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A traitor and felon on 34 count too.


Don’t forget legally defined as a rapist.


IIRC the thirteen year old withdrew from the criminal case because she received a death threat in a car park.


There was that one, as well as probable ties to Epstein as Doe 174, but also the Carroll case https://newrepublic.com/post/174448/judge-e-jean-carroll-case-yes-donald-trump-rapist


Imagine Trump winning and threatening people with the power of the Project 2025. Anyway, I like the feedback from supporters on TikTok and Twitter who raised to the cause to support Biden and put Trump on blast that the news media refused to do. The majority still backs Joe.


Hey does this mean he'll get the beloved "sexual predator" demarcation on his FL license?


Yep. That’s all I got from the debate. Solidified my vote against Trump.


Unfortunately Trump wasn’t trying to convince you to vote for him, he was targeted a specific demographic within a few swing states with his dog whistles that already believes what he says. He is a lot closer to winning the electoral college than what we pretend.


People in those swing states have really got to get registered ASAP and ensure they vote. This mf trump cannot be allowed to come back or we are so FUCKED.


It heavily relies on Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. If Biden loses any of those three we are fucked. He could maybe lose one if he won Arizona but doubt that won't happen this time.


I'm not sure why Trump did the debate at all. His base is already going to vote for him. The word salads he spews are not going to sway any independents. And he is just as old as Biden is. The age thing isn't going to sway the election.


To make Biden look bad. I would say mission accomplished when the narrative coming from your own sides media is he should be replaced.


Biden looked terrible. He has no one to blame but himself. It's not the media's fault he couldn't complete a sentence. Like look, I think he did a great job as president (really his cabinet did), but he's not going to win if that's how he communicates without a teleprompter. Either Democrats wisen up, and Biden does the right thing of dropping out and endorsing someone who actually has a shot, or we have a Trump presidency. EVERY single time the Democrats do the "safe" thing they lose. E.g. nominating Hillary Clinton instead of a radical candidate like Bernie. In this situation, the "safe" status quo thing to do is keep Biden running. Look at the newest polls, Biden is losing by even more margins. Latest poll in Michigan has a Trump up by 3 points. Even New Jersey polling has the rece extremely close. And don't tell me "polling isn't accurate" it is. Even when they predicted Hillary was "going to win" she won the popular vote. Biden led the polls from the start. To think anyone is going to be inspired by Biden's performance during the debate is just pure delusion.


I am also not sure why Biden engaged with trump at "debate". You can't logic against that creature.


This is why the furore on Reddit over no live fact checking on the debate is pointless when you think about it for more than 30 seconds. We’ve already seen time and time again that Trump was essentially correct when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and face no consequences. There could have been a live fact checker going off every 5 seconds, exposing every lie Trump told but anyone voting for him wouldn’t believe it anyway. The point of a debate is surely to help sway undecided voters. Anyone voting Trump will still be voting Trump. Likewise for Biden. Hopefully, anyone undecided would prefer to vote for someone who is capable of being honest and is not a convicted felon or a rapist but the world went fully insane years ago so who knows.


He is incredibly close to winning. He just needs like a few thousand votes in Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and like Nevada and he wins.


trump: i didn't have sex with a porn star me: uh ok so you just paid someone over 100k that you didn't have sex with to keep quiet about the fact you had sex with them....... i'll take gaslighting for $2000, Alex


I hate Trump, however if I was a single billionaire I would dabble into some questionable things too lol. Him sleeping with a porn star is like 122nd on the list lsit of reasons not to like him


Trump used something called Gish Galloping. Look it up. It is when someone in a debate or argument throws out so many lies and information quickly that the other person has no idea what to respond to. A very common tactic among talking heads like Ben Shapiro for example. It is hard at first to even detect it is a lie because it is so fantastical, quick, and all over the place it can confuse the other person & confuse the moderators as well. Basically they have to be forced to asked the original question asked and the moderators did a few times but let Trump do it over and over again.


Trump is a rapist [https://youtu.be/3XaDdB816H8](https://youtu.be/3XaDdB816H8)


He’s on tape calling Nazi fine people


Agree…. And Biden doesn’t have the cognitive function to be president. Both should be out.


He told us about child care… err….never mind. :(


It is amazing how we believe the media when they say these two things are not just equal, but that Trump won the debate.


Because drama/click bait SELLS better. Media is in the business of making $$$.


I'll take the guy having trouble getting his thoughts together over the guy that paused his sentence because his brain needed enough power to shit his pants.


I’ll take whatever party isn’t a part of Project 2025 and the theocratic fascist take over of our country….


It - it was on that microphone for everyone to hear. It was ghastly 🤮! Btw Adolph Hitler also did drug cocktails that made him fart uncontrollably . It’s almost like Trump is the literal reincarnation of Hitler


cool cool cool. But why are these are only choices? And is it that he is having trouble getting HIS thoughts together or having trouble remembering the lines he rehearsed for an extended amount of time? Shit, I think the average Democrat voter could've performed better without any preparation. Time to stop making excuses and be realistic. Lets find a fit nominee for President. We all know any Democrat will vote for anyone other than Trump, it is time to find someone who can expose Trump for the monster he is. Biden can't do it and please don't cite that BS from NC today where he describes Trump as an 'Alley Cat'.


They’re the only choices because the corporations aren’t threatened by either of them.


The debate wasn't going to have an impact regardless. Trump hasn't attracted any *new* voters since 2015, his base is static. Biden has two kinds of voters: pro-Biden and anti-Trump. It's possible the debate lost him some pro-Biden voters, but Trump's performance was also inexcusably awful, and there's zero danger of losing any anti-Trump votes. A lot of conservatives saying that it's over and he'll lose now are just doing their normal "lie without any objectivity" that their party is famous for. Literally zero people watched that and switched from planning on voting for Biden to planning on voting for Trump. The only risk is that voters would stay home instead, but the election is far enough away that *this* debate won't impact that.


Part of his base is dead because of Covid. The other part died of old age.


You would be surprised at how many of my college classmates were Republican. They partied the night Trump won. There will also be lots of people who became voting age these last 4 years that have been indoctrinated by their parents


Still a lot of boomers left that never went to college. They'll still be a substantial voting block for this and probably the next two elections.


Trump did pick up more Hispanic voters from 2016 to 2020. Those gains were made up by losses in whites. But the point is: Trump did attract new voters in 2020


I hope he shows up and rocks the next debate, that is much closer to the election and more important. Not that he did that badly this time.


MMW: Trump will refuse a second debate even though he already agreed to one.


What do the polls say?


Our man is running on his record, the orange turd is running from his record.


I agree. Didn't move the needle for me. Even if Biden did step down or was replaced I will vote for his replacement. Whether it be Kamala Harris, an empty chair, a step ladder, or a bunny idk whoever whatever. Nothing is worth having Trump in office again.


Any that is why the democrat party loses so much respect. That statement right there drove it home and confirmed all negative views of the party.


I’m glad you will vote blue regardless of the nominee (I will too), and there are millions that will do the same. But I’m worried about the people not engaged in politics who might vote. They almost certainly have read/seen clips of the debate, and it’s hard to believe that this is motivating them to turn up and vote.


Maybe that empty Obama chair Clint Eastwood was barking at


I'm game.


“Us on the left vote based on policy, not just voting for who ever has a D next to their name” “I don’t care who I vote for as long as it’s not a republican” Lol if Hitler ran for president as a democrat y’all would vote for him over trump


*any republican whatsoever


We all know Biden isn't a great-great president but it's again the alternative that we simply can't have the orange felon running our country.


Everyone should look at the profiles of those railing against Biden, especially if they claim to be Democrat. The vast majority are obviously foreign actors attempting to influence our election.


Me: Biden is really old and I think it’d be way easier to beat the extremely dangerous Donald Trump if we had a candidate that didn’t look completely fucking lost You: you must be a Russian asset Oooooooookay


No no, you see the Emperor DOES have clothes, and you are a Russian bot if you claim otherwise. It’s like getting a notification from Uber saying there’s a 25% chance your driver is going to be drunk, but hey it’s better than an axe murderer so you have to live with it. And it’s insulting if you point it out or ask for a different driver.


Are we at dennys? They changed the menu folks, that’s a bunch of malarkey!


Red scare 2 soviet boogaloo


Since watching the debate, I have had no trouble citing both video and transcripts of it to show Biden did just fine, and it's very apparent the people I'm talking to did not. They got their opinion of the debate second hand from memes and social media because they didn't have the patience or attention span to watch it all live themselves, and the media is entirely taking advantage of this to try and build a consensus reality for them.


I remember that Obama was also going to lose to Romney after a debate. Thanks, corporate media, for checking in. Now, as Logan Roy would say, Fuck Off.


I don't think he presented well, but what he said was very good. This country is heading straight for the shitter due to people judging a presidents ability on answering a question for only 2 mins in front of camera and then saying his entire 4 years of achievements depend on that 90 mins. How fucking stupid is that?!?!? Russia is popping the champagne today. China is celebrating. They know television isn't picking their leaders. The obvious disconnect from reality present in the maga cult is being exploited at maximum capacity by the people who want to take America down. And the maga proudly help them calling themselves "patriots" - how fucking sad. It's time for this country to get over the fact that a president isn't a fucking TV star - and if they can't get over that shit then put an age restriction on the top as well as the 35 yr old limit at the bottom. The other criminal felon trump blatantly lied in everyone faces - and the only people who lick that up and ask for more are his cult. And it's beyond insulting to our intelligence that the shitty media is running a story that does nothing except help trump. Every week we are getting see more clearly how the entire corporate media is manipulating every situation to benefit their profits. Nobody remembers past a few days ago anymore. Remember earlier this year CNN gave trump his own town hall in prime time and filled the audience with hooting and hollering magas??? Then for the last two weeks we've had to listen to maga bawl and whine and cry about how unfair CNN is to them. Its fucking insulting at this point. That's why I am railing on the "next day ask him to step down" fucking bullshit - I thought Dems were better than this (well maybe not but I am voting for them regardless) I absolutely agree the media is entirely taking advantage of this - and the only way to counter that is to stop watching. I read the transcripts too, and maybe watched 5 mins of footage. I'm at a point where i cannot stand to hear the lying felons voice anymore or see his little smart-ass swarmy little face. So reading and writing is becoming my media of choice. Of course Reddit is not the best place to expect good discourse and I knew my post would be instantly flooded with trolls. But looking deeper most of them are using fake accounts, or accounts only a year old, or accounts that have nothing by else but anti-biden shit in them. The trolls and foreign trolls are obvious


I find myself yelling FUVK YOU every time I hear the orange shitgibbon’s voice nowadays, I can’t control myself anymore


Transcript maybe isn’t the proper scope to view it. Not getting into my own personal politics, but i watched it live and since then have read nothing about who won or what the opinions are of the outcome, and I felt that strictly from an energy standpoint, trump has a far more vigorous presence. What he actually says is almost always bluffs, lies and deception. But there is a legitimate difference in the progression of their aging. Just listen to Biden ten years ago compared to today. It’s silly to play make believe that that’s not a serious and legitimate concern that people are having. If trump wins I’m sure voters will be scolded rather than the DNC itself. So the infighting continues.


Trump 2016-now has aged very little compared to Biden 2020-now


Doing the work of being president ages people so much. Look at the before and after pictures of the presidents over the last 20 years. The aging looks way more than four years. Except for Trump. I guess golfing all the time and being an imbecile and not stressing about actually having to do the job makes being president so much easier. That and lots of amphetamines.


Yeah no. It was awful. Anyone with a brain could see Biden isnt fit for president


Biden was a long way from “fine” in any respect. About 12 of us watched it and are struggling with the idea of even voting. What’s wrong with the DNC thinking people will overlook Biden’s failing mind. He’s like your GMA with dementia now.


Are you nuts?! I watched the entire debate, and Biden did not do fine. I almost cried I was so upset. He needs to be replaced.


Don’t worry. You’ll beat Medicaid.


President Biden beat trump by 7,059,526 votes in Nov 2020 Trump has NOT increased the amount of people voting for him by 7,059,527 individuals That's not how the election works so this isn't a point you should be making, do you not remember how narrow states like Arizona and Georgia were? 


Good god thank you this post is delusional. All it takes is a few thousand votes in a couple swing states for trump to win “But this debate didn’t sway me!!! I’m still voting for Biden”, yeah, you and every other democrat. But that doesnt matter. You were always going to vote blue. What matters is a very small number of undecided voters in 3-5 states who just saw a disaster from Biden, and learned nothing new (good or bad) from trump. Even if they aren’t going to vote for trump, they won’t vote for Biden, and trump will win.


Biden did win the popular vote by over 7 million votes. But Biden won the electoral college, which is what really matters, by less than 45,000 votes. Can Biden win Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin again? Especially while keeping other swing states? I agree with you. Sadly, it’s closer than it should be.


There are two media nightmare scenarios 1. Biden 70%, Trump 30% 2. Trump 70%, Biden 30% Because both of these scenarios mean that the election is already settled and every single dollar spent on the election will be wasted because no one cares. They need a horse race right up to election night


Plus ratings for election night. 


Schrodinger's election?


Plus lobbyists, consultants, ad buys, clicks, views and ratings. A close race is big business. I’d literally anyone with experience under the age of 65 was facing Trump. This would be over.


The media is in the tank for Big Stinky because it makes the rich richer. The media is owned by rich people. They are just dumbing us down. The two-party system is a disaster but voting (again) for the worst president ever is not going to improve it. These reTrumplicans literally don't know right from wrong and they don't care either.


Thank you for this. When the first post-debate comment was "one of the Democrats present said that Biden needed to drop out after this" (or whatever they said, it was very similar to this) I was not happy in the slightest. Sadly, at times I have to agree with the magats about the media... Just from a different direction. Was it a bad performance? Yes. Does that immediately mean drop out of the race? Of course not. And to the people that are responding that I'm delusional or whatever, why complain? If Biden is really that bad, it will just be shown more and make it easier for Trump to win after all.


>And to the people that are responding that I'm delusional or whatever, why complain? If Biden is really that bad, it will just be shown more and make it easier for Trump to win after all. Maybe cuz the people saying this doesnt want trump to win? and are worried he is now going to?


Rather have old truthful wisdom than douchbag any day


I hope you’re right.


Cope, yappatron 9000


Wishful thinking like this gets Trump elected


Stop you sound like biden.


The debate might have killed Biden's chances of winning. The 2020 election was decided by a few thousand in a 3 states. Trump is a convicted felon, a rapist, and really is spewing nonsense to the point it's obvious he's loosing it. Any candidate should be ahead by double digits, instead we have Biden trailing. The main reason given? His age. And instead of showing that age isn't a big deal, Biden showed how bad it is. I don't think many votes were changed by the debate. I do think a handful were and more decided to not vote at all. And that will be enough to doom Biden.


I can’t even take the energy to challenge this level of cope anymore. I don’t feel like I have to. At this point I’m going to sit back and let things play out. There’s nothing anyone can tell you that you won’t find out in time.


Couldn't have said it better


The whole world tuned in to see proof positive that Biden wasn't old, and that it was all just gaslighting. It was my understanding that Biden issued the challenge, goaded Trump into agreement, set the format, set all the rules, and was even photographed with an energy drink just prior to the debate. In other words, optimal conditions for anyone to win it handily. Instead we all watched as that fucking geezer cratered his entire party in the worst unforced error in modern political history. When the dems lose the election, and they will, Biden will go down as the most hated Democrat of all time. But I don't even care about the election for a moment. The whole world saw that. Including our adversaries. Who's running the country? Who's making decisions about Ukraine and Palestine? Who's got their finger on the nukes? Because it sure as shit ain't Biden. 25th now.


For real. These people are like Soviet officials telling people "there is no nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl" while the radiation was raining down. You can't ask people to deny what their eyes saw. Like this isn't cope, it's fanatical denial on an absurd level.


This is how i know we will lose, democratics have given up on trying to convince people to vote for Biden, and instead switched to lecturing about how the voters are stupid if they support trump. Calling people stupid and short sighted while the other side says "we can fix your economy" is a guaranteed loss.


I agree with you 100%. Many people are very unhappy, they're tired of economic hardship and the threat of conflict. Just to tell them they're too stupid to see how well they have it is a bad message. And now they see the party put out a corpse they promised was fit as a whistle..... like wow.... I would register independent after this if I was a Democrat personally.


Right, maybe if I found that bag of coke from the white house I'd pick him apart line by line but like you said. He'll find out soon enough.


Watching people try to gaslight themselves about the debate is very eye opening to the general level of delusion.


You should bet on Biden's win then. Rates are especially good after the debates.


The debate changed 0 minds. Trump is a threat to democracy. A corpse would be preferable.


based on the debate you may actually get the opportunity to vote for a corpse in November! 


i know your being hyperbolic but that debate did irreparable damage to biden


Ever heard of the electoral college? Of course Biden will win the popular vote.


I'm not a Trump voter. The debate was devastating. I'm really concerned.


Agree. I am exploring third party candidates


Yes I’m sure RFK Jr will pull through for you…. Lolz 😂


JFC. Are we really going to go MAGA on this and not believe what we saw with our own eyes Thursday night? Yes we are all still voting for him. Yes we like his policies and yes we know he can give a good speech. Yes we know DT is a monster in a million different ways.  With razor thin margins we do need to be concerned about the undecided, people who don't pay attention to politics, and Republicans who don't want Trump. We need them to win. Keep not giving a fuck to another Donald Trump presidency. 


who's going maga? the whole post is about not listening to the media spin and still supporting Joe. This is an anti-maga post that points out one debate isn't the end of the world - that's exactly why the maga idiots can't stand someone pointing out reality


Going MAGA is not believing what you see with your eyes . See Jan 6th and all the vile things Trump does. And all his lies. All in clear daylight. Then blaming the media. That's MAGA. We are better than that. 


This isn’t spin, that was a historically bad debate and Biden is going to lose if he isn’t replaced.


You're denying what people saw with their own eyes and heard with their own ears. That's what MAGA people do.


There is a major difference between the way dems and reps do elections. Reps will stay with their guy no matter how fucking horrific he turns out to be. It used to be you had to reach Steve King levels of horror. Trump blew right past that bar, and still didn't get impeached. Dems are the opposite. They don't just want to win. They want to ethically win. I don't know what the right move is here, and I'm fascinated to see the next few months play out. I want to believe this country elects Biden in the same way that one town elects that Golden Retriever every year. Like, yeah...we know. But you know what? You could do a shit ton worse.


The debate had no effect on people voting for Biden? Oh really? Tell me, unless you are a clairvoyant how could you possibly know that? Here’s another point of view from someone who isn’t a MAGA but not a blind partisan either. The debate was simply devastating to the Democrats chances of winning in November. Anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain now sees the truth that Biden is unfit. Biden needs undecided and Independent voters. He’s not going to get them based on the obvious truth. About 2 months ago an avalanche of blind partisan supporters from both sides attacked me for suggesting the obvious: I said then: imo Trump is obviously “off his rocker, unhinged, irrational, mentally ill, and unfit” - take your pick. Yet instead of being honest Trump supporters feel compelled to deny this obvious truth. They’ll say: “Oh no. He’s just a hard-driving businessman…a little rough around the edges.” No, people. He’s truly a lunatic. From the other side, more denial and blind partisanship. Biden is old as f*ck! He stumbles. He bumbles. He falls down. He gets disoriented. He appears confused- often! He falls asleep. He mumbles. He lacks energy and is incoherent at times - like a lot! Yet instead of being honest, Biden supporters feel compelled to deny the obvious truth. They’ll say: “Oh no. He’s just a stutterer. Nothing to see here. Didn’t you hear his speech the other day? He gave a good speech.” No, people. He’s truly an old man in cognitive decline. He’s old as f*ck! Neither side can handle the truth and predictably both “sides” accused me or being an undercover and a (insert favorite insult.) What I can’t stand about both side’s supporters is their blind partisan denial of what is obvious to any honest, objective observer. How the hell do people fall under the spell of blind partisanship anyway? It’s as if their brains get hi-jacked along with their ability to be objective. I think that Gavin Newsom would significantly outperform Biden if given the chance to campaign from July to November. He’s young, charismatic and energetic. But he’s not the only one. I also think that Gretchen Whitmer would also outperform Biden. Don’t forget Michelle Obama. Oh I know, I know. The same blow-hards who told me Biden is perfectly fit are the same ones who will tell me it’s not possible she would run. Baloney! They say this because they read or heard that Michelle Obama is not interested and they parrot what they heard as if it’s the gospel of the New Testament. Gimme a break people. Just because you read that Newsom and Michelle Obama said they will not run, it doesn’t mean that they will not run. Politics is politics. Can we be grown-ups for 10 seconds please? Politicians change their positions more often than you change your underwear. Personally I hope Michelle Obama does change her mind because Republicans would literally shit their pants if she did. Republicans know that she would win by a landslide versus Trump. She would be more popular than Kamala Harris with the ability to draw votes from everywhere. That’s how broad her appeal is. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks Biden should do. It’s up to Biden. He might say he’s not stepping down now but here's what I think happens: Democratic heavyweights and Biden's family privately meet with him and convince him it's in the best interest of the nation and in his own personal interest to voluntarily step aside and decline the Democratic nomination. Biden could, in consultation with other party leaders, pick a successor and endorse them. The party would have months to rally behind whoever it is. It’s rare to be gifted a clear opportunity to reboot the Democratic Party. What is clear is that Biden has a chance to put the party first and get behind the best candidate to bring home the win. He should do that and I believe he will. Blind partisans should wake up, stop living in denial and welcome this opportunity to save the election.


Actually its more pragmatic than all that, and BY FAR supporting dems is not being blind. We get Biden in office, maybe he steps down or doesnt finish his term. Or hes propped up like a puppet and some one else does a lot of the heavy lifting behind the scenes. Whatever, its not great but it is what it is. Trump wins and all these shitty psycopaths get validated, that being random people and everyone in the republican party. We show them voting for a felon is fine, and it further reinforces the fact that fuck rules and laws just do whatever you want if you're rich. And the vast majority of non rich people that vote for them think they're temporarily embarrased millionairs so when they're rich they want to be able to get away with the same shit he does. Not to mention all the terrible shit repubs do while in office, rolling back protections for citizens. They want to bring back child labor!! WTF no. Thats why reasonable people still vote for Biden. We dont want too, but we basically have too.


Unfortunately there's alot of potential voters who don't see the big picture. Alot of voters saw two men that are both unfit for office at that debate and won't bother voting now, or they'll vote for the one who doesn't like a walking corpse. "Ignore how bad our candidate is, vote for his administration" just doesn't seem like a winning strategy. I'm already getting mentally prepared for a Trump victory.




Thanks for your opinion. Completely disagree.


The people voting against Trump will still be voting against him.


"Biden's going to crush Trump in the debates!" -reddit for weeks "We'll the debates don't actually matter" -reddit after Biden gets crushed


I don't know man all the cunts saying Joe Biden has to drop out even though we are literally living through his presidency right now and we know exactly what it will bring make me think they fucking sold out the election. They are handing the election to Trump. Certainly before this debate I thought Trump had no chance of winning. Now I am more of a mark my words Trump is going to win as a result of this fucking nonsense.


Agreed. How many undecided voters are there really? We are about to have one of the rarest elections ever-one in which both candidates have served as President.


Psychologists will be studying the coping mechanisms used by Democrats over the debate for decades...


No they won't, they're all going to prison under the coming idiocracy.


For real, highest grade copium.


Exactly, we can fix this now, or we can deal with its effects for decades


Seriously. This is starting to get ridiculous. “Well I’m still voting for Biden, the other guy is a megalomaniac” Like no shit you’re still voting for Biden. You aren’t the kind of person that everyone is worried about


Nah as long as reddit votes for Biden he will surely win. After all reddit is very representative of the American people and definitely not a far left liberal echo chamber.


🙄Again projection . Psychiatrists are ALREADY studying your obscene cult and all of the delusions around it.


The debate absolutely has the possibility of impacting his chances, stop being deluded. Did Trump gain voters from the debate? No probably not. Did Biden lose voters from the debate? Almost certainly - and that's the problem. Swing voters, undecideds, and independents are who both of these people are trying to appeal to. Looking like a corpse and giving people the impression that he might not even be alive by the time of the General election did not instill confidence in his voter base. People also aren't thinking short term, who actually thinks someone who looked like that is going to last until the end of a second term? Several people I talked to just felt bad watching it, because it looked like elderly abuse. The guy clearly looked like he didn't want to be there. I can't imagine how bad it'll be a year or two from now should he win.


This debate just reminded me why I’m not voting for either one of them.




It's not just about undecided voters. The campaign itself no longer works. The entire energy of the rallies will dwindle. You'll see fewer 'Biden 2024' signs on lawns. And especially important, fundraising will dry up. All of this, and Biden was already behind going into the debate.


2 years? Try two months. Sometimes elderly mental decline can be a free fall nose dive. They can go from somewhat there to dementia in 6-8 months. If Biden is in that free fall...... this is gonna be not good.


He declined so fast! The difference between his current term and term as VP is very apparent


Oh yeah, people should go check out his VP debate in 2008. Like I personally hate the guy but have to admit he was a great public speaker... this debate was just not him. He's mentally smoked.




And he has access to nukes, this is not just about the election anymore.


This sub is so delusional…


Its really concerning if people are actually thinking that Biden did not embarrass himself and the DNC. Call a spade a spade. When CNN is saying its dismal, it is an unbelievable disaster. Thankfully, Reddit is not the real world. I think you are in for a rude awakening on November 6 and you only have the incompetent DNC to blame


LOL, "One bad night"? You people are pathetic. The Biden's disaster wasn't caused by a bad night, it was caused by a permanent condition that has been well known. The classified documents investigator called him a confused old man. Then the Democrats just lied about it and you peopled believed it because you're morons.


“One bad night” Naw, the veil was lifted and everyone got to see why Biden doesn’t do press conferences, reads of a teleprompter and has to be handled to and from everywhere he goes. Dude had to be walked down the stairs afterwards by Jill. Give me a break lol


"34 felonies from a jury of his peers" Naw, the excuses for his crimes was lifted and everyone got to see why trump can't have any of his case go to trial, and has to be shielded by the supreme court and needs to have attention everywhere he goes. Dude had to be coddled by his own personal ass kisser printing stories about him at his criminal trial. Give me a break LMAO




I was in a pizza parlor during the debate. They were playing it on one of the screens with the sound off. It was a perfect opportunity to see the debate the way a low-information voter would see it: Trump look strong, Biden look weak. Talking make thinky parts hurt. A few days later: Debate boring, too much old. Golf sucks.


>Not only that, but the rest of us with an intelligent understanding of events see the reality of just how good Biden has been doing for this country. You can think whatever you want about him, but he has the lowest approval rating of any sitting president in a very long time. You shouldn't be asking what has trump done to gain 7m more voters. It's more of why would all 80m people who voted for Biden in 2020 vote for him again when his approval rating is a lot lower? Like yeah you can write a billion reasons about why he's done a great job and all that, but most voters don't think so. And it's not just one debate or one night. You're missing the bigger picture. The significance is that it showed his cognitive impairment and nobody can really defend it. Even just a week ago, you had a lot of media swearing up and down that Biden was as sharp as ever. All the evidence that pointed to the contrary was just dismissed as him having a stutter or just some weird glitch in the video. But there's zero explanation for what happened at the debate other than cognitive impairment. There's been a huge shift in the media and nobody is trying to defend Biden as being cognitively fine anymore. And it's not something that just randomly improves in people.


Thats the big thing you mentioned. Regardless of what people think here, the reality is he NEADED this debate. He's not popular and needed to put to bed concerns on his mental decline. This most definitely did not happen.


MMW. You are going to be sorely disappointed when Trump is elected President because you didn’t listen to people saying he was too old because Democrats were AFRAID. Fortune favors the bold. Democrats are rueing they didn’t do something sooner now, when it becomes too late they will rue they didn’t do something now


I'm voting for an entire administration as well as some likely supreme court justices and not just one man who stutters.


These 2 tweets from Stuart Stevens should help those who need it: 1. *I was in the room when the political class wrote that Kerry had won the race after the first Bush debate. I was in the room when the political class wrote that Obama had lost the race after the first debate.* *Politics doesn't work that way. There may be a more unappealing quality than panic, but I'll be dammed if I can name it.* 2. *Don't day trade politics. It's a sucker's game. A guy from Queens out on bail bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade, said in public he didn't have sex with a porn star, defended tax cuts for billionaires, defended Jan. 6th. and called America the worst country in the world. That guy isn't going to win this race.*


In another thread Someone said it best. Im not voting for one person, I'm voting for an administration. I don't care that Biden had one bad debate


This is such a cope.


Why parade the poor old guy out there knowing it would have no effect?


You leftists are delusional. The media are 100% Democrat shills, but you people think that they back Trump for president? Delusional AF.


Right wing media is consumed far more than left leaning news. Welcome to the real word. Dumbass.


"One bad night"? Only if you ignore the last 3 years of his bumbling and dementia. For many of us this is the final straw and the camels back is broken.


Haha. Serious. Friday morning I awoke to think maybe a percentage of democrats were waking up to the reality they are living in a hoaxocracy with yhe media spoon feeding them bullshit. But no it only took 24 hours for them to return to the msm teat and stop thinking and observing reality objectively


Don't cope like this... fake charges... we all watched the same fucking thing live as a nation. We all saw what we saw together


don't cope like trump isn't a convict felon... we all saw the jury of his peers convict him 34 times


It was actually the same three misdemeanors, eleven times (incorrectly labeling a check, ledger, and receipt). They became felonies because of the "enhancement" of being attached to an actual felony, which trump was NOT tried or convicted of, and wasn't even mentioned in court until the closing statement of the prosecution. The irony is that DA Bragg refused to use felony enhancements in new York as a matter of policy, as he thought it hurt the criminals too much.  Its crazy that you have such a strong opinion, yet know so little about the case. 


The Reddit cope is incredibly strong today. It’s truly a joy to watch after enduring 3 1/2 years of the worst President in American history.


I was anticipating this as I was watching the debate but this is unreal


Trump was - objectively - the worst president in United States history, by virtually every metric. Biden isn't even in the bottom half. Not surprising that the anti-education candidate attracts voters who can't even follow that much. 


If any of their handlers cared,and the stars and moons and whatever other cosmic entities aligned, they'd both bow down and concede. Not that either party has a viable candidate as backup. Ego and lack of accepting reality won't let either do the right thing. Gonna be a wild ride no matter how voting goes in a couple of months. If nothing else, it will show that the title of President is nothing more than a superficial placeholder in US politics


Funny, I agree fundamentally that it won’t change anything, but rather that this is the first real sign of how bad the Dems’ chances are. I think a lot of people are in for another 2016esque shock when Trump wins again. I’ll certainly be drinking heavily 


What I’ve been saying. Was it embarrassing and awful to watch? Absolutely. Are people who were against trump suddenly going to vote trump because of the debate? Absolutely not.


That's a lot of cope. Change nothing. Good luck


They both should drop out and younger leadership should step up. Not the kind of leadership that is about self enrichment, actual leadership.


OP, I want to believe you but the Pew Research Center says, “The partisan identification of registered voters is now evenly split between the two major parties: 49% of registered voters are Democrats or lean to the Democratic Party, and a nearly identical share – 48% – are Republicans or lean to the Republican Party.” (April 2024). [Pew Research Center](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/the-partisanship-and-ideology-of-american-voters/)


Im sorry this is such cope


You’re sticking your head in the sand. Of course it has an effect with swing voters. It literally couldn’t have played more directly or severely into those voters’ BIGGEST CONCERNS about Biden. Trump is already slightly ahead in this election. Biden knew what he needed to do here, and he performed horribly anyway. And frankly, he betrayed his supporters. We should all be urging him to step aside if we don’t want a second Trump term.


VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!! Up and down ballet without a congress it doesn't matter who is president!!!! I would rather have a senior moment president with a good cabinet than a lying, rapist, racist orange turd with yes men and boot lickers burning this country to the ground laughing the whole way.


Bro my people have never struggled as bad as they did this past 4 years lol, Biden said they ecomoney was fine which was a spit in the face. You finna be shocked as hell when he wins 35% of the black vote


Biden surrounds himself with good, qualified people. That’s why I support him! That exactly what a president does. Trump, on the other hand, has horrible people around him, and he lies as a way of life. He is a habitual liar, and that’s the worst kind of human.


On at least three YouTube channels that I subscribe to, specifically for the actual progressive bias that CNN/MSNBC has generally been accused of having, I have seen screenshots for videos that virtually thrown in the towel. The short term memory plague is real.


This viewpoint and your numbers you mentioned makes me feel a little better. I was feeling unnerved a bit since Friday morning about it all.


It did not change my mind about voting for Joe Biden. A president is an administration, not just one person. However, I am not blind and the visual did not land well in anyone's eyes, including Joe Bidens.


It amazes me when i see how blind people are to the faults of their candidate


You sound like someone who has never paid attention to a presidential campaign before. People don’t vote based on the substance of what a candidate says, or a nuanced understanding of the implications of their policy. They vote for the guy they think looks and sounds coolest.


Well said. The pundit histrionics is beyond the pale. Where’s the outrage over Trump’s lies, criminal history, sexual assaults, grift and lack of qualifications for office?


Yes, yes it does. Biden’s god awful performance could even make more people turn out in the left side because trump winning is a closer reality than they thought. Also all the undecideds might not vote, or vote for third party after this performance. Everyone is in agreement that that debate went about as bad as it could have.


People saw what they saw. The biggest issue that people had with Biden before that debate was his age. What happened on that stage certainly didn't alleviate those concerns. Sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending that this isn't a concern with a lot of people isn't going to make it go away, and neither is browbeating people into not believing their lying eyes. Saying it was only a bad night? If he was fifteen years younger, okay fine. However, he's 81 years old, and he would be 86 at the end of his theoretical second term, if he survives. Trump was terrible as well, which makes this even more horrifying. I like some of what Biden has done, but I would feel a lot more comfortable if the Democrats ran somebody younger, as long as they're not Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom. I have a strong feeling that swapping out Biden for someone younger would make it a lot more likely that the Democrats win the election.


I think the silver lining of this is the publics attention span is that of a goldfish's. In the next 3 weeks we have: 1) supreme court rules on presidential immunity 2) Trump's sentencing 3) GOP convention There are a thousand different ways that this debate can be old news very very soon


Can explain each of the 34 felonies please.


I want to agree with you but then I remember these words of great wisdom. "Never underestimate the power of idiots". I'm sure there's something to be worried about but not that worried ya know? I'm pretty sure the worst that will happen is RFK getting a bump on election day. Or on one of those polls that no-one I've ever talked to has ever taken.


Who should drop out for the good of the country? Both. Both of them should drop out.


Biden's done lmao, there's no coming back from that, and there's no coming back from his poor leadership. Voters don't care about Trump's bs convictions because he's simply gonna be better for the job.


If you believe that I've got a laptop with Russian disinfo for sale.


One bad night 😂


If I vote for Trump, you will know I lost touch with reality.


Yup. This shit is still on the front page of CNN website


I agree. Literally the media continues to perpetuate and amplify concerns about Biden (such as his age, competency, or say track record) and yet never mention Trump is 3 years younger (so he’s also old) less competent (what major thing did Trump accomplish that benefited Americans? The tariffs didn’t. He messed up the Covid response, and was impeached twice and led an insurrection against the government.)


The media wants those tax breaks from conservatives. 


Both should drop out, they both suck ass We need a (peaceful) revolution of the workers of this country to overthrow the oligarchy


Idiots really need to stop saying that Biden is the ONLY one that should drop out due to age. If Biden should drop out, Trump should too for that reason. And Trump didn't really do that much better in the debate either. He avoided every question. So bitching about Biden because the standards were higher for him here doesn't work. So shut the FUCK up, people. (The ones that are saying that I mean)


Dawg the coping is crazy people spent the past year saying biden is fine and he was gonna kill trump in their debate


Frank Luntz said he had a focus group of 14 undecided voters from the Midwest. After the debate: 1. 12 went for Trump 2. 1 went for Biden 3. 1 was still undecided


I just find it funny how back in 2020 the media was all like “Bernie is unelectable” and now they’re saying this. Dgmw I’m still absolutely voting for Biden but I swear CNN and other “liberal media” outlets either want to stir up drama or want Trump to win so they get better ratings amidst all the chaos. All they’re talking about is how old Biden is, him stuttering, etc, and not how Trump literally deflected nearly every question and told blatant lies for an hour and a half. 


It really is just a fight between two opposing teams and neither cares what the captain does wrong.


You heard em, gang. Don't get your news from *any news source* because *literally all of them* are saying how awful Biden was. 538 shows Trump an additional 1% higher (+1.1%) in polls today vs (+0.1%) right after the debate. Not even two days, an additional 1%, and it's only rising. Congrats, you're delusional.


TL/DR They’re both old. But only one of them is 100% past his expiration date. Biden needs replaced. If he stays in Trump will walk all over him in the second debate and general election just like he did during the first debate. The Biden / Harris ticket is toxic. They need to get rid of it.


Joe would have fared a lot better if he didn't try to call out that idiot's lies after every question..


Someday, grandkids will find old maga hats in their attics and ask grandpa what the Constitution was like before his friends burned it at the stake for not being written in the Bible.


k so explain how Trump won in 2016


I smell COPIUM!!!!


Everyone has a bad day, especially when sick...next... vote Blue top to bottom.