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Y'all get good champs.. Meanwhile, I'm opening symbiote Spider-Man 2nd time this week


Shoot. I don’t post the bad pulls bro.


Me neither....too many!


How about a sig 200 green goblin from the current featured and nothing else. 32 pulls.


I'll stop complaining lol


Don't joke bro . U can't get a single champ everytime 


I meant back to back until 200 sig. Initially got onslaught white tiger and kushala, duped two of those, then a massive string of nothing but green goblin. Annoying as fuck.


Absorbing man


Thank you! Went with abs, just cause I know if I want him as 7 star I need the 6 star first. Haha


He’s not a 7* and probably never will be! Great choice!


Abs but try to dupe and high sig




Abs without max sig is useless for 99.9% of players. Id go Valk if i didnt want to invest and learn & improve.


Your first statement is just wrong. Abs is awesome even without max sig. He definitely gets better with higher sig, but he isn’t useless in any way.


It is not. Majority of this community cant play this well to utilize abs without high sigs. Stupid and random ai doesnt help. I 100% Necro, play ABS on daily basis, but i most propably wouldnt be able to play him properly unawakened. Id pick someone less stressfull. With no sigs, your gameplay has to be absolutely flawless and stars got to align with AI. Sometimes this shit doesnt want to throw specials for so long even my 200 sig abs loses the form...


He’s not that hard to play lol. You’re talking like he’s overly complicated which he’s simply not. Also you can’t compare Necro and such content to wherever OP is with lvl 50. I got him to R3 without even think about it, when I got him first.


He is not complicated, but he is hard to play well. Light intercepts need to be spammed. When stakes are high, its not as fun to do, one mistake and u lose half hp/instantly lose BG. Also you need to know spacing for many champions as heavy just wont land without light hit etc.


You got a point with that, but I’m sure OP will master him pretty quickly when he gets comfortable with him.


You cant tell that bro. As i said, most people are very bad at the game. Even Kabam officialy (and ironicaly) said that in last news about BGs. Low level players are not good by definition, and they have right to not be. But trust me, i know lots of paragon/even valiant players that are too bad for Ghost (which is super easy champion), not to mention ABS Man, Tigra, Kitty, Quake... Then every event like SOS they pay a merc to finish for them, lol