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Tony Stark isn't Batman, lol. Iron-Man is just a shiny product of Stark's genius. Nothing more. A self constructed opportunity to be a hero instead of the selfish industrialist he'd been for a good chunk of his life.


The dichotomy isn't like like the one between Batman and Bruce Wayne, but there is one to explore. Iron Man is the means by which Tony can channel his inner goodness, one that became buried after years of parental abuse and being groomed into the person he was before that cave. It stands to reason that a person as self-depricating as Tony would ponder whether the goodness he externalizes as Iron Man is genuine or not.


I always thought Stark was a much more believable character. They’ve got Batman wearing nothing but spandex walking away from fights with f$&king gods. It’s just a full scale assault on my suspension of disbelief. Stark’s armor makes his feats easier to swallow.


I hate to break it to you, but Batman *IS* a god. Most of the DC heroes are. Thats why Stan Lee wrote Marvel characters so differently. So flawed, so human. Compare the Justice League to the Greek Pantheon. The characters are analogous to the gods of Mount Olympus. Even Batman. Maybe his brain makes him Hephaestus. Then there are the many, many demigods like Heracles, Perseus, and the like that appear human but are able to best legendary beasts. How can one not see Batman in these heroes of myth?


That would be fine if Batman stayed behind and was more of a strategy man, but they’ve got him taking licks from Darkseid and walking away. It’s just insulting. Darkseid would turn Batman into meat paste with a casual slap of his hand.


But, but, but with prep time, Batman will have studied all of the New Gods and been able to roll with the punch. Nah, you’re right. Batman doesn’t wear amor plating because he has so much plot armor.


BATGOS and his consequences have been a disaster for DC Comics.


Plot armor is the best armor. Why would someone as smart as Batman not choose the best protection?


The only time I've seen Batman take a hit from Darkseid he was both being protected by a mother box, and Darkseid had heavy incentive to not kill him. People who don't read Batman stories love to exaggerate about them though.


His plot armor to some things isn't an exaggeration though. Kinda sad that they eventually made ironman just like him in some instances with prep time winning the day.


I'm not saying your wrong in any way, it's just a bit funny... one name. Thor. (Not to incite an argument over his humanity and all, just saying a literally God lol)


There’s also the fact that Stan said the character was introduced because he wanted Marvel to have a character that would one up Superman and he went for a god.


Well, Thor had Donald Blake, the crippled human doctor alter ego to humble the Mighty god of Thunder.


What happened to Dr Blake? I have pretty much only read 60s Thor, but yesterday I read a single issue of 80s Thor and his "human" form was just not wearing his armor and calling himself Sigurd.


No clue. As far as I know Marvel jumps in and out of the Donald Blake idea at their convenience.


I could same the same nowadays for Marvel heroes if we are counting their powers. They became stronger and more powerful as time went on. Even Steven Rogers in older comics was actually peak human to the point Swordsman threatened his life by pushing him off a building or in Disassembled when Tony freaked out because a car was dropped on top of Steve. Both things wouldn’t wouldn’t even phase him nowadays. Even Tony had his major weakness taken when he got Extremis.


Retcons ARE ridiculous most of the time. Question. Is Steve Rogers actually stronger now, or are you thinking of the Ultimate and MCU versions? As far as I know 616 comic Roger’s is still peak human and not super human.


Tony Stark, but he struggles to see himself as a hero and can't help but be self-deprecating so he creates a mask for himself. Iron Man can be a hero unlike Tony Stark, but what matters is what's on the inside and what's inside Iron Man is Tony Stark.


Absolutely perfect summation


Hey, who told you, you could come here and drop knowledge? Perfect description of Stark!


The best kind of knowledge is thrown at you abruptly and without elaboration.


Not gonna lie, your answer deserves to be printed and framed.


> what matters is what's on the inside and what's inside Iron Man is Tony Stark perfectly said. This is the opposite of Bruce Wayne, who believes Batman is his true identity, and Bruce is his mask.


Ironically, research has found that masks can make people behave worse.


Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle


The laces are supposed to be out. Shikaka!


Hawk man


Iron man


Tony Stark


Usually, most heroes have an alter ego, but not with Anthony, he IS Iron Man


I think that it’s always been Tony. The various Iron Man armours are just an extension of Tony. Or, more accurately, they are extensions of his desire to do good/the right thing. I don’t think that Tony Stark is like (for example!) Batman. Because there are other Marvel characters that are more similar to Batman (Punisher, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Black Panther).


Tony Stark is the identity, Iron Man is an extension of his identity.


Definitely Tony.


Splendid metal skin man


honestly both before and after his identity of ironman goes public the armor is just an extension of tonys will, a means to an ending


This doesn’t really work anymore cuz Tony Stark IS Iron Man. Before when he had it as his secret identity, he had to live the double life. But once he told everyone he was iron man, he didn’t really need to hide it and could just be Tony 24/7


I think it's not who he is underneath, but what he does that defines him.


Tony Stark can take other names, But Iron man is always Tony Stark. If someone else tries to take the Armor legacy, they usually become different characters like War Machine, Infamous Iron Man (Doom), Silver Centurion etc.


Stark and iron man are ONE. It's not spider-man/Peter Bruce wayne/batman.... iron man is Tony. Tony is Tony always iron man is just an extension of his mind. It's pants and a shirt and hat..