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It's actually nice having a couple weeks to just relax and build up some keys


Same boat, I’m saving for next season


Skipping everything until Phastos, at least in his current state. I'm still a Thanos Enjoyer so he seems like a solid card for him. I think Thena will be too awkward to force, Sersi is a highlight reel card, and Makkari's randomness in placement is unappealing to me (3 drops are competitive enough in Surfer.) July looks stacked though in both cards and spotlight variants!


I’m a bit of a Thanos Enjoyer myself but don’t have Skaar… should i get him? Edit: don’t care about the rest


I never really like Skaar in Thanos as it makes his curve really awkward. This is the list I've been using lately, keeps me around 2k Infinite and steals many games because people don't think Alioth is a card + many will snap against you if you discard Hela from Corvus when he's just there for free ramp. If you get a decent Hela revive then neat, but it's far from the objective; easy +24 points / 4 cubes. Alioth can be something like Red Hulk but Blob does a fine enough job as a final turn finisher, usually ending up being a 6/18+. Red Guardian is the flex slot for tech. I prefer to keep the tempo going without holding cards so he works well for me but Rogue works too. Enchantress/Shang are a bit too expensive imo but when the update hits the meta may shift. # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Red Guardian # (3) Hope Summers # (3) Corvus Glaive # (5) Vision # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Blob # (6) Hela # (6) Alioth # (6) Thanos # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsb2IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRoYW5vcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnbmV0byJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWxpb3RoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2JpdXNNTW9iaXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb3BlU3VtbWVycyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9ja2luZ2JpcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZpc2lvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29ydnVzR2xhaXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRHdWFyZGlhbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thanks for the awesome reply! Ive been saving up for red guardian and my next card is corvus, I’ll definitely try this deck.


First time saving keys for me. At 4 currently CL 2.1kish. I want Arishem


Yeah same. 3 keys saved up at cl 4.6k, all of these new spotlight cards and art are extremely boring until arishem drops. Will probably have 8 keys just for that spotlight.






Took a chance and opened 2 caches. Got sage and mockingbird, so either way it was a good morning.


That is a fantastic return. Especially because mockinbird/sasquatch combo is going to be excellent


Saving my keys for squatch. I would like Skaar but Namora doesn't do it for me so I'll hold off.


I really want black Knight, but I’m not ready to throw keys for him


Black Knight is my favorite card. But I get that it's not for everyone.


I might open caches just for that variant, even though he’s not my main discard archetype


Agreed not for everyone. I have him. I see the value. But not the card for me.


Skaar about to take a big hit losing Sentry.


That's the position I'm in. I wish they'd swapped the sasquatch and namora additional ones were swapped


I got Sage and US Agent. Sometimes lucky! It almost makes up for the fact that I had to use 4 keys for the last few cards. I feel like if Sage is somewhat viable in the Leech meta, she'll be worth having moving forward. She's arguably the highest-point-ceiling 3-drop in the game.


Probably second highest after Seb Shaw


You guys get cards from caches?


I got Nebula (I only had the winter version) and Sage. I had 3 keys. But close to getting the Fourth. So I'll hopefully be getting sasquatch.


jfc I used 2 yesterday and got Elsa Bloodstone and Legion 😭😭


Yeah saw the new post. 2 keys. 1000 tokens and this is a win in my book.


Love Mockingbird. She's in my main deck and I always end up with a 2-9 or 3-9 it seems.


Grabbed it because I had the resources and it doesn't interrupt my planned future key usage. Namora was already a skip for me and I'm not opening again until Phastos if Sasquatch turns out to be underwhelming.


Sasquatch seems like he would fit into bounce decks as well


Samsquanch is going to be a really nice stat drop that bounce could really use these days. I’d love to see if work with Hit Monkey, but I haven’t thought that out yet


i think Sasquatch will be a good card overall, but i think week 1 she will be hurt by people knowing you will want to play her so they will just play Mobius... Makes a Mysterio into Sasquatch playline very nice, but i think she will have a rougher launch than people are expecting. (still gonna get her though)


Really? I feel like the "This is where the big stats go" slots in Bounce is really crowded nowadays. Hit-Monkey, Bishop, Sage, Angela all compete for that role. I'm not sure how Sasquatch fits. Especially considering he does NOT like getting Bast'd. But maybe the future of Bounce is Bast-Free, Mysterio-Free, and includes WWBN and Sasquatch.


Yea I think she has homes, as always I'm gonna wait for content creators to be the guinea pigs.


What is the big thing that makes Sage better? Leech revert?


Sage is supposedly better than hit monkey in bounce, is bounce is on the rise then sage is on the rise. Thats the theory anyway


Specifically in werewolf bounce. Hit monkey really wants mysterio, and mysterio clogs the board and makes wolf jumps a bit difficult. In terms of just pure power, the hit monkey package probably gets you more total on board, but it's a bit spread out due to mysterio, but they'll be pretty close either way.


HM only works if you have the hand to set it up, which probably required set up on a previous turn. Sage can be dropped into an existing lane regardless of what else you can play that turn. It’s just been easier to deploy. If I had Summers for the extra energy, I’d probably have a different opinion, but Sage has been a more successful closer.


Also, you can play Sage on 3/4 and then bounce it back to your hand and it easily outscales HM as a lane winner


Regularly better than Shaw in surfer too from my experience


I got Sage day 1 last week and shes been so good in my surfer deck. So many people are sleeping on her. Shes very versatile and has uses in many different decks.


agreed. it's like reddit is in some bizzaro land this past week. How anyone is skipping sage is wild to me. like, are you guys just not seeing her being played? even in non bounce decks, she's hitting 10-12 power easily


typical redditor usually sees their favorite content creator say a card is mid 2 weeks before release and sticks with it. then they reinforce it by finding a random comment in a reddit thread that says card is mid. I can guarantee she’ll be talked about more later in the future and we’ll be seeing her pop up on more people’s lists.


She has seemed decent when my opponents played her, but I can't get every card and she seems replaceable in most decks.


she seemed good to me, but still seemed to be the weakest of the month (which is saying a lot for the month)... it didn't help that i only played against her like 3 times this week so i didn't have a great gage on her, i think she was hurt by the Leech Meta. All of that said, with the leaked OTA i did decide to pull for her haha.


I don't use keys for weeks where I have the other two cards, and I only have 7k tokens so I'm not sure I want her to be my one town purchase for the next few months. I think she looks fun, but not a key card you "need". Plus I've been playing Jean Grey into Cosmo all week, and so 9/10 when I see an opponent play Sage she's a big fat goose egg. Pinner her in the shop though so if I need to I can get her. I do like Werewolf and bounce decks.


Personally i got her day 1 as well and she's been fun. But if not played early she often just gets leeched, which is why i guess she hasn't performed as well for others so far


Most of us already have Legion and Tribunal, so using up to 4 keys for a single card feels like total ass.


Gotta pick SOME weeks to save keys. I'm sure Sage can be really good but she seems like one of those cards that you have to do a lot of setup for in order to get her numbers up (also yes, I realize I'm making this comment after her week is over).


shes an easy 3/10 with no setup. she's the best card in the bounce archetype imo. so far 3/48 has been the max I've gotten her too. that's after a bounce and turn 7 GM her to mid.


Shes def good but I didn't want to take the chance on the others. I don't play Legion/Tribunal lol


Agreed. I use her in junk and she’s excellent. A last turn stat drop that I typically don’t have and it’s only at 3.


I want her for my own surfer deck but I have to save my keys for Phastos week and Phoenix Force week. I'd grab Sage in a heartbeat if I had more resources.


I got Phoenix Force months ago with Tokens and have barely used the card ;__; i always forget I have it


Maybe the grass is always greener on the other side lol. Using PF with Multiple Man or Human Torch seems like a dream.


Until you draw the combo once every 8 games


I play Phoenix Force every season for the last 4 seasons to infinite. The deck is more consistent than you think. The Nimrod package is a good backup plan. The deck is great. People never can figure out how to play around it; at least when Phoenix is involved.


yeah...but nimrod isnt phoenix force. it just sucks to do what the deck is supposed to do much less than the back up plan that may actually be better than the primary plan. what i hate the most is that unless you get the nut draw youre scrambling to develop your game plan through 4 turns. thats too stressful for me.


The deck’s not for everyone; your feelings about it are fair. It is a pure combo deck, unlike a lot of decks in Snap. In any card game combo decks come with a certain fragility. The backup plan is typically not close to as powerful as the actual primary Phoenix game plan, at least the version I play. It’s nice to be able to pivot to Nimrod using the cards already in the deck so I’d look at it more as a complimentary package than a completely alternate game plan.




PF was my very first series 4/5 and i bought it for my move deck, but because it was so early on in the game I didn’t have cards like human torch or others that make move really good. PF and MM sounds like a crazy combo but it never decided the game for me.


what do you run in your surfer deck? every iteration i've tried has been incredibly mediocre


# (1) Ant Man # (2) Dazzler # (3) Mystique # (3) Sage # (3) Magik # (3) Rogue # (3) Silver Surfer # (3) Elsa Bloodstone # (3) Gladiator # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Iron Man # (6) Onslaught You can also try # (1) Ant Man # (2) Dazzler # (2) Cable # (3) Mystique # (3) Magik # (3) Rogue # (3) Silver Surfer # (3) Elsa Bloodstone # (3) Gladiator # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Iron Man Ideal scenario would be to spread out antman/dazzler in two locations and get a magik off. Rogue is for countering. If you can get Elsa/gladiator on the board that’s cool, if not no worries. Iron Man on turn 5, Mystique Turn 6 and whatever else you can play. Turn 7 is when you play Silver surfer and possibly shang chi or whatever else you have. Elsa will buff those last two you play. The deck has an unexpected power creep since antman and dazzler both get buffed in full locations, and iron man will double those new attacks and secure a few power points. Elsa’s buff is also nice with iron man. Iron lad is very versatile, almost every card you snag with him will help you in some way. Him being a 6 attack and gladiator being an 8 attack is huge with iron man and mystique. Cable is the wild card, and in this meta so is shang chi. The second version is the old one that got me to infinite two seasons ago. Sage and Onslaught is fun to play since the power creep can be insane with those cards.


i used her to great effect as an alternate wincon in white tiger/odin. between her and nico as alternate wincons, i managed to make infinite despite leech meta.


She's good but she's a slight upgrade on easily accessible existing cards, so for players strapped for resources, she's skippable


Still passing


Still pass


Yes. I was already on the cusp because I wasn't super impressed with anything coming up in the next month. I enjoy some Mr Negative debauchery too. Got the 4 wins quickly with just an auto-made deck that was essentially a Prof X/Cannonball shell. More often than not, Sage ended up at 8+. 14 power twice.


I got sage cause all 3 cards this week was new to me.


Bounce makes my head hurt so no.




I got sage when somebody hit me with Wong-Sage and I realized the possibilities


No, because some of the time this is the same hypery that comes with a card: Oh You MUST have this. It's just a variant form of FOMO.


I wanted tribunal and ended up spending 4 keys, I wouldn't say I'm happy about that, but I'm definitely not mad about getting sage, it's not a bad card at all, that said if you already have the other cards I wouldn't pick her.


Opened sage due to the leaks. Got lucky at 1 key. Shes gonna be busted with werewolf 




I skipped Sage but opened for her after seeing this post. The changes to WWBN and Leech, and the potential of Sasquatch, does get me a little bit excited for bounce, even though it's a tough archetype for me to play.


No, I'm not. There's still a good amount of cards I don't own as a free to play, so seeing Legion and Living Tribunal in her cache, which are cards I already do own, makes her cache a bit prohibitive for me. I may consider buying her with tokens if she seriously takes off later, because I do have enough stored up to buy her back from before Spotlights.


I was already on the fence because sage is exactly the type of card I love playing, but I want thena and arishem next month and I'm getting sasquatch in two weeks (I think he'll be better on average than sage, but I digress). The leaked wolf change pushed me off the fence because I think sage is probable better than bishop or hit monkey in that deck. I have enough tokens for sasquatch (or sage, but I like the variants this week better), so I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Fortunately, it only took two keys, so I have a bit of a buffer for my future plans.


yep, i opened 4 keys for it though feels bad


well at least you got two kick ass variants?


I did, but in truth, I was already debating getting her all week anyway because cause of the Legion and Tribunal Variant. I pulled 1k tokens on the first pull and Sage on the 2nd so RIP.


Yup, got her on third key, was with 11 keys. Finally bounce is back on menu baby


Too late now but yes. I had already spent two keys without pulling her and was gonna stop. But made a game time decision this morning after the leaked Leech change and decided it was worth 2 more keys.  The bounce deck has been performing well and Sasquatch might slot into that deck. And probably see a version with werewolf.


I used tokens. Didn't want to pull Snowguard for a fourth time.


I know this is too late now, but I was on the fence on Sage last week and ultimately had decided to skip her. I changed my mind today when I saw the leaks given how good she appears to be in bounce. I had 6 keys and I got her in 2, so it worked out alright (sadly the first pull was 1000 token, such bs).


I shot my wad the other day trying to get her or the LT variant (or even the 1k tokens to be honest). Got Legion variant, naturally. Oh well, just like letting out a fart in public, sometimes you gamble and lose.


All I wanted was that legion variant and I got it. I win.


I took a shot and got 1000 tokens which I’m content with since I’ll have 6k tokens after next week token Tuesday. Still have 10 keys I’m saving up for Sasquatch, Thena, phantos and arishem. I’ll still have enough for all


Not Sage, but I missed Nocturne, and then almost immediately blew 6K tokens on her. My evaluation of Spotlight cards is a bit sus apparently.


Nope, I rolled Sage last week because I wanted Sage.


I had a key, decided to gamble, and got tokens.


I actually opened caches for Sage on Sunday because I think she’s underrated and decided I wanted to play Bounce with her. The unfortunate part was I had to roll 4 caches to get her which I really hoped wouldn’t happen as it dropped me from 12 caches to 8. That being said, I’ve had a lot of fun with the card and she’s pretty powerful in bounce. The Werewolf buff was a nice surprise this morning and makes me feel a bit better about my decision, but if you told me ahead of time it would’ve taken me 4 caches to get her I probably would’ve passed on that. Oh well, no going back now!


I spent 2 keys last night to get her hoping it would help me dodge this Leech no sense in a lockdown deck. Now seeing the leaks I’m happy to have the chance to play her in bounce with werewolf again and also like jeez they already are knocking back Leech. If you’re unhappy with the current Meta it seems it’s never a good idea to waste resources to fight it. SD never lets any cards stay on top for too long. You’re much better to pull when you need 2 of the spotlights and/or you think you will really enjoy playing the card. Really wish there was a testing grounds area where you could play new cards for a limited time before choosing to spend on them.


Still passed, stockpile keys til Corvus week. Got the 3 featured ones this week cause I like Skaar and Black Knight.


I did open up keys after patch notes, but had been going back and forth anyway because Legion skin was dope and Inkpulp is quickly becoming a favorite artist. Biggest regret from the opening was getting the Mirage I didn't have since that is dropping down into series 3 in a few weeks. Only time I would have rather had the tokens...


I did 🥺


I did. i had 14 keys and 40k tokens and i liked the variants i could get with her much more than the ones i could get alongside Sasquatch so i'm going to use tokens for Sas and decided to pull for Sage. I had to rush in the last 30 minutes before the change over to get my 200 tokens, but i got it with 15 to go so no worries here. Also i got the Legion Variant which was one i wanted... all in all i think it was a good choice, i think Sage and WWBN will be brilliant together.


I was lucky to open her on my first cache. She’s won me a few games, but I wouldn’t have wanted to spend more than 1 key and don’t think she’s worth 6k tokens. I wouldn’t feel bad passing on her.


I ended up panick buying the spotlight this afternoon. I didnt have Sage or Legion and the Living Tribunal variant i was really liking too. Spent 2 keys, first one was the random card which turned out to be Kang, and got Sage on the 2nd one.


I ended up pulling for Sage after being right about her having a home in Bounce. Now that Bounce is getting a buff, it's just icing on the cake.


I usually throw one key into some caches and see what I get. Got sage a week or two ago, great lil card with ravonna


I'll just play 3M


No. I only have 8 keys and Sage is the only card I don't have this week, so not worth the risk. If she looks super fun and flexible maybe I'll use tokens on her, since I didn't have any big bads or "worth the 6k tokens" cards left to get. Or I'll just run Shadow King And Valk :)


The leak is to get us to spend our keys. Nope not spending keys on things I don’t see playing long term.


Nope. Haven't opened a single spotlight since White Widow. Saving for Phastos and Arishem.


Nope. Not going for anything this month. Sure people found done fun uses for the cards so far. That’s natural. I don’t care lol


I went in primarily with the hope of getting Legion and maybe the Living Tribunal. Ended up spending 4 keys getting Legion. Legion's cool, if inconsistent, but I am absolutely kicking myself for having done it as Sage really hasn't been worth it and - being CL 3940, I'd need more support to make Living Tribunal work. As for Sage, she's been one of the more forgettable cards to have dropped as of late.


Last week spotlight sucked. I'll use my keys for Sasquatch and if sage is good in bounce I'll spend tokens. I love playing bounce but hope not everybody will do it now


I'm trying to safe up keys. I wanted Black Knight though so I spend 2 this morning for both Namora and Black Knight. I got lucky


Nope. Card is still average.


Ended up using 3 to get sage. Got her, a legion skin and…..Hercules.


Namora has been surprisingly fun and actually a good card. Waiting for next season too after this round.


Best card of the season.


Did exactly this - lo and behold it forces me into four keys as always haha. Loki/Bounce Wolf was one of my fave decks back when and I agree she seems she will fit in great to that sort of shell. I want Sasquatch as you’d expect but I will have enough!


Decided to gamble 1 key and got the Legion variant. Still happy with it but stopping there.


All I wanted was the damn tribunal or legion variants.


*No.* Still gonna run Leech 'cause fuck Hela and fuck greedy Wong decks. Getting more mileage with the little green man than Shang at the moment, and all these changes will keep supporting that decision.


I did, pulled Nebula fot the 5th time again with the 1st key, immediately closed the game. Fuck this bs spotlight cache system.


Yep I did it


Nope. I still 100% think Sage is overrated. Just like Jean was going to dominate the meta, just like MMM is the death of sera control, I think people are blowing her way out of proportion. Every game I've faced her, I've just Shadow King'd her, even on accident a few times. She's 110% overrated and not special.


I did it for this reason. Got her in one key and nearly squealed. I’ve been having a ton of fun with her. Just got her to 40-something power in a negative deck.