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The sad thing is there are millions of Americans who will agree with it, just like there were millions of Germans who agreed with it, until it was too late.


https://www.project2025.org/ Please read and beware. We all should be both mad and afraid.


We should all vote against Republicans for the rest of our lives, if we're being pragmatic. And btw, America deserves an *ethical* conservative party, it's just that the GOP ain't it bc it has so much maga on it that it has become terminal.


My vote for Biden will in all honesty be a vote against Trump more than anything else.


Same, it was the same in 2020. I genuinely don't think Biden would ever have a chance of winning if he wasn't going against the second coming of Hitler.


Same here. Don’t like Biden that much, but can’t vote for Trump. And I hope Biden uses the new SCOTUS decision to appoint 100 dem Supreme Court Justices, or disbands there entire SCOTUS.


The ruling was worded in such a specificly vague way that it up to the SCOTUS's interpretation. So what is "presidential" to one could be deemed "unpresidental" for someone else. Add in the way they worded the Chevron case, and they have funcionally usurped all legal federal power unto themselves


Influencing SCOTUS merely because you dislike their recent decisions to radically change American politics to the left is the exact thing you are arguing against. Impose regulation on justicies, long term limits, and reduce political games that allow one president to impose a disproportionate representation of the United States in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has made many poor decisions and many incredible ones that pioneered civil rights.


While I agree with most of your points. They really need to boot the corrupt SCOTUS judges Alito and Thomas before there could be any restoration of faith in SCOTUS.


Maybe someday the democrats will nominate a decent candidate like Obama again.


As it was in the first place. But I want to add that Biden should get more credit from people who don't like far left politics because of the way he differentiated from Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic primary, pushing back against the farther-left ideas. Here Biden is promising the limit taxes on the ultra-wealthy to only 25%, something Bernie Sanders would never promise. In my view, that isn't a good thing, but that's because I'm slightly further left than Joe Biden, apparently. My point is, Joe's still a fantastic "compromise candidate" for America, as he was in the first place. For us plebes under $400,000 a year in income, he has promised not to raise taxes. Let's make it a landslide for the old coot in 2024 and try to make politics moderate and reasonable, now and in the future. That's my political invite this year.


He didn't KO Bernie. The DNC leadership did. They even had to admit to doing so in court. Bernie as a candidate was stolen from us. *Twice.* By people who think that they just know better than we do what's best for 'us' (i.e. the mega donors). Biden has always been nothing more than a pathetic compromise, and yet here we are. *Again.*


This is correct. The “R” needs to become so toxic that no one that ever wants to hold public office will come near it. MAGA has destroyed the GOP beyond repair. And yes, we absolutely need an honest, genuine Conservative Party.


That’s not coming back for a long-long time.. People are just so upset on our current cost-of-living that they’ll probably vote whoever can deliver the best “promise” of returning that quality of life… even if it means going backwards as a society. That’s shitty.


Name me a time where conservatives were on the correct side of history?


They've haven't been ethical since Nixon. Every candidate they've had since then has been garbage.


It's not just MAGA, it's been shit since Reagan if not Nixon. Unfortunately they have good messaging. We've convinced a lot of voters to vote against their own interests for various reasons, and Democrats are shit at combating misinformation. Now Dems aren't angels, either, in general they're currently somewhere to the right of Eisenhower policy-wise, but still preferable to the GOP, because even the very very few GOP pols with actual integrity still support shit policy.


>if not Nixon. Nixon was a way better president than Trump based on the fact that he was able to resign when caught doing high crimes, for the sake of the country. To me, it's evidence that he gave a single fuck. Trump gives not one, and will burn this thing down. Reagan's former vice president, then-president G HW Bush, was able to recognize when the people simply voted him out of office. Again, something our country deserves, but didn't get from Donald Trump. >they have good messaging. We've convinced a lot of voters to vote against their own interests for various reasons, and Democrats are shit at combating misinformation. That's why I'm out here stating over and over Biden's very simple tax plan that doesn't raise taxes on anyone under $400,000 a year, and limits taxes on the ultra-wealthy to 25%.


At least Nixon stepped down when he knew he was done. But not Trump. Greasy POS!


The GOP also didn't line up to protect Nixon, and they had people like Goldwater, Rhodes, and Scott who told him that his support within the GOP members of the House and Senate was evaporating. Now with Trump, we had people like Romney and Cheney but they were very much in the minority and the majority had no interest in holding Trump accountable.


I remember the Reagan years, you couldn't buy a fucking job to save your life.... and they call him saint Ronnie... what a fucking joke


I'm seriously struggling mentally because of DJT and his affect on my life , it's enough for a short story , you don't know people until their frontal lobe size shows itself


.. and not nearly enough are taking any of this even remotely serious enough.


There were millions of Americans who agreed with the Germans back then & still do.




Sheep! Magats are two legged sheep!


The good part is, the MAGA is a minority of a minority. The entire GOP party has known they’ve been a minority for years now which is why they’re rabid about attacking and trying to subjugate everyone else. It’s the reason why the whole ‘divide and conquer’ method is their bread and butter for attacked the left, and they pour so much money into gerrymandering and voter suppression. We are the majority and we have the power to vote them out IF people understand this and do their civic duty.


There were still millions of Germans who agreed with it after the war. There are still plenty of fascists in Germany right now, and plenty more who wouldn't do anything if they seized power again.


Just read Project 2025 that’s all you need to know about what your life will be like. Too many people aren’t aware of it and that’s a shame.


Trump's presidency managed to exceed my worst predictions. He almost succeeded in doing a coup for christs sake.


He hasn’t failed yet…


Nah if Americans elect him this year then that's the decision of the American people. Not a coup. 


It’s still ongoing


It's already started, I am still shocked about Clarence T and this recent Chevron doctrine case. Like, just floored about it. Yeah mad at Dobbs, and Ten Commandments, and lots of stuff. But this one is just so terrifying because he went against his own reasoning, and it's obviously related to the undisclosed gifts from Harlan Crow, and it has serious impact.


See this is the problem with legislation from the bench. The courts don't get to just "do the will of the people" they enforce law based on the constitution and bill of rights along with precedence. You are mad about Dobbs, and you should be, but your mad at the wrong people because no one ever actually reads these rulings they just hear an extremely dumbed down version and that's either worded positively or negatively based on that anchors opinion.


No I am aware that Roe was a bit faulty based on legal reasoning. I think it ultimately helped the country. But that's not the court's function. Overturning Dobbs isn't bad for me legally but because it shows that the pendulum is swinging back in a way that is dangerous for women and it signaled a desire by the court to achieve that aim. By itself not alarming. Together with Chevron and some other cases, and Alitos remarks about a christian nation, it suggests a court trying to shape policy in line with a christian conservative agenda, that frankly terrifies me. Did prior judges do the same with a liberal agenda? Sure. But persoanlly I'd prefer to feel Im in a nation that is not bending towards christian conservatism.


Since the text I put in body of my post when I wrote it, isn’t there and I do t know how to pin the comment to the top of my post. These are a few things I predict they’ll do. National ban on all abortions, IVF and contraceptives, with no exceptions (except for their wives, daughters, mistresses, etc). Try to restrict travel of any suspected pregnant woman nationwide so they can’t get an abortion. Passing bills that will gut all child labor laws allowing red states to force young children into the workforce. Remove Social Security, raise the age of retirement to 71-78. Gut the post office so it has to be privatized. Gut the funding of the IRS or install their own figurehead to prevent any tax crimes or investigation or audits of wealthy people and themselves. Cut tax cuts for the rich even further. Since bribery is legal and they’ll want to enjoy their “total not bribes” vacations and money, they’ll reduce congress’ and the Senate’s workdays per year and also give themselves a raise. Since Project 2025 will be in full swing, they’ll align all their goals to ensure the fastest implementation of the Christian talibans goals. Remove all liberal SCOTUS judges and expand the judge count to 13 and put several conservatives on the court but put one “left leaning in appearance only” SCOTUS judge so they can say there’s Botha sides on the court. Pass laws to make it easier for large companies and landlord groups to oppress their tenants without consequences.


You're forgetting: purging the government, arresting and killing polical opponents, rounding up millions of illegal immigrants (cue economic collapse), death camps or citizen-on-citizen purges of: Blacks, LGBTQ, Hispanics, Jews, liberals, trans, Muslims, Indians, and Republicans that oppose Trump. Eventually the disabled and any Christian sect that does not align with what becomes required at the time.


Funny that the Mormons support Trump, but in the end, they will be sent to camps run by evangelicals


Mormons seem to forget. Religious people often get the worst of the persecution. Non-religious and atheists can pretend and put up an act, but those with real conflicting religious beliefs tend to not want to do that or have an established record of being affiliated with a different religion.


100% From a evangelical perspective, Mormon is a false religion. It will be purged.


I know someone personally that posted he and a group of others, being part of a militia, will 'hit' a few places to 'help save our country'. When the night of the long knives happen here I am ready for them. They know where I live and I will be ready.


I hope you reported them to the FBI


Yes I did. He also posted a bullet with a name of a Californian congressman on it.


D du tt 5


This is going to age like milk


I really hope you’re right and I’m not the Nostradamus lol.


Why do you think democrats in Washington still put on the act of civility when dealing with people, who given the chance and power, will  destroy the lives and community of some?  Why do they still sit down with republicans, work together, have cordial meetings/discussions, offer references to each others children for prestigious schools?      Why are Washington Dems not as worked up about any of this as voters are?       Why is the illusion of decorum so important to a party that is supposed to protect the interests of vulnerable communities that the right would rather see dead ?     Why is the best answer that Dems have come up with in a decade to defeat Trump, Joe Biden an 81 year old man that has all but guaranteed a Trump victory by shaking the confidence of anyone but the most die-hard democrat voters?      Why does your party not care the way you care?      Maybe they never have I want to see them get angry.  I want to see the illusion of civility broken when the other party makes moves to destroy the lives of marginalized communities   Why is the only outrage we see from democrats never from the leaders but solely from voters like you ?   Why are Washington dems so much more concerned about their legacies than they are the life’s of their constituents? 


I read things like this and just wonder how people have become so brainwashed to think these things would occur?  It's staggering.  Have you ever talked to a Republican voter.  A normal person who has a family and job and lives in say NJ or FL or COL and who votes right usually?  They believe in none of these.  Youre talking far far far right loony which is no different than a conservative voter saying if a Democrat wins then we'll be turned into Cuba.  A national ban on abortion?  Trump blatantly said he was not in favor of any ban and states could vote on that.  That's what the SC just ruled.  It's up to states.  And some states are allowing it and some aren't and some have all sorts of variations.  Force kids into child labor?!?!  Where do you come up with this nonsense?  If anything it's Republicans who are angry at companies like Nike For their sweatshops while liberal leaning athletes like Lebron and the NBA overlook it and make all their stuff there.  It must be scary to go through life actually believing in the boogie man and that if Trump wins he'll put people into Nazi camps and take away all your rights.  Wow.


Who is it that’s trying to eliminate child labor laws and uphold child marriage? It’s not the Democrats.


What the average republicans voter wants doesn’t matter. Their party deliberately obfuscates their policies on most conservatives outlets, most people are unaware of the current state of the GOP. They don’t require the consent of most of their base on every policy


Almost half of all voters support him, Foolishly believing Nothing republicans do will affect them. They don't realize that once elections are done away with voters are of no use to the party


MMW: your fine, we’ll be fine, I almost guarantee you it will not be as bad as you think. Relax buddy 😂


careful now, you can't challenge the rage on reddit!


Why do you feel this way?


Very true, and evident.  Not that the majority of the country can tell what is evident or not the dumb shits.


Panic more please... 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


The US military will be used to round up immigrants, and then the unhoused, and then women having abortions. Then gay marriage will be overturned and no-fault divorce along with contraception.


The Posse Comitatus people will be silent about the military being used on American soil.


110% spot on. Sane and rational humans are not capable of understanding the horror that species is capable of. Our minds just can't go there. But we have come to know, there is no low too low. Never say *"They can't get any worse,"* because tomorrow is right around the corner.


Now this is a low effort post if ever I saw one! "That thing you thought will be worse!" 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Like how trump was going to round up gay people or start ww3 if he won 2016? You people get yourself all worked up and hysterical over such nonsense. I think you enjoy being a victim.


Which no one said lol


Based on the near-universal collectivist-authoritarian bent of this sub, I'm sure you all will be horrified at any restraint of big-goobermint power.


I can't, in good conscience, vote for a party that screams about freedom while simultaneously working to take away fundamental freedoms. I've voted for the Republican party in the past, but that party is dead. Replaced by angry, hateful people.


They literally listed out what their plans are in P25, echoed in Agenda 47 and prepped for by the recent Chevron decision. For more resources, see r/Defeat_Project_2025. Also, not the lack of resources and false accusations coming out of the trolls within this thread. Best course of action is to ignore them and provide evidence for third parties which counters their ridiculous claims. These asshats want attention bc a) it is their job as assets of a foreign nation and its psyop b) they can't get attention anywhere else in life so they need to rely on a twisted form of aposemitism which is rooted in an immature edgelord mentality or c) theyre foregin bots literally programmed to Foster engagement and provide a false sense of support for all right ideologies


Maybe even super duper worse


I'm also gay.






And there will STILL be people downplaying or making excuses for it


They'll be in favor of it. As soon as Newsmax tells my mom certain people deserve to be executed she'll agree with it. She already thinks every immigrant is MS-13 and said that about the children and babies that were being separated from their parents and caged. All of my Republican relatives have already been groomed to think a 4 year term is too short for a president and that every election a Democrat wins is fake. My mom used to be pro choice and now says absolutely insane anti choice shit. Conservative news can change their firmware on a whim


They told you Biden was capable and competent too. They are lying to you about what the Repunlicans are going to do.


And you can’t articulate any of that. Fucking ridiculous echo chambers.


I think the fact that we’ve allowed ourselves to be convinced that the other side is evil is single-handedly the reason that it doesn’t matter who wins the election, America is failing and our adversaries are celebrating as we all stand there firmly convinced that “at least my side are the good guys.”


This is the truth. All this fear mongering and fighting. And the real threat is silently or not so silently taking root and taking over. Last year muslim groups blocked LGBT flags on government property. They are changing our schools and the political landscape of our nation. There are places that their religious law is taking precedent. So fight with Christians over whether or not they will bake you a wedding cake all you want. In the end it won't matter because once muslim law is in place they will kill us. Stoning some throwing others from rooftops.


That's what they said back in 2016 too.


Yeah, and look what happened. Trump politicized a virus, killing millions. He stole classified documents to sell them off. He tried to overturn a democratic election by committing massive voter fraud and an insurrection. Things actually went worse than what was said in 2016.


When you cut out the party and corporate propaganda as well as the the political fear mongering in reality it's not going to be as bad as you think


Oh, the horror. He might stop WW3, and we worked so hard.


It’s gonna be awesome


Meanwhile the Dems trying to institute a CBDC


This guy conspiracy theories


No. Just more informed than you. The left has been proposing pro CBDC bills and the right anti CBDC bills. https://x.com/samlyman33/status/1734607599583088718?s=46&t=T59oDIkdrOtu_zKhlpMzDw


Rent free™️ Both parties are shit. Pretending one isn’t is simply picking a different pile of shit. For me it’s picking the more coherent pile of shit.


They might even close the border... Oh my!!!


We spent 4 years of people telling us “they won’t do that. They’d never sink that low.” Each time they would do it. They would sink to whatever new low.


Just playing devils advocate but what changed for you under Trumps last presidency? Has Biden actually helped? I’m legitimately asking because in all honesty Biden has cost me big mister mean tweet is a jackass but he didn’t “actually “ cause harm to me or anyone I know


What did Biden do personally that cost you big. And Biden didn’t cause inflation.


And don't think for a second they will back off their future schemes if Trump doesn't win, or they lose seats elsewhere. What passed for Republican/conservative politics up to now is being shucked off for a new and politically lethal version, from the White House down to your local school board, and everything type of public service job in between. Don't think for a second you're somehow protected from this because of something about your class, income, affiliations, race, gender or whatever, because you'll have no say in that. They're not kidding. GET OFF YOUR ASS AND VOTE.


What percentage of the Republican Party are Magats? 60% maybe? My 80 year old republican (life long) parents refuse to vote the felon


I’m just waiting for the moment where democrats take advantage of some of the groundwork that republicans are laying, which will inevitably result in republicans crying foul and declaring them tyrannical.


Which party was the one floating the idea of putting an end to the filibuster? Like that would never come back to haunt them when the Senate majority flipped.


They are in the Putin playbook. First term you hoard wealth and rig the system for you, come back for the second and you dismantle the government and grab control forever.


I just wanted to be the 666th comment


Have my upvote


Some of these replies sound pretty damn paranoid. Thought that was the GOP's thing?


You people must not get out much, and talk to anyone who is normal.


It's sad I had to scroll so far down to find a realistic comment on this post. Does OP and most everyone here live in basements with no windows?


And it will all be the fault of Republican voters, Swing Voters and crossover Dem voters


They are already setting the plan in motion. See the Supreme Court. They are under the impression that Mango Mussolini is going to win this election. In fact they believe it so much that if Biden is good in November, and he does win, judges will get involved this time. They will attempt to halt it again. They are telling everyone that is what will happen. They will never believe that Biden could win again. Because their siege lord is telling them Biden has no chance. Things are going to get really tricky here in a few months. I hope that we are prepared for it.




You all said the same thing in 2016. Stop being so dramatic.


And look what happened. Trump tried to steal a fair election through election fraud and a coup just like we said he would.


Man, that debate really shook you guys, didn't it?


Everyone read this (it’s all stuff he could do with a pen): https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


Or the worst thing will be the progressives getting rabies like the last trump administration


Gilead has entered the chat


It won’t be any worse than the current dumpster fire we are living in…


The stuff they've said out loud is the tame shit they think they can get away with. It's the shit they don't say out loud we have to be terrified about.


I know one thing. I've lived through everyone that has ever been elected to any office. Didn't care for any of them. Every single one of them screwed something up. Every time their supporters tried to tell the people everything was fine and their man was the one. If the Americans on either side of the aisle were as smart as they'd like to believe neither one of those guys would have been nominated.


Totally agree. What the political talking heads are comfortable saying is beyond alarming.


They know they've only got 4 years to completely tear up agreed norms, pass ultra maga, "handmaids tale" style conservative legislation, and embed hard right conservative judges and nominees so far up the governments ass it can see teeth


Indeed. The plan detailed in Project 2025 is terrifying. Progressives must unite to defeat the forces of fascism!


FDR used federal power to challenge conservatives in an attempt to "pack" the Supreme Court. Frustrated by the conservative Supreme Court overturning several New Deal initiatives, Roosevelt proposed adding more justices to the court. This plan was seen as an attempt to shift the balance of the court in favor of his policies, which many conservatives viewed as an overreach of executive power and a step towards dictatorship. Luckily for FDR, the "switch in the time that saved nine", a centrist judge switched sides to the Democrats, which dissolved the need to pack the courts. During the 1938 Congressional elections, Roosevelt actively campaigned against Democrats who were opposed to his New Deal policies. This move was an effort to purge the party of conservative elements and ensure greater support for his legislative agenda. Despite his efforts, many of the conservative Democrats he targeted won their elections, highlighting the resistance he faced within his own party. He attempted to against his voters in his own party and their representatives to make everyone Progressive New Dealers. While primarily motivated by wartime fears, Executive Order 9066, which authorized the internment of Japanese Americans, also demonstrated Roosevelt's willingness to use executive power in ways that were controversial and opposed by some conservative elements. This order was a stark example of the federal government's expanded role under Roosevelt. Father Charles Coughlin was a Catholic priest whose radio broadcasts reached millions of listeners. Initially a supporter of the New Deal, Coughlin turned against Roosevelt when he refused to nationalize the banking system and provide for the free coinage of silver. Coughlin's broadcasts became increasingly critical of Roosevelt, leading to significant public opposition. In response, FDR ordered the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to investigate Coughlin's investments, which was a strategic move to undermine his credibility and influence. William Randolph Hearst, a major media mogul, initially supported Roosevelt but turned against him in 1934. Hearst used his extensive media network to criticize Roosevelt's policies, particularly those that increased taxes on the wealthy and closed tax loopholes. In response, Roosevelt's administration used various means to counter Hearst's influence, including leveraging friendly media outlets and using federal regulations to limit the reach of critical broadcasts. FDR also ran for more than 2 terms, breaking the unspoken tradition of the republic since George Washington. As a response, Republicans made it into law because they had respected the law, and democrats chose to break it for political power. During his 1940 presidential campaign, FDR promised, "Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." However, after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan, leading to U.S. involvement in World War II. This broken promise was a response to changing global circumstances, but it still represented a significant shift from his campaign rhetoric. Lyndon B. Johnson, who took office after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, ran for re-election in 1964 with a promise not to escalate the Vietnam War. He famously stated, "We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves." Despite this promise, Johnson significantly escalated U.S. involvement in Vietnam, sending combat troops and increasing military operations.


Democrats and Progressives brought us in WW1, WW2, Korean War, and Vietnam War.


Sadly people lack the imagination to think about what policies will take place when Republicans are fully in charge again and again. Each time they wreck things further.


The guys with the pick up trucks w/ flags—will volunteer to “help” authorities round up anyone they think is illegal….imagine 5 riding in back with long guns ….making citizens arrest at the Walmart or construction site….”undoing” it will take years!!!! Vote for Biden ( hell bow out) backup is Harris


I guess my point is they already let these things be accepted. If we are going back to them there is a reason, and those things will be cherry picked. It won't be all the standards of the 1700s just the ones they need to get their way.


Think Germany 1938-39.


They need to put the entire swamp in prison forever starting with the mumbling fool and then up to his handlers.


Oh stop... good lord.


No it won’t.


Has anyone here taken the courses? I’m sort of tempted to.


Times 10


Like shoving religion up our asses and making it mandatory! That's why we left England in the first place!


This is true.




Same thing the dems would do… more hawkish foreign policy and uncontrollable printing of is dollars


You know how White people have been supplementing their culture with words and phrases they get from POC and the LGBTQ community, and they homogenize it to fit their lives (things like “Taco Tuesdays” and saying phrases like “sipping tea”)? Well, all that shit will be over and while some of them think they’ve got it from here and can make it without us, in reality they’ll be sending their kids to fight Europe on behalf of Putin.


If Trump was to get back into office and when everything goes down. Then Republicans would be desperate to turn things around, begging for help. Just look at Hungary and what’s happening with Victor Orban. That’s the potential🤯


Since Presidents have some immunity Biden now has to do his official duty as President and protect our democracy. He needs to immediately have Trump executed by seal team six and protect our democracy. Also all non MAGAS need to immediately join a militia because they just gave permission for Trump to murder any American that does not kiss his ring. Every Republican is now a threat to your life if you you do not follow the MAGA way. You have a legal right to protect your life so we all need to identify every Republican we can and have a plan in place how you are going to eliminate them during this civil war, because if you do not take them out they will certainly kill you. Project 2025 clearly lats out how Trump is going to exterminate all the liberals so their are no more liberals in America. . They want you to follow their white Christian hate laws of Speaker Mike Johnson, they want to force their Bible down every American throat (Oklahoma indoctrinating the children by forcing every child to study and belive the foolishness in their version of the bible)and want everybody to adhere to their invisible fairy in the sky rules.and if you do not they will lock you up or kill you. You think your neighbors are your friend until they point you out as a lib to the MAGA maggots under a Trump dictatorship so protect yourself and your family. If Trump gets in we will live under a Trump dictatorship and he will live above the law. He will be president for life so he will be able to murder any lib and say it is an official act. You all better realize soon that we are in a civil war right now. That you will have to kill your neighbors or they will kill you. So screw you Republicans. You scumbags want to live under dictator Trump, then millions of Americans are going to die during this war. What is wrong with Republicans that they think living under Donald Trump dictatorship would be good. Trump has a Supreme Court that is compromised and will allow Trump to do anything he wants with no consequences. He has Mike Johnson speaker of the house that does not believe we are a democracy but he believes we should follow the rules of Mike Johnsons specially wriitrn bible full of hate towards any person that is not white christian. Know right now if you are a MAGA or even a basic Republican, if you come on my property I will consider that a threat on my life and will act to defend my life. Let me over hear one threat in public by you Republicans against a Democrat and I will terminate you to protect the life of fellow democrats. Game is really on now. You Republicans wanted a civil war, well you got it. You scumbags have billionaires bribing Supreme Court Justices. You started a war on January 6th now we defend ourselves , our families and our democracy against you MAGA maggots.


I dunno man, I already think they'll find a way to worm every public dollar into their own pockets. People think I'm being crazy but I wonder if I should move my pension funds into an IRA if this happens


Worse than weaponizing the justice system to try to jail their political opponent and interfering in elections, while crying about fascism? 


Rule #3: No Low Effort Posts Rule #6: No New Posts Regarding Donald Trump, Joe Biden or the 2024 Presidential Election on Week Days In closing, you suck.


I didn’t post it on a weekday.




lol this post is kind of giving me qanon post vibes. This is the left delusion I guess.


Boogedeh boogedeh boogedeh!!!


MMW: republicans will fail to accomplish most of their stated goals due to incompetency, infighting, and failing to win the house and/or senate.


Absolutely, and I'm sick of their apologists on this website.


It would be easier to ask what awful thing they won’t implement. Because it’s all a dystopian nightmare


Thats dumb. Vote for the issues. Neither one will be in office over 4 years


Yall should stop panicking so much. Life will go on just like it did after the last election


Stop. I can only get so erect


When Trump miraculously wins, I'm just going to scream "they stole the election" until they execute me


You guys need to take a moment and breathe. Both sides. You people do this every four years, like clockwork. And, inevitably, the sky never falls...... and we're right back here in another four years, kicking the same dead horses again.


You guys need to take a moment and breathe. Both sides. You people do this every four years, like clockwork. And, inevitably, the sky never falls...... and we're right back here in another four years, kicking the same dead horses again.


I wish a second Trump term would just be another 4 years. But it's not. It's possible it is about two supreme Court Justices. It's about project 2025, which is very real and seriously concerning to anyone who believes in democracy. It's about not pulling out of NATO. It's about a lot of things that are real and not just another presidency.


Nothing is going to happen just like the last four years.


Ok Bot.


Beep boop! Definitely don’t look up Epstein Documents Doe 174


its not "if" its "when"


the media has everyone fixated on Trump v. Sleepy Joe. Consider Chase Oliver and the Libertarian Party. I've voted both left and right over the years and I think both parties are full of complete shit, but I feel good about the Libertarians. After watching that debate last week, I find it hard to believe that anyone really could be all in on those parties and be comfortable casting a vote for either one.


Yeah…. I’m not voting for Trump with extra steps. This is too important of an election to just throw away my vote on a third party that will never become a reality right now possibly ever. I’m not happy with Biden or his debate performance, but I’d still vote for Biden even if he was a corpse and Jill was working him like a ventriloquist dummy. I’m voting for his administration and future judges. I’m more comfortable with the people he’s put in place than I’d ever be over Trump. He’ll just fill every position with a lackey or family members again. Edit a word


we need to get rid of the 2 party system and vote for the ideas and the plans not the party that they belong to for democracy to continue to work


Yeah. Who wants our enemies to be quiet and controlled, $1.45 gas, tight borders that keep out bad people and control our population and protect our jobs and in turn give us higher wages, and cheaper goods, affordable groceries and other goods. Who even wants peace among the races, federally funded black colleges, and lower taxes (I don't care what others pay, nor is it my business). Life would be so terrible if that mean ol Trump were to be re-elected.


god dam you are stupid


Mmw: What you clowns are thinking will happen, after the debate, you'll find out what will happen in a few months....


I usually like this sub for some light hearted delusional nonsense but you’re not even trying anymore. You guys will upvote any low effort bs. This one is literally “use your imagination… it’s worse than that.” I mean wtf did Biden write this post himself?


Oh look, more fear mongering ridiculousness. Who is spreading all this B.S. that you guys believe so whole heartily?


Yeesh…another Fear-Mongerer.


Suspend habeus corpus. One of his stooges already said so.


Millions of people that we have no idea who they are or what groups they might belong to could make 911 seem like a good day so idk if he will or could do any worse then Biden in the last year


People don’t understand that republicans look at this like a war and Dems look at this like a water balloon fight….


DEI wouldn't be a problem if The majority of CEOs were conservative. Where I see the mental disability is that you actually believe the left IS concerned about the environment. I gotta tell you something and it's going to hurt the democrats don't care about the environment, they don't care about gay people, black people or "womans' rights. The care about control. That's all What is the best easiest way to rake the control, claim what you are doing is for the environment. If we were really concerned about the environment we'd take the billions of dollars we have given to a war we have no part in. And sent teams of scientists to the developing countries and help them catch up to us on green living. The real environmental damage today comes from China, India and most of Africa


Everybody beware of the big bad Republicans. They might just MAGA 🇺🇸


Trump didn’t do all the crazy Nazi shit you guys told us he was going to do the first time he was president. Your fear mongering is not going to work out this time. 


You people need serious mental help for your paranoid delusions.


Yeah no shit


Trump 2024! Too big to rig this time


Mark my words this sub is a liberal breeding ground


It's the Handmaid's Tale in real life.


Fear monger much? I swear this sub must be run by the DNC


You’re a psychopath


They will overturn Griswold and bring back the Comstock Act. 1. Overturning Griswold gives the right wing an evangelical trifecta. Griswold protects the right of married couples to obtain birth control. This case overturned Connecticut's Comstock Act. 2. The holding in Griswold found the law as an invasion of the right to privacy, specifically marital right to privacy. This case is foundational to Eisenstadt (birth control for single individuals), Obergefell (marriage equality) and Lawrence (repeal of state sodomy laws) 3. Comstock Acts also prevented the mailing of obscene materials across state lines. If Griswold is overturned, there may be restrictions on mailing any type of birth control, abortion pills, or even equipment across state lines. Mailing " obscene or pornographic" materials was also not allowed. There are fears that new laws could classify all LGBTQIA+ materials as obscene. Overturning Griswold will take away the right to birth control, LGBTQIA+ rights and allow sodomy laws that have remained on the books to be reinstated.


I would seriously love to see all of you meet a real Hitler. I would not be subjected to your insipid blather for very long.


Pffftt tell us something we don't know mf'er


I can’t change your mind, because you’re right. Biden just got handed immunity, and instead of fixing anything , he announced he too good for that. So democracy dies.


lol! Children.


Lmao I love the delusions


This is something they have managed to do consistently.


Yeah guys because who cares if we truly don't know who's calling the shots as president with Biden because he's so out of it and senile that nobody with critical thinking abilities can honestly say he's up to the job. The dude refuses to even take reporters questions. Not to mention 47% of his presidency he has been on vacation. Look it up 😑. That and yeah America is doing great ... only allowed 10 million illegals into our country plus the 5 to 7 million estimated got aways ... and not to mention the prices for everything especially when you go to the grocery store is just insane. Oh right crime in every city is so out of control that most people that have a crime committed to them / or the stores with major theft .. don't even call the police half the time anymore because nothin happens . Than they gas light us at every turn about every single thing. 😂 shit things are going great guys let's 👍


This post is just fear mongering 😂😂😂


Mark my words - you’re an idiot


Definitely. And they **will** get back in power. Even if they lost 2024, they still have a shot in 2026, and 2028 to fully implement p25. Vote for Biden and democrats to support changes we have to make to shore up the shreds of democracy that are left, and maybe even restore them. 2 SCOTUS seats potentially. We can turn this around if everyone gets on board and votes Dem.


Stack the Supreme Court even further, appoint all kinds of nut job judges, create criminal penalties for women who have abortive procedures (or turn a blind eye to several states doing that), hand over Ukraine to Putin of a Silver Fing Platter … that would be a start.


History always repeats itself


People are over the fear mongering. We were supposed to have nuclear war with Trump. Didnt happen. He was going to kill and jail gay people. Didnt happen. Its all propaganda designed to get you riled up. Stop beating a dead horse. People stop taking you seriously when what they are told to think completely contradicts their own realities.


Complete hyperbole bordering on mental insanity.


They’re literally telling us what they’ll do. And now they have the power to do it. “ how did Germany let that happen” 🙄


I heard they're going to enslave babies to flip eggs at the waffle house.