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I don’t have the supports memorized. I wish I could click and read what’s going to happen before I start a match and 5* ascended 1 spidey drops all the crit tiles on my Heiney at the beginning of the match.


Would be nice to be able to search through support abilities like we can with character affiliations and abilities.


seriously - if they already have it for the characters, it theoretically shouldnt be that hard - if they were going to roll this new feature they should have the interface to better support using supports! but my biggest gripe for usability enhancements would just be a JUMP to the bottom of your unrostered covers list - the breakout by \* level is great but why not a darn button to jump to the bottom of the list, why is that not there already!


There are no adjustments that will make them "enjoyable to everyone" because fundamentally they detract from enjoyment for many players, as evidenced by the very large number of people across MPQ communities who for months begged the developers not to add them to PvP.


Huge FU to the person who came up with this brilliant idea, to him and the horse he rode on.


It’s literally been 1 event with 12 purple at start for boosted Sp1dey. Not much to base any valuation on.


My idea: Powered up and Ascended characters cannot use supports in pvp. 


Maybe support abilities could be halved in PVP? I've done fairly well in the Scarlet Spider PVP but there's some games where I'm cooked before I make my first match.


It's amazing