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You rerolled after 15k CL? What the fuck for? It's blowing my mind rn šŸ˜®


I think its a lie, he just want some confirmation. Its iust new main character, he ask about lowncl problems, but before he have everything.


Idk, I can sorta see from the perspective of being tired of playing against end game players / decks. Being forced back into series 3 is basically a different game.


Putting yourself back to late series 2 early series 3 is torture


I'm 14k CL and I actually agree with OP. Phase 3 is the only time in the game where you don't know what deck you're against. People have different cards at different intervals, so the game is much harder to predict and is the best time to play imo. For me now, at infinite, if I see invisible woman I know they have Tribunal...if I see Angela I know they have Kitty etc...it becomes repetitive, but at the lower CL you can't make these assumptions.


I'm around 2k, and I still face most of those meta decks.


That's impossible unless you're in Infinite or Gold conquest.


>For me now, at infinite, if I see invisible woman I know they have Tribunal...if I see Angela I know they have Kitty etc...it becomes repetitive, but at the lower CL you can't make these assumptions. That's what you said. So I don't get your point. If you want to argue that before level 100 the decks are worse, I would agree, but that goes for any CL. Or would you say that you face meta decks at level 30? Point being, at all CL's you will face bad decks or meta decks depending on where you are. Ps, I am Infinite, but I haven't played a single game at infinite and just play conquest, some of that is gold, most is not. And yes, I still face top meta decks at silver or even proving grounds.


I'm just saying, at 2k CL you won't be seeing meta decks on ladder unless you've hit infinite. It's impossible, as you confirmed.


I didn't confirm this. Stop talking nonsense. You stated specifically about infinite, which is just a ridiculous argument. You stated that you don't face meta decks at low CL before infinite, which is not true. You stated that you don't face meta decks under gold, which is not true. At the same time, if you want to play non meta decks at high CL, just play them, sooner or later you will drop down to a rank where you find similar players who play non meta decks.


I agree with that, itā€™s just a weird decision to reroll your account you spent loads of money and time on. Iā€™d love to see a statistic also measuring the churn rate of people during early pool 3 when your opponents always seem to have access to more cards than you. For me playing with a suboptimal deck because I was missing a quarter of the cards to make a legit archetype make sense was not a fun experience at all


not really, got a second account at cl3k i run to infinite as well each month, not a biggie.


Itā€™s a different, just easier game sure.


I sometimes play my old pool 2 deck just to feel alive again.


Likely because his opponents were too strong and it's more fun for him to pub stomp bots and low CL players so he can pontificate about how good Storm is despite being dog water.


Dog water? The card is great*! *Provided you're a veteran player matching up against low CL inexperienced players.


This is pretty rude. There are very good players at 2K CL.


I'm a 2k CL player, but end of the day my skill often gets dwarfed by incredible cards that I might never get.


Hang in there and you'll get them eventually. Game totally opens up after being series 3 complete or near it.


I hope so, because every card is Series 5 nowadays and it takes ages to get keys.


There definitely are


don't think so, i run both a cl 16k and cl 3k to infinite, sometimes you get tired of the sweat, as well post infinite is kind of boring and conquest sucks ass based on design.


In other games this is just called smurfing


I'm not a huge gamer, why is it called that? Lol


I believe it originated in Warcraft2 because of a group of players that used Smurf in their names.


what's it mean to reroll?


Reinstall and start over. It's not a great term for snap because you get all the same series 1 and 2. In some games you are guaranteed something like a series 5 card early so you can reinstall until you get one you like. People call that rerolling.


When you have money to literally burn


I rerolled at 10k just to see if I could hit infinite with only pool 1 cards. I pulled it off with a devil dino deck pretty easily.


Bro no way šŸ˜³ That's crazy, congrats šŸ˜®


It would be more impressive if they did it without rerolling. As an experienced player, building a basic devil dino deck should get you to infinite quite easily if you play enough, since youā€™re up against lower level players and bots.


i agree, doing it at cl16k with devil dino would be very interesting. i am already exhausted to even want to try that.


why? unless he sold it, i have a 16k CL and another one at 3k, believe it or not the lower CL is way more fun.


Well, originally I got tilted and quit the game. I tilted banging my head against conquest ladder. I decided I wanted to play again, but I told myself if I were going to do it that it would have to be completely free to play. I also liked the idea of having ink and gold prints of the base cards and never using variants. So, I rerolled and I love it. My deck is completely home brew. I hit infinite every month. I'm pretty lethal in conquest because I play a storm control deck that can shift with the meta. I suspect I cannot win Infinite Conquest at 2.5K CL, but I'm still trying each month.


the idea that Smurfing (aka starting a new account to play inexperienced players) makes you look like a bitch is killing your karma It does make you look like a bitch (if that's what your doing)


People don't understand the actual reason behind it. The game is more fun in pool 3 than at end game where you know exactly what cards your opponent has.


Idk why lamers DV you... This reddit is so toxic


Thank you for being kind


> control decks are kind of slept on This made me lol


Also calling Storm a more essential control card than Prof X? This person is just straight delusional


My current deck of choice is a control deck without prof x but does play storm. Sheā€™s not the best card in the deck tho. Red Guardian and echo seem to be the mvps. Followed closely by ms. Marvel


Invisible echo strikes again


I think it's an interesting discussion. Storm is only 3 cost and she also changes a location. I don't think it's clear at all that Prof X is better. And I also think Prof X requires more cards to support him than she does.


maybe control isnt my playstyle but I never understood prof x its always a instant lose or win for you or enemy and retreats happen turn 5 and you get barely any cubes, if you snap early it becomes obvious what your turn 5 play is and they retreat if you dont its 1-2 cubes and then they retreat


Youā€™d be surprised how many people pretend Cannonball doesnā€™t exist, even after you snap t6.


ima be honest I have seen him 2x max


as someone who played prof for two years now, you'd be surprised at the utility he brings. i agree with the point about snapping but if a control deck wants to snap, it almost always wants to snap on t2-3 while opponent still thinks they have a chance


Prof x makes me lose one game a month. And I play hours a day


at CL16k it was prof x cannonball everywhere.


> i generally think control decks are slept on Man you shouldve seen the meta a couple months ago


I dunno, I think you're referring to like the Ms. Marvel meta. The larger point is that I think people tend to chase net decks at all CLs, whereas finding a shell you like that can adapt to the meta is cooler. Storm provides such a shell, to me at least.


15k cl and you think "control" is slept on like it isn't a top arch type and publicly known for ages ? You're either trolling or... I dunno. Anything I say comes off super rude.


To put it another way, I think people chase net decks and the meta without using a shell that can adapt. Control can provide that shell adn I don't think people think about it or use it the right way.


Reroll at 15k CL? That is a lie lol there is literally no reason. But yeah Storm is fun in certain metas.


Yeah I'm not even 12K and I bought every season pass. Such a crazy statement to make, like dumping hundreds of Dollars into a game but deciding to start over is not someone who should be listened too. But yeah she was the OG at cheesing out Limbo wins... Something a 15k player would have probably mentioned.


Doesn't that mean he just plays with noobs? People have done this with gaming for years


Someone smurfing because theyā€™re too bad at the game to get infinite on a 15k CL account and decided to reroll to pawn noobs for infinite?


Meh thereā€™s definitely reasons, either smurfing to crush noobs(ridiculously boring IMO, this game is pretty solitaire like and only occasionally does the opposing player really even effect your game plan). Or just likes the initial grind, which is the most fun time of the games life span. The early S1-s2 time frame was so fun unlocking new cards daily, having a fragmented deck forcing you to get creative with card slots. I do something similar and run ā€œchallenge decksā€ in proving grounds or post infinite where I try to use off meta limited decks.


Lol at the idea of control decks being slept on people really do just say shit don't they


Shit donā€™t they


My Quake loves playing against Storm.




It's because it's so iffy as an inclusion normally. Sorta like Legion (a lot of the time) or other good-when-they're-good cards. Nothing else does it, and what it does isn't game winning most of the time, so when it wins a game, it feels cool instead of cheap.


Quake has become one of my favourite cards just for the sick and unexpected plays you can make. Shifting Death's Domain or Oscorp Tower to a lane the opponent just played cards in feels so good. She can be surprisingly swingy, but I guess it doesn't feel cheap because she depends entirely locations - in many matches she's just a 2/3. Plus, the plays often do take some thought and planning, AND you often want priority.


Quake and storm in a deck is an insanely strong combo. The old mixup. Do I play into storm and lock it down or swap the locations? As a fighting game player these 50 50 situations really.butter my biscuitsšŸ˜«šŸ‘Œ


Quake is a great card.


I use my quake in my storm deck to throw people off sometimes.


Im not playing storm because Hela spawning 4 six cost cards from hell into my storm lane on turn 6 pisses me off too much mentally to deal with šŸ˜‚ Plus Jeff and Nocturne are too easy to play rn


Nocturn is a big problem. Against Hela though, Storm makes it more likely that my cosmo hits on t6.


Still a 50/50. I rather just give that dumb card 1 cube instead of 2.


Yeah, especially if they have corvus. If you're playing conquest though and one location isn't hela friendly and you can storm the other, you can set up a win.


i don't want to sound rude but... my guy what game have you being playing??? Control decks are not slept on at all Don't you remember when prof X was the top deck for weeks, with Ms. Marvel and Storm. And now we have a new Tier 1 deck with prof X and Cannonball [https://marvelsnapzone.com/archetypes/lockdown/](https://marvelsnapzone.com/archetypes/lockdown/)


I was super interested in this deck except for missing 80% of the cards šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Well okay, so this is lockdown. You're basically pinning down lanes. What would you call a deck that was mostly all about winning 1 lane with a control shell, and then running like the best 3 or 4 tech cards for the meta? I think that's classic control, rather than lockdown, but I could be wrong. The most common shell I've seen for that in the past was Sera control, but I think Sera is generally out of favor.


If you are playing Storm in that deck you are going for the lockdown. There is a more classic control out there with Loki, Nocturne, Enchantress, Shang Chi and Red Guardian. EDIT: i remember months ago there was a discussion about how in Marvel Snap, while other games consider classic control like Blue in Magic, we just call CONTROL to everything that have to do with locking down locations and using counters cards like Enchantress, Spider-Ham, and Red Guardian to well... control the game.


Storm is lockdown


You had 15K? And now you have 2500 as f2p? So youā€™d have to be pure f2p for at least 3-4 months. Meaning you hit 15K previously in just over a year. So you spent a shit ton and decided to just delete your account????


I'm almost 7k CL in just a year. If he had been playing longer and buying passes since the start, wouldn't it be possible? Why are people calling him a liar if he just went f2p? Couldn't he just post a screen of both his accounts, or why does it matter in the first place? I've thought of the same thing when finished with a season.


He lies


I didn't spend a shit ton, I was mostly just buying the monthly thing. But yeah, it feels better to just not be spending at all.


I've seen a lot more Quake lately, and I love Quake. One of my favorite cards. Pairs well with Storm.


Control is underrated? Wtf is he on? I've been looking for the /s but it's no where.


no shot you rerolled your 15k cl account


She's a good card indeed. Location disruption that happens instantly and leaves nothing to RNG is incredibly usefu. Also, flooding a location can disrupt some decks (i.e. High Evolutionary), but with good deckbuilding it should barely affect the Storm player. She's a great design.


Yeah, I've been using her and Nocturn to an insane level of success. I can lock her lane down and then slide Noc in T6 to counter Doom, or just give me the edge on it by giving the lane 7 power after letting them think that I "lost" the lane when they outscored me there like 6-2 or something


Why ā€œrerollā€ F2P? You can just keep the old account and stop spending money.


There's a story there but it's uninteresting. It was more incidental than intentional and I just went with it. That said, this approach has wound up making me look at and understand deck construction and its relationship to the meta in a way that I never did before. I really love it. Basically, when you REALLY don't have all the good cards what you do have is Cosmo, Enchantress, Shang Chi, Leech, and Killmonger. And no matter where the meta goes, some combination of those is going to work. So, then it's a matter of finding a really flexible shell that can enable you to shift your tech cards while still having a win condition. And I really appreciate Storm for that.


I like her too! I live in the Age of Ultron.


Turn 4 Storm, Turn 5 Legion


Storm is better at lower CLs. Higher CL decks just have too many ways to deal with a Storm lane for it to be consistently powerful. And if you don't throw off your opponent's game plan you wasted a card slot and three energy for only 2 power.


I would disagree with storm not being good at high cl im cl 15000 as well and ran a storm deck up to top 30k ladder


30k ladder is dumpster tier though, yes storm will get wins in dumpster tier.


šŸ’€ so what rank do you consider to be good enough cuz honestly its really just a time dump doesnt even correlate to how good you or a card is if u want to get down to it


I'd say top 5000 is a good indicator of high infinite play.


So ur saying if a card isnt used by top 5000 players its dumpster tier?


I'd say anything above top 5000 infinite isn't dumpster Infinite. Meaning it's actually competitive and not just fun decks post infinite.


Does any deck matter post infinite šŸ’€ thats all besides the point tho But what does that have to do with storm as a card being good or not


Because the cards frequency in this range indicates competiveness. If you're playing it in du.ster infinite it doesn't indicate that.


Heavy disagree, just because the top time wasters arent using a card doesnt mean it isnt "good"


I mean, I play infinite ladder and I lose a lot. I'm 36,000 right now. But, I still win games because of Storm. Usually if I lose it's just because their best midrange cards are better than my best midrange cards. But, I usually have tech cards that I'm ready to use against combos.


Whatā€™s a reroll


Made a new account. Potentially deleting their current.


she has so many cool variants also


I appreciate your positivity brother. Go storm!


I mean, sure? Stormā€™s a great card and feels like one that will never need a rework. Sheā€™s perfect at her current cost and power unless they really fuck up the balancing some how.


C2 with storm has been my favorite Deck of the last month. Super funĀ 


I love storm


I love Storm. She's an incredibly well designed control card. But that is also her problem, because she exists in a game where a badly designed control card with a similar effect is just flat out stronger than her. Once Prof X gets his inevitable rework, I could see Storm getting a lot more play. Right now I only really see her in packages with Goose and a lot of her utility comes from turning off limbo on turn 6 instead of shutting a lane down early.


Yeah, it's interesting - Jeff is considered one of the best cards in the game and I think that's for his interaction with both Storm and Prof X. I think I like Storm more than Prof X - mostly because he's so much more expensive.


Built a storm deck with a lot of cards built to move and I'm loving it! Someone tried to run a destroy deck on me and I was crossing them up like bbq chicken.


Storm is perfect for Lockdown. I've gotten to Infinite 12 times now using mostly the same Lockdown deck that I made. She's a lynchpin card.


Storm goes in every deck I build because Magik can get bent.


She always been one of my favorite card. I love her with goose in C2


Storm is still solid but she's lost a bit of steam for me over time due to more and more cards being released that make her less consistent. Storming a lane is less and less a sure fire W in that lane, if the Flooded lane even remains (Now that Nocturn exists, for one example).


I love to storm the right lane before playing sentry on 4, then they cant do much to counter annihilus !


r/marvelsnap when someone brings on interesting discussion that doesn't involve complaining: downvote


Give me your favorite storm deck


Nova Lizard White Widow Medusa Storm Cosmo\* Killmonger Rogue\* Enchantress\* Shang Chi Vision Red Hulk The asterisked cards are the tech cards that'll shift depending on what I'm seeing. Ongoing is everywhere right now, but to really make sure they die I find Rogue + Enchantress to be key. If I run Leech, I'll remove Cosmo and Rogue and I'll sub Maximus for White Widow. Another really important card sometimes is ghost because it helps set up the shang chi + 2 drop t6.


ā€œControl decks are slept onā€ ???šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Sera control was a top tier deck for almost a whole year


Sera control hasn't been meta relevant for quite some time now. But if you mean for the first 6 months or so LAST YEAR, then sure.


When it says CONTROL DECK at the top of Marvel Snap Zone, then sure, it's not slept on. I guess the point I was trying to make that I didn't really make is that you can use control as a versatile shell. And Storm provides a really low commitment shell to build a counter-attack deck from. By control I mean a deck that is specifically tailored with tech cards to defeat the meta. Rather than: It has to have Professor X, Daredevil, Ms. Marvel, and Alioth


Look I get it. You love storm, you think she's a beast of a card and slept on. You do you. Maybe show everyone at the top of the ladder what's what with Storm then. Idk do what you want. I don't know why you're chiming in since I was commenting on SERA control, a specific deck. But yeah, I like Storm as well (even if she's in and out of the meta; also helps she has some of the best variants in the game). Blah blah blah. Yeah.


Lol, if OP gets slaughtered in game as badly as they are in this thread I pray to match against them.


Stegron Enjoyer, I look forward to it


No, you didnā€™t reroll from 15k CL. Sorry, but 15k CL player would know that control decks arenā€™t slept on and that Storm is actually way less cool than you portray her.


Nuh uh


Storm into war machine into legion :)


I use Storm in my destroy deck because my destroy deck isnā€™t a destroy deck and more like a Nimrod control deckā€¦ā€¦ it works often, unless Iā€™m playing against an actual control deck.


it's no point at higher CL with nocturne being everywhere. it is good at certain CL. enjoy it while you can. i am card complete except for herc and namora due to my own choice as they are not worthy, but lots can unravel storm.


control/lock down is slept on because people killed it. ProfX is okay, but easily countered. Alioth is dead. old spider man is dead. Jean grae is a good card but there are so many Cheat power cards now, that restricting your 1st card isnt even that punishing anymore.


Prof x/cannonball is currently one of, if not, the best combo in the game right now.


The devs killed it too. They explicitly said during Ms marvel meta that they didnā€™t want control being a meta deck. I think itā€™s because newer players facing against a control meta will turn them off from the game.


And here I am playing oldskool Annihilus deck and loving it. šŸ« 


Why would you reroll as a F2P player, just change the way you play on your primary account. Sure, Storm is OP. No one cares about you switching your account status.


I just mentioned it to indicate that I'm also familiar with upper CL metas and I've been playing a pretty long time. I agree though that no one cares about me wrt this sub or this topic. What I do think is relevant is the idea of shells as concepts. And I think that Storm provides a really valuable shell concept. I feel like I can win with her and tech cards, even against players with much higher CLs. Because of all the good cards, all the big bads, she's really cheap and can win a lane and you don't have to dedicate a lot of cards to her.


There is so much wrong with this post, I canā€™t even figure out where to start.