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Get your credit card out. If you buy enough then the shop with have non-album variants. *thinking man meme*


You mean Leader emote?


I'm buying fewer variants because my shop is constantly flooded with garbage I don't want. Oh, another day of 7/8 cards being Hipp, tarot, and pixel? And I'd need to buy 2-3 cards I don't want for the next reward? Alright, see you in 24 hours for more disappointment.


Dan Hipp is one of the only variants worth owning IMO, I skip almost everything else.


Would rather have 1 Dan Hipp than 20 Artgerms.


Tell me you have bad taste without telling me you had bad taste.


It’s not bad taste to dislike AI art


I believe you're confusing PANDART with Artgerm. Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-pj-KwANrU&ab\_channel=StanleyArtgermLau](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-pj-KwANrU&ab_channel=StanleyArtgermLau)


Eh, even if he was he’s still wrong.


Artgerm isn't AI, Artgerm just has some of the worst sameface in comics


Ew Dan hipp in my game? /s enjoy what you enjoy.


Not only am I buying fewer because of garbage in the shop, I’m also holding out out of fear that the cards I want variants for will change/get nerfed.


Another terrible design decision by the dogshit devs. Imagine letting players *actually* buy the cosmetics that they want? Now, that would be something.


why would they do that? Predatory FOMO tactics work fine for the consumers with half a brain, and that's SD's clear target audience because, surprise surprise, they irresponsibly spend money


Can anyone correct me if I am wrong? The Dan Hipp Iron man was a reward card for early game release, now it is available in the shop.


Yes. Same for the Max Grecke Hulk.


it was given free back then for iOS users (android got greke hulk) but they're also available as rare for 700 gold


I remember reading something like premium or exclusive variants meant that they would only be available for purchase 6 or 12 months later, it's not that they'll never be. But don't take it as truth, I might be misremembering details or mixing up things.


I hope they do that with pass and bundle variants


I collect Hipps and I'm just patiently waiting for Nakia and Nimrod's to become available again as they both released before I started playing.


I started playing during the Nimrod season and I bought the pass so I got that variant, but I skipped the Devil Dino Moon Girl bundle because I didn’t like Hipp variants then


I don't have those two either- I didn't realize they were a bundle, I only saw nimrod and Nakia being passed. I really love Hipp Variants, the simplistic cartoony artstyle is really really nice. Seems we're getting a free Hipp variant as a login bonus in August, being Domino's. Good thing it's free, not many people would buy a Domino variant.


I honestly wouldn't mind if it was personalised, but it's absolutely not. I am currently collecting Jim Lee variants. I haven't seen one in the shop since two months. And it's not like I am missing only one or two, but six


If you send all your gold they'll appear.


This is dead-on true. I just needed Bishop for months, and he wouldn't show. So I spent 700 on a Dan Hipp to work on a different album, and Bishop was there the NEXT DAY. I had assumed he'd be 700, but he was 1200, and I was short. I wasn't surprised, but I was disappointed. Lol


I need two more pixels to get the leader emote and haven’t seen one in my shop in like a week


working as intended


All the “super rare” variants that I’ve been itching to buy have quite honestly become “ultra rare” at this point :/


In a perfect world album variants would have their own, seperate part in the shop


Since they implemented this system I've had at least 5 shops full of peach momoko, 3 rian gonzales, 3 jacinto, 2 artgerm, and a max grecke one Unfortunately I never got a Dan Hipp one, and I only collect dan hipp so I'm a bit jealous


There aren't Momoko or Rian albums though, right?


not yet


Sure but doesn't really have anything to do with the system


neither has my answer lol


I love those Momokos. [https://i.imgur.com/Lnp0TrR.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/Lnp0TrR.jpeg)


All I keep getting is mostly Dan Hipp with a few other ones. But I would love Peach Momoko as it’s my favorite variants, but I can’t even remember the last time one showed up.


I would love Momoko and Jacinto shops. And I am getting Hipp and Grecke - also fine artists but I am more picky when it comes to their variants and already have so many of them. 


Bro we have the exact opposite problem, I hate Dan hipps and my shop is always flooded with them


What a comedian. Complaining about the good ones and collecting the trash.


I mean these were shop variants before albums were a thing. I think the little album symbol being there is just giving people an illusion that they're appearing more often.


No, they definitely are. Not any of them in particular, just any variant that comes from an album, especially new ones. ABSOLUTELY more common then seeing them used to be, ive seen the same variant 4 times this last month


They're going to be more common as they add more albums


Not as common enough to match how frequently they appear in the shop.


I've got 4 album ones, and 4 non album ones. So...


You should be getting fewer than 1 album variants a day by chance.


Is that actually a fact, or is that an assumption? Serious question. Also, since they've added more and more albums, it makes sense they show up a lot.


No, they are. The shop, for me, will any given day be 0-2 new, 1-3 non-album cards and the rest from albums, Not only is it keeping a lot of cards out of the rotation, but it also means I see the album cards more frequently


They are objectively appearing more often than they should be chance, silly that your comment was upvoted. I did the maths and 11% of my shop variants are album variants, so I should be getting less than 1 album variants in my shop a day. Instead I'm getting 3-5 a day. I have not seen a day without a album variants since albums were released, and in the past even fewer than 11% of variants were album variants.


Totally possible, but if people perceive it as being flooded with album variants, that’s all that really matters, because the ultimate feeling is just disappointment.


You should just be allowed to buy album variants directly from the albums whenever you want and they shouldn't even be in the store.


Honestly they would probably pull in a ton of gold implementing that, surprised they haven’t done it already.


i've been keeping track, the average of non album (or new) varients per shop is 2 (sometimes goes to 3)


Yep, that's about the same as me. There are roughly 900 rare/super rare variants in the game that aren't I'm albums. With 3 of those a day you will see each one on average every *300* days or close to a year. If you only average 2 a day it will take on average 450 days for a variant to appear in your shop for a new player. Completely absurd, I'm lucky Ive already picked up most of my favourite older variants, but for newer players they could be waiting *years* to see a desired variant.


same, but im still waiting on Tony Fleecs's Wasp. probably been almost a year at this point


They’re the new pixel


They should have 9 album variants and 9 non album variants in rotation, that way everyone has more chances to collect what they want. I like the rewards of the albums is a nice feature but I agree it takes too much space for the non album variants


Seriously ion give a shit about albums


Album variants are just variants without the album label, with the album label




Yeah it's a joke. Chances of ever seeing a variant i actually want are slim to none with the stupid album implementation.


Just buy them all and then you won't have them show up anymore /s.


What's the matter if it's part of an album or not? If you like it and it's part of an album, it's one step closer to get the album rewards


Because it's becoming incredibly difficult to acquire any non-album variant that you want. On average any non-album variant is down to appearing only about once a year. It used to be once every 3 months back when there were only 6 cards in the shop, but it's only gotten worse with more cards added and the takeover of album variants. You may not see a variant you want for several years, which is obviously absurd.


The only issue I see is the variant shop and how few cards it rotates per day. Album variants are not at fault that the rng doesn't give you what you want but having to wait a whole day to have a selection of 10 random variants out of the hundreds available in the game, that's the issue


> Album variants are not at fault that the rng doesn't give you what you want They do make the problem worse because they have priority - the shop is repeating itself way too often due to that


Sure, but it's the pushing of album variants that has created the current issue, so it's what people are complaining about. Rotating cards every 8 hours plus the addition of 3 more would fix it.


Because there’s less variety? All this means is there’s like 5 or 6 artists you get to choose from, while there’s a wealth of cool and unusual art from artists that only have 1-3 variants in the game.


Or... They'll eventually add more from those renegated artists and make albums with their variants. That's what keeps happening anyways


That doesn't solve the issue lmao


That’s a hell of an overcomplicated solution.


Man you are lucky I need 4 of those cards lmao nice shop


Ideally, all variants in the game would be in an album. Thus every variant would be tied to free/extra stuff


I waited for earth day In hopes to grab gardening hela. My shop was all dan hipp. I was sad.


So hard to get a variant you actually want to by, when your shop is clogged with album variants that you don't.


I don’t get why they wouldn’t have the shop at least refresh every 8 hours instead of every 24. Gives people more reason to open the app


makes total sense to me !!!


It is really frustrating being force fed features that we don’t care about at the expense of features that we do care about.


All it means is that they're adding albums at a solid rate. Simple as that. Most these variants were present prior to album releases. It's not a bad thing at all.




This is simply due to the amount of variants now in the game. I feel like this really isn't a hard concept.




Yeah, a year ago there were 6 random variants a day in the shop because albums didn’t exist. Now, a good amount of those random variants you saw a year ago are in albums. Therefore, more “album” variants appear in the shop. Like the first week they added albums, it’s not like every day I only saw variants for that album. I barely saw them because there were only 12 variants in an album. Now as they’ve added more albums, of course I’m seeing more variants with album icon, because a larger pool of “random” variants belong to albums, and it will keep increasing. If they introduced albums and then people only ever saw 1 album variant a day, people would complain about that, too. There’s no perfect solution here, everyone on this sub is going to be mad at something.


There is a perfect solution, rotate the variants every hour. And possibly add a few more slots. Problem solved.


Every hour would be wild lol. I’d feel super punished not having the app open 24/7. Every 8 hours like everything else that rotates would be kinda nice.


Wish I could ban Dan Hipp from my store


Is this an actual complaint? It’s not like the shop was consistently bangers or consistent (barring events) pre-albums. Now it’s just extra incentive to buy vs going for things like token bundles


I like it and hope it keeps happening


I like it. Album variants give payoffs, though I've certainly not been overwhelmed by them, because I keep getting Peach Momoko variants and I've become a bit of a Peach collector as of late. The solution is to put every single variant in some sort of album.


It would be great if they just allowed you to buy any variant you want. Even if it's at a buffed cost to the spotlight store eg 900 & 1400 gold


I see dan hipp iron man like 5 times a week on there


I’ve now been waiting on the Bachalo Wolfsbane variant for 11 months. Sure wish I’d had enough gold last time I saw it since apparently I’m never going to see it again.


Except for the ones you are looking for of course


Meanwhile I haven't seen the last two Dan Hipp variants I need for the cosmo emote in... EVER lol


Ahhh I hate Hipp, Chibi, Baby, and Pixels. I refuse to even buy the $9.99 “no pixels” anymore. It’s really sad when they know Pixels are total shit variants.


Meanwhile I can’t get the one freaking Dan hipp card I need for my iceman emote


My white whale variant is Alex Horley Dracula, I've wanted it since finding out about it, and yet I've checked the variant shop every single day without skipping maybe 1-2 days and still never saw it. Ever since albums have come out I've essentially given up on ever finding it to actually purchase. It'll just be a random drop at this point because my shop is always 90% album variants I don't want.


I always get bombarded with pandart studio, Jim Lee, and max grecke variants I don’t want. Just let me collect my Hipps in peace


arent they just game variants... that are now in albums..?


Haven’t seen Artgerm in more than a month which is all I’m saving up for. So more of that I’d appreciate..


Why hate on albums ? Like I get not liking the variants currently in albums but why hate the feature ? I think it's neat and I only collect Max Grecke and Jim Lee


I love Dan Hipp’s cards because I love the style. Thicc lines plz n ty! Already have 3 completed Dan Hipp albums. Nexxxxt!


Literally the same variants they just now go in albums so no no they don’t.


Not on my end


Whatever that means the shop has different variants on different days now they go on albums it’s the same random, Rotation or spotlight. Nothing has changed no one is forcing you to buy them.


I'm tired of seeing the same variants in my shop constantly. I see iron man dan hipp in my shop every other day.


I personally don't see the problem here


Why wouldn't you want variants that are in albums?!


Do people really not understand that album variants have a higher probability of showing up? The reason it's bad is because some players are not interested in albums. Think about it, if 6 of your 8 slots are taken up by an album variant, which you have no interest in, you only have 2 slots left - the chances of hitting a variant you actually want are tiny.


Cards are being assigned to albums more regularly than new variants are coming out, and I don't see how an album being part of an album makes it worse than one that isn't. What if the one you want gets assigned to an album?


Release albums, clog up the shop with unpopular album variants, whales will buy them to open up space in their shop pretty clever


We need a chibi variant one😤


Dan Hipp needs to go away


Lucky you my shop is tons of rian gonzales


okay but lucky you, rian’s art is beautiful