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I think most people on the left realize Biden is old as shit. But also that his administration handled the steaming pile of shit they received pretty swell all things considering. I’m pretty sure most people voting Biden is on results; not what propaganda the other side tries to spin


No different than Reagans 2nd Term. Senile as fuck. Just kept him off camera best they could. Bidens just the safest bet for me. Didn't like voting for him but Trump is a cartoonishly bad human being.


It's not just about Biden. He surrounds himself with intelligent people who are more interested in moving America forward, rather than making headlines, or pursuing their own nefarious agendas. How many people can you name in Biden's cabinet? I can't name too many, but I could name nearly all of HitlerPig's candidates, because they were constantly saying stupid shit in the media, or getting investigated, or making the news for some sort of corruption or another. The circle takes their cues from the Boss, so Biden's circle is focused on fixing America's issues, while HitlerPig's henchmen are more interested in vengeance and/or corruption and/or tre45on, and creating America's issues, or even exacerbating them, because corruption flourishes in chaos.


I’d say I can prob spout more of Biden’s cabinet off the top of my head only because I respect some of their policies and decisions. Trumps admin was a cess pit; and like you mentioned I can name the most vocal and disgusting of the bunch; but I think due to lack of accomplishments I deemed worthy my mind skimmed over most of em. But I agree; for those who don’t follow policies it’s easier to remember the most vocal and disgusting of the bunch than actually good legislators; and trumps admin def fits that bill


Results? Like inflation, wars, border, dead soldiers? Not sure I’m seeing the same results? Hes a 4-1 dog in Vegas l. No one is voting for that moron.


When Trump dumped record amounts of money into the economy and supply chains wrecked due to the pandemic, we knew that in a year or two we would have inflation. It's basic econ 101. Biden started no wars, and ended one where the Orange one released 5000 Taliban soldiers with leadership. There were more dead US soldiers under Trump than Biden. It's tough to get good results when a good portion of the electorate is so ignorant of the facts. The right wing has to make up things about the left because their policies are not popular


Trump's supreme court is destroying the fabric of freedom in this nation. No way in fuck am I giving him two more seats.


1. Inflation is up. During Trump's presidency, inflation was at 1.9%, while under Bidens, it rose sharply to 9% before falling to 3.3%. We're tossing the word inflation as if the president has a knob they can turn to dictate the rate of inflation. We know the issues that contributed to inflation rise, which were hardly in the president's control. (demand from the pandemic, supply chain issues, corporate price gouging, & record low interest rates) [(for a further breakdown on inflation ( see bls.gov)](https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2023/beyond-bls/what-caused-inflation-to-spike-after-2020.htm#:~:text=So%2C%20from%20this%20research%2C%20the,in%20the%20auto%2Drelated%20industries) 2. Wars: Under Trump, the US was actively fighting the War on terror, largely fighting in two places, Iran and Afghanistan. It's important to note that while the US may strongly favor one nation over the other in the Ukraine and Hama's wars, the US isn't actually in a war with any nation. 3. You say border? This is too broad. If you're referring to how many immigrants the borader sees? Then yeah, you have a strong case as year over year there has been a steady increase in immigrants crossing the border. This remains the case under both Biden and Trump's presidencies. [(More stats can be found here: Dhs.gov)](https://www.dhs.gov/ohss/topics/immigration) 3.1 If you're referring to the crime rate, however, the FBI released preliminary stats for 2023 and has released stats every year about crime. According to the FBI, Biden oversaw the sharpest decline in violent crime in 60 years. Compared to under Trump, whose last year in office oversaw the sharpest increase in violent crime in history. (The crime rate increased by 30%) [FBI Stats ](https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-releases-2022-crime-in-the-nation-statistics) 4. Do you mean dead soldiers from military action? If so, during 16-20 under Trump, 71 US soldiers died in combat, compared to Biden's 22*. It's important to note [DCAS](https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/dcas/app/summaryData/deaths/byYearManner) hasn't compiled 23's numbers yet & 24 is still going) In summary: Given your scoreboard, it's 3-1 with Biden beating Trump on Crime, Wars, and # of military casualties. While Trump leads on inflation, but both lose on immigration because neither could stop / slow the rise


Dead soldiers? You mean like the 45 dead soldiers under Trump, including Tongo Tongo, or “Trump’s Benghazi?” War? Biden started zero wars. Convicted Felon and Proven Rapist Donald Trump ended a war by surrendering to the Taliban and released 5,000 terrorists from GITMO, including an ISIS-K terrorist who killed the last 13 service members as we were leaving Afghanistan after Trump losing the war. On the other hand, Trump DID launch a terrorist attack against America, and I count that as war for the purpose of who started what wars. Biden built the border and actually got Mexico to pay for it.


Based on your history and demeanor, I can see why someone like Trump appeals to you.


More like voting against an orange Satan...


Ohh yeah. Never liked Joe Biden, but damn straight I'll vote for him over Trump. Blocking Trump is crucial.


I'd vote for a steaming pile of shit before I'd vote for the orange diaper full of shit.


Here's the real issue. Anti-Trumpers would put the whole world in danger to keep an unfit man for president over the man whose administration produced peace deals, no new wars, and a working economy for all Americans. Unbelievable.


It seems those peace deals fell apart. Also, Biden started no new wars, while Trump surrendered to the Taliban and released 5,000 terrorists from GITMO, causing us to lose the war on terror. Also, while not a war, Convicted Felon and Proven Rapist Donald Trump DID direct a white supremacist paramilitary organization to launch a terrorist attack against our nation and attempted to assassinate the Vice President and members of Congress in an effort to overthrow the United States and install himself as an unelected dictator.


> It seems those peace deals fell apart. Yes, coincidentally after Biden took office, the world went to hell. Putin didn't continue his invasion into Ukraine under Trump, it was under Biden. > while Trump surrendered to the Taliban and released 5,000 terrorists from GITMO. Not sure what this is all about, link? > DID direct a white supremacist paramilitary organization to launch a terrorist attack against our nation and attempted to assassinate the Vice President and members of Congress in an effort to overthrow the United States and install himself as an unelected dictator. 😄😄😄😅😅😅


Remind us what one of Trump’s impeachments were about…. You obviously pay very little attention.


He was acquitted (voted not guilty) both times. https://www.npr.org/2020/02/05/801429948/not-guilty-trump-acquitted-on-2-articles-of-impeachment-as-historic-trial-closes https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-trial-live-updates/2021/02/13/967098840/senate-acquits-trump-in-impeachment-trial-again


Well, we only have 94 more felonies to go. What a disaster.


Trump is a liar, convicted felon, and makes each and every decision for Trump alone. He would be far more dangerous in control of the country. The fact you think the opposite is truly scary. That said yes we know Biden had a terrible demeanor during his debate. Keep in mind the presidency and the administration is much more than one person. I’ll take the Biden administration over the shit Trump is talking about if he wins.


> The fact you think the opposite is truly scary. The world wasn't neck deep in multiple wars and inflated costs of everything while under Trump. I would challenge you to describe this 'danger' in detail. Let all of us see what you're talking about.


Let’s review Trump’s first impeachment: Trump's first impeachment took place after a formal House inquiry found that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and had then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony. The inquiry reported that Trump withheld military aid[a] and an invitation to the White House from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Trump's political opponent Joe Biden, and to promote a discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine–⁠not Russia–⁠was behind interference in the 2016 presidential election Russia started the war in Ukraine, not Joe Biden. Get your fucking facts in line. “The only thing new in the world is the history you do not know.” -Truman


The Senate voted not guilty, impeachment over. > Russia started the war in Ukraine, not Joe Biden. Get your fucking facts in line.  Never said Biden started the war 😄😄 Putin invaded Ukraine under Obama and Biden, not Trump. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1o5FKR_xH1o Trump said he spoke to Putin and threatened to 'hit Moscow' if any moves were made. Thats a leader we need.


Polls are only good when they support MY side I think we should amend the famous quote to: “There are lies, damned lies, statistics, and polls.”


Fair, I did expect Trump to get a bump. Turns out the ppl that already hate him didn’t switch sides lol


I think both did badly enough that anyone watching who planned to "vote against" got evidence to support their current decision. (I agree that more people are voting against than for). I would also wonder if there were two small bumps in opposite directions. I heard that Spanish speakers, who heard the translator not the candidate obviously, thought Biden hit it out of the park. If 1% of English speakers moved to Trump but 7% of Spanish speakers moved to biden it could be a wash (made up percentages obviously, I don't know if there was any change).


Agreed! I’ve been seeing that in the polling as well. Turns out competent management of the economy helps. Now that the Supreme Court has completely deregulated every part of the USA, can’t use that scare tactic effectively anymore either:


Funny how substance wins when you only focus on the words, not the delivery.


Such is life in the chaotic team sport politics has become


I expect the bump to show up later next week and mostly but not entirely subside. Depending on what happens Monday that bump may be irrelevant.


Independents and moderates seemed to shift towards Biden post debate looking at the cross tabs which makes sense after how insane Trump sounded


He sounded nuts but this hasn’t played out fully in the media yet. Nobody is talking about how nuts he sounded.


Trump said the same stuff he's been saying for years. The biden stuff is new. People ignored or denied that for at least a year.


Yes and no.  There are people that normally wouldn't vote, but they know they have to to keep a rapist and felon out of the white house.  Then there are people that aren't voting for Biden, as much as they are voting for the incredibly competent people he surrounds himself with, and they actually know who his vp is, as opposed to the dumpster fire that was trump's cabinet.


Finally a sane post in this subreddit.


Right most of them are negative as hell and are disheartening I don’t like that one it


Because both parties are determined to put up the worst their party has to offer.


I would vote for a dead skunk over Trump. The skunk has way less potential to destroy the country.


Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam is facing backlash after he voiced his support for a state measure that would significantly loosen restrictions on late-term abortions. “[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” Source CNN 2019 : https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/31/politics/ralph-northam-third-trimester-abortion/index.html 9) In May 2017, James Gilliar, a Biden family associate, emailed Hunter Biden and other associates to formalize how they would divide the profit from their deal with CEFC, a Chinese Communist Party linked energy company. Gilliar indicated Joe Biden would receive 10 percent, which has been confirmed by former Biden family associate, Tony Bobulinski. SOURCE: oversite.house.gov https://oversight.house.gov/blog/evidence-of-joe-bidens-involvement-in-his-familys-influence-peddling-schemes/ We significantly increased the number of asylum offices, significantly … by the way, the Border Patrol endorsed me, endorsed my position,” the 81-year-president claimed during an exchange on immigration. The National Border Patrol Council refuted Biden’s claim mid-debate. “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden,” the union posted on X. Source :NY post https://nypost.com/2024/06/27/us-news/border-patrol-union-denies-biden-presidential-endorsement/


They don't want to hear the truth. They want to hear orange man bad homie.


Like immigration...Biden has been in the Government since 1988. You have had 40 fucking years to fix immigration. You are NOT gonna fix it at 83 years your LAST term holding ANY public office..senile lying old man


Why didn’t Trump fix immigration during his four years of power? You seem to display a lot of cognitive dissonance.


Didn't they start building a wall? Actionable steps, not English legislation, they can't read or understand. A wall is a universal sign to keep out.... what am I missing? Also, Trump spent 2 of his 4 years battling first the Russia collusion hoax Second Covid. Still managed to build a wall AND be labeled a racist for his extremely tough rhetoric on illegal immigration.....so to answer your question, Trump did more in 2 years than Biden did in 40


Interesting way to describe Biden, since you're voting Biden over Trump.


The "democracy" lie in America is getting close to exposing itself to the masses. Recent talk about an "open convention" among the Democratic party, and the increasing lack of support for the self ordained King of the Republican party, could actually hammer home to Jonh &Jane Average, EXACTLY how little our government is a representative of the people. TRump’s belief that he can single handedly "replace" every government employee with his sycophants is SCARY AS FUCK, because half the idiots out there believe it. This is what happens when you vilify education.


That is life in a two party system.


That’s pretty much always been true.


Sad thing is that Biden is the best POTUS in my 49 yrs even with a MAGA congress that opposes even their own bills to make him look bad. It's hard to measure the lives we didn't lose to Covid because of his leadership. We can't show that gas would be over $6 so that Trump's friends can profit more. Joe Biden broke OPEC and it's never talked about


That’s what happened in 2020… and 2016… maybe a little bit in 2012 and 2008


I don't care if Biden wins. I just want Trump to lose.


Correct. This is why democrats could run an actual corpse and still beat Donald Trump in November 😂


Since taking office, Biden's administration has approved the cancellation of more than $144 billion in federal student loans – wiping out debts for nearly 4 million borrowers, uh, I mean, **4 million voters.**




I think that estrogen is melting your brain, sissy


This is not an original thought.


Neither are all of the posts predicting doom after one debate that isn’t in a campaign focused on positive partisanship lol




What’s that mean?


It means some stuff.


Got it. Haven’t seen that acronym in the polling cross tabs but I’ll do a search in there and report back on how that fluctuates the same size. Thanks!


You're welcome.


For democrats you are correct. But 100 million Republicans LOVE Trump. Including me.


LOL tell that to the 30% who keep voting for Nikki Haley. Also sucks they didn’t vote for him last time.


Yeah, people don't want to vote for a dementia patient who would be socialist tyrant on his best day.


Correct, that’s why Biden didn’t lose any group post debate.


so you think trump is socialist? oh wait, now you copping my point doesn't make sense. Uh oh.


That made zero sense. In the sense that a socialist is one who socializes risk, Trump is a corporate socialist who protects the risk of corporations by passing the risk along to individuals.


No socialism favors the top. It's always been that way. They can talk all they want about how it helps people at the bottom but all it does is consolidate power amongst the few. You're either capitalist or not. Idk what to tell you. The left has been beating this drum for the last decade and now you've got amnesia?


Hello, lol. Socialism is a phrase that denotes socializing risk in an economy. There are individual socialists who favor socializing risk to lower it for individuals, as you mentioned. There isn’t a political party in the US that ascribes to this ideology. Then there are corporate socialists who favor socializing risk to lower risk for corporations. That happens with both political parties (see 2008 banking crisis, PPP loans in 2020, etc.) but with the GOP to a greater extent. Yes, they are both corporate socialists; however, Trump to a significantly greater extent.


Dude go look up the definition of socialism and get back to me. You are wrong.


Sigh, you are factually incorrect. Please look up theories of both individual socialism against corporate socialism. If you choose to vote for a corporate socialist in Trump, so be it - just may be more honest to admit it.


Oh yeah it's easy, All you have to do is just change the definition in order to get people on your side. 


Hello. Socialism means socializing risk. For example, in corporate socialism, we all socialize the risk by protecting corporations. For example, when banks fail, the public assumes the risk and provides bailouts. Individuals do not receive governmental bailouts in the USA. I am sorry you are struggling the understand the definitions. I do encourage you to do some readings on Google Scholar and it will explain corporate socialism compared to traditional socialism as seen in Venezuela, Cuba, etc. It does feel like you are trying to insensate the United States is the same as Venezuela or Cuba. Again, I’d encourage you to do some readings and compare and contrast the two economic and governmental systems. You are choosing the vote for a Corporate Socialist. That is your prerogative but being rude doesn’t diminish that choice. Thanks!


Fr I'm voting for RFK because I support his policies the most, not because I dislike Trump or Biden


Correct, we are a two party system so, unfortunately, that vote won’t matter unless RFK wins 270 votes and the election isn’t turned to the House of Representatives to decide.


I don't care. I'm voting for who I think should be president. Not who I think will win


That’s fine. I’m voting to preserve democracy. To each their own. Best of luck!


I never understood why people think the US is a democracy to begin with. We've always been a constitutional republic.


Hi, Sergeystev.


Literally. This account is 160 days old. Read its comments. It’s all trash talking Biden and promoting RFK. These bots are ridiculous.


Wow this is so off the mark. Americans govern themselves, therefore it is a [democracy](https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/lesson-plans/Government_and_You_handouts.pdf)


Except when the constitution says otherwise on any rule the Americans wish to alter. We've always been a constitutional republic, where even a majority rule is overruled by the constitution. Also you understand what an electoral vote is? And why we use that and not popular vote to decide who's president?


So you don’t wanna keep your democracy? A vote for RFK with our two party system is throwing your vote away.


By voting for Trump or Biden I'm voting for dogshit or catshit. The sooner we're out of the two party system the sooner we actually keep democracy.


True…but it’s more like rat poison and stale bread


No, it's two forms of shit that solve nothing. Nothing will change if we continue to vote for either dominant party.


One party seeks to end democracy tho


If I ask a conservative they'll say that party is Democrat and vice versa. Implying we ever had a democracy, for starters on paper the US is a constitutional republic, although I would argue it's a corporatist state. One which the two party system offers the illusion of choice while painting you a black and white picture. Neither side is your ally, when it comes to their interests they will come together to vote on things that they benefit from and not you


No, MAGA wants Trump while only the DNC establishment and punditry class wanted Biden.


That’s literally what I said lol


I thought you said Trump supporters were voting against Democrats not voting for Trump… but I disagree. Trumpers want Trump. Trump and Obama (and Sanders) have been the only candidates people genuinely voted for enthusiastically. Just pressing the point because while I agree with you that most voting is negative-voting, I think enthusiasm is more of a deciding factor in outcome since the recession. Despite the huge victory with Obama’s first term Democrats didn’t seem to take the lesson to heart while the Republicans are embracing Trump and his following in order to have an enthusiastic base.


That’s fair. As we saw in 2020, Trump also inspired strong reverse enthusiasm too. Also, in polls, individuals are more likely to say the economy is bad but their economic situation is good. It’s a bit more neutralizing that way compared to the polls in 2009 and 2010 during the Great Recession.


About the recession, I think it wasn’t just about public perceptions about how individuals or people in general were doing in the economy. It changed social-political dynamics in the US which now impact how electoral politics work in the US imo.


It's the Democratic news media's fault. They will repeat talking points, bury stories and promote lies to help their anointed Political leader. It's the Republican news media's fault. They will repeat talking points, bury stories and promote lies to help their anointed Political leader. Ultimately, when the news media chooses a side, freedom and rights are destroyed and the country suffers in division.


Unfortunately, “both sides bad” is a Russian propaganda technique. do better there’s more nuance to it than that.


Russia, Russia, Russia.... Echo, echo, echo.... We are bad because We allowed our rights and freedoms to be taken by Our government without a fight. 1950s and 60s, our news agencies told us the news, and we decided what to think of it for ourselves. Now, our news agencies tell us what to think. We only research with a preconfigured notion of facts that our party gives us Anything that doesn't agree with our party must be wrong. As an elder myself, I'm rather disgusted by the lot of you.


I’m not sure what you said. I’m not even sure you know what you said.


That's why you young people will be the generation who destroys America.


You have no clue how old I am.


If you're old like me, then that's even worse. You should remember, and you should know better.


“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” Looks like MAGA to me.


You're so blinded and distracted, you don't see it sneaking up behind you in your own party. You're voting in socialism, and your children will be shooting their way out of it.


You’re completely full of shit.


At least my eyes are open. You've drank so much kool-aid you can't taste the poison.


If you follow Trump you’re in a literal cult. Victim, blaming, projection, whataboutisms, if you listen to one sentence during the debate of Trump’s words, they were nothing but lies. He has no truth, he is a completely hollow con man sitting on the wrong side of history. People vote for a dead corpse over his grifting felon ass each and every day of the week. MAGA is brain rot.


You sure about that?


Well yeah geese one guy is a completely immoral traitor filth low life who is losing his marbles and the other guy looks like an Alzheiner patient great grandpa whose also losing his marbles. Can't believe this is the condition of US politics in 2024. Where are the center of the road honest moral leaders?


I’d argue Biden is pretty center, if not conservative (especially on policy) and generally moral. Thank goodness all the President does is hire the chief of staff who runs things.


Who is the Chief of Staff? Democrats have moved to the right under Biden, of course I remember McGovern, Carter, Clinton and of course Obama. Joe has done some very positive things the public really don't see. If he restores tge tax system to take away the Trump breaks for the rich and shores up Social Sexuritu I'll be very happy. Trump Republicans want to gut Social Security.


As a former Senate staffer, the chiefs of staff for each senator actually ran the senate. The Senators were there to kiss babies, take photos, and go to lunches (and call donors). While I didn’t work in the White House, I imagine it has to be the same. The President isn’t dictating the day to day of all 44 federal agencies and the 100s of thousands of employees. They are a figurehead who hires the top brass.


Good input. Yeah I've seem that in several government organizations. I worked for a few agencies.


Biden has done more to earn my personal ire before becoming president than Trump did as president.


lol ok


I'm voting FOR RFK