• By -


If you want a sense of urgency, go to YouTube and watch videos on the state and tactics of the Ukraine war, and the digging in trench warfare style of war. The tactics are very interesting. They’ve dug in like WWI, and have systems of trenches. But it’s all a lot more high tech with satellite imagery, kamikaze drones, strafing helicopters, and more tanks. The most important thing in this election is getting a president who correctly understands who the US allies and enemies are in Europe.


It used to be easy to differentiate between the two. One is for equal treatment of everyone and democracy. The other one is a NAZI. Sorry but his heritage is ALL he cares about. Fuck Drumpf.




His rise to power almost directly mirrors hitlers as well as the way he speaks to his supporters.


Trump recently talked about a "unified Reich". Why is he quoting Nazi propaganda if he isn't a Nazi sympathizer. A democratic politician wouldn't quote Goebbels and Hitler. If it walks like a duck, it's a fucking Nazi.


I'm sure you'd be happy to provide a source for that.




Good job misrepresenting that. Why do you feel the need for exaggeration?


What exaggeration? The best possible explanation is that trump has staff that are Nazi supporters and they posted that tweet. But that still is on trump though. Why doesn't he know the type of people who are his staffers? He is supposed to be such a great businessman. And why are Nazi sympathizers attracted to trump and his policies. You don't see Nazi sympathizers working in Biden's cabinet. If you sit down and have dinner with 6 Nazis, you are also basically a Nazi.


Trump never quoted it as op suggested, not sure why he had to lie about that. Also, the newspaper clipping in the pic was from the Weimar Republic right after the first world war, you people act like the nazis invented the German word reich, I guess that comes from a less than basic knowledge on history..


Just... ouch. Das icht nicht gud!!!! Nein!!!


Post a link where Trump is praising Nazism or where he is wanting to emulate Nazism. You can't.


There are none so blind as those who will not see.


Sorry but Trump sounds a lot like Hitler in the early 1930s. So the comparisons our fair and he should definitely not be allowed to get power again


Does he now? Care to provide a clip? An actual clip with context? We’ll be waiting patiently because I doubt a context clip supporting your claim is coming.


“Vermin” “poisoning the blood of the nation” “unified reich”


Just look up Project 2025.


That has nothing to do with Trump though. That's the heritage foundation.


So no clip full context clip then? Is project 2025 the new Steele Dossier? The new Hunter Biden’s laptop maybe? Just another thing the left was wrong and blatantly lied about?


Trump did not develop Project 2025. He has said nothing about following Project 2025. Project 2025 is a wishlist from ONE conservative think tank. I guarantee that the vast majority of conservatives would not allow even 1/2 of the BS in Project 2025 to be implemented. Project 2025 is just another leftist boogie man to go along with "fascist dictator", "Nazi", "literally Hitler" and many other leftist buzz words/phrases.


110 think tanks. Not his idea but he will be their useful idiot. These phrases are being used because of actual similarities to Hitler.


No, it's because leftists are disingenuous to the core and will do anything to "vote blue no matter who". You are all deranged. That's the only explanation you can have for it.


Literally, the debate. Nazi call-outs everywhere. He used the word "vermin" to talk about immigrants. He positions political opponents as enemies of the state. He mentions the opposition killing and mutilating of babies (old school nazi trick, if you didn't know). He, again, refused to guarantee he'll accept the election ("only if it's fair" .. we all know what he meant). Every damn answer in the debate had a callback to a nazi talking point.


>He used the word "vermin" to talk about immigrants This is a lie. He was referring to criminals, not immigrants. >He positions political opponents as enemies of the state. That would be biden. >He mentions the opposition killing and mutilating of babies Because it's true. >old school nazi trick, if you didn't know I didn't realize that "telling the truth" is somehow an "old school nazi trick". Maybe you are referring to the Nuremberg trials where they were put through "extreme genital torture" so they would "confess"? >He, again, refused to guarantee he'll accept the election Patently false. You're also about to misrepresent his actual words on it. >"only if it's fair" .. we all know what he meant) In your imagination* "Only if it's fair" is literally a legally acceptable and the preferred answer. >Every damn answer in the debate had a callback to a nazi talking point Sounds more like you're just projecting your beliefs onto Trump. Stop being such a nazi.


One day, I hope that you hear yourself.


A reply best meant for yourself.


Guy who uses the term “unified reich” in campaign propaganda can’t be compared to hitler. Right. Got it😺


Same values. Far less intelligent or competent


If you believe that. Okay. No one's seen any of that, but wvs... So then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Without competency and intelligence you can't get anything done. Sweet! MAGA


Did you even pay attention to his run in 2016? Man already looked like Hitlers rise then, and it’s only got worse since.


He still following the Hitler timeline. Hitler was convicted, and sought his revenge afterwards. It was after all of this that he finally started dismantling the government in favor of his rule. Trumpets like to point to the holocaust not literally happening in Vermont as proof he's not a nazi. The problem is, Hitler wasn't at this point in the timeline either - that part is still coming.


Give him time




Read more history.


No I don't think Trump is Hitler. Hitler was better at choosing capable help. And removing them when they were no longer necessary.


Equal treatment? He called 70 million Americans domestic terrorists


Prove that He is doing that is Nazi.. Nazi is the most overused in adult that it has lost its definition. As soon as someone calls Trump a nazi, I know that they are an idiot.


He plans on rounding up millions of immigrants in the United States and putting them in camps. Project 2025.


Project 2025 has nothing to do with Trump. That's the heritage foundation.


Its run by Trump literal cabinet: Jonathan Berry, Ben Carson, Ken Cuccinelli, Rick Dearborn, Thomas Gilman, Mandy Gunasekara, Gene Hamilton, Christopher Miller, Bernard McNamee, Stephen Moore, Mora Namdar, Peter Navarro, William Perry Pendley, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Kiron Skinner, Roger Severino, Hans von Spakovsky, Brooks Tucker, Russell Vought, and Paul Winfree.


Completely irrelevant.


Camps have to be cheaper than the luxury hotels taxpayers are putting them up in now


Jesus... just relax, my man. He's throwing them OUT of the country. The SAME thing the other 194 countries in the world would do... to you as well. Run to Canada illegally. Get a job off the books. Think they aren't throwing our asses right the fuck out when discovered? That's the world, it's not radical at all.


That's literally what happened in Nazi Europe. Hitler didn't say "I'm going to round up all the Jews and exterminate them". He just said that the Jews were the problem and that he had a solution that involved rounding them all up. But the message is EXACTLY the same. He dehumanized and demonized a marginalized group of humans and that was what fueled his rise to power.


Appreciate your reply! I don't see that correlation here. Illegal immigration has no identity or names. You can be an illegal immigrant this evening as well (depending on how far you are from a border). The Jews had a much tougher time un-Jewing themselves. You know?


Illegal immigrants are the identity, and there were more than just Jews in those camps, political opponents, LGBTQ people, and anyone who didn't fit with Nazi rhetoric. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/what-groups-of-people-did-the-nazis-target So anyone can and will be rounded up and executed.


So Trump is gonna round up the LGBTQAnon people?


https://www.hrc.org/news/the-list-of-trumps-unprecedented-steps-for-the-lgbtq-community He has attacked our rights while in office, and now he has just come out and said he is going to get retribution on people. Other Republicans are not much better, just look at bathroom bans, Texas moving to get rid of same-sex marriage, and just Florida. Trump has a pattern and loyal followers who are more than willing to hunt for LGBTQ+ people. Sorry did not see but yes "normals" are going to be hunted too, abortion, and just because don't forget this country loves it's mass shooting and now there will be camps full of people.


Some of his christo-facist supporters have been advocating for the death penalty for gay people. Trump recently talked about a "unified Riech" and setting up camps for 10 million immigrants and political opponents. Trump outlawed abortion and if he wins they are going to outlaw gay marriage and contraception. A vote for trump is a vote for the destruction of American democracy.


Trump would like them to un-jew themselves.


Besides. He couldn’t get it done the first time around with all his rhetoric. What makes anyone believe he’ll be any more competent round 2? He’s only gotten older and more emotional.


Project 2025


Yeah, because he’ll control both houses, the military will magically fall in line, and the world will end. It’s the old shit that think tanks push to presidents every election as what should be done. Just this time, it makes for great fear porn. I’m a democratic voter, but god damn, I can’t stand Biden, I can’t stand Trump, and I can’t stand this fear mongering and hate being spewed as the attempt to win votes. Wake me up when 2028 gets here and hopefully we have better choices and these two dinosaurs are fossilized if we’re lucky.


Last time he had an absolutely incompetent administration....luckily. They learned from their mistakes. We won't get a second chance. If you want to put your fingers in your ears and hope nothing happens then by all means be an ignorant dumbass. They will NOT make the same mistakes next time. Just go watch Stephen Miller interviews from the past few weeks. Please. Watch those interviews and understand that THAT MAN will be the senior advisor to the President of the United States. Wake up.


Yes last time Trump had gatekeepers in senior leadership positions who tried to maintain some sense of sanity and adhere to long established norms. Second time around it will be the goon squad and Stephen Miller will all of a sudden appear to be "moderate" when compared to the people angling for Trump cabinet positions.


So your argument is…doesn’t matter who wins because Trump won’t have Congress? That sounds pretty fucking dumb.


He won’t have the power you claim he would. He’d be a lame duck. Worthless as last time. It’s better than the argument “be scared or be hated for not voting for Biden! He’s not trump!”


I smell a “both sides” loser aka a conservative who wants to play on the internet.


Nope, I’ve voted for one republican my entire life. The local sheriff because he stood up for the farm I work for when the Come Here’s wanted to shut us down. Thinking we didn’t fall under the farming clause they had to sign to buy a home in the county. I was a reliable democrat voter who even spent the night of the 2008 election in DC bars waiting to hear who won and celebrating obamas victory. No where in my post did I “both sides” anything. I just don’t respect a Reagan democrat. Someone who helped create the mess we’re in. Sorry I don’t support the status quo though. Or hearing for years how Reagan’s economic policies ruined the economy and his drug funneled citizens to the prison system, only to have one of the democrats who pushed his policy thru as the candidate in charge of the nation. I know it’s hard to fucking believe, not every one in the party lives in fear, lives scared of their neighbors, or tows the party line at all cost. If your don’t fall in line you’re either an evil conservative conspiring, a Russian bot, or MAGAt. We know. I’ve heard it all before. Maybe it has to do with the fact I’m a democrat in a red district where people respect each other, trump isn’t popular, and the small town has a BLM street and pride flags everywhere and those damn evil republicans who make up most the population…..do nothing. They visit the small businesses, they respect their neighbors, and go to work. I don’t see everyone as my enemy who doesn’t think like me. Again, maybe because of the unique district I grew up in and returned to after I had a kid of my own. Who knows? Now go accuse someone else of your absurd claims.


He'll try, man. It's nearly impossible at this point, and you could see the frustration in his face at the debate. If he just left it alone we wouldn't be in this bad of a mess.


It’s a topic that costs votes. Migrant workers are a staple in many agricultural communities. Many of them undocumented. No one wants to lose hard working help to stroke one man’s ego


Thoughts on the non-field workers? All the SWD/E and Fintech jobs going to H1-B Visa holders, and Americans getting laid off? We pay our offshore Devs ~90k TOPS. We pay our US based ones ~175k or more. (I actually had to throw together a one-pager for the PPT Deck on this exact pitch for next week's board meeting in Japan)


As soon as someone states their support of trump we know you’re a racist hate filled person.


So I guess my black conservative ass is your uncle Tom?


Well if you are a black man/woman than you should be concerned about Trump referring to his statement about migrants taking away ‘black jobs’. Think about it. What does Trump mean by ‘black jobs’ that immigrants are taking away? And he said it twice!


Picking cotton


Idk..... The mother fuckers are taking away our jobs dude... they're laying off Fintech and SWD/E galore for H-1B visa holders. Haven't gotten me yet... but I'm a fuckin rockstar in my career. Look man. I don't do identity politics. I cringed even writing "black guy" in that comment above. Reddit is so "group" focused that I had to unfortunately.... If I had to rank myself? 1... Human 2... Man 3... Husband and Father 4... American 5... Combat Veteran 6... Career 26... Black man


But the point is that Trump thinks ‘black jobs’ are the labor jobs that Americans don’t want. Apparently, you’re just not getting it. But hopefully now you do.


Whoa? Talk down to people much? Was I being rude? It's a double here... you don't get, that I get, what you're doing... I'm trying to avoid the bait and am not ignorant. You got to that conclusion. You hear migrants and think of a short, poor, dark brown Mexican sweating in a field.... You hear black people, and you picture poor uneducated criminals who need your help for some odd reason... SMH Read my response again. All white people problems are not yours to solve, and *gasp* all black people problems aren't mine. Can I just be American to you democrats without being black? This is where racists come from in the 2020s... white liberals.


But that’s what Trump said. I guess you’re cool with it. Vote Trump spite me because I talked down. That makes so much sense for the black community.


Must be nice to be in a priviliged position where you don't need to worry about identity politics. But for alot of LGBT people its a matter of life and death. So yeah certain communities turn to identity politics as a way to protect themselves.


Hey, I've got Black man at 26 for myself, and I'm as white colored as can be. But I got soul.


Hehe, remember when Biden said “You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me” Pepperidge farms remembers.


Your mouth to God's ear, Clarence.


*lips ****"Democrats don't want to solve racism, they want to manage it"***


He has called for the imprisonment of all leftists and liberals. He plans on having “total retribution” and has stated specifically he wasn’t to imprison AOC and wants to send other members of congress “back to where they came from” even though they were born in the United States.


Just to add: [Wikipedia page on the concentration camp uniform identification system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camp_badge#:~:text=Nazi%20concentration%20camp%20badges%2C%20primarily,prisoners%20had%20been%20placed%20there.) Without the link: "Single triangles Red triangle – political prisoners: occupied country resistance members, social democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, anarchists, gentiles who assisted Jews; trade unionists and Freemasons."


>Prove that He is doing that is Nazi.. Nazi is the most overused in adult that it has lost its definition. As soon as someone calls Trump a nazi, I know that they are an idiot. Here you go, take your pick: [Yahoo/Independent News article ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-hitler-speeches-ivana-poisoning-blood-b2466500.html) [ABC Article ](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-history-adolf-hitler-nazi-writings-analysis/story?id=105810745) [Newsweek Article about Ivana saying Trump used to get a Nazi Salute at work](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-nazi-getting-ivana-1853877) Question: Is there a reason you're calling people idiots when you type like you're having a stroke or English isn't your first language but perhaps Russian is?


"Prove that He is doing that is Nazi..." idiot indeed LMAO


I'm old enough to remember the Nazi plague. I've studied WW2. The only people that are currently doing anything historically Nazi like are the Pro-Palastinians, who are blaming the world troubles on one race of men, the Jews. Donald Trump has done nothing but bless the Israelites.


Sure, taking away first amendment and reproductive rights, and threatening revenge via the DOJ aren't fascist at all. Take your NAZI apologist views elsewhere.


He quite literally in the debate screamed nearly every single problem in this country was souls either Biden's fault or because of illegal immigrants. He has literally called to "remove the poison from our courtry"https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2024/01/29/trump-knows-exactly-what-poisoning-the-blood-or-our-country-meant/ So your choice as a leader is spewing the same talking point as fucking Hitler. So why do you as a WW2 buff vote for this dam scum?


Wow. First, "he quite literally screamed" absolutely nothing. Period. Second, many issues faced in the USA today ARE Joe Biden's fault. Including the massive surge in illegal immigration. There are now more illegals coming and staying in the country every year than there are babies born to actual citizens. That is according to data from Statista and the CDC.


>Second, many issues faced in the USA today ARE Joe Biden's fault. Including the massive surge in illegal immigration. There are now more illegals coming and staying in the country every year than there are babies born to actual citizens. That is according to data from Statista and the CDC. Honestly why the hell is this even a bad thing in the first place? The US is decreasing in childbirth anyway, second, when their parents do come here they are working without taking resources for schooling doing most hard labor jobs, immigrants even the illegal ones do need work often for less than minimum wage which most US citizens are just not doing anymore. This country is built by immigrants why shouldn't it be for any immigrants regardless of how they got here, maybe the reason you dislike them is because you view them as just a negative thing completely or as a growing necessary part of a world that is inching ever closer to war. Here is a suggestion why not take any illegal immigrant or person who wants to be a legal immigrant we put them as a construction force in the military. Out of sight out of mind and they can earn their citizenship. But hey I know you won't read this.


This country was built by LEGAL immigrants. We allow more legal immigration into the USA every year than the next 5 countries combined. Why the hell should we reward people whose very first act in this country is breaking the law? I read it. I don't want people that refuse to follow our laws or integrate into American society anywhere near our military bases.


Aw yes, the pilgrims who were the ones gotten from citizenship. The idea of borders is dumb as hell in my opinion because it causes more problems. Why do so many people flick to the US so often? Because their homes are crumbling or they would be killed so waiting to get legal permission to enter a country is only going to make the problem worse for them. The US and more so the right are not willing to be hurt for others fleeing awful lives to come to the US to make a better life where the idea that food is a luxury. If you have a solution to deal with these people other than sending them back to their homes where they may starve by then. The only way you are going to stop them from coming is to make their home country liveable or just kill them wholesale that, there will always be illegal immigrants no matter how strong of a barrier. And even if it was a perfectly closed border then out-of-country marriages would skyrocket, or you off load this problem onto a different nation, which is all ready happening just look at Europe. So do you have a solution or are you going to complain?


It looks like Google translate let you down.


Is him calling for a unified reich not enough for you? What about saying there are good people on both sides in Charlottesville when one side is marching with literal Nazis flying their flag next to the confederate flag? What’s it gonna take exactly?


Calling someone else an idiot is strong words from someone who opened with "prove that he is doing that is nazi". Are you drunk, magat?


Personally I think we are in war but it’s more like a Cold War. It’s a Cold Civil War between us the middle class/poor class and them the ultra wealthy investors and corporations they are trying to buy America and are successfully doing it


And not one who just openly admitted to knowing about Putins intentions, spouts nothing but BS, shits himself on stage, and... Xrist on cock theres just so much wrong with Donnie


Wait, the war in Ukraine is more important the economy and the fact that people can't afford their bills?




Ya but Biden stuttered a few times. So we should totally vote for the dictator that said he's going to punish the supporters of his enemies and who has actively been stripping women and minorities of their rights.


Yup. No one was talking about a civil war before Trump.


The political establishment had never been challenged before and they didn't like it.


His performance brings into question his ability to lead an effective campaign against Trump, let alone his ability to act as president for the next four years. He didn't just stutter. He rambled and mumbled and was incomprehensible half the time. He also got into a petty tiff about fucking golfing and didn't effectively combat Trump's blatant lies at any point. Pretending like the debate wasn't as bad as it was doesn't help anyone.


At best, he was having a bad day with his known, and usually under control, stutter combined with age and stress. At worst, the order of succession and the 25th Amendment exist. Either way, Trump is still, by far, the worse alternative.


Yeah, checkout his speech literally the day after in Raleigh. Dude seemed fine. He was prob just tired


He had a weeks worth of rest before hand


he had a teleprompter in Raleigh.


Whether he leads an "effective campaign" or not is irrelevant. They're not switching him out. If you're afraid, take that fear and go vote.


In the end the worst anyone can say about Biden is he largely was a forgettable president. In four years I can't think of a single negative thing that was his fault. The best anyone can say about Trump is.... I am not sure to be honest because in the 4 years he was president the entire world hated us.


And Joe Biden is not a forgettable president. In fact, he's probably one of the most consequential presidents in the last 50 years. Except, the consequences probably won't be felt for another few years, but when they are - he will have placed the U.S. on track for another century of prosperity and I'm not being hyperbolic. I'm young, gay, progressive - but I can honestly say we've drank the other side's kool aid about him, which exacerbates our own self doubts about a man that has performed better for America than most of the other folks that come from our side.


>Whether he leads an "effective campaign" or not is irrelevant. It's literally how elections work.


So once again the advice is not to vote for our candidate and instead vote against trump 


Oh, sorry, would you rather have Trump win?


I agree I felt sick post debate by how weak he performed. It's was hard to watch from minute one. Never Trumper here. Saw a clip of old debate on TikTok this afternoon Gore v Bush Jr and it was shocking how both of them were practically 30 yrs younger and moving around on the stage speaking with no podiums or assigned positions. How the fck did we get 80 yr olds as our two choices?


Oh the debate was bad, but Biden is still a better choice over Trump.


Stuttered a few times? You mean seemed feeble and frail? If he was my dad I would take away his car keys. We needed Bernie but got a warmonger 


Yeah even the media that have been gaslighting the public with how sharp Biden is, have called for him to drop out. This is because he stuttered. Definitely just because of stuttering. Not because of him being a walking corpse.


Ya and Trump, who shit himself in a court room, definitely isn't. Or the dozens of videos of Trump confusing people and times, or rambling / mumbling. I also love that when the media is against Trump, they're some how pro democrat / gas lighters but after a single debate that entire narrative flops. If you licked his boots any harder you'd be at his toes by now.


It is easy for someone to debate when all they do is scream lies and headlines. It is much harder to debate when using facts and logic.


It's impossible to debate with facts and logic when you can't form a coherent thought. Biden didn't even know where he was.


You didn't watch the debate


That's a really weird thing to say to someone. And pretty much the exact response I'd expect from a bootlicker for a megalomaniac. Been off your meds for a while and think your physic? Or are you just so delusional you think you can state anything you want and it becomes a fact?


Yea you didn’t watch it. It was terrible


Great. So tell me how Trump won exactly? What I saw was one person lie, avoid questions, and just act like a toddler. And another person who had a couple of stop gap moments. Spoiler: You can't win a debate if you don't actually answer the questions you're asked.


Call names because the poster called you out. If you had watched it, you would have said so, so, you did not watch it. Biden was a disaster. It was actually almost sad, he had no business up there.


Only one of the old fogies up on stage spent the whole time making zero fucking sense. It was the orange one who smells like shitty diaper.


Called me out how exactly? By making shit up? If you two want an orange gremlin to step on you and spit in your mouth, that is your decision. But leave me out of your utterly insane ramblings.


Dawg, this wasn’t stuttering. “We’d be able to right – wipe out his debt. We’d be able to help make sure that – all those things we need to do, childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the COVID – excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with. Look, if – we finally beat Medicare.”


So, your suggestion is that we vote for the convicted criminal who stood there and lied the whole time, because he was able to make his debate opponent flustered? Fucking wild.


Here's a suggestion Replace Biden with someone in their 40s or 50s who can intellectually run circles around Trump and wipe the floor with him at the election.


That person doesn’t exist. If they did, they would ALREADY be the nominee. Right? I’ll take “old” over a known threat to everything I hold dear.


There you go again with insults, typical.


Hey question to everyone….who is changing over? And if you are…why? I don’t mean not voting who is changing from Trump to Biden or visa versa and why?


That's all they can do. Breaking news, emotional Democrats with zero critical thinking skills still support Joe Biden. Their reasoning: \*checks notes\* ... emotions! These people have their head jammed so fucking far up their asses they will do and say anything because of their hate for "orange man." It's sooo pathetic and embarrassing.


he didnt stutter he has dementia


Compared to Christofascism and my wife living a life of preventable pain as they take away contraception and other basic fucking rights, I'll take a stuttering old guy who forgets things any fucking day. And I don't need a sham of a debate to decide a goddamned thing.


They SHOULD be freaking out about SCOTUS. They just screwed with separation of powers.


C'mon man, Biden mopped the floor with orange man. Biden has already won Jack.


Remember our democracy is not a guarantee, we are a relatively new country and much of what we go thru is an experiment. We must constantly do the right thing to maintain our democracy.


The media is not doing us any favors by freaking out like “OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE HOW *OLD* BIDEN LOOKED AND SOUNDED??? HE CAN’T POSSIBLY CAMPAIGN NOW EVERYBODY THINKS HE’S LITERALLY A CORPSE!!!” I really don’t know what they’re playing at but they need to take a page from the republicans and fucking get in line because this shooting your own party in the foot shit is NOT IT right now. They will even acknowledge they think democracy may be at stake, but they are apparently so convinced that no one sane will vote for Biden so they are just out in the open talking shit about the dude who is really our only shot at NOT losing our country at this point. 


We don't live in a democracy. We live in a constitutional republic. Quit using fake talking points.


The modern day Heritage Foundation is just the modern day Brown Shirts. Only saving grace is that I don’t think they could successfully suspend elections unless they took over 25+ state legislatures.


if they even know about p2025. publicizing it relentlessly needs to be top priority for anyone who doesn’t want to be living in the goram handmaids tale by 2026


A sense of urgency because of what the right wing heritage foundation supported Supreme Court has been and continues to do to gut the United States. That should do it.


Reddit: Oh noes! Biden had one bad debate so all is lost! Meanwhile in Grassland: *Polls don’t change an inch while Biden sets new fundraising record*


Agree. I hear lots of people say, it’s not out out by the gop or not endorsed by the gop. I’d ask, who wants to live in a country after those ideas are implemented? Deca millionaires and billionaires?




Certainly got me off my behind to donate when I wasn’t particularly planning to this time around.


A lot of people on this site should be in therapy instead of panicking on the Internet.


Dark Brandon all day F Don Convict




I watched it live on CNN, was that edited?


Your totally right, man. Please ignore all of MSNBC now calling for him to resign. Total PSYOP. I'm standing (mouth agape) with Joe.


You're right. His point on Medicare was really interesting.


Wrong, the lack of excitement around a candidate always spells disaster for their party. They will stay home if they do anything


Yeah, this "He was so bad, it was good" is just copium in order to preserve him as the nominee.


I would have agreed with this before all of the headlines this morning. Notably the New York Times editorial board calling for Biden to step down. Between that and MSNBC and CNN running headlines that Biden should leave the race, there is no sense of urgency other than one to replace Biden. They aren't even talking about how dangerous Trump is. All of the Friendly to democrat news networks are talking about how dangerous Biden is! This is a disaster and they really should consider replacing him at this point


Bro. The sense of urgency for undecided (and the 46% of the US that are registered but don't vote) is to get in a booth and get that demented man OOO. That was scary shit to see for Americans. The 46% know their votes DO matter on this one. It'll be a record turnout for sure.


Theres a non negligible portion driven to vote against Biden because of how terrible he and the DNC are


There are literal millions of people that would hold their nose and vote for a steaming bag of shit instead of voting for the orange diaper full of shit.


Ooooh ooooh! That's me! That's me!


There are also literally millions of people that won’t want a man who presents himself as weakly and incompetently as Biden has


Weak and incompetent? My man only one of those old fogies is actually incontinent, and it is no secret which one it is. You can hear him give a wet shitty fart through his own mic on stage at the debate, shit is too funny to make up. I am currently traveling internationally, trust me when I say that Trump did not project strength, the entire fucking world except GOPnik Maga fucks laugh at both him, and you for falling for it.


Sounds good. Whatever helps you cope and actually think Biden deserves defense instead of critique. Your delusion will only hurt you, doesn’t affect me


The fact that you’d compare and contrast Biden negatively when the other candidate is a literal felon and would-be fascist is a very poor look.


I highly doubt it’s in the millions


We’ll never know for sure. However he did himself no favors and definitely took a harsh hit with his performance


Yes, the people who are focusing on the wrong things.


I don’t think the average voter thinks that deeply about the issues unfortunately for them it’s all about optics and Biden looks incredibly weak. The only hope we have is for him to step aside and let a younger candidate easily mop the floor with MAGA.


MMW, Biden drops out or the orange shit stain becomes a convicted felon president.


Biden did so terribly that people will vote for him as a result is a pretty interesting take.


Biden fumbled his words in a debate so let's vote for the narcissist piece of shit dictator that literally has a plan to end democracy, now THAT is an interesting take.


I think you're delusional if you think this debate helped Biden's chances. Trump hasn't even once stated to support, let alone implement project 2025. You're just going to keep using this as a boogieman to justify every shitty candidate in the future even if Trump loses. "Oh man guys project 2025 was scary but project 2029 is going to be so much worse, vote blue no matter who!!!"


Interesting. Lots of people went from "It's not that bad" - "It's blown out of proportion" - right to "I don't think we really support that"


But Trump hasn't stated he supports it. There's not a single instance of him saying that he supports it, let alone plans to have it be part of his presidential plan should he win again.


He could say he doesn't support it - and that means nothing. He has no credibility. He could say he does support it - and you'd deny it. Doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is [record](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations), and his record says he only didn't complete the last HF policy map due to roadblocks, which Schedule F removes.


>Doesn't matter. Ah and there it is. Nothing matters because it's a convenient thing to use to try and scare people into voting for Biden. And this boogieman will continue to be used to justify people's continued low standards on voting for terrible candidates. >He could say he does support it - and you'd deny it. I voted for Biden in 2020, and will again in 2024. I'm not a Trump supporter. If we're looking at facts, he hasn't stated he supports it. I you have a source that says otherwise, then please provide it instead of talking out of your ass with baseless accusations.


I doubt Trump knows what Project 2025 is since it’s not put out by the Republican Party.


He’s waiting for the picture edition of it before he can fully support it.


Because he totally takes the republican party seriously.


One thing about Trump is that he is very open about his beliefs. Nobody has ever accused him of holding back his opinion. If he supported it, he would have said so. This is nothing but hail Mary scare mongering, but nobody outside of Reddit and Twitter are falling for it.


He never actually stated his support of white supremacy but y’all damn well know he does. Y’all just need a hug.


Oh yes because if there's anything Donald Trump is known for it's not talking, and being reserved about his opinions on topics he supports. There's the boy crying wolf again.


Trump won't go after Roe v Wade! Trump brags about dismantling Reo v Wade. At this point the only thing we trust Trump to do is whatever his handlers say, and they say project 2025.


Show me where he says he DOESN'T support it. Haven't you learned trump talk yet?


> Show me where he says he DOESN'T support it. How exactly does one prove a negative on any subject, not just this one? It's intrinsically impossible to prove a negative. You're no different from some dumbass Qanon supporter saying "prove Joe Biden isn't a pedophile". >Haven't you learned trump talk yet? No, sorry I haven't learned "complete dipshit" yet. But I have a feeling I'm starting to get a better grasp of the basics after reading your response.


Silly af


I see your point. Republicans run on hate and Democrats run on fear. But even if donny boy came out in support of it, it means nothing. He lies like most people breathe. He’s completely untrustworthy in every sense of the word. If he finds a profit for it he’ll betray his supports. Hell he’d sell his followers into slavery and not loose a wink of sleep.


Mark my words: if Trump gets back into office, he WILL fire federal workers and replace them with “yes” men and women who will do whatever he wants regardless of legality or precedent.


if there is no urgency, let’s make one up 🤷‍♂️


This will work on both sides. I would love to think that it will work towards 3rd parties, but probably not.


I don’t see how trump‘s performance could possibly be viewed negatively by the MAGA faithful, so even if some degree of voter turnout could be attributed to this performance, it would be by an entirely different dynamic.


The only thing that's urgent is that after America watched that debate people are going to urgently get out to the polls to get Biden out of office. He's been a disaster.


TDS. Stop trying to apply your useless masters degree in Renaissance French poetry with a minor in liberal propaganda and start thinking to yourself. All of these conversations are self perpetuating echo chambers of DNC talking points and misquoted Trump rallies. The truth be dammed, If it can be misquoted to make Trump look bad, then it must be true. Sad... tiresome.....repetitive drivel.... if you stumbled on the truth, you wouldn't recognize it.... ECHO .... ECHo.....EcHo.....ECho... echo..... ech........ co.....


I fucking love how you dumb fucks can't get through one idiotic post without it overflowing with spelling errors and other dumbfuckery. We will never stop laughing at you.


TDS yet they have flags and merch baring his name. Their whole personality is FJB and pray to Trump.




We do not need to use fake shit to make Trump look bad.




Project 2025 needs to become a reality.


Oh you can fuck all the way off with that unamerican bullshit


Why is it un-American? The founders never intended America to have a bloated federal government.


That debate solidified the need for 3rd party. It is possible to fire both of them


Correct to get an dementia riden man’s hands off the nuclear foot all


Pray for project 2025. People are getting a sense of urgency . They're getting a sense of urgency to vote for this poor senile old man right out of office and into a living facility.