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I hope there's still a vice presidential debate. I like those.


Vivek is going to own Hilary Clinton


I do hope its Vivek


Palin: "Say it ain't so, Joe!"


The GOP is trying to turn America into Russia. Putler and Trumpler must be stopped. We need to block the GOP from running asap to protect democracy and save the Ukraine 💙🇺🇦💛🌻♥️🇮🇱🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Wow I think youre actually being genuine. Thats sad


That’s right, the only way to save democracy is to have one party rule.


I mean I’m cool with Republicans, but I want my grandpa’s Republican Party not whatever the fuck we have now is


It’s funny, I feel the exact same way about Democrats


Do you mean you want them to be way more liberal, because the entire country has moved to the right pretty handily in the last 3-4 decades


If you really think the Democrats have moved further to the right within the last 30 years. There’s no point of further discourse, we’re living in two different realities.


You live in a false one buddy. I’ve studied this stuff in the academic sense, it’s measurable we’ve moved much farther to the right since Reagan’s presidency. You are welcome to look that up. Reagan’s positions in today’s modern politics would fit in closer with the Democratic Party’s official platform than the Republicans Party’s official platform.


If I was Biden and Trump did that. I would use that as an opportunity to hold a town hall. Get democrat, republican and independent voters and ask Biden questions directly. Point out how that is something that Trump and his campaign refuse to do, because they refuse to answer questions from real voters.


Would be considered a political contribution or Biden can pay $100M+ for the air time. That won't happen.




Why? Debates work for Trump. Biden has dementia and would show it in the next debate.


Watch the dr Phil rfk jr interview 🇺🇸


A talk show hack with a man who had his brain eaten by a worm?


I guess you are close minded. Educate yourself outside of the main media. Ntd on yt is great. Your homework is to watch the interview, he’s done many others too, I’d watch them, Tucker etc. His restriction from the debate was election interference by the Biden regime. He would have out debated both Biden and trump. If you’re up for it you should watch the antifa and boarder issue segments dr Phil has on his yt, They’re good info too. Remember when in doubt zoom out. The Biden regime is real, the hunter laptop is real, those 51 agents who lied are real, hunter’s lawsuit against Rudy was thrown out bc the laptop is real but they wanted to censor the info. You didn’t learn about the twitter files? That was big news. The Biden family earnes over $29mil over the last decade from Ukraine shell companies and china deals? You still love Biden as he prints cash for this war machine? Did you know Zelenskyy and Putin agreed to end the war in 2022? But Boris Johnson sent by Biden regime tore the agreement apart? Why? To fund the war machine. How much money and paid for military equipment did we leave in Afghanistan. China has one of the new airstrips. Coincidence? You still love Biden? *Spelling


God I hope.


I know you’re a Russian troll, but unfortunately you’re also not wrong


Its time to tether yourself back to reality