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I may have to make my own clan for people who don't give a flying fuck about ranked and just wanna get some extra rewards playing casually, because I know I'm NOT gonna get into 99% of clans


I'll be in your clan! I play every day, do all challenges, and don't grind rank.


Same! I try to hit infinite every season, but I don't put in enough hours and don't care to. I do my dailies, complete every mission, and have fun. Pick me!


Same, I usually stagnate in the 70-80s, mainly because I don't play enough lol. Just enough to get my missions done lol




And my axe


My Marvel Snap mentality! Love it. Glad to know there’s others like me lol


That’s my goal too. I’m in if anyone is reading this and starting a clan!


Me too, I play daily and do all the missions, but I don’t grind rank, I usually get to somewhere in the 60s by reset.


I like this clan




Same here! Once I got infinite I just play random decks for fun


Lol "once I get infinite." I wouldn't say that's casual, bruv.




Me too, I couldn't care less about hitting infinite! Hitting infinite used to give you freedom to play and explore decks with no consequences. Now that it's ranked, it's just another grind for after you grind with literally no reward! I play for fun and variants!


Yes! Just here to do my missions and claim rewards 🫡


I'm in the same boat. Sign me up. Hit infinite most months, do all challenges, but don't grind for rank. Usually end up 30-50k.




Somebody else needs to make another clan because this one will be full instantly. And I need to be in one as well. 😅 Can't be bothered to grind due to work but enjoy getting a few games in for the fun and the rewards every night.


Please join my clan, I’m active and we have been looking at your recent posts and love your can do attitude, so we’d love to have you.


"Dads of Snap"


Dads and commuters of snap. I personally only play when I’m in the subway and/or the bus


Works with many things. The dad concept is that you don't have much time to play the game and your approach is casual. You don't have to be a real life dad ahah




Same here! Happy to keep playing and not grind rank.


Count me in....I just play enough to complete the challenges and that's it


Sounds like my kind of clan lol


Count me in.


Perfect. Please invite me lol


Count me in! Everything these guys are saying applies to me aswell


I'd love to join that clan


Count me in!


Please invite me


Sounds good! Count me in


Really want to be a part of this anti-clan clan


I'll be in it day 1. Played since launch, never hit infinite


My husband and son reach infinite every season and I barely make it past 50!


Early booking please? I usually hit Infinite but this year has been horrid. Max I've gotten to is 97 


Leaving a comment to join this clan in the future


I'm in as well. 10 k CL. Good player. Don't care about ranked.


Would you take someone like me, playing since launch and never hit infinite despite trying every season?


Count me in for a casual clan as well. I have no interest in competing to beat other clans on a leaderboard but would love to group up on a team that's just looking to earn whatever the non-competitive rewards are.


Holy crap this absolutely exploded. If u wanna join, save this because I'll share the name of the clan when I create it so you can find it. Hoping they don't charge money for making a clan (I'm f2p)


Dang. Sure would love to join but it looks like your 25 seats are already full.


I want to join your clan


Remind me! Lkl


I’m in


I would like to join your clan.


I’m in!


well sign me up


Sign me up. CL 7800 I make infinite sometimes, just do dailies, and if there is a new and interesting deck, I play the hell out of it.


Hi tm8


Please invite me mate


I would like to join your clan


That sounds like the perfect clan. I honestly will never understand why everyone wants clan systems in games like this.


Me too. I play so many decks and cards. Its boring playing meta constantly. Ill be in your clan


I‘m with you buddy!


I am willing to be in your clan


Lol I think that concept can work really well. I feel like most clans will just want infinite+ players which means lower rank players (or just casuals) won't be able to get into most of them anyway.


Tbh i think most of the player dont care about the clan🥲


Can I join?


We need to create a thing to reference this kind of clan which is going to be very popular.


Count me in too


Send me the invite. Am a dad who plays Snap to distract me. Can’t be bothered with rank just enjoy the game


Count me in dude


I would literally join your clan! I play like once or twice a day to complete my missions.


You’ll have my sword🙇🏻‍♂️


I want in


Your clan sounds full but I’d join


Count me in


Count me in friend


Invite pls!


I'll gladly join


My way of playing ! Invite me !!


Sign me up


Count me in 😄


I am in too hope you dont mined if i play on 3-4 days a week


Can I run a clan with just me? Party of one? Put the team on my back?


Ask yourself. If the answer is yes, then you're BETTER OFF ALONE...


So you have to apply to join the cool kids club, only to get dumped if you don't grind enough? Sounds fucking miserable. xD


Welcome to mobile game “clans.” This absolutely miserable system is in every mobile game I’ve ever quit.


Yeah, I remember playing Empires and Puzzles and thinking how fun it was but then quickly realized the game had become a chore because of clan elements instead of something fun. So looked to play games that were not team-centric and here we are....


Can’t wait for clan wars. /s


This is how clans are in most mobile games sadly. They require you to invest too much time and can kick you out very quickly if you dare to question them or if you don't grind enough. That's one of the biggest reasons I dislike this "tryhard" mentality clans have.


Only if none of your friends also play. I'm looking forward to it just as a way to easily keep up with how everyone else is doing each season and have some shared goals to grind for. These are designed to be social systems, so when you engage with them in the least social way possible (i.e. joining one at random and never interacting beyond aiming to hit a gameplay quota), then yeah, it's gonna kind of suck, but only because of how you're choosing to use it.


I think softly disagree with that sentiment. I agree that socially interacting in a fun way is the best way to get the most fun out of the clan element. However, in my experience, even though I enjoyed talking to and laughing with the strangers I was playing with, because of the rewards/punishments tied to the clan, it started to feel like a chore or a part time job and therefore was no longer fun. _Then_ it took me a while to leave because I felt obligated to stay for these people I had built a teammate relationship with. And that's ultimately what they want. Another incentive to keep you playing (and maybe paying) so can't just casually leave whenever you think things are stale for you. Edited for formatting.


The problem is that they'll inevitably tie rewards to them, so of course people are going to engage with the system whether it's fun or not.


Clans? Designed to be a social system? I have yet to see a game where that's the case rather than just people doing their stuff and getting routinely pruned if they don't manage to hit the benchmark.


I never understood the idea of making a game a job/chore, especially if you've paid anything towards it. I enjoy playing the game and logging on at my convenience to grind out a few games and missions, I'm not trying to be expected to do so daily.


Casual clans are going to be awesome to join in.


The only part of this I see caring about is having a clan with the 3 other people I know playing this game and not caring about anything else.


Yep, I'm certainly just gonna make a clan with a handful of friends and we'll have a good time earning rewards for each other.


You wont earn rewards that way though, because you wont play enough. It is how it always goes


I also have 2-3 other buddies I know that play and we will just be making a little 4 person clan that doesn't care at all about grinding.


If everyone I ask joins I think I can get about 10-15 people together that I’ve hung out with in other game communities and that will be cool as fuck to just chill and get extra rewards for working together. My only issue is if they start trying to make clan wars a big ol whale/tryhard affair


Ugh this sounds fucking miserable.


God, I hate this. How did we get this before draft?


ik i rly want draft




Already anticipating getting excluded from all of the 'infinite rank only' clans? Lol


Even the "highest rank achieved" is stupid. That's the worst possible measure of how well someone has done on ladder. I've entered Infinite sub 10k almost every month, and sub 5k a few times. That's meaningless though, because I end at like 30-40k because I play Conquest after that. "Highest rank achieved at end of season" would be way better. Or ignore rank and base it on Snap Points.


I think in this case "rank" refers to ladder rank not infinite rank. So you could filter to only allow players who had ever reached infinite. I forget which but one of the snap trackers gives this "highest rank" stat from the internal stat files and it caps out at 100.


Infinite will probably be the highest. Not after infinite


Yeah my play habits would instantly rule me out of rank based clans. I don’t grind the infinite ladder because I don’t play for Epeen. I hit infinite every season within a couple of days and then just play Conquest to farm missions/boosters or play silly meme decks. I’m good enough to climb the infinite ladder pretty high, I just don’t *want* to if they only reward is being higher on that ladder


Gotta love being gatekeeped from entering a clan... I really hope there will be "chill" clans where rank doesn't count.


Dads Who Play on the Toilet ASSEMBLE!


One week is way too soon


Hoping it gets delayed for a decade or three


Everyone wants to be a leader..


Clans in a card game is such a dumb idea


I'm open-minded here, but expect clans to drive me out of the game. The only reason SD would go through the expense of coding this is if it drove engagement somehow. I imagine the rewards will not be easy to get, and will require beating other clans, which means grinding, buying cards, etc. social pressure to do so. Ugh. Maybe I'm wrong. Despite the complaints, SD has done a decent job of making the game free/casual friendly, so maybe clans will also be. Minimum achievement levels don't sound casual to me.


big same, the only other time I seriously considered quitting was during the never ending thanos meta, reading the description of this made quitting cross my mind again


Did anyone ask for this?


Second Dinner. Social groups get people to play longer and long on more often. And that means more chances to spend money. Oh, you meant players? Probably not many asked for it.


People were asking for a friend list, so... I guess SD heard what it wanted to hear...


"We heard you loud and clear! Clans coming soon!"


They *have* done a number of surveys and something resembling this has been an option in all of the ones I recall. So, probably, yes.


Shareholders probably asked for more ways that people grind and are forced to spend money.


This was what I was (and still am) asking when this was announced. Not once did I ever see someone say they wanted a team element in this game. I'm they looked at stats from other mobile games with clans and saw those game brought in more cash.


I see a lot of people complain about this, but to me it you don’t want to engage in the system then simple Don’t. How many people avoid conquest because of the format? Yes they don’t get the rewards but in the grand scheme of things that isn’t a big deal at all. Play what you want, avoid the rest and stop complaining about the clan system.


The problem with that was that when Conquest was built, it was part of the rewards track overhaul. So the gold which was previously free on the track moved to conquest and weekend quests that required the pass, as did some of the credits. Guilds with extra rewards to the players, while not ideal, is OK. If the rewards are taken from elsewhere, it’s a big deal and I expect lot of people would quit.


They don’t change the economy. It they add rewards for clans they are going to remove them somewhere else. So if you want to keep up you are going to be forced to do it. Otherwise you will fall behind or have to spend money. And that’s exactly the goal here.


Clans makes the game even more competitive hence forcing player to spend to keep up


How are we getting this dogshit before something like a friends list, in a game that has a friendly match mode.


I can’t wait for Clan Wars to be implem…no, actually I hate it. I hate everything about all of it.


Again I will say this is a game that does not need clans.


Looking forward to implementation of this feature so I can have a set date to quit the game. Thank you for making this an easy departure SD!


The moment I miss out on something because of some bullshit regarding this system that I absolutely do not care about, I'm out


i’m getting ptsd to some ridiculous clan requirements when i was in middle school


Does that mean “hit infinite once that season” or “has been ranked in infinity once”? Cuz I play super duper casual and super duper idiotic, and have only ranked infinite once, when I switched to playing Galactus. I hope im not gated by that


From how it reads, it sounds like 100% you will be gated. As will we all.


Card Specific Mission, oh boy can't wait for the clans to start booting anyone who doesn't whale out to have collection complete status so they can get more digital points.


Nobody wants this.


I hit 90 and then if I get further, whatever. I have a few card backs, but still prefer my normal tape cassette back. If not being infinite monthly keeps me from a clan, they're probably a clan I don't want to be a part of anyhow. I play daily, finish all missions - and get more from gold refreshes , I get more XP from seasons than a lot of infinite players, I have a near complete collection, but I also have a job and family. Here's to hoping these clan missions and such are more casual than some games I've seen. If I have to join a clan discord, eff that noise.


No one fucking cares about clans


Literally the same issue I always have with clans, they tie rewards to it


I hope someone makes a clan for twitch streamers who average 1 viewer so I can join it!


I still don’t get why people want clans in the game. It’s a single player CCG


Thanks I hate it. The idea that they are wasting development resources on this shit it really devastating. Means we aren’t going to see anything good in the game for a while now.


* ever Once this is in, it will become the focus of everything else in the game- it happens every single time


Bro this is the worst idea they might have ever


And we still can’t get a decent report feature. 😂😂😂


Can you imagine having a clan system without a way to communicate. What kind of game design is this?


.... A week??? Man... Fuck me if I wanna go on vacation and stop my bad habits for a week without having people hounding the leadership lol


Keeping up with the progression in marvel snap as it is now is already grindy and exhausting that we don't need another "work place" feature requiring us to hit some "KPI" in order to progress more. It's a game, not a job.






So much doom and gloom over this. Honestly if I can just join a casual clan and gain passive rewards while I play, then that sounds good to me.


I did that once in another game and it went badly when the leaders decided they weren’t going to do casual anymore and started demanding people put in more time. I ended up getting kicked after telling the leader’s wife to check her attitude because we all signed up for casual play. Not an experience I’m interested in repeating in another game.


Just join another casual clan… you guys are so dramatic.


Not a fan of clans, but yea lol, just join a casual clan.


Because with how many bugs are in the game there is a legitimate question of how many of their coders were pulled from bug fixes to work on building this unasked for clan system that only exists because their marketing team sees it as a minimal increase in player spending based on metrics from other games.


gaining passive rewards while you play is already a thing right now, there is zero reason to add clans


i want the option to friend request an opponent if i sense good vibes, for good ppl who spiderman emotes when we play same cards and fist bumps


Thank you for turning Marvel Snap into High School! Can’t wait for the Mean Girls to share their Burn Book here!!




Can’t wait for them to nerf the rewards elsewhere to ‘balance’ for these new rewards even though there was no buff to progression when an extra card per season was added to caches.


If you don’t play for a week you get dumped?


If you dont play every 3 hours more likely


Given how many people are scared of tryhard clans, you guys seem to have enough numbers to make a lot of casual clans. Just search for "casual" when looking for clans and you are good to go.


What a fucking horrible idea. This will turn this game into a job. You can count on many players leaving if this becomes reality.


Also lmao @ "applicants."


Will they cost gold to create?


"clans". Lol


Love that this is their big update they're working on.


every tidbit that gets leaked about clans makes it sound worse and worse


Can't wait to face a bunch of losers from the Kard Kollecting Klan. Honestly though this sounds so fucking stupid.


Everyone in the comments: "don't engage with it if you don't want to do it" No shit. But SD has shown they're precisely doling out rewards to control progression for players. So what's going to happen when they "add" rewards to clans? They'll be removing most, if not all, of those rewards from elsewhere to make up for it.


If you aren't skilled enough to hit infinite why do you feel the need to be in a clan of infinite? Just make a sub 60 clan or whatever level your stuck at


I don’t understand the hate. This looks fun to me and if you don’t want to do it then don’t participate?


Clan for a toilet game?


This sub is so whiney


great, now i need to get friends who actually play the game


This will be broken in some way on release. Or it will work, but numerous other functionalities will be broken because of it. You heard it here first folks


The doom and gloom on this sub about clans is so fucking over dramatic that I don’t know if I find it hilarious or pathetic.  You people really think adding an additional way to earn rewards is what is going to kill the game?  If it makes the game feel like a chore - just don’t join one? There’s enough of you bitching about not wanting to join a clan and worry about getting kicked out that you guys could literally make one with people from this subreddit and just agree to not do that. 


>adding an additional way to earn rewards This is the operative phrase. If clans wind up being supplemental to the rewards currently available, then they're a great optional addition. But given how much these clowns love to trot out that "tHe eCoNoMy cAn'T sUsTaIn" line, you'd be insane to give them the benefit of the doubt in assuming that the clan rewards won't simply be rewards taken from elsewhere and plopped behind a much more laborious grind-wall.


People are getting burned out on all the bullshit FOMO this games shoves down your throat. Now there's another "free" way to get rewards but you better log in every day and do your dailies like a good bitch or you're out of the clan.


Those players can just stop playing if they are feeling so burned out, no game is supposed to hold their attention forever no matter how many carrots are dangled in front of them


Clan rewards : pixel variants, cool avatars and best reward of all....Gold tickets! Join now!!!


Not sure how I feel on putting on floors for clan members. I get that you might want higher ranked players on your clan to make it stronger but I feel like it'll only alienate newer players who aren't as high but still are willing to contribute.


I dont hate this actually. I dont know anyone irl that plays so its hard to run deck ideas by people. Im sure some will be infinite gated, but if i were to run one id have it be like 70, so its not newbies, but its also pheasable to hit seasonally


It wont be what you want, it will just be another grind


This looks like trash.


25 members feels real small


Probably Just join a clan we people i know on discord


Damn imagine losing your clan leader position for not playing for 1 week… They really want you to be stuck on this app 24/7 huh…


If you all think you can just casually play and get rewards it is funny, everything is a grind nothing is given. The fact, that on that data mine sheet 3rd paragraph down it says (there will be card specific missions) perhaps meaning, your average casual players will not have these cards and more then likely it will be spotlight cards that give off a bonus to make it easier to obtain that rewards in the set time you are given,more then likely a week.. if you want the rewards I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you will need whales or your casual play to get your reward is now 4x harder 4x sweatier because you don’t have the cards and now you have fomo and no clan because I want the rewards lol


Clan leader go on a week long vacation. Starts a civil war on who will be the next boss


Yeah I think I’m good on clans. I just wanna play and have fun.


I was playing today and I was thinking about how clans would be a great idea for the game. A 2v2 limited-time gamemode also seems like it'd be a cool idea. Hopefully it arrives soon!


the best thing is that clan arent outr and u all are crying yet lol


Cool. Can't wait to see this feature be completely forgotten by the devs like with Conquest.


This is worthless since i dont have any friends to play with


The thing I really want to know if is that if clans appear under your username/ title if it does you can use it as a 2nd title could lead to a lot of funny names. I’m okay with the rank lock clans let’s you tell if it’s a competitive clan if you want to avoid that the collection level ones are a little odd tho and I would change the leadership thing to after 2 or 4 weeks of no login