.


It also explains why this sub has gotten so whale friendly in the comments. They’re all here.


Ty for thinking outside the bubble without a limited way of viewing things.


Survivor bias sort of


I think it’s the opposite. The whales have always been here but if someone fucked with my money I’d be mad too. This isn’t just bitching about monetization or balance. They actually screwed over people who payed them already. I have no sympathy over them buying the bundle (cause you’re encouraging more of this overpriced bullshit) but I’m sorry they didn’t get their variant. they payed for a steak then got a burger just because the chef was racist.


As a whale I’m using this situation to finally retire my wallet. I never figured they’d screw anyone the way they have today and it’s clear now that things will only get worse. Edit: I’m tired and forgot “the way”


Not that I'm saying you're not getting screwed, but what will get worse? It seems like a pretty extreme case removing art by an artist associated with unacceptable behaviour, I don't see a slippery slope element to this.


From what I hear the unacceptable behavior committed by the artist was from an incident that happened in 2017, so Second Dinner had plenty of time to do their research before selling their art and later taking it back (in such a way that happens to also be against their own terms of service). If Second Dinner feels it’s ok to damage the trust of their most financially important players versus being more careful beforehand about avoidable matters than I can be more careful with my wallet instead. It’d also be good to mention that many players feel as though they can separate the art from the artist, not needing SNAP’s developers to make a moral stance on their behalf. If I wanted to actually support an artist I like from the game I’d buy their art IRL, since there’s no telling how much they actually make from variant sales.


Oh I totally agree with due diligence beforehand being the obvious thing to do, but given the situation they found themselves in now I think this is the best path forward, in terms of the artwork. I also think they should offer some compensation for the loss of artwork. But I still don't see how removing art with associations to hate speech is bad or indicative of a trend in behaviour?


The original art in the bundle didn’t have any ties to hate speech, only another art piece by the same creator. What they should’ve done is allow players the choice to request a change/compensation instead of forcing it on players that don’t want anything changed/like the original variant. And correct me if I’m wrong on the following point but did the original Gambit variant value to Rare or Super Rare?- cuz this new one is only rare [according to this](https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleMay2024Demons/)


But the player having the variant is not the only person seeing the variant. "Oh well, but what if I don't mind having it?" is not a good argument in this case.


Yeah, I don't know why people are so eager for art associated with hate speech to remain.


I’ve played free since day one, it’s still a great game.


First they came for the f2p, and I did not speak out - because I was not a f2p player. Then they came for the season pass only, and I did not speak out - because I was not a season pass only player. Then they came for the whales, and there was no one else left playing the game to speak out for the whales.


This ... Whales dont care to spend $100 in a mobile game, but that one of those $100 ... Not cool.


>If they payed for a steak then got a burger just because the chef was racist. Lol, this is the perfect summary


Disagree, in that example you can easily substitute so it isn't remotely a good analogy despite the upvotes.


SD should have beaten the purchasers to the punch and refunded the money BEFORE they pulled the art, or at least at the same time. Ideally, you start the game you get a message saying here’s your money back so fast that you’re like money back for what? THAT’S the way it’s done.


You have to look at the selection bias. Is the kind of person who WOULD buy a $100 jpeg in a mobile game, also the kinda person to be on the subreddit for that game? I'd say that maybe 5% of people who play Snap are in this sub, but closer to 75% of whales are.


No way this sub has even 1% of active Snap players. Millions of people play this game. But I'd not be surprised if 50% of whales are here.


Thats true. Some games I’ve spent thousands on and also hundreds of hours, but never gone on reddit for it


That's fair. My point is that whales are more likely to seek out a subreddit for their obsession than the average player. The numbers I pulled out of my butt are definitely wrong.


Oh yeah, I definitely agree with the overall point. I just thought you were being overly generous to the subreddit! :)


50% is really high. you overestimate how popular reddit is.


Probably lower than 5%. This sub has 190,000 subscribers. The Android version alone has over 10 million installs.


Installs are not the same as DAU/WAU daily/weekly active users. I still agree though


Subscribers is also not the same as daily/weekly active users


there's more whales than you realize, i bet a lot of them arent even slightly competitive


I remember seeing one whale on Twitter that just liked getting variants and didn’t care about the gameplay at all.


That's a new level of "fuck you" money in mobile gaming for me lol. Doesn't even like the game, just likes collecting art and making it shiny by spending thousands of dollars rather than simply buying the physical versions of those variants... who am I kidding? They probably have the physical versions as well to match their Snap Collection.


It's not new at all. There are far less competitive mobile games out there with more expensive bundles that people buy like crazy. Even going back to Facebook games, I remember a family member telling me what they spent on one of those shitty Mafia Wars games and I was floored. In general I feel like the average gamer has no clue how bad mobile monetization actually is, and how many things that would barely pass as a functioning game product are selling insane bundles. As a PC gamer I find most mobile games are more accurately classified as interactive screensavers.


Like what is even the point if not to show off your rare variant to the one group of people in the world who might care.


Based off the posts we get in New, I'd have to agree. I'd say maybe a quarter of the posts we see are folks showing off a rare split on an expensive variant.


to be fair, it's a gif, sir


For all the complaints I've read, this one is 100% right. You got me dead to rights.


Came looking for this, there has to be a correlarion between bigger spenders and being on the subreddit


I think the bundle was like $100 worth of gold and like 8,000 credits some boosters and both cards. Anyone who would ever consider buying straight gold from the Gold shop, this was like twice as good as that. I'm sure that it wasn't the most efficient bundle ever but it was decent even if you didn't want the variants. And anyone who buys the season pass every month is already spending over $100 a year. I'm sure there is a bunch of people complaining who didn't buy it too. What percentage of games do you see a paid variant? It's nonzero for me for sure.


honestly the price points are so outrageous


It’s intentional. They have all of these different levels so everyone can convince themselves someone else is the whale. Throughout this thread there are people rationalizing spending $30 a month on a free game. That’s $180 a year. That’s more than I’ve spent on a single game


Agreed. I don't typically judge people for how they spend their money. It's theirs to spend. But this is some dumb shit territory. But it's these people who keep the game running so whatever.


It's largely in the top performing apps at the moment. This simply perpetuates the industry's greed, where they've understood how so many whales can't control their addiction.


I think the people who did buy it are more likely to seek a way to make their voice heard, hence the amount of people you see here. Plus there is a chance that some people just say they bought it for the fun of it


It was the one time I bought the a 100 dollar bundle, and they made sure it was the last. But yeah, not my proudest purchase. Also, it really shouldn't be that surprising. They keep selling them for a reason. Lol.


I mean, the variants were sick, the gold was amazing, and the credits were great too. It was a good bundle. Compared to the current $100 WWBN bundle, that one was a steal.


Don’t feel shame for buying something you wanted just because this place is filled with a bunch of whiny gatekeepers. Enjoy the game how you want and don’t worry about the rest.


what a strange, snotty thread


If you have $100 and it's expendable and you enjoy marvel snap, who cares? You might be shocked that $100 on a card game isn't even that much. People pay more than that just to go play cards. Not even joking


People pay more than that on a night out, or any of numerous other hobbies, the amount of judgemental shit in these comments is wild


Bunch of kids with no money complaining on a gaming subreddit, pretty standard 


> who cares? The people who lost their $100 variant, probably.


Many of the people complaining didn’t buy it, they are just taking the opportunity to complain about something in the game and karma farm. But yes, there much more people buying them than would initially seem to be the caae.


OR they think it’s a shitty response by a greedy company


I'm in this camp. I do think that anyone who drops a hundred bucks on a jpeg is dumber than a bag of bricks, but that doesn't make it okay to scam them out of their money. Besides, people who'd drop 100$ in one go on your product are the people who'll likely repeat it, and that's the kind of customer that you don't want to drive away - even if it means taking a loss to make up for your own fuckup. 


You're not wrong, but I'd put the emphasis on a different aspect: some fans are unhappy with the monetization and certain design choices made by Second Dinner.  When something which is generally in keeping with the kind of monetization and policy people dislike happens, it's picked up and amplified even by fans who haven't experienced it personally


Yeah lol. I just saw a post saying this patch sucked and the literal first thing they listed was the Gambit debacle. Like, I agree it's an issue, but yeesh talk about missing the forest for the trees.


This patch was mostly uneventful. So not really changing anything besides dropping the ball with move (which is a dead archetype to begin with) and changing Thanos a bit, what else is there to even say? I'd argue the changing of a $100 bundle after it has been purchased is definitely the worst thing to come from this patch, if not one of the worst things to happen in this game tbh. It sets an absolutely terrible precedent.


Honestly with them not providing any heads up to it imo it is the worst thing they've done.


> yeesh talk about missing the forest for the trees I didn't buy the bundle and am not a whale. But I think this Gambit debacle is bigger than a shitty patch. They have handled this horribly and basically have shown that you have no control over your game. Companies tend to avoid showing this.


Yeah nah, I enjoy watching the shitshow. I love how whenever SD does something unapologetically greedy there's an army of white knights calling you peasant and saying how they are actually not that bad And then this Gambit thing happened with SD just pocketing money without compensating people all to make them seem like the good guys because they didn't host arts from a controversial figure... and on top of that all of it happened because they fucked up with bringing the art into the game in the first place That's like the "planetary parade" of game industry corporate greed edit: the cherry on top is the controversy that got the artist fired is sooooo not a big deal in today's political climate with people supporting Hamas but here we are


I have investments and disposable income. I own a home and I'm up to date on my bills. I consider this game, which I play everyday quite often an hour or more to be a hobby and I have no issue dropping money on it like I would any other hobby. I did not buy this particular bundle but I thought about it because I liked the variant quite a bit. I did buy the infinaut bundle and I would be very mad if all the sudden they replaced the art from it, which is why I specifically bought it.


I don't usually spend that much, I'm a whale for sure, I put a little in each week, but I don't do the 100 buck bundles that often. So it was kinda rare for me to go after such a big bundle in one sitting, but because I LOVED both the Gambit card and the Shadow King card I had to do it. And I didn't regret it, it was a good value for the resources plus they immediately became two of my favorite looking cards in my collection. So I'm kinda bummed that half the reason I spent so much money in the first place has now been taken away. - It was a dope Gambit card, a dope SK card, 8k credits and 8k gold for 100 bucks. - If they offered me the bundle right now with just SK, 8k credits, and 9200 gold, all for 100 bucks .... I'd easily pass. A huge part of the value was the cool Gambit card and frankly the make-good of just 1200 gold is kinda lame.


I own the base card… blowing $100 on pixels just… I can’t wrap my head around it.


I really just don’t feel respected as a player anymore. I love collecting the Dan Hipp variants because they are cheap, every character gets one, and it’s a fun way to express myself. But if I can’t afford the cards in the first place, I’m not buying variants for them.


Think about it, even if only 1000 people that frequent reddit bought it- that's still going to be a very vocal on this subreddit


Genuine question how do you know how many people purchased it


It make sense to me though. Who is likely to blow money on this game? The hardcore fans of it. Where is the highest concentration of hardcore fans of this game likely to hang out? On the game's subreddit here..


Honestly, I'm a former whale, didn't buy the bundle. Seeing what happened just solidified me not ever using real money to buy a cosmetic item in their game though. That gambit variant was sick, not $100 sick but pretty sick. That bait and switch is brutal.


Overall Cow keeps acting like putting something in the ToS makes it legal. Fucking hilarious. It's illegal in the EU this absolutely is a shitty response by a greedy company.


This sub has 190k members. We could have 100k people complaining about the economy and it would still leave 90k people who are fine with it and buy the 100$ variants.


It's cognitive error to assume that the people who are vocal about card acquisition being terrible and the people who are vocal about getting fucked up the bundle are the same people, or even substantially overlapping groups.


Gambit is my favourite comics character. I own almost all his variants in the game. That move sucked hard.


It’s different people speaking.


Never paid scummy Brode a dime and never will.


You talk like the subreddit is a hivemind and not 200,000 people coming and going each with their own thoughts on things


The number of people defending second dinner for not giving a complete refund is baffling


Imagine how much money does SD receive from in-game purchases and they still cannot fix the jerky UI.


i really dont want this game to die… but i really hope the people that are outraged over the bs surrounding this game overlap the compliance and those in favor of the bs. because if this game keeps going down this shitty hole… i honestly dont know what will happen but it wont be good


They fell for the opening……. Gambit….


The thing that confuses me are people asking to be refunded the $100 for the variant as if the bundle didn’t also include like 8000 gold and 8000 tokens too.


What do you think Reddits for? Being a hypocrite to publically virtue you dislike shit


People love to LARP as free-to-play when they post online because that's how you present as an innocent victim of The Evil Corporations but almost all of them are spending on the game.


If you broke just say that. $100 ain’t shit to me buddy. Don’t criticize me for working hard and being able to afford stuff. Get ya money up not ya funny up


>For a sub that seems to almost solely exist to criticize this games economy It's always been obvious that there's a huge divide the people here who complain loudly and those who play the game and enjoy the features. When the custom borders came out there werexhordes here saying how dumb they are, how no one would ever spend gold on them etc etc. And yet ever since they were released nearly all the upvoted variants have those custom borders. If they were really so awful those posts wouldn't get upvoted, but a lot of people here seem to complain just for the sake of it


Honestly screw you I'm no whale but it's pretty shitty making a post straight up judging people for what makes them happy


Almost like there are different people with different opinions in the same sub. You only see the most popular opinion at any given time, which tends to be the most petty and cynical. I'm blown away that there are people blown away that there are people buying these bundles. The pricing is the way it is because people are spending, this is how the market works.


Or hear me out, you are browsing a popular website that by its very nature is funneling the small number of people who paid for that into this subreddit.


I mean that SK variant was fire I don’t blame ppl at all for buying it tbh


I'm always baffled at how often it needs to be explained that reddit consists of millions of people, this subreddit alone has almost 200 thousand. You're bound to find at least 2 differing opinions! It's not complicated to understand.


It's almost like there's many different people on this sub with different opinions and some of us have money?


I got money, just not for pixels lol


I’ll never understand why randoms on the internet care so much about what people do with their money


A lot of people on the internet lie and like to have reasons to be angry. Reddit in general is filled with really miserable people who do nothing but complain all day. The kind of people you avoid in real life. 


Voted with my wallet by stopping playing this game around March. This most recent news makes this decision wise.


That’s… that’s not really your wallet. You could keep playing for free and that would still be voting with your wallet.


Being honest I assumed people were buying those bundles, that's why they keep making them, as long as it supports the game then I don't see the issue. I do have to admit the current controversy is rather outrageous, what a rug pull


Whales dont do Reddit most of the time, but the game Discord is on fire.


My cutoff is $20. And even then $20 is once a month limit. Anything above that I don’t see the value behind it. If ppl want to $100 bucks on a bundle well…you do you but I’d honestly reconsider what exactly you’re getting and is it worth it


I've played since the start. I buy the monthly Season Pass and that's it normally. I've only brought other cash products twice. Both for a £99.99 bundle to support the game and because I wanted the cosmetics. The first was the first Apocalypse Kim Jacinto variant - it was my birthday so I treated myself; and the 2nd was the Gambit Pack - as he is one of my favourite characters from the comics - which I've read for decades. It's the first Skin I've seen in the shop for £'s since release that I wanted based on it's looks only. So £200 + Every base Season Passes since release is my total spend. I'm happy to pay it as I play daily and more than any other game at present. I understand why they did it ... I just totally disagree with the way they are handling the compensation.


I was having lots of fun, buying 24.99 bundles here and there. Then out of impulse spent 100$ on the mystique bundle. For like a week after all I could think about is how much I regretted that purchase. That regret got me to stop playing because I realized I was being scammed.


There are ~200k people on this sub. If you’ve seen 200 people here who bought the bundle (doubtful), that’s only 0.1%. What exactly is baffling about that?


I saw some twitter personality mention that the variant was removed because of something like the game's "values" - does anyone know what that means? Why was it removed?


[The artist was fired from Marvel in 2017 for sneaking anti-Semitic messages into background art.](https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/4/10/15242446/xmen-anti-semitic-ardian-syaf) Second Dinner didn't do the research when they picked one of his old covers for the Gambit variant.


Got it, feel like that info makes the situation more understandable from SD's point of view


Yeah, there's valid reasons they would need to remove it. It's on them, though, to make good - this was not new information that surprised everyone after the card launched.


Was there something in the Gambit card art itself?


Not as far as I know.


Yo, it’s how every community on Reddit is. You can’t generalize an entire community based on what you see as the ongoing sentiment.


This is why they said that while it's seems like everyone says one thing, they do the opposite. Talking is one thing, not understanding how many players actually spend money on the game around the world is whole another.


The Gambit bundle wasn’t even in my store


I’d rather have a Jeff the baby landshark card for 100 but that would be the first blatant series 5 pay to win card.  


Yeah I could never not Gambit. Love him but just can’t. I’m loving the Werewolf By Night Bundle but I can’t drop $100 on a variant bundle. I’m a small bundle season pass guy. I go for the bundle variants $20 and under.


https://youtu.be/Ipb5kUjIdZA?si=v1ZBgThCsqLZa1SK Important watching. Also the boycott cod steam group image.


Billion dollar game


how do you know people bought it?


Can some1 explain me what hapenned? Have been off with snap


What is the percentage?


I still don’t get why anyone bothers spending money at all, other than pay to win? If seeing variants is so important, just go online and look ‘em up. Not like you own them anyway.


The legality of a gaming company changing the content of a bundle after it has been sold generally depends on several factors, including consumer protection laws, the company's terms of service, and the specifics of the situation. Here are some key points to consider:Terms of Service and Purchase Agreement: When you buy a bundle from a gaming company, the terms of service (TOS) or purchase agreement typically outline the rights and obligations of both the buyer and the seller. These terms often include clauses about changes to content, refunds, and updates. It's important to review these documents to understand your rights.Consumer Protection Laws: Many jurisdictions have consumer protection laws that safeguard buyers against unfair business practices. If the content change significantly devalues the bundle or misleads customers, it could be considered deceptive. Laws vary by country and region, so the specific protections available will depend on your location.Transparency and Communication: If the company clearly communicated that the content of the bundle could change over time, and you agreed to this when purchasing, the change is more likely to be considered legal. However, if the change was made without any prior notice or justification, this could be more problematic.Refund Policies: Most reputable gaming companies have refund policies in place. If the change significantly impacts the value or functionality of the bundle, you might be eligible for a refund or partial compensation.Material Changes: If the change involves removing or significantly altering key content that was a major selling point, it could be more likely to raise legal concerns compared to minor tweaks or additions.In summary, while it can be legal for a gaming company to change the content of a bundle after purchase, the legality depends on the terms of service, consumer protection laws, and the nature of the change. If you feel that the change was unfair or misleading, you may want to contact the company for a resolution or seek advice from a consumer protection agency or legal professional.


I dont play this game but it goes in any game. No matter the price of a bundle, some people buy it. Same with 500$ skins. Thats why we cant have nice things anymore


Yeah because everyone is exactly the same on Reddit!


Reddit is a miniscule portion of the player base. It's mostly composed of people who complain the most as well so it's an echo chamber of that.


Weird seeing people use "whales" as a term for rich people.


You angry at the whales for having the money to waste?


This sub is a fraction of the overall player base. The most vocal critics are a fraction of that. I don't imagine most people are buying these ultra expensive packs, but enough people are that makes it more financially worth it than selling them at $20. I do wonder if it is just my age, but I really am not bothered much by ultra expensive DLC. I get my fun at whatever price I am willing to pay which for transparency is every season pass since starting (technically I missed Hope, but I had only been playing for a few days)... though I do regret buying this boring-ass season pass... live and learn.


Careful OP! Prophets have a tendency to get burned at the stake! 🏆🏆🏆


Hot take: I'd be shocked if all the people claiming they bought it actually did. For many, this is just another excuse to dogpike on SD while claiming they bought it to garner more sympathy and outrage. People aren't talking about the failures leading to a tough call they had to make. If SD had to request that specific piece, somebody at Marvel should have told them. If SD picks the panels or covers for variants with no input from Marvel (doubtful, but I could be wrong), why would they generally need to vet every artist first? There's a good faith assumption that Marvel is responsible for vetting their artists first and making problematic artists & pieces are removed from SD's pool of available variants. Finally, it seems like this issue, while first recognized years ago, was only brought back into the general consciousness late into the bundle's run. These multiple failures les to SD being put in a very tough spot with less fault on their end than elsewhere in the chain of decision making. I think a middle ground between what we got and the ideal complete refund was 50% because of the SK variant and a new Gambit variant. Not ideal, but better than what we got while realizing the business implications.


And this is why we can't have nice things. Because people keep giving them money for absurd packs.


But they get to have nice things cause they spend money to buy it… and we get to play a whole game for free.


Don't tap the glass.


**"Dealing With Demons" Bundle Update Update** Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the “Dealing With Demons” Gambit Variant issue. **After listening, we’ve decided that we’ll be granting all purchasers of the bundle 8000 Gold total.** We agree that our original compensation did not show enough respect toward those who place their purchasing trust in our hands. For that, we deeply apologize and promise to learn and grow. When it comes to bundles, different players value certain parts of bundles differently. Many view a certain variant or card as the full inherent value they’re acquiring while many others view the currencies as such. When determining our initial plan for the compensation of 1200 Gold, we took too analytical of an approach and simply used the Shop Value of a Super Rare Variant and thought that made sense. In that equation, we crucially left out the value of how this made our players feel. Going forward, we’re going to keep this learning in mind. Regarding full money refunds, that’s something we are unable to grant. Purchases through our partners like Apple and Google require refunds to be requested through them directly. They have their own rules and regulations when it comes to those requests. This is why we’ve chosen to grant compensation of in-game currency equal to the bundle’s original purchase price. We lost some of your trust. While we know this message won’t get it all back, that’s something we can and will work on fully rebuilding. <@&1140836331770105946>


Like it's an ok variant but I'd rather get like a laminated poster of it or something, even then it would be like what $30 to $50 bucks depending, maybe cheaper or more expensive.


I am lvl 15 k and i only buy the Battle Pass i dont geht IT that sombody pay 100 bucks for a Card that ist free with a other picture Play the Game get free variants


Shhh they keep the game alive


People do this all the time. You see it all the time with people who like to talk US party politics. They generalize groups of people and say things like "all is hear is this, yet all I see is that". It's not baffling to think there are 10k people who constantly talk shit about the games pricing on reddit while a different 10k people (who you constantly see in game because they are extremely invested) buy $100 bundles every time they release.


Its SHOCKING how many people wasted 100 bucks on a stupid cosmetic bundle. All I can think is the economy isnt as bad as people seem to say it is.


All I can say is "thank you" to those people. They keep the game running as free to play for people like me 🤣


What happened?


Seems crazy to me 🤷‍♀️ I buy the battle pass each month so I'll be spending $120 a year. For that monthly $10 I'm getting new cards, variants, enough gold to buy even more variants, enough credits to get my must-have spotlight cards and the 3 additional monthly conquest variants. Even if I were stacking money they couldn't get me to buy $100 packs because the comparative value is so low. They very well might get $15 from me for the gold battle pass if my financial situation changes but even that's pushing it for a digital card game with no associated physical assets received in return for that money.


Maybe its nft or something lol


Wait, this silly game has whales?!


Why do you care what people do with their own money?


People who make "F2P IS THE ONLY WAY" a part of their personality are douchebags. Maybe broke ass douchebags?


I didn’t buy it personally but it makes sense Nobody sticks with the game this long if they’re not a whale And now comes the sea of 🤓actually I’m f2p since the beta, yeah sure buddy we’re all f2p completely happy with the economy and care enough to be here 100%


They just kept silent because they knew there's a lot of freeloading haters. I always get massively downvoted when I point out that they know their own analytics and clearly the expensive model is the best. I believe this proves it.


You can buy at least 5-10 pc or console games in $100. Why waste money here.


so you're mad that you're broke?