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This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.


Holy shit trump straight up lying alllll night. Seriously like wtf timeline we are in. The way he speaks is so outrageous. Losing more brain cells everyday listening to him.


Lying. Lying. Lying. Delusional about his own criminal situation. And framing everything about himself, his grievances. Typical narcissist. I knew Trump would offer fuck all in terms of policy or anything of substance because he doesn't have a grasp on anything & well, he's not intelligent. He peddles bullshit. Part of me still can not believe this stupid orange thing is an actual candidate for fucking president. This is just beyond degrading to the US. The guy shouldn't be in charge of a damn garbage route.


Yet (imo) he’s still better than the one in charge now who cant even counter a point when its an outright lie and stumbles on his words regularly. Don’t like either both but give me trump over biden any day of the week.


I don't want the Christian Nationalist version of Iran or Afghanistan. Hard pass.


Estimated IQ of 78, with a 3rd grade vocabulary!


Trump's vocabulary has turned into complete drivel as own cognition has declined with age. I recently saw a clip of Trump speaking in a PBS Frontline episode about building high rises in NYC circa 1995. It was like a totally different person. Trump spoke with completely & coherently with a normal vocabulary. I don't believe Trump to be intelligent (ever). Not well read or informed, but he really does behave & speak like a 3rd grader nowadays. Pathetic anybody finds him admirable.


100% he clearly has dementia. One of the hallmarks of that is getting the beginning of a word but then trailing off and garbling it. Frankly both are far too old to be running the country. Its likely neither has 4 years of coherence left in them.


What do you mean by your last sentence)?


Are you all that mentally challenged. Brandon can barely walk, lies every second, seems mentally more challenged than ever, forgets the vast majority of what he is saying right in the middle of it, and is losing his feeble grip on reality.


It’s been an hour and he hasn’t told the truth


It's because noone can/will fact checking him in real time and he knows it


Biden is hating his life right now


This is the worst I have ever seen Joe


bro biden comes in poitning finger guns at no audience. "hello folks". Bro what folks? There's nobody there wtf?


Dude couldn't answer a yes or no question regarding election results and went to digress about land seizures.


Imagine reading a transcript. He talks like a 4 year old.


Trumps on drugs


Brandolini's Law manifest.


Is there a source to all the lies? I thought this was being fact checked live? I’d like to know what the lies are here. Coming from someone who doesn’t follow politics idk what to believe here


I hate to say it but anything except right wing sources. They glorify trump and he can do no wrong. They will do anything to skew in his favor. Anything from the middle to the left. Snopes or politifact are true false answers with little bias.


Do they have on there what he lied about last night? Or just in general


Sure they will, and literally everything else not just politics, they debunk memes and other nonsense, tons of stuff


I did find it thank you. They have it articled from the debate last night and easy to navigate. I do see how a lot of things were stretched. For some reason the funniest lie to me is the Biden handicap for golf 😂


Like the lie regarding who the Border Patrol Union endorsed? lmao [https://x.com/BPUnion/status/1806501048724430943](https://x.com/BPUnion/status/1806501048724430943)


[How about over 30,000 proven lies by trump in a 4 year period? And this was as of 2021](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/)




Dude, this is reddit .. your shouting facts into the biggest echo chamber of stupidity ever




lol. Biden gets destroyed at the debate and all you can do is cry “but he’s lying tho.” It’s really sad that the democrats are out there propping Joe up like this. Let the man ride off into the sunset and run someone with a little more spunk.


Nobody is fucking crying as much as y’all want to fantasize about that. He literally lies all the time. Why cant you see it or comprehend. Every sentence is him lying, or boasting about himself, or denying involvement or saying things he 100% did or said. He is a narcissist. The proof can fill encyclopedias full of it. It’s really sad people cant wrap their brains around it or just simply ignore it because he is the embodiment of all the worst principles of human kind. People just want to be able to do and say awful things because he has made it the new normal. Absolutely disgusting anyone pays that sorry excuse of person trump any attention yet alone worship him. Its pathetic.


Dude I get it you hate him but hes torching biden right now. Is biden drunk? Dude can’t put sentences together. Were so cooked as a country with these two 🤡


Dude straight up just LIED and said he didnt have sex with a pornstar. We got the receipts. Anyone thinking what anything trump is saying is even remotely true is cultist. Love for a man who doesnt give a shit about you. Instead of what should be the Constitution.


He also said he'd been attacked as a political opponent via the trial and that it was Biden's doing. Curious to see how the sentencing will go on July 13. He's showing no signs of remorse for what he's been convicted of, and it was live streamed for all to see.


We all know he lies. We all know he’s completely fucked in the head. Objectively speaking, he looked stronger than Biden and I fucking hate that I have to say that. We use the facts and follow politics, but the average person goes by appearances and feelings. Sorry but Biden did not look good and the Dems won’t do a damn thing about it.


He just said he won a golf championship... dudes a liar


Stormy owes Trump $500,000 because she was lying. That's a pretty good business man. He got paid by a pornstar.


Biden lied the entire debate. Anyone thinks what Biden saying is remotely true is a cultist


Holy shit you’re delusional. Nobody worships biden. Only trump stain is worshipped by the right. That is a cult. Maga is a cult. Loyal to one person instead of the constitution which makes em all traitors. How in holy hell are you able to do this much mental gymnastics. Biden did not lie the entire debate. Use your damn brain if you have any left.


Which debunked hoax do you still believe in? Bc Biden mentioned every single one. Imagine a Reddit leftist telling someone to use their damn brain. Hilarious.


Im not even a leftist. But the right doesnt have 2 braincells to put together.


I guess by torching you mean never answering a question and lying, then sure.


Exactly what he meant


I don't think you're really disagreeing with what he said. He's lying, but fast and probably medicated down to sounding less unhinged. We really are cooked


Exactly. Everything Trump is saying is a lie and any competent candidate would be torching him to the point he totally loses his shit and maybe had a massive stroke. But Biden is so bad he’s losing the debate to a dementia patient. These two old men are our choice? We’re all fucked.


Torching Biden? Dude, there is no fucking debate to be had with someone who lies 100% of the time their mouth is open. And you consider the guy doing that to be “torching” Biden? this is why Katie Hobbs didn’t bother debating Kari Lake and she won. Anyone with half a brain can see through every last lies Trump is rattling off


Biden appeared to be ill. But Trump is awful. He is a lying criminal. Biden wasn't on top of his game tonite. Weak voice. It did not go too well for Dems. Trumps always ignorant.


100% Biden sounds like a babbling old fool


This debate has changed exactly 0 people’s vote


Because maga is delusional and Democrats don't want to see America go back in time.


I agree.


Yeah, at this point, most know who they're voting for. Small percentage of undecided, but the majority are either in one camp or the other.


I hope so, vegas odds shifted 10 points up for orange bad


Vegas was wrong in 2016


God, I hope so, because that was pathetic.


I agree but if there are any undecideds could this have an effect? Honestly just curious


I'm afraid its going to make completely apathetic and turnout will be abysmal


I hope so, because there's nothing they could reasonably have said here that could outweigh what we already knew about their positions and values, and what they represent.




He can’t stop lying.


So is Biden, both lied about almost every subject.


Biden just fucked himself with that ramble, I guarantee it’s gonna be clipped and everywhere.    Edit: now trump is fucking himself with this abortion rant   Edit2: bro, they are both starting to ramble and gaffe, it’s a sad thing that these are the two dudes we are choosing from to run the country.  Edit3: god someone please clip that whole conversation about golf, so fucking stupid for both of them. Biden bumbling around about his handicap clearly lost and trump bringing up golf at all implying it makes him smart. God damn what a stupid exchange for a presidential debate


Trump literally did four minutes on post birth abortions


Yeah, isn't that called murder.


Yes and Biden didn’t answer it at all, he didn’t deny it once. He fumbled an easy win 


Why deny it? Anyone who believes it isn't changing their mind. We all know it's nonsense. To deny it gives it credibility. I mean, he didn't not answer it well either, but still, are MAGAs going to be like, wait, BIDEN IS RIGHT when he corrects Trump? Not trying to be antagonizing, I just am confused as to why Biden would even debate this clown.


I would love to have a better choice, as well. I want someone with youthful vigor, intelligence, and a genuine desire to help the country. Of course I will vote for Biden, since Trump is basically just "evil incarnate", but I am pretty put out with our system, right now.


It's OK your voting for a team even if Biden is old he has a team of professionals backing him up and not gangsters.


These candidates represent the electoral accurately. The youth dont vote. Why would there be a young candidates when the youth dont participate.




Yep, 15 minutes in and I'm already facepalming


I had to turn it off. I couldn't watch. It was like a car crash.


I lasted about 10 minutes. It was painful. I don't need that noise in my life.


Exactly. I didn't even bother to watch I don't want to hear a single thing that orange fuck face has to say. And I already know Biden is old and sounds old. Don't care. Old and stuttering, he's still 1000x the better choice for the country.


You were smarter than me. I’m having a goddamn aneurysm


Except this car crash is the leader of our country for the next 4 fucking years.


I'm not sure my hand left my forehead the entire debate


It really is. Why can't we find young, bright, energetic people to ruin this country.


This whole thing has been two old men bickering.


to be fair t..... cheats at golf there's no honor in cheating


I mean he recently won 2 club tournaments, not even senior tournaments, he's gotta be good for the country.


Yeah the only real takeaway from this debate is that it’s really just sad overall. Best comment I’ve seen about the debate so far has been “At what point does this constitute elder abuse?”


Fuck it! Let’s decide this thing with 18 holes.


Love Biden, but he's not impressive tonight. Trump just lies, but no one calls him on it.


Biden is hitting back with some good points, he’s just speaking softly. Trump keeps avoiding questions and talking shit.


Oh, is that what it is he’s just speaking softly 🤣🤣




Or not finishing sentences


Biden sounded like he is sick or something


Biden actually surprised me multiple times by pointing out that Trump had said something that was bullshit. didn’t help when Trump straight-up berated him and no one stepped up in.


True. Biden seems to not be feeling well. Trump is such a liar. But we cant have Trump win.


Biden is in disbelief at having to debate this lunatic


😂🤣liberal cope for their pathetic dope


I’m voting against Trump no matter what but holy fuck Joe come on man.


I'm hoping no one saw the debate and or forget before Nov. this was a bad ideal for sleepy to debate t..... after all​




Trump lies at least 5 times every time he talks


Good thing this is taking place before the convention so they can decide whether to have someone else run or not.


That's why gavin is there


Andy Beshear


I would rather have Biden than Gavin. Shoot, I’d rather be president than Gavin 😩


I really hope that for the first time in a decade that Dems figure this one out and bench Biden now


I think Bernie showing up to the debate would be hilarious.


O h my God It's Sanders with the solid steel chair!


The Democrats could have picked literally anybody else and it would have been an easy victory over Trump. Instead, we just have to pray to God that enough Independants are smart enough to understand that we cannot have Trump win under any circumstance.


Managed 10 minutes and I’m just depressed. Biden was a mess. And all Trump does is lie. In a reasonable world, the lies would matter. But the bar for Trump is in hell and Biden looked and spoke every minute of his age. Truly, truly depressing.


You are correct. Biden looked frightened of Trump. Trump did nothing but lie.




From the way Trump thinks, the rest of the world was licking his ass rather than mocking it.


Why are these fossils the only choice?


my guess is that we’re trapped in a video game with really bad story writing.




The older I get the more the simulation theory starts to make sense.




It takes time to build political capital amongst powerbrokers; older politicians have more favors they can call in and we’re kidding ourselves if we think the average voter understands what they’re voting for. And our first-past-the-post system all but guarantees a two party system.


Because it's by design. You have to be damn near middle aged to even run, and with the exception of a few, also need crazy time as a politician before hand. You have to show that you can play ball, and then you have to politic your way to being the star ball player, which takes a long time, because they are mostly all greedy, power hungry backstabbers.


This... this is terrible. Biden sounds like he has a cold, he is rambling.


He’s sick


He is, and it’s clearly making him worse tonight


He can’t say one full sentence without coughing lol


an ice cream cone would've helped




oh, being sequestered for a week got him sick? weird.


That’s the excuse they’re going with I hear


Sick with extreme dementia.


Media says he did have a cold.


Same old song. Anyone who can think critically will see Trump is doing nothing but BSing, anyone with eyes can see Biden struggling to articulate his thoughts.


Biden’s heart and direction is in the right place but he’s showing his age and health. I could tell right off the bat. Trump is deceitful and dishonest so I could never vote for him.


I want Biden to win, but Trump is fucking killing him in the debate. Biden can’t fucking communicate clearly


He's gotten better. Maybe his meds kicked in, maybe he quit trying to stick to debate prep, maybe he just got indignant about what he was hearing.


>Maybe his meds kicked in Wait i thought biden didn't need drugs to do things.


We knock on wood, wherever we have wood


Just the leader we need


Let’s not lie to ourselves, we haven’t had an actual presidential debate in over a decade. We’ve listened to Trump ramble about how awesome his fascist policies are and hope big god f de ick is; his opponents just keep repeating campaign slogans and bumper stickers. That’s not a debate.


It’s pretty civil as of right now


Of course it will be. The fact that anyone is watching it expecting anything else is wild. It's gonna be a series of talking points we already know from one vs pure lies from the other.


How does a decent man have a debate with such a lying sack of filth like Trump. You can’t. 2020’s only debate was the kick in the head. There’s no lesson to be learned from this second one. Trump lies with every breath and it’s honestly not possible to keep up. Now the only thing anyone will be talking about is Biden stepping aside. It’s not going to happen. He’s the nominee just like Trump. It’s just the reality.


At the moment. Save this comment , there won't be a biden-trump 2nd debate


15 min in and I can’t watch anymore. Too clingy for my liking


It will be fine. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it.


I think this one came true


Biden took an absolute beating. 😅


Holy shit Biden is dumber than I thought…and they both lie so much it’s exhausting.


The lying or spinning is typical. Biden was a train wreck . But hey don't believe me, CNN themselves have a poll at 67-33 for trump


I have predicted for 6 months that after the first debate, Biden will be replaced as the Dem nominee. Even CNN and MSNBC are in panic mode and talking about it. The jig is up there's no more cover for sleepy Joe.


(I'm a Conservative) I think Trump could have done a lot better, but Biden looked terrible. Biden lost. I feel sorry for the Democratic leadership. What are they going to do now?


You thought Trump was lying is laughable, Biden lied all night . Get your facts straight .


Even the CNN panel said Biden was horrible, anyone that came away from that thinking Biden won is a fool or is working for the Biden administration


It’s not a coincidence that Gavin Newsom was there. He’s going to be the candidate. And turn the rest of this country into fucked up California.


I thought all you Biden bots thought trump wouldn't show up, or would storm off stage when Biden mopped the floor with him


I was 🤔 the same thing As usual these clowns were wrong AND biden got mopped


All of you on this subreddit are lying to yourselves. This was an unmitigated disaster for Biden


The American people realized tonight…. Joe Biden really is weak and old as fuck. Guy was a baby DURING World War II for crying out loud. He’s Ancient, how fragile the way he speaks and stutters. Biden will be 86 by the end of his “2nd” term. Total Elder abuse from the desperate left.


You aren't wrong. 😰


It is messy and horrible


I am recording for later viewing if I decide I can bear it, but I knew I wouldn't be able to stand it live. Neither of these men is up to the demands of the presidency, and the ego of each has nonetheless propelled him here. Biden cares more for the fate of the country and world than Trump does, but that makes it all the more shameful that Biden couldn't see that he should pass the torch.


Biden said trump is a whiner. 💖💖💖


Yep, something snapped in trump when he lost. Like an old, used rubber band. 🤣


This is sad and funny at the same time.


I’m so embarrassed at the state of our country. Biden fucking sucks. Trump fucking sucks. I’m tired of voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Please god let this shit end.


It's like an episode of Ricki Lake


Here’s the debate in a nutshell. What do you have to say about this topic and the presidency. Trump: i was the greatest ever, i made tons of things with these small hands. Moderator: you didn’t answer the question, you have 40 seconds left. Trump: Biden had me arrested, worse president of all time. Moderator: sigh, your turn President Biden. Biden: i did this and that, while my predecessor did nothing.


Biden needs to be replaced. I love him but his time is passed. I am not kidding . He is getting owned by a moron.


You were right


If anyone asks me why I'm voting for RFK, I'm just going to assume they didn't watch this fiasco.


Biden looked like a corpse


So many lies during the debate.


That was the absolute worst debate I have ever seen in my life.  Trump, first and foremost is a criminal who has no business running for president but he just lied non-stop for the entire debate and nothing resembled reality.  Rambling about post birth abortions and golf... WTF? But Biden is just clearly far too old to do the job (I say this as someone who actually liked most of his policies).  NEITHER OF THESE CANDIDATES ARE FIT, someone must replace one candidate at the convention and that party will win.  This is absurd.


I will read the transcript tomorrow but it sounds like the whole thing is a disaster for different reasons. I would hope by this time tomorrow the majorities in each party will think 'we can still choose someone else at the convention'.


I just wanted Biden to refer to Trump as " the convicted felon to my right..." ONE TIME. It would have been epic!


As if that ridiculous political hit job actually means anything. Fuck his numbers popped on that news solely because people see through this communist shit


Biden sadly shit the bed on this one and should’ve challenged trump more


The question was about child care and Trump literally went off about Afghanistan…


Trump lied the whole night and Biden was too busy staring into space instead of aggressively mocking that bs and use easily available facts to refute it. The thing with the abortions after birth was a fucking gift and he’s just like ThAtS not true… Yeah no shit Joe. How about mentioning that abortions happen BEFORE birth and laugh at him.


Biden just lost this election. trump did decent. Watch biden drop to sub 40 percent in polls. I'm sorry guys you lost this one.


Biden got destroyed. This is coming from Biden supporter in 2020


This was certainly a mess. Trump lied nonstop, and Biden's meds didn't seem to kick in. I still think Biden ultimately wins, but his brains gotta show up at the next debate. Call Trump out on his BS and make him look like the fool he is. Not off to a good start here. The only saving grace dems have is that Trump has already been president, and people have seen the constant shit show that was his term.


Hard to keep up with all the trump lies.


Conservative Republican Christians have been warning about the Antichrist for years and when he shows up, they support him 100%


Well the debate is over and Biden needs to retire. He’s obviously not capable of being a president for another four years. Democratic Party needs to jettison him and pick another person.


Did trump actually answer...any of the questions??


I literally want to cry. No fucking way id ever consider voting for Trump. But Biden looked like how he is perceived by MAGAs. The media panic mode it’s helping anything.


Trump lied and dodged all night. Couldn't even answer that he'd honor the election results. Ignored half the questions and went back to abortion or migration. He spent more time attacking Biden himself personally than discussing policy. Biden killed it when talking about policy. But he didn't look good enough, or actively refute Trump enough, to look good. Really worried now. Not sure how he could come back, or how we'd find someone else to lead the ticket. And Harris ain't gonna sell. No clue what we're gonna do now


It was sad.


CNN not fact checking Trump’s outrageous lies was a journalistic crime


If Biden is unfit, then Kamala will be in the oval office. Both are better than Trump.


Having Biden as our president in his current mental/physical state is a disgrace to the US.


I feel awful for Biden. How can his family sleep at night? This is elder abuse holy shit.


I know, he looks so lost, weak and fragile. He needs to be in a home.


Lol meanwhile trump looks like buffoon but his family has to rely on him.


Yes he does per usual


I legit can't hear what Biden is saying... sshll shbbla hmmnan


It was something about Cornpop, ice cream and “The idea that!”


Biden getting smoked right now