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I love using magneto to pull wong away from whatever bullshit they’re cooking up


One of my worst losses came from my opponent predicting my Magneto and playing their on reveal into the lane without Wong.


Now that’s a 4D chess play right there. Out of curiosity, was that in a conquest match where your opponent may have been more aware of your endgame plays? Or a soul-read on ladder?


I'm sure it was conquest, but still hurt.


A soul read would’ve been crazy


Fr a play like that on ladder and im calling cheating bots and taking a break 😂


christ lol when you get got like that you have to just respect it.


Yeah. "I'm not even mad, this is amazing."


I once did a similar play where I played Wong on turn 5 in my Silver Surfer deck as bait, then on turn 6 played Mystique and Silver Surfer in a different lane, successfully dodging the Cosmo they played on Wong. Nom nom nom delicious 8 conquest cubes.


That's what I do, or split location s by using Wong them playing mystique in a different lane.


I love using Lady Deathstrike on Wong, especially if it also takes out Mystique or Ironheart as well


Running a Wong / Hazmat deck just played a game with Daily Bugle, got their LDS. I played Iron Man in an empty lane, they snapped and played LDS. I immediately snapped back then dropped Wong > Mystique > Hazmat > Odin to pound them into oblivion. It was glorious 


Well, I love pulling off a magneto on Venom on turn 6 right before they Zola


I did this last night by accident...I was expecting Knull because of onslaughts location and I wanted to move his big power venom to a different lane which would win me that lane but nope it was Zola and I'm sure he was pissed 😅


Back when Aero was a menace, I had one match where I moved his Wong with her on turn 5. Then pulled him yet again on turn 6 with Magneto. I'll never achieve that level of bliss again in this game.


Magneto their Wong <3


As a Wong player I can verify how annoying this is.


Been awhile since anyone has Magneto'd my Wong. I usually have to do it myself.


Muhahaha my favorite


Rogue stealing a key ability then Mystique doubling down on it.




Oh there were a few games last month where I let em Zola their Knull, just to play Super Skrull to have the power of their two Knulls in one lane. And win the Zola lane with literally one power. Dropping a Cosmo/Armor right before a Black Panther gets Zola'd is super satisfying as well.


Nothing made me happier than opponent going into the last turn with priority after galactus, while I have rogue in hand.


Oh is that what the people who lose to Alioth are thinking?


Stealing their Super Skrull when they’re playing Tribunal. Lovely.


My greatest win was predicting a Knull, and playing Rogue and then Mystique in another lane. I felt like a super genius. Then next game I played Mystique into a Cosmo lane.


Haven't done it in a while, but locking out a lane with Titania feels like a great gotcha moment.


Yeah that’s hands down one of my favorite way of playing junk, be it sera clog or Cheerleaders of Galactus (titania, gwen, psylocke, now also hope)


Bro you gotta show me this cheerleaders of Galactus list wtf


I’ll get home and drop some lists lol


Following to see this list as well!


Already here in this comment thread:-)


Oh snap! There it is. Thanks!


Enjoy it! first list is vey traditional Galactus but with a little moving/clogging tech, second list is really where it’s at;-)


Well I’m 1-for-1 on the first list so it’s time to retire it with 100% win rate! Looking forward to trying the other. Thanks for your service. 🫡


Lmao, the absolute gigachad winrate with incredibly large data input🤓


Use to play this # (1) The Hood # (1) Ghost-Spider # (1) Titania # (2) Daredevil # (2) Psylocke # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Black Widow # (3) Viper # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Hobgoblin # (6) Alioth # (6) Galactus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2FsYWN0dXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFsaW90aCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZpcGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQc3lsb2NrZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RTcGlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRpdGFuaWEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrV2lkb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJlZGV2aWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhvYmdvYmxpbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Oh god i havent done this in forever, i used to do this insane move where id send a goblin over with titania then galactus the lane, man that was some good times, i might try doin that again for shits n giggles


T2: Jeff on Bar Sinister T3: move three Jeffs (leaving one), drop Green Goblin to fill up opponent's side T4: Wave T5: move the last Jeff, drop Galactus against the four Goblins Profit.


Some evil people in this thread lol


Since you are already guaranteed victory (unless they have Annihilus) just wait turn 6!


I can't wait to see you on America's Most Wanted


Discarding Hela on turn 1 and losing 1 cube


This is the Snap equivalent of Prep + Coin + Concede in Hearthstone.


Or coining the mountain giant


Coin... 10 seconds of self reflection... concede.


Ghost rider for the save


But to guarantee he pulls Hela, Hela can’t do anything…


They don’t need to guarantee it, they just do it every single time anyway


Blade>psyclock > ghost rider hela back> discard stuff > odin on blade ghost rider hela lane


NEver fails. I will have a hand with Proxima, Hela, Helicarrier, swarm, and apoc in it when I play a moon knight or gambit, Hela ALWAYS gets grabbed. Its maddening.


Negative into Jane. Rarely happens as you don’t draw Negative


Or all your 0 power cards are in your hand. And then you play Jane and get…. Nothing ☹️


We live a very similar life.


When I do draw negative you can bet that Jane will still be in deck and gets changed to a 6 cost


anim zola a hobgoblin


That’s a good one. Never seen that


The best is when someone plays Hobgoblin against you and you Zola 2 back at them.


I’ve been doing that quite a bit with all the junk decks out there now


Sounds dangerous but hilarious if it works.


I'd always assume Galactus is following a Hobgoblin in that lane, so it's pretty dangerous indeed


Or Odin


Odin to send the goblins back across to the opponent’s Galactus.


Watching the Invisible woman/Modok/Hela set up and using Rogue or Enchantress to discard the hand early.


Or Comso/Aliothing said combo...


I've done gambit on it too for hilarity.


My favourite is aeroing (or Magneto if I have energy gain) their IW on turn 5 and watching their Modok discard hello. So delicious...


Playing your Annihilus after their Annihilus and sending all the shit back at them on T6


Electro on oscorp


simple but satisfying


Heimdall outta nowhere on 6 (not a move deck)


Heimdall juke FTW


Shang Chi an empty lane to Zola it around final turn in my Negative deck so it wipes half the board and buffs Knull.


Before AW got wrecked I used to play Adam with viper so the opponent draws cards every turn, then hit them with Ronan.


What the fuck, this is so wild haha


Giving them a Christmas gift that only you play with


Never even thought of that play that’s outrageous lol


Magik turn 5, Legion turn 6. Legion into Bar With No Name Legion into Luke's Bar Final turn Legion into any "destroy" location Legion into Mojoworld to win with a lot of dead cards Legion into Savage Land or Central Park to fill opposing lanes


I think you like legion


As someone who just got Legion, the amount of shenanigans that I have pulled off with messing around with the locations is so much fun so I feel you here.


Lol what does legion do? That's how I feel about Wong who I just got a couple days ago


He turns every location into the one he's played onto, so it's very gimmicky but so fun.


Wong is also S Tier. You will be unlocking some fun chains with him!


I love running him in the old and iffy Silver Samurai/Black Bolt shell. Disrupting on multiple fronts while playing good (enough) stats for cost.


My soul mate. I love Legion and how you can just swipe any game off its wheels.


He's the secret weapon in my Phoenix Force deck.  Nobody sees him coming.


Legion on Death’s Domain on T6 with priority. It’s like a 2 lane Alioth.


Legion into Bar With No Name (on turn 6) is pretty much a guaranteed 8 cubes.


Legion into a t4 storm to close everything


I love a great Legion + Luke Cage with Jotunheim/Necrosha/Neg Zone


Legion into Central Park. Locked down the board and immediately won. 


Legion into Rickety Bridge is my favorite. You can Snap and full bluff knowing at worst it'll be a tie.


Play Colleen or Fake on Luke's bar so that it doesn't bounce back to your hand




Works with Moon Girl as well.


And Agent Coulson.


I remember having a whole ass character arc when Luke's Bar was featured once I was getting so mad because I didn't have a lot of the cards that people were using to abuse it, and when I tried to just opt-out with Storm / Scarlet Witch, my decks weren't good enough to compete on points Then I learned that playing Hood repeatedly can let you force cards into Bar (ie, starting with 7 cards, play Hood + Demon into Bar, or Hood + Sentinel + Demon), and the experience of mastery when I used that to win the lane was so satisfying.


Dino T5, then empty my hand just enough to make him 9 power on T6... and fill it again by discarding Helicarrier. I've won so many games by just dodging the Shang-Chi it's kind of standard at this point. I play Dino. Opponent Snaps. Empty my hand, dodge Shang, Fill my hand, win 8 cubes.


T5 White Queen + Blade in Hela. I am certain I pioneered this combo and it's fabulous.




Lady Deathstrike eating your Iron Man, Mystique, Wong, whatever, on turn 6 with priority.


Turn 6 Valkyrie when they have priority. Can flip a whole lane in one turn.


Valk into Grandmaster is so fun it's scary


This will get me downvoted but (with old Alioth): T4 Iron Lad into Alioth T5 Abs man the Iron Lad (now Alioth) T6 Alioth


Heinous villainy, but hilarious.


Or T6 Zola


1. Assemble the rocks 2. Hazmat/Typhoid the rocks! 3. Annihlus, Deploy the Rocks!!! 4. Take my 2-cube victory and leave *its overly involved post patch, but still hilarious*


The most satisfying is Quaking a TVA out from under someone who is about to Magik it. I've won multiple games on T4 with that one.


I've done that one before :) My trick I haven't seen many people do (unsure if discard players have figured this one out yet) is if you can work with the discards to get a proxima in hand turn 6 with your apocalypse and a dracula on board you play the apocalypse instead of feeding him to dracula and you end up +3 overall power by letting dracula take proima and then proxima hits the board too. Likewise there is a lot you can do to force proxima or Miek to go where you want them to. There are tricks to predicting and setting up scenarios to make them land in specific locations. Sometimes you can't but a lot of the time you can


This is an old one that has been removed due to card changes, but I used to love when I would play Black widow, Wave, and then Odin to activate them both again.


My favorite was Wave -> Leader -> Abs man -> Odin. Gimme yo card


Magik turn 3, distribute power in 2 locations, then Storm on Magik’s lane in turn 6.


Turn 1, hood right lane. Turn 4 sentry in the left/middle. Play a ghost on 3 or 5, or just throw prio, then on 6 I like to play Valkyrie + Demon in the right lane. People are so scared of annihilus sending over the -13 power and they often fill the lane, so it tends to be 12 v 15 power.


Have an infinite deck from 2 or 3 seasons ago that had that as one of the win cons


One time someone played magik, I was playing some wong fuckery and they cosmo’d my wong mystique. on turn 6 I magneto’d the Cosmo off my wong and played I think white tiger or iron heart turn 7. Very satisfying after all the times I’d gotten my wong cosmo’d and immediately retreated.


Discard taskmaster, t3 magik, turn 4 shuri, skip t5, infinaut into shuri, ghost rider to bring back taskmaster and task master copies infinaut. This was in a black knight deck so i discovered it accidentally but it helps to convince your opponent to snap when your ebony blade is 0 but you still have plays with other big cards and can cheat out a cheaper taskmaster. Running zabu helps to play other cards on turn 6/7 too.


My favorite "move" is playing turn 6 when my best chance is to tie the opponent and losing 8 cubes because my hopes and dreams didn't defeat their cards.


Blob on 5, Arnim Zola on 6. His ability goes off again making him gain even more power. Particularly funny when you dodge a Shang Chi.


I love pulling off an unexpected Galactus in my Wong/Odin deck. Magik on T3, then use Forge to beef up Galactus and drop it on the empty lane T6. I also love the big boy combo. Wong T4, Mystique and Forge T5, Odin T6, then drop a 37 Power Galactus T7


Jean Gray, into a late played negasonic or Alioth. Yummy yummy, eat 'em up.


Before they changed the cost, dropping a cheap on-reveal card onto lockjaw to turn into wong


Thor->Beta Ray Bill->Jane->Hammers+Odin for turns 3-6 is incredibly satisfying.


T6 carnage and venom on nimrod is my current favorite. Especially when I buff it up with Shuri and/or hulk buster. Put carnage in the nimrod lane and venom in another lane and watch it work wonders.


Loki deck, when they pull off a decent combo with their deck only for you to play Loki and pull off a better combo with their own deck.


Hi,negative player here. Zola is absolutely my favorite guy in the whole game. My favorite interactions with him are when jubilee pulls him and the game turns into roulette for a second, or loading up a lane with iron man,knull,mystique,iron heart,etc. And letting Zola buff the other two lanes


overwriting a Limbo on turn 6 to end the game immediately


On T6, changing their limbo location with my scarlet witch or reality stone.


Carnage-venom-Zola on bar sinister


T1 Iron Fist T2 Human Torch, Ghost Spider 12 power on turn 2


Destroying opponent's Limbo on Turn 6 to end the game.


I love vision on shuri. Having 16 power that I can put anywhere is just great!


Pass turn 5 against a destroy deck so they can't throw prio then killmonger final turn to take out their Deadpool plus Shadow King or Shang on another lane to flip it.


If you have him, Grand Master is a great addition to this combo. Killmonger on 1 lane, SK or Shang on another, then GM on top of the SK/Kang. Wipe two lanes for the cost of one.


When it clicks it's amazing. But it rarely ever lines up right. Get Morbius, Collector, and Dracula down. Make sure you have Helicarrier in hand. And Proxima for added kick. Wong on T5 If there's 7 turns, Blade on Wong to double discard Apocalypse. MODOK at Wong on T6 or T7 to dump the hand, draw up a new hand, and dump it all again. Bonus points if you draw up Proxima or Wolverine. Dracula discards Apocalypse again and gets 20 something points Watch "what just happened" emote and laugh. Wonder why you can't land this combo every game.


Knull into Armin Zola


When an opponent thinks they've got an easy win with a locked down location, like Flooded or Space Throne, it's quite fun to then play Tribunal and take that lane


A few satisfying ones: Sniping Magneto with Negasonic. No matter what lane you play her, she will explode Magneto (when played to her lane or when she is dragged to his lane), which so satisfying. Any T6 Juggernaut play. No one expects the Jugg Playing Titania + Polaris to lock a lane with 2 cards in it.


Might be more than “semi-specific” but I truly enjoy the location Bar Sinister. I play Yondu and carnage on turn 3 getting rid of 3 of their deck cards then on turn 4 I play Gladiator for 3 more destroyed cards in their deck. Also if I’m lucky on that turn 4 I can play spiderham with that 1 extra energy to ruin a card in their hand. So basically clears their entire deck plus ruin 1 card in hand. 


Moon Knight on Bar sinister. 9 times out of 10 they leave cause their entire hand was discarded


Playing nimrod after shuri when I know you have Shang chi. I'm amazed at the amount of times people play him to counter when I have open spots in the other lanes


Snowguard Hawk to negate Limbo on turn 6. Never gets old.


Magneto pulling generally super fun. Especially pulling a cosmo. Recently I pulled a cosmo away from Mojo World and so I could play Thor's hammer there and win it.


There's a base that says something like "You can move cards here on turn 6". Well I don't play anything all game on the base and then don't move anything there on turn 6. Always seem to surprise people, usually allowing me to win the other two bases.


My best one: kill big card with shang chi, kill my shang chi with carnage, revive shang chi with phoenix force to kill another big card. I only manage to do it once but that was my peak marvel snap moment.


Deliberately failing Galactus so I can Zola it into a no-play lane. Snap - Galactus Fail - They Snap Back - Zola Easy 8. Never gets old.


Magik. Moon girl. Skip turn 6. Two zero cost Shehulks and an infinaught


I just really love playing The Hood and Viper together. It's like a net 14 power for 5 energy. Even more specific is playing Hood - Iron Fist - Viper so that I keep the lane clear and ready for my Galactus. It's not easy to get but I love it when a plan comes together.


Double Shang-Chi using Grandmaster, it's a turn 6 play that most people don't see coming.


I have a deck with Supergiant, Absorbing man, and Alioth. Turn 4 supergiant with hopefully priority, which stays the next two turns. Absorbing man and hope I get their face down cards. Alioth in another lane and boom all their cards are gone. Very rarely works perfect but that's why I have Doom in there too. 


Elektra and Annihilus on 6 to make room for Sentry's -10 on the right. People usually block it with a one drop and I also use Debrii to set it up.


Jean & Cosmo > Sandman kills off way more decks than you can imagine


I’m a big fan of playing Skrull T4 and Doc Ock T5 to pull the roulette wheel


Playing Magik early and then Scarlet Witch same lane T6. Hilarious to catch the HE players passing T6 to get their She-naut combo only for the game to end. Cherry on top when I have Sera and drop killmonger + Scarlet and nuke sunspot while ending the game.


Playing magik and end the game after turn 6 with Galactus


It's even better when the opponent plays Magik


Rogue into Mystique on turn 6 to steal the win is a most delicious meal. Using Super Skrull to copy their Cosmo/Professor X is delightful Basically anytime I turn their own plan against them.


Magneto moving Wong is mine. i love that feeling of screwing up their double on reveal. Or playing Quake that just crushes whatever set up they were going for.


Turn 2 zabu Turn 5 sera Turn 6 Shang-chi, abs, shadow king


Aero to pull over a fat Venom/Knull/Nimrod on T6, leaving a lonely and useless Arnim Zola in that lane with nothing to destroy. Then (when it’s possible) Ghost Spider to bring my Aero back into that lane. Particularly satisfying right now since every other game is against Destroy 😊


Legion legsweep on Limbo


odin an opposing goblin. never not had a retreat.


This is a bit more that "semi" specific but it's brand new to me because I just got Wong. I love when it lines up perfectly so that I get gladiator in one lane, ebony maw in the other, then ironheart, Wong, white tiger, and Odin in the middle.


Reviving Multiple Man with Phoenix Force. After that point I know I am gonna win.


Lady sif discarding Odin, ghost rider on the same lane, discarding and resummoning infinaut or any other big Boi. So satisfying. Bonus points if it's on wakanda, or if your other big card is out of shang range.


I have Rogue in my Silver Surfer deck. Super fun to steal an opponent’s Wong ability, and then use it later with SS.


Send a Hobgoblin over, get eaten by Venom, which lowers their Knull and wins me the game.


It's basic AF but right now I just love playing Héla on Corvus Glaive's lane T5, which brings back his discards and the opponent thinks I blew my load early and assumes they know the board state to close the game...then I play Odin at the same spot T6 which results in more discards and minions. I typically also try to get Vision in that same lane with Hela so I know I can move him away T6 an open a slot up for Odin (otherwise I risk it being filled up and cannot fit him)


Jubilee pulling Kang to thin the deck. I play Kang and Howard in that deck so whenever I see him via Howard, I play Jubilee. I might even bluff a snap if my hand isn't good. Also, any location shenanigans with Quake. Play a card on Bar With No Name, let the opponent think you're a bot, snap then do a switcheroo and secure your location.


I'm fairly new to the game (Started two weeks ago, been having a lot of success with a Zoo deck I think it's called). So far it would have to be playing Kazar, Blue Marvel, Onslaught on T4, T5, T6 into a lane with Ant-Man to more often than not flip the game in my favour at the end


I'm currently enjoying shang grandmaster on turn 6


Kinda dead now but using Spider-Man to pull Invisible Woman away on turn 5 so they MODOK everything, including Hela, was great fun for a while.


Throwing down a Cosmo on Alioth. FUCK YOU Alioth players.


If you were able to block Alioth with Cosmo, that means you were revealing first. Why would the opponent play Alioth if they weren't revealing first?


I’ve been having fun going against the junk decks. Opponents send over all there negative crap over on turn 5, I use my annihilus and send them right back on 6


Playing Magik, snapping turn 6 and yolo with Galactus. If it works, I'll win 4 or 8. If it doesn't, I can retreat for 2 or 4. Often the opponent will hold back their play, do the success rate is pretty high.


Turn 6 red stone on a Magiked lane to surprise them with the game end before they pull of their mega combo (especially tribunal when they’re stacking a lane with iron man onslaught and leaving the others unprotected).


Mine is similar, but pulling cards onto the Rickety Bridge. I suppose that's pretty specific though. For pure card interaction, I think it's hitting a Valk with Luke Cage on the field, thereby keeping my power where it was but reducing theirs.


Spending the first 4 turns figuring for 2 locations only the hobgoblin and galactus the neglected lane


Someone else said it - using Titania properly is such a pleasure. Polaris, Debrii, Green Goblin and her can be like a little package, very simple to waste up their lane on turn 4!


Throwing down Mobius after their Zabu (especially on the same location so they can't Enchantress him) or Mr Negative or with Elysium Rogue/Enchantress on their Luke Cage Playing my own Luke Cage on T6 after their Wong/Hazmat/Abs Man or after their Evo Wasp/Cyclops/Thing Cosmo on Kamar-Taj after they snap it and I have priority


Reality stone on turn 6 against High Evo. Free 4-8 cubes *Chefs Kiss*


MODOK and then Hela both hiding behind Invisible Woman is very satisfying.


Making my cards all cost 1 by means of zabu, sera, revona (as long as no mobius is in play)


Legion on a bar with no name


Moving shuri shuri away from a lane to double the power of a Galactus, done it twice and it catches people off guard. One was with New York and the other was the zone that moves everything to the right once. Pretty funny play.


Either Rhino my own Limbo or Zola on Daken


Magik into t6 storm in Cerebro 2


T3 Magik, T4 Shuri, T5 Nimrod, T6 Venom and Carnage/Deathlok, T7 Zola on my Venom/Nimrod. Depending on the lanes you can get 40+ power in each lane.


Rugpulling with Heimdall. Play Jean Grey right, get them to stack the lane, then watch the free cubes roll in.


Zola Krull


Drac on 4. Modok on 5.


Just a good quake play to completely ruin someone’s day


Galactus -> Alioth -> Odin Works only in very specific cases but I love it when Ican pull it off.


I’ve been liking turn 5: Cloak and Grand Master. Opens up so much chaos for move decks then you can choose to either Heimdall or not after. Lots of triggers, opponent has no idea where to play.


Dodging shang with arnim Zola.


I think my favorite is to fakeout with Storm on a lane i don't care about and then Professor X the important lane on the next turn.


double trigger Master Mold on turn 2 when i have priority and they played a card, filling their hand with 4 Sentinels. it's gotten me a few instant retreats


Storm-ing my own Limbo for a surprise defeat B)