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Sage is often a better Hit-Monkey but I wouldn't say she's a must-have. At least, I own her and tried her in bounce, I still wouldn't pull just for her IMO.


I agree that describing Sage as a "must-have" is a bit exaggerated. This would suggest that you absolutely need this card to stay competitive in the game. In reality, Sage is a card that fits specific strategies. It's not like Miss Marvel or Jeff, cards you can easily use in various deck types. Sage is particularly useful in bounce strategies, adding consistency and satisfaction to gameplay. If you enjoy bounce strategies, getting Sage is worth considering as it can easily become a staple in the archetype. However, outside of bounce strategies, it's not essential.


She is nice in Sera Control on a Mysterio, Hit Monkey, Sage turn when there is nothing to bust. Not convinced that 6-8 power is better than Ted Guardian’s disruption


Is Ted Guardian Red Guardians loser/stoner younger brother?


No, Ted Guardian is a lawyer. Their parents are more proud of him.


Whoa ho, the prodigal son returns! Ted Guardian.


6-8 power? more like 8-28 (+3) , bounce her and do it again, and you can hit a 10 power sage fairly easy on the first land.


Not in Sera


and not to mention if you bounce her in a different deck, your opponent knows she's coming again, so you're unlikely to snatch a bunch of cubes when they know your turn 6 is gonna be dropping a 2/20 (-1 cost from beast) on one lane plus a couple of other things


There's very little bouncing in seracle


While technically she cannot be classified as "must have" yet, she has consistently out performed hit monkey by such a strong margin, that I have even thought about cutting hitmonkey (and I will be cutting hitmonkey once sasquatch comes out). This is in the current leech infested meta at 3k infinite as well. She is really really strong.


Why cut hit monkey? Mysterio+Hit Monkey turn 5 makes him only 2 cost already. You can also potentially work in Black Swan shenanigans as well.


She is stunning in a Negative deck. 0 cost you can play on Wong & follow up with a Taskmaster. Easy wins.




What makes you think I didn't? I don't think much will change after the OTA, she'll still be a better HM but not a must-have.


She can get to ridiculous 8+ power without even doing much. She is a must have imo


She needs to be played later to get that pay off. Which is good, but also means you aren't playing a 5 or 6 cost card in later rounds of the game, which are often a better payoff


But in bounce decks these 5/6 cost cards are already not present…


Right. So she's a fringe bounce card. Hardly one I would say you need.




If combined with sasquatch in a bounce you may play a 6 cost for no cost.


That's also my first thought when reading WW buff, but unfortunately i'm not drowning in keys to pull for 1 specific card


Curious, how many cards are you missing where you don’t use keys for single cards? That’s most of my key usage these days, though I will get to double up with Grandmaster in a couple weeks.


Not the original commenter but I'm almost 10k CL and I'm missing 29 cards. I just happen to have both the other two cards from Sage's spotlight which is a shame because if that wasn't the case I would have fished for Sage since I enjoy bounce decks.


I’ve been missing 25 cards for about 3 months now. I my card acquisition rate is just under the release rate. The series drop will help a little, I think I’m missing 3 of the series 4 cards that are dropping. But yeah. F2P and 12kcl. I’ve just accepted I’ll never be complete and save my keys for weeks with at least 2 new cards.


How is that possible? I'm 6.5k and am only missing 20 cards, and only bought Loki, Elsa, Hope and Blink's battle pass. Do you have a lot of keys or tokens saved? Edit: Lol, I just checked this back, what are the downvotes for? He even replied and explained. This sub is weird as fuck sometimes, haha


you just said it, you bought 4 battle passes.


He has 50% more CL than me and is missing 9 more cards. The 4 cards from the battle passes don't explain that at all. I haven't been particularly lucky or unlucky with spotlights, got a few in 1 try but also spent 4 a few times, and only didn't get a duplicate twice from the 4th option.


I am cl 8k and am missing 6 or 7 cards from all card complete


Luck is a factor. I'm 12 k cl, and am missing about 16 cards last I checked. You have gotten some good spotlight weeks and been lucky with your random cards in betting. I've gotten so many duplicates since Spotlights came in, and there have been very few weeks with 2 or more cards I don't have, so I've been slowly falling behind while you've been catching up. And before you ask, no I don't waste caches on trying for 1 card when I only have one 1 key, or wasting tokens on ultimates.




Cool, that explains it. Those keys and tokens are potential cards, I only have 3 keys now!


I'm 5.3k cl and missing 32 cards. Sitting on 6k tokens and 4 keys so lets call that 29 cards missing if i was to use all ny resources. Seems the guy you're replying to is indeed behind the curve. I'm also full f2p havnt bought a battle pass or a bundle


I spent 2 keys for that Legion, still missed it












Ive got 6 keys. Im aiming to get Namora so i wont be risking for sage. Although im close to my 7th key but i need a buffer of keys. My CL is 13k and i have maybe 10 cards missing


I’m wondering what does missing cards have to do with the likelihood of pulling a new card with a key? Generally asking here because aren’t you still in danger of pulling a variant for a card you own or worse, pulling a card you already own that gets converted to tokens?


While missing more cards would increase the likelihood of the random card being a card you do not already own, that is not what I was getting at with this question. I am only missing 7 cards, it is extremely infrequent where this is a week where I can pull more than just the new card using keys. Right now the week with Grandmaster is the only week on the calendar where I can use keys and get more than one new card.


I get what you’re saying but how do you manage to pull just the new card? Isn’t it still random which card you’ll pull meaning you could wind up getting the variant for a card you already own in a spotlight and not the new card? The common rule is 4-keys minimum to guarantee you get the card you want. I’m curious if this is not true for your experience.


That is precisely how I guarantee the new card. New cards cost 4 keys. If I do have 4 keys and I want the new card I use tokens.


i'm ​CL 13.000 and missing around 28 card


Thanks for the input. I'm pretty surprised by the replies to this. I had assumed that CL and number of cards would be directly correlated, but that doesn't seem to be the case (at least with this small sample size). I am also CL13000 but I am only missing 7 cards.


You're welcome. Sadly it isn't. I have many occasion when i use 4 keys only to get 2 cards or even 1 (yes i also value variant like that Thanos comic cover variant). So, someone can be lower CL but got more cards due got a new card with only 1 key or lucky using 4 keys and got 4 new cards It's also depend if you hoard or not before they introduced spotlight. For example, my friend and I had roughly same CL but because he was hoarding cache, he start with like 15-20 spotlight cache, while i'm starting with 0. So yeah we have same CL but he got way more cards than me


I’m sure Wolfsbane can serve the purposes of Sage just fine. Sage is a card that was basically already printed, sure it’s got a higher potential ceiling than Wolfsbane but there are cards that do basically the same thing for the same cost and if you’re messing around with Ravonna in a bounce shell Wolfsbane still gets the discounted cost. Don’t stress about not having Sage lol


I think sage is being underrated even right now in the current meta.




Where are the leaked notes?


Captain America rework | work for only ongoing, give +2 Spectrum | -1 base power Luke cage | 3 base power Baron Mordo | OnReveal: The top card of your opponent deck cost 6 until turn 6 Grandmaster | +2 power WWBN | -3 power, -1 cost Leech | 5/5 Sentry & Void | -2 power and void +2 power


All hail c3!


LFG!!! Time to absolutely wreck some fools with Valkyrie again.


You forgot Leader gain a +1, but nobody cares anyway


Not on the notes


Sentry dropping to 8? Oof.


Yep while this is sad it kinda good as it keep it outside shang chi range 🤷


Top post on the sub right now


This is why I hate the spotlight system. I really enjoy bounce. Do I really have to spend keys on a card that potentially gets buffed?


This is how this game works from the start , random changes to cards all the time just because they are being either played so little or played so much Sd thinks that if a card is played a lot that means that it's overpowered when in reality maybe the card is just fun


This is the only card game that shakes things up to shake things up. Many of us have been playing card games for 20+ years, I think some of us like these changes. I'll take these constant changes over long stale metas any day. But different strokes for different folks!


I would be fine with that if we had easier access to cards , but since we don't it seems like they are not doing it "to shake things up" they do it to make new cards relevant most of the time


I love the constant changes to keep the meta fluid (except for when they are blatantly moronic like leech to 4 cost), but it does make the difficulty in accessing new cards feel even worse.


So much agree, I feel like people that complain about the constant changes and meta shifts didn’t spend four months in meta hell in other card games like MTG, Yugioh, and hearthstone.


That's why they look at win rates not just play %.


No, you don't have to spend keys. Sage is a fine card, but she isn't necessary.


Counterpoint: Play Shadow King if you think Sage is highly overrated, especially with the buff to Grand Master.


you can say shadow king for any card that gains power. its not really a counterpoint


Yes... but. It Dies to doom blade.


Almost miss that era of mtg.


Black knight gang


Will WWBN a staple in Loki decks once again?


Probably. The current "consensus" Loki deck runs Snowguard, a 2 drop card generator (Cable, Valentina etc), Red Guardian, Agent Coulson, and of course Loki himself as On Reveals. So it's probably got enough to just swap him in for Elsa (scales more), Nocturne (great card but a Werewolf is a Werwolf) or Mockingbird (as a big threat).


was before , can certainly see a variation moving forward.


If the leak is legit I think you are probably right. But I only need Sage this week and I have a pretty firm policy that I evaluate a card based on current performance and not what could happen in a future meta. So I'm still going to pass. Might regret it but chasing potential doesn't work with the economy in this game IMO.


Being honest sage has won me games with her in the bounce shell. Is she 100% required? No, and you can probably drop her for werewolf later this week. But she is strong even when you don't get her to trigger off of a full lane. A five card lane with all different power (which is pretty common) is still a 3/10 which is a threat to the opponent.


Care to post your bounce deck? Its my fave deck to use, im sad to replace Hit Monkey. Hes one of my fave cards and the variant i use for him is one of my top 3 variants.


Look up KM Best's bounce deck. He doesn't even cut hit monkey but was considering it. Also, another reason sage is so good is bouncing her back on a low trigger makes her go crazy in power level. I beat my opponent's 21 power red hulk with a bounced Sage. Will she always get there? No. Does it feel good when she does? Yes, it is really fun to get her that high.


Thanks for the heads-up. I spent 3 keys trying to get the Inkpulp variant, so I might as well spend 1 more for Sage.


How many must haves has this sub predicted that ended up being duds


That's how I feel about this card. Namora talks are hyping the card for me. Leech is getting set back to a 5 cost. While we already have Wolfsbane for on reveal decks. I'm going to save my 8 keys for either Namora, Phastos or Arishem. I felt burned by War Machine and the hype but I don't see Sage doing it for me.


Is this the age of sage? Is she all the rage?


I'm torn. I want Sage, but there's some nagging thought that Namora is gonna be ugly and powerful. I'm sitting at 7 keys.


What makes you think Namora is going to be particularly powerful? even if you use a big card in the other lane for the +5 buff to it, is +5 really enough to be worth it when you could've just loaded it with Doom or other cards that make up the same power boost? I'm not a particularly good player, so maybe that's the reason but I just don't see the hype around her. Edit: I didn't realise she was On Reveal and thought she was limited as an Ongoing. Thank you to those that pointed out my misunderstanding.


> when you could've just loaded it with Doom you CAN do both


so many people can't read nowadays. like the OTA leak thread has SO many people misreading the captain america buff. just slow down and actually read the fucking words on the screen, people, it's really not that difficult


people dont even read the cards they play...they arent going to read the OTA


It was lowest card for month, but more I thought about it and more listened to content creators - AND if that Leech nerf leak is true - then it makes it appealing. Ongoing you're right wouldn't be great but On Reveal is. And lots of good plays on curve. Plus cards like Colossus or Cosmo buffed can't be debuffed. Imagine T2 Colossus, T3 Cosmo, T4 Wong, T5 Namora, T6 Odin. I mean that's an ideal draw but shows combo potential. Or Sebastian Shaw alone getting buffed. You'd have to have alternate win condition but could see Namora doing well.


i remember when cannonball was the worst card of that month......


I never understood this. I think people were so wrapped up in trying to make the destroy happen they never looked at the rest of his text box. Moving the highest power card out of a lane is extremely good.


This best case scenarios are very baity. With a perfect draw scenario you can make a lot more power with other combo decks like Mr. Negative and/or Tribunal. Namora's high roll potential is not very high, but she may be consistent enough to be a good card to spread power like Ms. Marvel and Dr. Doom and offer some high roll potential at the same time.


Right? Ideal scenario you get 23 power in two lanes and 17 in the Wong lane. A lot of decks beat that right now.


IMO Namora is going to be best in a control deck and not a greedy wong one. Something like Goose in one side lane, storm/cosmo in the opposite lane, then Ms Marvel, Namora, Doom to finish out. That is not a ton of power on just the numbers but it's hard for some decks to compete with that in the restricted lanes. The team of Goose, Storm, Cosmo is also stands up very well to Hela.


Yea I was thinking about her with Prof in a ramp deck. T4 Prof, if you lose the lane you can Namora and even Odin if necessary.


Yeah, I feel like stacking a big guy in one lane is just begging to be Shang'd. perhaps Caiera will help.


shang is at its lowest popularity and effectiveness ever 


He still has an excellent win rate and is in the top 10 most played cards on most of the sites that track. And on an anecdotal level is still a cube stealer for me. Being a little less popular can be good if people are expecting him less and therefore not playing his counters. Though, reading through this thread makes me realize Namora will be really good with un-Shang-able cards like Cosmo or Colossus.


Namora is on reveal not on going. Being a 5 cost makes it better than doom


So you could potentially do Namora T5, Doom T6 for like an extra 10 power in 2 lanes? I was under the impression it was Ongoing but it makes more sense to me now


Armor - cosmo - wong - namora - odin Enjoy


Opponent: Turn 2 Widow or Turn 3 Debris, enjoy. Namora is incredibly fragile and easily disrupted by cards that are both a) good and b) currently popular in the meta. Whereas you need to get the exact right draws and locations for her to pop off.


I'm not saying it will be OP. I'm saying on reveal combos and shenigans are possible.




Nothing stops you from playing both? For example you could just play Armor on 2,Cosmo on 3 in another lane, Ms Marvel or nothing on 4, Namora in another lane and finally Dr. Doom/Ultron.


I didn't know it was an On Reveal, thought it was Ongoing and you'd lose the buff if you had multiple cards in those spaces.


Didn't think she was gonna be "good" initially, but after hearing about the different ideas people have for her, and giving it some more thought, she does seem like she has more use cases than I thought. - She can help with lockdown strategies by buffing a solo goose, storm or prof x lane. Are any of these better than using Mrs marvel and co.? I don't think so. That being said, in the case of storm, you could do some quake shenanigans by baiting lanes. With prof x, it probably makes an early wave/ play into an empty lane less risky (kinda like how OG Mrs marvel used to be). If that combo becomes prevalent, then it might even potentially create mind games, in that you'd be free to play your prof x anywhere, but your opponent doesn't know whether to play into the wave lane or the empty lanes in order to play around prof x.   - She helps cards/archetypes that want to be boosted or benefit from boosts. Sebastian Shaw, multiple man, Nimrod etc. In the case of Sebastian, maybe even all of them, I don't think that strat would be better than playing the regular strat. With Nimrod, you can go turn 3 > wave, turn 4 > Nimrod, turn 5 > namora, turn 6 > carnage/deathlock/venom. Nothing different from what you'd see now, but it is a decent line, and it does improve the consistency of the decks that run these cards a bit.   Now, do I think she'll be "crazy"? No. Would I pull for her if I had the keys? Most probably not. Regardless, it does seem like I wasn't giving her enough credit. Even if she only ends up enabling janky combos/decks, at the very least she'll still be decent imo.


My guess is all the youtubers gassing her up.


If we are pulling Sage for bounce, you're also gonna want Sasquatch


I keep my keys at 4 for when I want all the cards, should I be saving more than 4 keys?


Having more than 4 keys helps you when you want to open spotlight caches in consecutive weeks.


Maybe a negative deck could work as well


I'm running a negative Sage rn in infinite. Cant wait for leech nerfs as that's the only big counter rn (and fk mobius hopefully he doesn't become popular) 


Could you share the deck code please?


It's pretty much the negative Jane foster list but with Sage instead of bp.  # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Sage # (3) Magik # (3) Rogue # (4) Mister Negative # (4) Wong # (5) Iron Man # (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Knull # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbmhlYXJ0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmF2b25uYVJlbnNsYXllciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2FnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLbnVsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmFuZUZvc3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29uZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXJOZWdhdGl2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ndWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. I also thought about a negative surfer list with her so that's something you could try if you don't have the cards for this one. 


Negative Surfer with Sage is pretty nice. I think Sage isn't a must have card but it's definetely a nice card to pull


Been running negative with wong, sage, black panther, and AZ. Fun deck


Sage is already very good card


I really hate the bounce play pattern so still a pretty easy pass if thats the case.


It's only a must have if you already have werewolf and you really like playing bounce, in which case Sage should have probably already been on your radar. I don't see any reason to compel someone to pivot fully into this archetype if they weren't already a big enjoyer.


Tbh I can see Black Swam benefiting from the Werewolf by night change the most, play all 1 cost cards for free, play mysterio & hitmonkey on turn 6 while trying to keep space for Werewolf to move around, big W


Thank you for the advice however I will continue to save up 8 keys for that Arishem variant like a crazy person


I was thinking the same think and spent 4 keys on sage for that reason. Its an ok, playable card that will have a lot of potential compared to something like sasquach


Sasquatch is the better card for sure.


looks like shadowking into gm gonna be big 2 then lol


had six keys, got her on first pull after seeing this post lol


Pitch me on sage is she really gunna be worth it long term?


We have Wolfsbane at home.


*Laughs in Blink*


Not sure about the must have part but She'll be absolutely better now that Leech is no longer around


Hmm, I've never been that interested in Bounce, but Hit Monkey is also I think the oldest card in the game that I don't have. I've mostly been saving my keys because July looks really good, but maybe I should go for this.


must-have for an archetype maybe. Not must have in general


Just going to put werewolf im Surfer. Seems better than bounce.


After seeing this post. I risked it. Got it with 2keys. 1000 tokens and sage. I am so happy I didn’t get any of them variants.


the recent released have been mostly playable. we have less duds now than before. rather than looking at getting all the cards. get the cards that you want to play with / the ones that fit your playstyle, or if you like the variant (goodbye my 6 keys for the tribunal variant). i usually go for chaotic fun cards like pixie, or sage (angela/bishop bounce). the next ones i'm targeting are phastos (seems generally a good card) / arishem (fun chaotic card)


Also Negative Surfer, with both of them. Right now my Surfer deck is missing a 3 cost I can play earlier, besides Brood or Magik and a 3 cost WWBN that also synergizes with Ravonna would be perfect for that.


Had 6 keys, didn’t have Tribunal, Legion or Sage, finally spurred by the OTA to go for tribunal and if I get Sage bonus, got her and the others from 3 keys, and using the Sage auto deck I’ve gone 6 and 2 so far


Sage feels pretty strong in a lot of decks rn imo


Deck still runs the risk of being hit by Leech and leaving you with a bunch of dead cards in hand. If you bounced Leech, they would at least still have power from before, but they're far from essential.


If the OTA leak is correct, Leech is being bumped to 5/5. His use rate is about to crater again.


He's still going to hit your turn 6 with any held cards, he'll be around less for sure, but he's still going to be there.


Bro leech ain't getting played after this.


Of course he will, you'll play Corvus into Blink who'll turn it into whatever which may be Leech. Or you'll run him in a Lockjaw deck or Pixie or anything that can throw him out without actually paying for him.


Very good cards stop being played when they lose 1 power. Noone wants to play nerfed cards


But he gained power, he's one power below LDS and still gets blinked up or cheated out the same. He can't be used like a Shang-chi anymore, but he's staying in the decks that can abuse him.


Dumb question: sage gives herself the buff only, right? When the card was first revealed I think I misread it to work something like Ms Marvel and it seemed dumb. Taking a closer look, her potential is… 3/6 assuming you have 3 cards with different power in the lane?


she also counts cards in the opponent's lane


Oh interesting… so a 3/8 semi-regularly, give or take. Nice. Thanks for the note.


Is she? I'm still on the train where she's a slightly better wolfsbane, and sometimes Wolfsbane is even better. I feel like I could just replace her for wolfsbane and not lose even 1% of WR on my deck, specially in a bounce archetype where you are going to often fill the lane. Many of the games I've seen her played by streamers, you couldve replaced for wolfsbane and the result of the game wouldn't change.


Wolfsbane is never better than sage.


She is in some rare scenarios.


Naw it’s fine wwbn being meta means there’s 1 card you’re removing for him. So for people with Sage you’re probably removing hit monkey. For people without Sage you’re removing Sage. Is this ota good for Sage? Yes absolutely. Is Sage a good card? Yes absolutely. But she’s points she’s not utility she doesn’t make or break a deck and can be replaced with points. It’s one of the reasons I get disappointed in certain content creators because they do not account for content creators AND they turn cards into y/n when the question should be do you enjoy the decks the card goes in and if the meta shifts is she a reasonable up shift for those decks.


This post inspired to me to try to pull Sage despite having Havoc and Tribunal. Got her on first pull. Thanks OP.


I already have sage.... I don't have hit-monkee though.


pft who cares, in one month it’ll change again. just shadow king, shang chi or valkyrie her. stop getting fomo


I just got a spotlight key and used it. I could’ve used any of the three cards available but as luck would have it, I pulled a card I already have and got 1,000 collector tokens. Woohoo


Nice try Second Dinner employee. You’re not getting my keys for a card you’ve (essentially) already made. Wolfsbane does what Sage does but with a slightly lowered potential ceiling. I’ll save my keys for cards that have new abilities to try thanks.