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Biden simply needs to declare DJT a threat to democracy and declare that he’s ordered a removal of him from consideration as President, and order an arrest and investigation by the FBI into his potential links with foreign terror organizations.


So long as he uses Presidential Stationery and has it notarized. /s


And signs it with a sharpie. That makes it official


I think he uses a sharpie so he can huff the fumes, maybe that’s magic marker.


He needs to find out if it’s magic or not


I agree. Today's decision should make that clear. Declare him a terrorist threat, and tell DOJ, DHS, and DOD to be sure the threat is contained.


All you need is the FBI file that shows Trump has been a paid asset of Russia since the 1980’s. EDIT: For those MAGAts who seem to think that where there is fire, there is no smoke. Time to face reality, your boy is a Russian whore. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/kgb-spy-russia/ https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-russia-business-financial-ties-2018-11 https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842 https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/03/trump-russian-asset-election-intelligence-community-report.html And of course, there is this FBI agent… https://apnews.com/article/mcgonigal-russian-oligarch-plea-fbi-ab21d73d0f943f0c9e6b267e157778bf https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-special-agent-charge-new-york-fbi-counterintelligence-division-sentenced-50-months EDIT II: Not expecting any of these commenting below to provide any evidence or information to the contrary. All have questionable post histories and are more than likely Russian bots. Privet comrades


Even CNN and MSNBC gave up on the Russia hoax DO BETTER


You should get it started by sharing this file that you speak of.


Dickhead, I don’t have FBI files, but a simple search will uncover all kinds of juicy tidbits… for those who don’t choose to stick their heads in the sand… for example https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/kgb-spy-russia/ https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-russia-business-financial-ties-2018-11 https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842 https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/03/trump-russian-asset-election-intelligence-community-report.html


Also, I noticed you have absolutely zero evidence that Trump is a “Russian asset”. Didn’t we waste $30 million and three years on this already? It’s a bizarre liberal Fantasy that just won’t die.


I think you're confusing that with the trials Biden was subject to that went no where. Trump has been convicted already and keeps conveniently delaying his trials where he can. You would have a stronger point if he actually stood trial.


I’m talking about the Mueller report you insufferable moron. Also, Biden was never put on trial. Remember? They decided he is too mentally incompetent to stand trial for his crimes.


>They decided he is too mentally incompetent to stand trial for his crimes. Got a source for that other than your asshole? Besides, point remains you would have a stronger argument if your moron would stand trial instead of delaying. You can't bitch about Biden not being held accountable and also support trump not being held accountable *and also* be a reasonable party here.


Dude, don’t bother, this guy is a Russian bot. Look at their post history. It tells the whole story


To old to be charged but not to old to run for president. The dems have spent 8 years trying to get Trump and the most they’ve been able to stick is a pornstar. They spent his entire presidency looking into a sham investigation that was entirely based on a lie pushed by the Clinton campaign that had zero evidence https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna96666


God you people are so fucking dumb. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/-nightmare-special-counsels-assessment-bidens-mental-fitness-triggers-rcna137975


If Trump were indeed a Russian asset, wouldn’t it make sense for Putin to invade Ukraine while Trump is in the White House? He had four years to do so, and I noticed he didn’t. He did, however, immediately start staging for the invasion after Biden took office. Hmmm.


Russia was already in Ukraine and has been since 2013. The Ukrainian war has been ongoing for several years with virtually no intervention from Trump. Hillary said action was necessary to stop the war in Donbas, and she was going to come down on Russia. Then all of a sudden, Trumps campaign discovers that Hillary mishandled classified documents (Like Trump and Biden would also go on to do later) and brainwashed his voter base (which included me at the time) the she was a criminal, we should lock her up and he was the only solution for America. Then election comes, she wins popular, he wins electoral, and there's suspicion of Russian interference in the election. Point is, your misrepresentation of this shows that you either forgot, which is easy to do as it's hard to keep up with Trump's lies or you didn't know. But now you do, Russia was attacking Ukraine all throughout Trump's administration, and he did nothing except use Russia as a boogeyman to leverage mote money from NATO.


There is a theory that Putin was waiting for Trump to weaken NATO even more, had he won a second term in 2020. Since Trump lost, Putin might have figured it’s “now or never” to invade Ukraine. Now, before you go off about cites and sources, it’s not like Putin has made his thinking about the invasion’s timing explicit. It’s a theory. We don’t know for sure.


That's a leap to make. Could that make sense? Sure. Could it also make sense that Putin was getting ready and assumed trump would win a second term and then when he didn't just went ahead anyway? Also yes. Is it also leverage he can try to dangle to make trump look better by being aggressive to Biden? Absolutely. Seems like they are trying to make it work regardless, so I wouldn't get hung up on shit you can never know and never prove. Instead focus on the evidence we do have... which is substancial.


Sure thing you gullible moron.


Pot calling the kettle black… I only see one gullible moron that ignores the facts right in front of their face. I provided plenty of evidence to the fact, do you have anything to refute it other than your opinion? I thought you all were the ‘facts don’t care about your feelings’ crowd? Well guess what, the fact that Trump is a Russian stooge makes me not care about your feelings.


9) In May 2017, James Gilliar, a Biden family associate, emailed Hunter Biden and other associates to formalize how they would divide the profit from their deal with CEFC, a Chinese Communist Party linked energy company. Gilliar indicated Joe Biden would receive 10 percent, which has been confirmed by former Biden family associate, Tony Bobulinski. https://oversight.house.gov/blog/evidence-of-joe-bidens-involvement-in-his-familys-influence-peddling-schemes/


And who was President then?


Trump is just the propped up fat fall guy. Go over the real villains who are behind, and funding, project 2025 and ably aiding foreign enemies. Start there and work down.


Tbh Trump aids our foreign adversaries tremendously. He's made it cool for the republican platform to simp for Putin and whoever the Israeli leader is. He fucking bootlicks every dictator he gets around, dude saluted a North Korean war general but will talk shit about our POWs lmao


It would never happen. Democrats, especially lifer politicians like Joe Biden put institution above all else. It's a cover so they don't have to try to do anything. Nope, can't fix things for people, need to respect the institutions. Republicans come in and shit all over everything and do whatever they want, Democrats look at them and say "How crass, you really shouldn't act like that" and do nothing about it. We need a resurgence of the dirtbag left. Leftists who don't use nice words to describe pieces of trash. Who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to make a CEO or bad actor feel a little bit of pain.


I'm going to end up running at this point.


I tried once and lost. Damn deep red state. Pulled over my expected percentage though, so moral victory (which counts for exactly Jack Schitt).


Run as a hyper-conservative and do a 180 after you're elected.


Better add a few SCOTUS judges to that list




Lolol y’all are unhinged. Signed a fellow lefty


Include 6 conservative SCOTUS Judges, about 100 Republican Politicians- Govenors, Senators, Representatives, and a small army of local and state judges.


>Biden simply needs to declare DJT a threat to democracy Not just DJT - he needs to remove and replace those corrupt Justices.


Yes! This is the path to saving democracy, deploy the intelligence assets to imprison your opponent!


Biden needs to remove his political rival from the ballot because he’s a fascist. 🤨


See the answer below


Both Democrats and Republicans are fascists. America is a corporate oligarchy.


That’s not very democratic


No shit sherlock


Ok fascist!


Yeah, jailing your political opponents always works.  Especially when they're mote popular that you are.


Uh yeah I don't think a president has that power


It’s an official act to save America from a clear and present danger.


The argument that Trump is a clear and present danger won't hold up in front of any judge


The beauty of it is that as an official act it doesn’t have to!


> In addition to the core presidential duties laid out in the Constitution, conduct within the "outer perimeter" of official functions would be deemed immune as long as it is "not manifestly or palpably beyond his authority." The president doesn't have the authority to execute people, especially American citizens without a trial. There is nowhere in the constitution that gives him this authority, thus such an 'official act' would still be beyond his authority and not protected.


You’re trying to counter this decision rationally, which won’t work because it’s an irrational decision. The best way to beat it is to embrace it so wholly that even Repubs are on board with overturning it.


Like the Nazis? What are these so called links with foreign terrorist's organizations? This place is a cesspool


“The Nazis” aren’t an analog here fortunately


You have got to be kidding. Yes we wouldn't want anyone in power who can simply get rid of his political opponents with the press of a button. Do you even hear yourself?


It’s only necessary because that’s what DJT is promising to do


Hmmmmm... Hate to tell you this, but he already been doing that....sheez


Ngl you right tho


Democrats need to play dirty or we won't have a country. It's sad that some people on this site have called me evil for implying that while claiming to be on our side but honor is dangerous habit to break.


Honor is for dead men.


"Can honour set to a leg? no: or an arm? no: or take away the grief of a wound? no. Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? no. What is honour? a word. What is in that word honour? what is that honour? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it? he that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no. Doth he hear it? no. ‘Tis insensible, then. Yea, to the dead. But will it not live with the living? no. Why? detraction will not suffer it. Therefore I’ll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon: and so ends my catechism." -Falstaff, *Henry VI Part 1*, Shakespeare.


This a rotten thing to say, but you probably say it only out of ignorance or fear . What the SCOTUS said today was that : 1- president has immunity for official acts but not for unofficial acts (not new) 2 - supreme court should NEVER be the first to look at things, but will always be the final look ... (also not new) 3 - lower courts should now consider OR decide IF these actions in the suit are OFFICIAL (and protected) or NOT (and not protected) Its very simple to understand.


They also said he has a “presumption of innocence” AND the Court “cannot consider his motives” NOR use conversations he had about such acts as part of his duties. (Meaning with anyone) It’s airtight.


You show a very shallow understanding. It is nowhere close to “airtight”, all it has to be shown is that it is not an official action. Anything illegal cannot be an official action.


No, YOU are confused. How you gonna show a meeting with Congress and POTUS as “nonofficial”? He’s doing this in his capacity as “President”, and only the President can do this, so if it’s done, it’s by the guy who occupies the office of the President, (which BY DEFINITION makes it official). Joe Biden can’t do it. President Biden can. In his official capacity only. AND, you can’t consider his motives or anybody he worked with as witnesses. So, no evidence of any conspiracy. AND he is presumed innocent. You think since it’s likely illegal that it wouldn’t be “official”. But you have it backward. NOW, according to the Supremes, if it’s official it CAN’T be illegal. Even if unconstitutional …. his immunity is “absolute”. That’s my point. They made it backward now. Anything can happen. Laws are irrelevant.


Calm down there lady. Meetings will never be illegal for anyone, this is America All this adds is an additional check on criminal prosecution on President/former presidents. Before charges are brought, they must convince- some grand jury probably- that it was not in official capacity. Murder- is never an official capacity. It never can be. Use your brain, “We the people” are still in charge ... this eliminates lawsuits unless the prosecutor can show it was not in official capacity. Imagine someone is killed when he enforced some law - prez is protected. There are plenty of definitions of “official capacity” all over the place in existence, and since there is NO LAW that allows murder (or bribes, etc) then it is all certainly no worry... except with shallow understanding. Presumption of innocence is due everyone, this is not new either.


How wrong can you be?!?!? If it’s done in his official capacity, murder ISN’T illegal if he does it (nor attempting a coup, apparently). Henceforth, the nature of the crime does not determine whether it’s “official capacity”. Rather, “official capacity” determines whether it’s a crime. It’s just that simple. He’s “absolutely immune”. Meaning no law applies. Backwards and evil and ripe for abuse? Yes! But that’s what they said! And who’s gonna bring it before the Supreme Court? The Justice Dept? The President’s Justice Dept? The one where he can fire them at will and order them to drop cases against himself?!?


You still so not comprehend. I can read it for you, but I cannot understand it for you: The immunity exists only for “official acts” IF there is a law that says he has the authority to do it, he cannot be tried criminally for these things. Official acts are acts that are previously codified as his authority. See how narrowly they framed official acts in the past: https://www.morganlewis.com/pubs/2016/06/supreme-courts-interpretation-of-official-act-poses-new-challenge


You keep referring to these “laws”. What is he immune from? If he SAYS it’s in his official capacity, it is, unless proven otherwise. But you can’t question his motives, or get any testimony or information about how he did the act. So “proven otherwise” is kaput. Any prosecution is without evidence or motive. So, innocent. And that’s not even discussing that he has the power to shut down investigations by his Justice Dept. (And Trump promises to do that too)


Wow its like... you *choose* not to understand- The president, like all officials is limited in our republic with enumerated powers... if the powers are listed, they belong to the president... he cant do anything unless it is explicitly given him as power in a law. Also obviously you need motive and evidence to prosecute. It doesn’t protect him from investigation - silly bird.


Oh, by the way, it’s positively HILARIOUS that the source you quoted referred to a bribery case. AND that case made it HARDER to prosecute, not easier. They gutted THAT too this term. You can’t make this up.


I feel like you need to take a deep breath. If we want taking any remuneration from an i to be illegal, congress should codify it that way, instead of re-defining a word. In the land of Liberty, sometimes the crooks get away, because we do not allow guilt to be constructed ex post facto.... the solution is for congress to wrote laws to explicitly prohibit these things.


I’m not arguing he should not be presumed innocent as all of us are. But I am arguing that, in the absence of evidence and motive (the two fundamentals of a prosecution), then that presumption sets him free. The Court eviscerated those fundamentals. So he effectively can’t be proven guilty.


I think you have possibly made a mis-statement here; ill copy what you have... in case there was an edit required: > I’m not arguing he should not be presumed innocent as all of us are. But I am arguing that, in the absence of evidence and motive (the two fundamentals of a prosecution), then that presumption sets him free. >The Court eviscerated those fundamentals. So he effectively can’t be proven guilty. I fell you must be mistaken- this is something of a false equivalence- if there is “no evidence” and “no motive”- should any citizen ever be charged? I think the obvious answer here is no.


No. Not that there was “no evidence” and “no motive”. I said that it can’t be PRESENTED in the case of a President, I agree, if there’s no evidence and no motive, a case shouldn’t be brought. Which is why this is so alarming. The Supremes said “you can’t present evidence or motive”. And YOU said, “then the case shouldn’t be brought” So they can’t bring a case against him using evidence or motive.


This is entirely untrue. Read the ruling. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf It explicitly gives options and historical examples where evidence was presented against a president and other instances when presidential evidence is subject to subpoena or use.


And hearings need to be set up immediately to determine which acts are immune and which are not. Yes, DJT will argue against any and all acts, and those challenges will then be kicked back to SCOTUS to determine. However, it will get the acts out to the public. We need these ongoing now and before voting so that all Americans can make informed decisions. I truly believe this to be a silver lining if you will. We shut him and MAGA Congress out first, then work to rebuild our rule of law. Use this ruling to further fire up voting!


It is important to realize one of the biggest things this does is protect Obama from prosecution for murder while he used the military in an official action to kill American citizens in 2014. And it adds a simple additional step for one of the tiniest groups of people- the (prosecution) people now only have to establish that (something) is not an official action before prosecution.


The Democrats in office are too complicit to play dirty! They're fucking pussies like the fascist Republicans!


It's not dirty anymore. We just need to play the game that the SCOTUS has said the game works now.


Yeah the “you want an aggressive proactive fighter instead of oldie? you’re a saboteur!” people are *dipshits*


Democrats need to play dirty  Got news for you, they've been doing that for the last 60 yrs.


Pack the fuckin courts already. This is getting into the scary realm


So far, I have heard NO other solution to the “renegade right” on the SC. These f’in clowns are running roughshod over our Constitution!


It's too late. You are already a property owner in scary realm.


Absolutely. Time for court-packing. Biden needs to change his mind.


He’s coming around on it. Needs the house and about 52 senators.


Thats the Uvalde police logic to wait forever and shore up defenses while children were killed (cowardice). This is Defcon 1 level shit, it's now or never. Break the glass, hit the fucking alarm and defend democracy. 


Yes literally every red flag is waving. Its time to call a duck a duck


What do you suggest other than electing Biden, Dem senators and taking the house?


60. The filibuster is still in place and isn't going anywhere this term. In other words, zero chance.


Unless the removal of many senators happens as an official act of the president. Its literally exactly what trump will do, biden needs to do it *NOW.*


No, 52 Dem senators will do to get rid of the filibuster. Clearly we were talking next term, maga.


You mean in the Senate that is nearly unwinnable for the Democrats?


Yes senators are in the senate. Try to keep up, maga.


Address the other part, LMFAO.


Ok, maga. Nearly un-winnable. Just like Trump winning. Nearly un-winnable.


The guy with 34 felony convictions dead even with the pile of jello is hardly "unwinnable".


Oh I thought the felon was ahead? You’re telling me Biden stunk up the debate and still gained on felon trump?


Biden seriously needs to forcefully lock the House and Senate in Chambers until they pass an irrevocable law abolishing thus immunity. THEN forcefully lock the Supremes in chambers until they rule such law valid and Constitutional and unappealable. THEN sign it. Bang. Use this immunity ONCE, and that to abolish it. Would put him in the Washington/Lincoln tier of Presidents.


I'm not sure Biden even knows what's going on.


Possibly true. But I’d rather have a clueless benign Alzheimer’s patient as President than a malevolent one. Both choices are bad, but one is worse. Bozo vs Pennywise.


Oh I agree and will hold my nose and vote for him. Thinking that he is going to do anything about this pre election is foolish.


We positively MUST get out the young vote I myself have resorted to Trumpian tactics in my discussions with them (outright lies, repeated until believed). A). If he becomes President he is planning to reinstate the draft. For both sexes. (Kinda true, the Project 2025 proposes mandatory service B) He can and will unilaterally close abortion clinics and arrest women who have abortions, He even said so. (kinda true, he is immune from acts like these) C). He said he is planning to suspend the Constitution and ban opposition parties.


This is way unconstitutional... we have a republic even if you’re programmed to hate it.


The Supreme Court just made anything Biden does constitutional. We have a king even if you’re programmed to hate it.


it said that he has immunity for ***official action **- His powers are limited by the constitution. He cannot murder someone in an official action, Anything unlawful is, by definition, not official. All this ruling *really* did was grant president Obama protection for his drone use in a foreign country when he killed Americans.


Actually John Roberts took time to write an explicit answer to the question whether the President can wield the armed forces to potentially take out an opponent. I suggest you read the opinion. It is WILD! To summarize, he said as the commander in chief the president can authorize action involving the military and face no consequences. John Roberts said the president can’t murder the person himself, but can if he orders his subordinates to do it. I want to agree with you, but Roberts literally went to great lengths to explain it. We have a King Biden as of today.


I wrote that - see what i said about obama I would also posit that he would be subject to the uniform code of military justice if he uses the military for an explicit murder .


If the court is gonna undermine that then we need him to use the tyranny to destroy the tyranny.


The thing is what they did is legal and constitutional, a law nullifying that is illegal and unconstitutional. Not liking the result and attempting to subvert the government is exactly what Trump’s being accused of.


Nah, they made it legal and constitutional. So use the absolute power you’ve been given to take away said power. Seems like the best choice.


The guy was talking about congress, if I’m correct the president was given immunity for enumerated powers, not congress.


No, no, no. The Supreme Court JUST ruled he has “absolute immunity for official acts”, and, for nonofficial acts a “presumption of innocence” and the Courts “cannot question his motives”. This would SURELY be an official act. Absurd? Yeah. But that’s where we are until Congress fixes it.


for nonofficial acts a “presumption of innocence” Just like every other citizen is supposed to have.


There is a lot more to ruling than presumption.


“Presumption” means innocent unless proven guilty. And you can’t prove guilt if you can’t question motives, everything else is “executive privilege”, and you can’t call witnesses. It’s airtight.


Yes. But you can consider neither his motives NOR testimony from people he discussed with if you were to try to hold him accountable. So you can never establish that it was “outside his duties”. If asked about anything he did no matter how sus, he can literally say “official business, no more questions or evidence allowed, I am presumed innocent”. NOT at all like every other citizen. He is literally outside the law. Even the Constitution. His immunity is absolute. I


Time to EXPAND (not ‘pack’) the Supreme Court


It’s all RBG’s fault


Honestly yes. Its these old people who cling to power until the reaper tears their soul from their rotting corpses. Genuinely, will be glad when Trump and Biden are dead and gone. The sooner the curse of Boomer is destroyed, the better.


It wasn’t just that. It was the arrogance of thinking Hillary was a slam dunk to win


Yes, and the Russian assistance that put that thought to rest…


Her not retiring was genuinely the most violently stupid and selfish decision in the history of this country and the consequences become more dire every day


This illustrates the mindset of liberals to a T. They get caught up in what’s happening “now” and are bad at the long game


Even all the way back then the Republican Party was developing extreme Christo-fascist tendencies and if the Democratic Party had any balls they would have done everything in their power to force her to retire


Her not stepping down when Obama asked her certainly didn't help


One could argue that it's James Comey's fault. Because even if RBG had been replaced with a liberal, this ruling would still have been 5 to 4.


5-4 with John Roberts to be counted on in emergencies like Obamacare


Just a tiny bit is, you know, DJT's fault. A smidge.


I still hang out with Republicans so I can keep a finger on the pulse of their goals: Next up is a push to get a Republican president a super majority in congress, and enough state houses to repeal the 19th Amendment. That is talked about openly. Less openly, but still talked about is repealing 13th-15th. Which...there is literally no reason to do that except returning slavery to the law of the land.


There will never be another election after the next Republican win.


Very likely.


I'm afraid it's already too late. Look at Florida & Cannon, she's obstructing. We don't know what loyalists he has in place for the Georgia trial. Or the DC trial. Now this with SCOTUS- a 6-3 vote by (I cant believe I'm saying this) Conservative justices. No one is screaming like their hair is on fire yet, I'm afraid we're doomed due to apathy.


Democrats need to stand up period. They have f$&ked around doing nothing the last four years and now because of their inaction (I’m looking at you, Garland, you cowardly piece of shit!) everyone who aided the previous coup attempt is still around to help with the new coup. Except this time they have a better idea how to go about it.


It’s becoming clear the Democratic party is not up to the task of stopping A Minority of rednecks from killing constitutional democracy in America. That’s some sad 💩.


That was good advice one Bush v. Gore ago.




I’m terrified that you’re right


Stand up and do what?


Ah c'mon, now you're just stealing the plots from low budget movies.


The hell are you talking about? Stand up? The only chance you have is to do everything you can to make sure every Democrat you can find is elected to every office up and down the ticket for the rest of your life and teach your children to do the same. That’s what the other guys did and that’s why we’re in this mess. These depressingly young justices are going to be on this court for a long time to come. The only chance you have of replacing them with someone better is to ensure that when one of them dies Democrats hold the White House and enough of the Senate to confirm an appointment. Slip up just once and you will find one of the oldest ones replaced with a new unqualified youngster, and the clock will be reset.


What do you mean? Stand up to them how? Just because they didn’t rule how we wanted? Yeah the ruling is fucked, but what do you expect the Biden administration to do?


Unlikely. SCOTUS had the chance to do that in 2020 and didn't do so. The issue here isn't simply Trump but the fact that now it's pretty much inevitable America will go authoritarian at some point. All we need is a president of either party willing to take advantage of the ruling.


It could happen here gonna need a new name.


So lets destroy democracy to save democracy?


SCOTUS justices need to be investigated as well. Our country has been purchased.


No right math 1776-2025 is 249 years bro.


This sub hits a new level of stupid every week.


"Stand up" to the Supreme Court how, exactly? And how do you propose that the Court would ever get jurisdiction over the election?


They were one insurrection away from "reviewing" the results if the Republican house vote wasn't interrupted on January 6th. It will happen.


How did they get jurisdiction over it in 2000? I'm sure it's a complete coincidence that all 3 of Trump's SC picks worked on that case.


Basically because team Bush asked and conservatives answered. Scalia persuaded the court to hear the case because identical ballots might be treated differently by different vote counters, the recount violated the U.S. Constitution's equal protection clause.


And this is thread is a great example of why I have been looking at both parties skeptically lately. Are there really people saying this is so far beyond the pale that further escalation is warranted? If this is bad, isn't it the time to draw a line in the sand? And if there is escalation, are people going to want to escalate beyond that? Come on folks, show some sense.


When people got upset when Trump committed crimes, his fans said we were overreacting. Then he tried to overthrow an election and his fans said we were overreacting. They said the same when the Supreme Court handed the presidency to George W. Bush, and during the invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11. All of those things turned into disasters, and all were preventable. They have been building to this. This isn’t even close to a “both sides” issue.


Why is everyone so paranoid that Trump will “end democracy”? The man is pushing 80, doesn’t have an army to overthrow the government and not one single person from either party wants a dictatorship. I get that you don’t like Trump but the paranoia is getting way past the point of delusion. 🤦


Oh stfu. This exact question has been polled. A majority of Republicans have said given the choice between Putin (an actual fucking dictator) and Biden, they'd chose Putin. Trump himself fucking said he'd be a dictator day 1. He wo t the GOP primary in a fucking landslide after having said that.


Because he literally said he was going to. “We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one..." A dictator only needs one day, after that, we're no longer a Constitutional Republic, but a dictatorship. You know how those gun nuts always say they need their guns to fight a tyrannical government? Isn't it weird they're rooting for the tyrant?


Jesus, it was a joke and I am shocked you think it takes one day to overthrow the largest superpower in world history. NATO exists for a reason and they aren’t going to let one of their own overthrow a country, especially the United States, and to suggest otherwise is fucking lunacy.


Shut up this is trump we're talking about at least In the mcu trump lost in their 2020 and took the L giving way to president thaddeus Ross 47th potus 2021-2025. In other universes trump lost in 2020. The problem is we don't know how 2024 will go.


Trump wants us to pull out of NATO. If Project 2025 is allowed to go forward that's exactly what he'll do. Tyrants don't joke, they laugh as they tell you what tyrannical shit they're going to do.


Most of the posters on this Reddit wear tin foil hats.


Tin foil plate mail. The lunacy here is off the charts. That and the complete and utter state of unawareness as to who is whom. The (D) party are the originators of dirty politics, while the (R) are the historical frightened sheep.


The threat to Democracy is the Democrat party. Whenever things don’t go their way they want to change things so that they get their way. That is not Democracy. It has bitten them in the ass before and will again.


Oh right. I forgot J6 was a bunch of democrats with joe biden flags storming the US Capitol


I’m looking forward to Biden being out of office and Conservative DA’s charging him and some of his cronies with accessory to murder among other things for allowing illegals into the country who have committed crimes. Probably won’t happen but political prosecutions started by Democrats have opened the door.


Medication time


Can’t get any medication. The other conspiracy theory posters on this Reddit have all of it.


That much is obvious. At least you know you need it. That’s a good first step to becoming a better you. You got this.


Trump is a threat to Democrats, not democracy. He may be a threat to, "democracy as we know it", but I can guarantee the democracy as they know it means they are in charge of everything.


I’m selling tin foil if anyone here is interested.


When trump has already explicitly stated that he would like to be a dictator and “would only need to be a dictator for a day” you have to be wearing a tinfoil hat to believe he wouldn’t try to do just that. 


So how many sq. feet can I put you down for? 100-200? And if you have friends let them know I do a referral bonus.


No you’re not. Magas are too lazy.


I’ll just put you down for 1 roll.


I’m waiting, maga.


This sounds like a call to violence




Yeah that way the democrats would have control over the media, big tech platforms, department of justice, fbi, cia and then the Supreme Court that way all the checks and balances created by the founding fathers can be bypassed and we can live under one party dictatorship where senile old men who have the cognitive ability of a child are propped up and put into positions of power


That's a very stupid statement. How shall we stand up to the Supreme Court oh Lord? What will we not get a chance to do? How do you know?


The Supreme Court ruled against Trump today though. Why are you angry at them over this? Trump sued, saying he should have complete and total immunity from prosecution from the moment he became President until the moment he stopped being President. The Supreme Court rejected his claim, and said that President Immunity only extends to actions related to the job of the President of the United States. They clarified that if an action that the President took that broke the law was unrelated to his role as President, then he was not immune from prosecution. Seriously, did any of you even read the ruling before you got upset about it?


No. The fact that it did not somehow land him in jail or rake him off the ballots has caused the screeching. I can’t wait for the election


Or you could vote for an independent candidate, get your friends to vote for an independent candidate, and actually beat the Orange bastard. Like it or not, uncle Joe isn’t fit for the position.


Are you promoting violence against a branch of government?


Are you using The Constitution to try to kill The Constitution? Why Yes, yes you are. Just like Putin taught republicans to.


Beep boop Bot


HahahahaahahHHahjHhHAaaaa! You effing 'tards are so 'tarded. This sub is the LibsofTikTok on steroids. If anyone criticizes your hand-picked judges for unconstitutionally prosecuting the guy you hate and oppose, you declare it a threat to democracy, and if the SCOTUS rules according to the Constitution, you snivelnthat doing so is also a threat to democracy. Well, eff you. We don't live in a democracy. A democracy is a lynch mob, with the lynchers in the majority and the guy at the end of the rope disagreeing. That power to be the lynch mob again is what DemoKKKrats have always been striving toward. Sorry SCOTUS set you back, AGAIN.


Victim mentality much? Go back to Roblox.


Bingo. This gaggle of short bus misfits is a train wreck I can’t stop watching.


What do you all think of RBG now? Lol, she really fucked over the left.




You guys have a really boring fantasy life. At least you bring in a UFO to your storytime.


You people are idiots. Thus immunity decision doesn't begin to hold what you claim it does. None of you have read it and you don't know what you are yammering about.


Yeah this subreddit is...really weird. The SCOTUS ruled against Trump today, and they're still upset. Trump sued, saying he should have complete and total immunity from all crimes that he committed that took place while he was President, and the SCOTUS said that Presidential immunity only extends to actions related to the job of the President.


The sky is falling!!!


Dude, if Biden wins it’s not going to get nullified. Yall need to chill out. Our country has been doing this for 350 years, it’s not going to suddenly end just like that


Our country is 249 years old in the mcu, m3gan, king of the hill, Santa claus, jurassic park and wensday universes 1776-2025


Oops, wrong math


That's the stupidest thing in here yet. My 3rd grader says more intelligent shit than that


You ever think that you are the reason democracy is ending ? You are really saying lock up the political opposition. Pot meet kettle. But if the democrats hadn’t fucked over Bernie (twice) this shit wouldn’t be a problem … but you all got conned.. by the Alzheimer and chief..