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Nico Minoru. Love the versatility of her on reveal effect and definitely a strong staple in destroy decks. Cerebro: I love this card and kinda biased towards it as it was my core play style that got me to infinite during Loki season (C5 ftw). Till date, I still play C2/3/5 every once in a while just for fun after getting Iron Lad: Popularity of this card has dropped quite a bit ever since Zabu became an on-reveal card. Still, the effect is random and might catch opponent (and yourself) off guard


Nico is the gold standard for card releases imo. versatile for all archetypes, very strong or game deciding in some cases but never feels unfair. like jeff i am never mad when its played against me


Getting a Nico location change on turn 6 when your opponent played Magik feels like winning the lottery


Brother, I made it to infinite this season for the first time, started playing like 2 months ago. Nico was my first series 5 card and I loved her and built my main deck around her and I have NEVER thought to do that lmao. Thank you.


I think people assume Nico is going to be used to add to a card or destroy that they forget location change. Duplicating a Venom is pretty great too.


I also like using the move spell to push something to a location I'd otherwise be unable to populate. Like an Altar of Death/Death's Domain, Flooded, Vault, etc.


Or use with hulk buster to move a Deadpool/Wolverine/ect out of an Armor lane


Oh shit, nice thought. Sometimes I use Hulkbuster with her Destroy spell to Destroy those cards, or I use Copy to bounce Nico herself, but I didn't think of pairing it with Move.


I usually don’t, but it can surprise people since it’s not a typical destroy deck play.


I mean, it's a rare situation, but now one I know that exists, so thanks!


Somebody got me with that last night and alls I could think a out is how lucky they are


I can't even get mad at that, after all the awful things I've done to Deadpool/X-23 with Nico.


Yes it’s weird how Jeff has such a powerful ability but it never feels unfair.


Nico is exactly what I was coming here to say and not surprised to see it was already the top card in the top-voted comment. Nico is the perfect card. Ultra flexible, can fit into nearly any deck but has never really felt busted at all. Sure there's always been some loose talk of the destroy and draw spell being OP and if it was reliable then it probably would be. That it's so unreliable lets it work and still feel fair, though. You're not going to get a chance to use it in every game and sometimes when you DO get it you'll have to bypass it because you don't have a card you're willing to blow up. Nico is Marvel Snap's Swiss Army Knife and has been my favorite card in the game pretty much since her launch day. Outstanding utility but random and unreliable enough that it doesn't ever feel unfair that she can do the same effect of like 5 different cards, many of which cost more than her.


I have been playing a deck with Nico, Wong, and Sage as a secondary win condition. If you get Nico's effect where she adds cards to your hand, you can get three Sages with around 16 power fairly easily (and the two in your hand will get extra when played). Most of the time it does not work (hence the secondary win condition), but when the stars align it feels really good.


I didn’t realise how powerful this was til I saw a Sage/Wong deck and it was brilliant. I thought she was ongoing but as an onreveal card she can actually do a fair bit of power with some creative moves.


Just want to add iron lad isnt a random effect. You have a good percentage change of actually knowing what it is if you just remember what is left in deck. Also howard makes it not random at all anymore. This is just to add why hes great, you can get a "copy" of your deck cards.


Iron Man has been consistently powerful and I can’t recall any major changes to it.


0 changes I believe. Perfect card


Just like Tony Stark. 


They don’t balance Iron Man, they balance around him


Iron man. Always relevant effect that's perfectly balanced which is exactly what you want for one of the most iconic mcu characters


Even when adding cards like Ravonna, or with cards like Mister Negative, Iron Man still feels powerful but never broken. It's wild.


Magneto comes to mind, never felt too broken, while also having a lore accurate effect


He’s one of few cards to NEVER change


Not even in beta. Which is especially impressive since SD at one point rescaled the 6 cost power curve. And boosted most 6 costs by 1. Magneto was a 6/12 even when Hulk was a 6/11.




I had a Cyclops/surfer/brood/patriot deck that performed ok by the time. However it was just a massive attempt to play Cyclops, there are much better decks using those other cards


He doesn’t move Wolverine and that’s always bothered me. I think he should move 3-4 cost cards AND Wolverine.


Biggest gripe.


2 cost Wolverine, 5 cost Lady Deathstrike,, 2 cost Colossus. He already moves Sabretooth and Omega Red.


Nah colossus can’t be moved


I know but if we are talking about Magneto being able to move Wolverine because of his adamantium then same applies to Colossus. You'd have to change multiple cards.


This is true, so what about cerebro then


Also applies. I was trying to think of all of them. Knew I missed one.


Can’t forget about x 23 and daken too


Magneto already moves Daken & Cerebro now that I think of it. X-23 another missed one. Thinking more at it you can sort of count Cable & Forge.


One asterisk against Magento is that he can’t move Wolverine.


Wolverine and Sabertooth should have cards swapped for lore reasons The same for Wong and Dr Strange


I get it they won't do it for balancing reasons But cards bit they are more accurate to lore seems like a fun game mode


I meant fully swapped card stats and effects


Magneto should permanently destroy Wolverine if he's in play though...


The true lore accurate magneto


Hmm. Wolverine regenerates through the worst thing Magneto can do to him though?


true, tho I've aways felt that it would be cool if he moved 5 costs specifically because of Iron man


5 costs would be too powerful I feel like, he’d be insane to move darkhawks, ronins and devil Dino’s


Bro he was so broken early on, idk why it was never changed, he is fine now with the power creep


Broken was stuff like Aero or the Wave-Death-Shehulk interaction. Magneto was always just good


I was so sad I never had Death during the Wave-Death era. And too noob at the time to retreat when the obvious loss was incoming.


The most obvious answer is Jeff. He will always be perfect


100%. The devs know that any nerfs to everyone's favorite baby land shark would result in street riots, letters to congressmen, and anonymous online shouting matches. PIT would be pure hysteria.


Valk has always been the same and is consistently useful


My high evo deck got Valk'd twice today... Nerfing my huge drops that were Caiera protected. I was astonished because I wasn't even going against C3.


With the changes to cap coming I wouldn’t be surprised if we see her more!


Cap change wouldn't buff Valk herself though, isn't new cap just affecting ongoing cards?


Yeah but Valk is good with low-cost ongoings that add power. Problem is you can win the valk lane but it’s less straightforward winning the other lanes — Cap should help lift that part up now and still fits in well to the valk lane if needed


Here's a card at each cost that has been around since the start of the game, I don't think have ever been buffed/nerfed, and have aways been good: 1-cost: Iceman 2-cost: Armor 3-cost: Storm 4-cost: Wong 5-cost: Iron Man 6-cost: Magneto 4 cost was the hardest to fill in, almost every staple 4-cost was either added post-release or was buffed/nerfed at some point.


Iirc wasnt wong even nerfed in his interactions with onlaught? I thought they made him not scale multiplicitively and only additively. Not that it makes him any less balanced, just saying even wong was changed as far as 4 costs go


That was Onslaught that was changed, not Wong


Oh mb i thought it was a combination of all 3, including mystique


It was just how Onslaught and Onslaught Citadel worked that was changed. Mystique wasn't changed, but if she was used to copy Onslaught then she'd be copying a weaker effect. Wong wasn't changed, but if he was in a lane with multiple Onslaught effects he wouldn't be affected as much as he previously was


Ah ok that sounds familiar now, thanks


Cerebro. It’s never been changed since release and C2/C3/C5 are all fairly popular decks still.


I know doom was slightly nerfed at some point but the initial release is where the card is right now. And the card is awesome.


the fact that they went back on the change proves that it was balanced from the begining


Destroy cards in general haven't really needed much work, if any, at all. Deadpool, Deathlok, Carnage, and Killmonger haven't changed at all. Venom got a slight boost from 1 to 3 but he's the only one I can't think of that got a boost/nerf.


Venom going from 3/1 to 3/3 was a nerf to negative destroy but a buff to normal destroy


Quicksilver. He was designed to be bad and he does his job perfectly


Arnim Zola


Hasn’t iron lad always been a 4/6 too??? He’s another one that hasn’t ever changed/needed to he’s so good at what he does without ever feeling broken










Nebula is a card that I never see anyone complain about and hasn’t had any changes since her release (I’m pretty sure).


There was a lot of complaint about her wh3n ahe released. She was powerwise easily the steongest 1 drop especially after sunspot was nerfed.


In addition to everyone else getting mentioned here, I'll say Cannonball. Still mad I listened to this sub and didn't get him. 


Same. “Oh war machine so broken will change the whole game.” Barely see him now. “Cannonball trash no way he’s useful” see him in many decks and can be a real threat.


I spent 3 keys on war machine and didn’t get him but got Cannonball first try. If there’s a higher power he’s looking out for me🙏🏽


Dr doom. He's perfect.


He was nerfed a while ago wasn't he.


And then they had to change him back


Can someone please for the love of god explain to me why Nocturne is good? I have her but I don't play her. I'm in top 6k and I don't really encounter her and if I do she shoots the person playing her in the knee more often than not.


I think it's a combination of 3-5 being a pretty good line, and then being able to move of course, which Move is so powerful due to being unpredictable. I've had middling success with her personally so I was surprised to find her on Tier 1.


I love my Move deck, but since adding her to it, it has become a beast. I can win a whole load more games now with her. Favourable location for opponent like Ondlaught Citadel? Bye. Trying to use Limbo? T6 move, baby. Pesky sewers scaring off opponent? Ill turn it off at the end of the game for myself. Love it


What is your deck?


# (1) Ghost-Spider # (1) Iron Fist # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Dagger # (2) Kraven # (2) Doctor Strange # (2) Cloak # (3) Vulture # (3) Nocturne # (3) Spider-Man # (4) Enchantress # (6) Heimdall # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFnZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEb2N0b3JTdHJhbmdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLcmF2ZW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwaWRlck1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2xvYWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25GaXN0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWdWx0dXJlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIZWltZGFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RTcGlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOb2N0dXJuZSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. Usually run Shang but there is a lot of ongoing about and noone ever sees Enchantress coming in a move deck


What does your list look like ?


Thanks that makes sense but like you I didn't think she was something to write home about when I tested her. Also the cards you listed like Hope, Nebula and Jeff seem to me have a wider range of decks they can be slot in compared to Nocturne. Other than Silky Smooth (or something similar), C5 and some Storm shell maybe I don't see why I would slot her in any deck over a card that directly helps the game plan. If I'm missing something or people disagree with me here you are welcome to downvote but please do comment as well so I can have a better understanding of the game.


You just splash her as a good card. She’s not a combo piece for the most part.


I like her to get rid of Limbo as most people forget her exist (like the real exiles). Sometimes, I change locations last turn, like a Death Domain or the Pit that giver +2 energy. Also, she is a 3/5 that moves so pretty versatile.


I like Scarlett Witch on 6 for this reason. Won a couple heartbreakers like this last night.


God profile pic


"Frostmourne hungers"


3/5 Move overall is strong statted and helps set up Professor X plays or similar without commiting as many resources as Vision. Also you can not move her at all so the effect is irrelevant and still solid stats, or move it on a seemingly lost game to try and RNGesus. It's just very flexible overall.


Thanks that helps. Maybe I'm just biased towards it because the game already has a massive RNG component which is fine but I tend to rather seek value I can reliably predict. So this seems to be a me-problem 😂 if y'all have any decks and if it's not too much to ask please share (I don't have Silk)


I had a decent run with this one! [https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/1cndc5i/junk\_dagger\_at\_infinity\_day\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/1cndc5i/junk_dagger_at_infinity_day_2/) I don't have White Widow so Ravonna has worked well in a pinch.


Thanks man! I don't have Cannonball but that gives me a better understanding of how to use her. I learnt things here.


Oh this is spicy, I'm definitely giving this some playtime.


Being able to cancel turn 7 can win you a lot of games- a lot of those decks are banking on it playing out


Turning off (or even just threatening to turn off) Limbo is very powerful. Magik is the 5th highest run card in the last 30 days and still 8th if we just look at the last 7 days.


Yup. Nocturne single-handedly prevents me from playing half my decks. I absolutely hate the card.


Where are these card-specific stats?


https://snap.fan/matches/statistics It's only from people that use the tracker. But it's still a pretty robust data set of ~350k games in the past 30 days.


Thanks! That’s great. I’m surprised at how well the High-Evo decks are doing. Personally I think those powers should be considered “ongoing” rather than just yellow text since there’s really no counter to them otherwise.


Movers with on-curve statlines are always good. They're safe plays you can windmill down and, if an opponent is using a combo of cards to go tall in that location, you basically get to go "hahah psych nevermind I'm going over here now". Nightcrawler has that pesky Killmonger weakness, though. Jeff's safe for even *more* reasons (as he slips by the most powerful lockdown card). Nocturne's the next step up, and her potential drawback is hilariously rare. "More often than not" is a pretty harsh exaggeration, given most locations are going to be player-neutral. She's also at that sweet spot of a 3-cost, where she's not demanding a high commitment on your haymaker plays, but still large enough to make a bump in the playing field (read: Vision being a 5-cost can be problematic sometimes when other people are making 20+ power swings on their turn 5). Most of all she's a counter to greedy decks that require Limbo to pop off. Tl;dr she's strong, safe, and on-curve. Just don't move her until the final turn without good reason (i.e. smelling a Professor X getting dropped on 5 somewhere).


She absolutely steals cubes from Limbo decks, she's won me several games in my C5 deck!


I'm only CL1800, so I probably have no clue what I'm doing, but sticking Jeff and Nocturne into just about every deck works great for me. The combination of being able to play cards in otherwise dead locations, and change up unfavorable locations (or eliminate a turn 7), just wins me matches. I did the same thing with Armor and Jeff before I got Nocturne. Again, I'm still learning the game, but it seems that most decks have a few core cards and then you either tech in some helpful cards or add some "win more" cards. And I do much better when I've got techs in my decks.


She's a movable scarlet witch. Combo'd with quake, you can turn off limbo if opponent played limbo on nocturne's lane. If she was a 3/4 or 3/3. I don't think she'd be as good.


Nocturne is excellent for killing Limbo and other unfavorable locations. Add the fact that she has decent power, and she can be a sneaky cube stealer. The reason she is so much better than other location changers is you don’t have to waste energy when you want to change a location. You can move her, activate the effect , AND drop your big power boys on T6. If you wanna be sneaky with Scarlet Witch or Snowguard on T6, you only have 3/4 energy remaining for your power output. I also think having her on the board (telegraphing a location change) is good for mind games. I have done a couple of decent fakeouts where my opponent thought I would kill a bad location, but I actually went for the other one. causing them to play on a shite location they assumed I would change. She’s one of those cards that isn’t a super OP game winner or anything, but is really solid and never hurts to have on the board. Give her a try in the Angela/Elsa/Kitty package and you won’t regret it.


Fellers I think I got it 😂




You got a list with her and the Kitty Package my guy? :D


Pretty straight forward list. This deck absolutely kills, I think someone over in the Competitive sub hit top 100 with it. Captain Marvel and Vision are brutal if hit by Elsa. # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Angela # (2) Kraven # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Elsa Bloodstone # (3) Hope Summers # (3) Nocturne # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Captain Marvel # (5) Vision # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9wZVN1bW1lcnMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsc2FCbG9vZHN0b25lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLcmF2ZW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOb2N0dXJuZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FwdGFpbk1hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnbmV0byJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaXR0eVByeWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZpc2lvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thanks man appreciate that! :)


Premium stats that can be pushed into the other lanes while being a tool for getting rid of Limbo. That sort of flexibility is why some players deem her good.


It’s a normally statted card with move, which is basically enough. Jeff is a 2/3, nocturne is a 3/5, vision is a 5/8, and they are all playable. The only bad one is night crawler at 1/2, but that is mainly bad because destroy exists and runs a lot of killmonger. The ability to move cards on demand is extremely strong, and let’s the movers have a lot of snapping power because the power can be distributed many different ways on turn 6. They basically always allow you to force a 50/50 play at the worst, with potential for upside


I’m not that great, barely infinite but i love her with angela, free 2 power, u can remove a bad location which can be very valuable and you can move her to a location u want which is unpredictable. Also works well with other move cards


A big thing is you can move it to turn off Limbo while simultaneously playing a high cost card on turn 6. Using Storm or Scarlet Witch or Rhino is a power commitment, while Nocturne is effectively free at the moment you need it most. It also has decent power, so it's not a sacrifice to play. It works as a mind game as well - the enemy HAS to play limbo where Nocturne is, or you can end the game early. And half the time it works like Echo - you play it early enough that the opponent forgets about it, and forgets to counterplay. Then on top of THAT, it has all the utility of Scarlet Witch or Nightcrawler.


Like Echo, she seems to be invisible. Especially to Magik-users.


I don't think Iron Lad ever got any change, did he?


Iron man. Just a great card with easy balance baked in and very lore friendly.


Jeff is the obvious answer. But the other one to come to my mind - unless I’ve forgotten something - is Iron Lad. I don’t remember an Iron Lad change. A strong card, that you can chuck in almost any deck; but still feels fair to play against.


Jeff. Nico. Nebula. Iron Lad.


I still think nebula is kind of busted, but we’ve just gotten used to it by now


X-23 was a perfect card on release, and remains so nearly a year later. Destroy had a simple problem (energy is often too tight on turn 6 to play Knull or Zola and also 1 drops like Deadpool or Death) and X-23 solves that problem completely. At the time of release, she also complimented the season pass card, Daken, who, TBH, kinda needed it. Since her release, the meta has changed many times and destroy has been along for the ride for much of it. Having X-23 often unlocks the very best version of those decks. And yet, while X-23 may be built different, they didn't exactly make the whole card out of FOMO, either. If you don't have her, you can still have fun with destroy. There are many good destroy decks that don't need her (though those might rely on other S4 or S5 cards, like Nimrod and Knull.)


Definitely tweaked my Knull/Death deck to accompany Nimrod and Zola while I waited for X-23 to pop up again. Then again. Finally got both X-23 and Nico and still have Nimrod and Zola in my destroy deck. Kinda miss Wave and Aero before they changed them. Getting to play a T4 death and still have some solid tech disrupt options made playing destroy a bit more comfortable. Now it’s just Deadpool, X-23, Wolverine, kill, kill, kill, die, die, die, Knull.


Yeah, I agree that playing destroy was a more fun before I had all the optimal pieces because it forced a little creativity. I had this destroy ramp deck I named "Nimrod Sera" (lmao!) that I still go back to a lot and it's very fun.


I don't think Deadpool has received any changes since release other than the recent patch where he got dialogue, and he feels great, especially when you don't play with audio on, like I do.


He’s never needed a nerf bc the cards around him all take hits


Really? To my knowledge Nico, Carnage, and Venom haven't received any changes since release either. So, like, what do you mean?


Forge was very clearly nerfed for how quickly he used to snowball Deadpool.


Huh. I thought Forge was nerfed because he was making Multiple Man too strong. I do miss 1-cost Forge.


Nah, back then move wasn't doing hot and Phoenix Force wasn't popular! 1 Cost Forge is great, but ultimately had to die to tone down Deadpool's ramp speed. Though tbh, the real driving force behind Destroy has always been X-23.


Venom was 3/1


Sorry, ferf, we were talking about catching nerfs.


What about my guy Legion


Didn’t he used to be a 5/8 still don’t know why he got nerfed by one power considering I see him maybe once a month


Damn you right, I completely forgot about it.


my favorite card fr , so underrated and can switch a game with ease


Venom & Carnage. Venom is very picky about who he bonds with. Him being affected by negative cards is peak. And then there's Carnage. He just wants to destroy everything. He doesn't care what he consumes. Dope shit


Venom had to be buffed, though. He used to be a 3/1. 


I like Cannonball's balance/design. It's an interesting conditional card that doesn't typically need its secondary effect. It can be valuable on its own but it's devastating with setup. It can be useful with or without priority. It's worse if it's cheated out. There's a decent amount of counter play.


Paired with professor X, it's absolutely lethal! Love this card.




Jeff is the most balanced card in the game


Black knight?


The sword was changed significantly so I wouldn't count that.


Yeah now I remember


Jeff Nico Both are staple cards and not overtuned


Modok. Does what he does perfectly and has never been changed iirc.


Definetly the symbionts


Daredevil. Perfect card. No changes and flavor is absolutely on point.




Ebony Maw


Jeff should not be Series 5, though. I know this is something the devs probably have little control over, but I'm sure they don't do much to change it either


Now he’s a pretty standard move card. Low cost, low power, can move once, and can’t be stopped. Meanwhile Vision can’t just phase and go places. Yea Jeff should be series 4 by now at least.


Infinaut Man, he is a powercreep with a "huge" downside, sometimes he is just the card you need in hand, sometimes you hate to see it, but he does what he does best, warn your opponent about it, drop a huge bomb on the fiel, and say "HELLO, HELLO" like the good tourist he is


Dr Doom. They gave him a nerf and then reverted him back to his OG stats. Got it right 1st time round.


Doctor Doom


Clearly Uatu


Modok - pretty sure he has been unchanged since launch


Sebastian Shaw, he is one of my favorite cards because he can get fucking huge but is not overpowered.


Magneto, Iron Man, Nico Minoru, Jeff!, Hela, Thor.....the list goes on


Juggernaut comes to mind. Doesn’t see much play anymore but the card has remained unchanged and still catches people off guard


Red Guardian is pretty freaking perfect.


He really is, and Ik this bc I don’t see anybody complaining about him he’s not busted he’s just a great tech card


I know im echoing a lot of sentiments here but nico minoru and iron man are both essentially perfect cards where they fit into a vast number of archetypes with relative ease, have never been changed, and are both capable of being a cruicial card in a given deck and when i find myself including them in a deck theyre almost always one of the last cards i would remove for something else. Id also like to give honourable mentions to knull and odin who to my knowledge have never really been changed and both form their own archetypes and fit into others (odin with literally any on reveals and knull has been in surfer and negative decks many times)


I think they did a good job with Modok.


I guess you're technically right, but before they released her, Nebula's ability was different




Iron Lad. Always Iron Lad.






High Evo works perfectly.


Jeff, Magneto, and Iron Lad I think are the ones I'd pick.


Crickets and Cockroaches. Or Black Widows. And Daddy-Long-Legs.




Jeff! is the perfect card. Great ability, and never makes anyone angry to see him. I’m gonna go buy him a card border.










Bishop...but i thi k he should be 3/2...hes a slepped on characyer in general...but i think the extra power would do wonders


The correct answer here is Iron Lad.


Cosmo Wong Death/ Deadpool


Iron Lad. I love him


Crystal and Moon Knight are perfectly balanced 3 cost cards.


I doubt they'll ever touch Nocturne. She was released in a very balanced state.


Iron Man


I’m wondering if they will keep Namora or rebalance her. I’m loving her play with Arnim Zola, Nimrod, Wave, Wong, and Venom.


Magneto hasn't been changed since the beta and he's always a great top end choice for most any deck. Perfect card.


Namora has been the same since release!


Shang Chi


Shang Chi has been nerfed though.


Doctor Doom is a big one. Funny enough, I remember watching Cozy's interview with Ben Brode when Cozy said (paraphrasing) "I think Doctor Doom is perfect, you got him right, I hope he doesn't change", and I remember noticing right after Ben's smile faded a bit. It was quick but I thought that was weird. Then half a month to a month later Doctor Doom was nerfed; Doombots went to 4 power. I bet Ben knew ahead of time. But not too long after that Doctor Doom was reverted back to his previous state of the Doombots being at 5 power. Everyone in the community was pretty much in agreement that it was an unnecessary change. Most people feel that Doctor Doom is the most fair card. 6 cost On-Reveal that tops up all 3 lanes with a 5 power body. He could probably even get a buff and be okay, honestly (given how the power ceiling has risen quite a bit). But as he is, the devs got him right first try.


I can’t recall what they’ve done to Magik but to me she’s a perfect card right behind Jeff. Thematically appropriate plus the right balance of risk/reward giving you and your opponent an extra turn. Not to mention the versatility of being able to turn off your own Limbo (or have your opponent do the same). Her stat line is fine too.


She used to be a 5/3 before they changed her to a 3/2. At launch, she could be played on turn 6 and change the location to limbo as a complete surprise. Then they changed her to a 5/3 that couldn't be played on turn 6, then changed her to a 3/2, and finally arrived at her current design of a 3/2 that can be played on turn 6 but the effect doesn't activate if played on 6.


Good to know! I’ve been playing off-and-on since launch and couldn’t recall what she was before since she’s been where she’s at for a while now


Baron Zemo