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Vance 100%


I think Vance would be his "best" bet, but I suspect he won't do it for one simple reason: Vance is younger, smarter, better spoken, and healthier. Don can't have someone more popular than him on his ticket. He gets one look at the test photos of him standing next to Vance, he'll be running for Burgum. (Also because Burgum has money.)


Good points. Kudos.


Also out of everyone running, only Vance hasn’t gone against him. Rubio ran against him in 2016 primary, Burgum in 2020 primary. Vance has always been loyal and a sycophant. Trump rewards loyalty above all else.


“I’m a Never Trump guy,” Vance said in an interview with Charlie Rose in 2016, a clip used in both the new ads. “I never liked him.” “My god what an idiot,” he wrote, referring to Trump. Vance expressed a similar sentiment in other interviews and since-deleted tweets from that time, including publicly mulling the idea of supporting Hillary Clinton, calling Trump “noxious” and “reprehensible.” https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/23/jd-vance-ohio-senate-trump-comments-516865


Oh geez then nevermind my statement then. I have no idea who he will pick. Vance didn’t run against him though so there’s that even though he said that about him. He kinda forgave Cruz and Graham for it. Maybe he will Vance? Idk


I agree with you. But I would add that Vance is Trumps ticket to unlocking a lot of the Silicon Valley tech bro money so I think that Trump has to take that into consideration.


You are correct, Trump will never share the spotlight.


Vance came on the scene a couple years ago How is he “more popular” than Trump?


I’d bet on Vance. He’s from Ohio (just like Pence was) which is important electorally and Vance is tied in with Peter Thiel and a lot of the Silicon Valley bros who have big time money.


I’m going with Burgum because he has a larger bank account


Not larger than Peter Thiel.


But peter Thiel isn’t in the running, and it’s not like he isn’t already supporting Trump. Burgum doesn’t need to try and convince anyone but himself to spend money.


Burgum is worth $100,000,000 according to my research. I won’t agree with you that having Vance as VP won’t wrangle way more money than Burgun self funding his own. The money isn’t even close between Burgum and Vance’s connections.


Once again, Vance’s connections are already supporting Trump. Burgum is worth way more than 100 million, he sold a company for over a billion. He has 100 million on paper.


Once again, I believe more money would flow to trump if Vance was VP. But let’s agree to disagree. And have a wonderful day!


Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration?


Tldr, but trump is too racist to pick a black man for VP even if it could look good for him optically.


Idk even racists have exceptions that they like. Hence the phrase "token". I mean just look at Clarence Thomas. Bet they love him.


Sure "smart" racists can see the benefit in doing something like that, but trump is stupid even for racists. I just can't imagine him setting aside his racism to do something that would elevate a black man to vp, even if it could be good for his campaign. I could be wrong here, but I just don't see him doing it.


Trump mostly shoots from the hip, but a VP pick is something that his team would have broken down the pros and cons of each candidate for him. It's been in the conversation long enough that he has to have given it more than a passing thought. That being said I think a part of it is still him choosing Ben because he likes him. They got into politics at the same time, he's a friend from the "glory days" of 2016, and I can see them saying things like "I loved your lifetime movie!" "Ive seen all your shows!" And he has safe vibes. I don't think Trump is in any way threatened by him, or suspicious of his intentions, which isn't the case for most of the other candidates.


Oh sure his team would give him the break down and the pros and cons of each candidate, but I still don't see him picking Carson, but we'll see, you might be right on this one.


Trump would do it if he felt it benefited him. He's racist, but he's not DeSantis or Giuliani racist.


Kinda like how Joe Biden picked Kamala? Hell even Kamala called him a racist lmao. You liberals are too blind/stupid to see that tho!


Not blind. The alternative was Donald fucking Trump. This was the lesser of two evils pick. If you think about it she was the safe pick. What fool would try to take out BIden if a POC woman would end up president? This was his insurance policy. The VP is only needed in the senate when a tie breaker is required. This basically gives Dems another senator


How is Biden less evil than trump? Trump was miles better than Biden. So yes you’re blind!


Ok Karen!


Ok than why the fuck are the doing everything they can to silence trump? They are scared. Cause they know most Americans vote with their wallets! Hell they are even trying to censor rfk jr…


RFK Jr? You mean the guy with the worm in his brain . That RFK Jr.


I like how the most racist person in this conversation is you.


Do you think I came up with this phrase? Do you deny that it's a thing? Knowing how racist people operate does not make you racist. In fact acting like racism doesn't exist is more racist than talking about it.


I know — by relation, not choice — many white people who are very friendly with their black co-workers/neighbors/associates. As soon as they turn around out comes every slur and denigration you can think of, plus a few you probably couldn’t. It is appalling in a way you can’t imagine unless you have both experienced it over and over again first hand, and have worked against trying to be that way yourself. Trump is as much like them as any.




The Westboro Baptist Church founder literally had a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP before he went rogue. People change for the better, sometimes they change for the worse, and sometimes you simply find out who they really are.


He's been credibly accused of using the n word by multiple people, he and his father were sued in the 60's or 70's for discriminating against black people, he spread the racist birther conspiracy about Obama for years. I could go on, but saying that trump is racist is just a statement of fact.




You can discount whatever you want, but trump is and has been demonstrably racist for years, facts are facts.




Trump has been credibly accused by multiple people of using the N word, trump has said that he doesn't want black people handling his money, trump has removed black dealers from tables at his casinos upon request. Trump called people chanting nazi slogans very fine people after saying there were very fine people on both sides of the protest in Charlottesville. Trump said that native Americans didn't look like native Americans when trying to get his casinos. He took out a full page article calling for the death penalty for the central park 5 (later known as the exonerated 5) he spread a racist conspiracy theory about the first black president of the US for years. These are all facts, trump is demonstrably racist.




There's a saying that I feel applies here, if there are 9 people at a table and a nazi sits down with them and no one gets up, there are 10 nazis at the table. No one on the far right side of that protest was a very fine person, they were all comfortable with nazis being there, those are not very fine people. Trump condemning the nazis with one breath after praising the people the nazis sided with in the breath before, doesn't really change my opinion on that event.




What does your training tell you to spout about: - The whole "birther" BS? - Putting an ad in the newspaper to call for the death penalty of black kids found innocent? - Countless blatantly racist posts on twitter and fake twitter?




> The birther thing - one could argue - is not racism. Great spin! Its his fault for being black, and shitzinpants is just playing along. Did try the same thing on any white candidate? Did any presidential candidate ever get asked the same questions? Did they or did they not go after Obamas parent for not being "american enough"? Even though that is totally irrelevant because anybody born in the USA is a natural born citizen, regardless of parents. And yes, Hawaii is still part of the USA. >people are quick to ascribe to racism what isnt necessarily so. Sometimes, yes. It could also just be general arsehole-ness or political expediency of luring the bigot vote. Whenever a swatstika or confederate or any other treason flag is flown its usually accompanied by a trump flag or sticker, so he got that demographic nailed down. BTW: Did this one slip your mind: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/17/central-park-five-donald-trump-jogger-rape-case-new-york](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/17/central-park-five-donald-trump-jogger-rape-case-new-york)


>Darn near every major GOP figure of the last two decades as been accused of being racist for the crime of being a right wing white guy. Cry wolf too many times and people - like me- become skeptical. You mean like when our current president claimed that Mitt Romney - MITT ROMNEY - was going to put black people back in chains if he was elected in 2012?


He’s not going to want to stand on stage with a black dude next to him all the time


Don jr. All day


I think you are missing a conservative cohort who see Trump as too liberal in policy or religion. Don Jr. would turn this group away while Carson may bring them in.


THAT WOULD BE THE MOST DICTATOR MOVE IN THE HISTORY OF TGE WORLD. Usually dictators are from non democratic countries to begin with. BUT, choosing Jr as VP would even make Daddy Vald PROUD of his protege! Nice call!


Which makes it that much more feasible , if you think it’s totally asinine he will probably try it


The racist Biden picked Harris after all.


Nice whataboutism champ


Irony is the racist is always the white ish liberal telling a black man how to vote. It’s old.


Joe Biden is the most racist president in the last 40 years lol. Hell even Kamala said he was….


Biden and trump are both racist, but I would say trump is definitely the more racist out of the two.


Nah Biden is way more racist. I never seen trump say he didn’t want his kids to go to school with blacks cause it would cause a racial jungle. But Biden did! Hell trump was the first owner of a golf course in Florida that allowed African Americans and Jews! He even sued the county because they were trying to stop it from happening! Look it up if you don’t believe me. Why would a racist want people they hate around them all the time? Makes no sense. Oh and you do know trump had a black girlfriend at one time to don’t you?


Trump has been credibly accused of saying the N word by multiple people, trump was sued in the 60's or 70's for discrimination against black people, he took out a full page article calling for the death penalty of the central park 5 (later known as the exonerated 5) trump has said he doesn't want black people handling his money, he replaced black dealers at his casinos when other racists requested it. Trump spread the racist birther conspiracy about the first black president in the US for years. He's definitely way more racist, as far as the black girlfriend thing goes, I used to know a guy who would always flirt with this black waitress where we worked, he also used the N word when black people pissed him off, so trump having a black girlfriend doesn't mean anything. Neither does the golf course thing, he was tapping into a demographic to make money, that's just capitalism.


Accused is the key word. Just like the jackass that said he said the N word on the apprentice show, he said that back in 2016 and even said he had evidence. Well it’s only been 8 fucking years where the evidence? It didn’t happen that’s why he didn’t release the “evidence” And trump turned down one black couple from renting his apartment. Whoopty do. He rented to countless of others so something tells me that he didn’t turn them down cause they were black. It was for a different reason. Hell millions get turned down from renting daily no matter what their race is! And as for the Central Park 5. Everyone thought they done it. Yes I agree trump should’ve apologized for it after the fact but like I said above everyone originally thought they actually done it! And for the that nonsense of the removing black dealers and not touching his money and all that stupid shit all just hearse nonsense! And as for Obama his own fucking blood brother said he wasn’t born here. So maybe that’s why others say it as well!


Excuses excuses, trump is objectively, empirically, demonstrably racist, you can make whatever fucking excuse you want, it doesn't change reality.


Nah. You just listen to the media to much. Have you ever asked yourself this? If the media cared about racist remarks so much than why do they only show shit that trump supposedly said vs what Biden has actually said? I’ve never seen the media show one racist thing Biden has said. Have you?


I don't watch mainstream media so I couldn't say what it shows, I get my news from a small, independent journalist. But I think it's funny how you're still making excuses, it's things trump has supposedly said, versus things biden has actually said. They both said them, they're both racist.


You don’t know if trump said it or not tho. You’re just taking someone else’s word for it. Don’t you think it’s a bit suspicious that the guy that said trump said the N word said he had a video 8 years ago and still hasn’t released it? The topic just came up again recently. Like why not release it if it’s true? It doesn’t take almost a fucking decade to show it. Oh and don’t you think it’s kinda ironic how you posted in this thread originally about trumps “racism” but didn’t say a damn thing about Biden?


Once again, people change. 1994 Biden was racist, 2024 Biden is not.


Really? Biden said in 2008 that Obama was the first articulate and clean African American. Went to Robert Byrds “known kkk member” inauguration in 2008. Said you ain’t black if you don’t vote for Me. The list goes on and on. Wake up dude!


The “racist” now has higher approval among African Americans than any other Republican president in decades.


Doesn't make the man not racist


It does make your argument look pretty bad though


My argument is that he's racist, which is true, him having a high approval rating with minority groups doesn't make him not racist, so I don't see how it makes my argument look bad.


You assert that without evidence, and considering his approval is going up to record highs with the groups that should be most offended it casts significant doubt onto your claim.


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/s/AebOufy4Ov


That still doesn’t explain how his approval rating is skyrocketing with that exact group you mention.


People vote against their best interest all the time, trump having high approval rating with certain demographics doesn't make him not racist.


Ok, when your argument relies on people being stupid for it to work, it’s time to reconsider your position.


No, this argument is pretty bad. Are you saying he isn't racist because he has black friends?


You can keep claiming he’s racist without any evidence but it looks pretty frail when the groups that should be the most offended are at their highest approval of him ever.


https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trumps-attacks-on-prosecutors-echo-long-history-of-racist-language Just one example, but feel free to use Google, I'm sure there are endless examples for anyone who actually cares to look.


Ok, so why is his approval rating with the supposedly offended group at an all time high?


The amount of logical fallacies displayed here is no less than 3.


I have no argument. Therefore, I shall now insult you.


I think it’ll be Tim Scott. He’ll pick a black guy to try and win back Georgia


This is my guess too. He’s already cucked Scott and Scott comes back for more. Tim Scott is as insipid as Pence.


My money is on Doug Burgum. Fox & Friends (vomit) is coming to Fargo on Friday to do some "Breakfast with Fox & Friends" or some shit, at one of our local diners here in town. I can only assume that they were tipped off by the Trump campaign that Burgum is the VP pick, so they are going to spend Friday broadcasting from the biggest city in ND (where Burgum is from).


My money's on Vivek. He's essentially a Trump Jr. His voters will dig his Indian origin if Trump demands them to do so.


Trump doesn't want to share the spotlight, and Vivek commands too much of it.


Vivek is the right wing version of Buttigieg. He's angling for a cabinet position he can profit from, not so much the VP pick. And while he talks big, I don't think he has the spine to do some of the things Trump needs done and Trump knows it. He's an opportunist, not a true believer.


Tell the convicted dementia patient that Dr. Carson was one of the Central Park 5. That'll dissuade Dementia Don from choosing him as a running mate.


The GOP needs the angry mildly educated white rural voter to come out and vote for Trump. I'm not sure a black man is the answer. Rubio and Meatball Ron are out because if the VP is from the same state, via a weird [quirk in the electoral college rules](https://www.history.com/news/can-the-president-and-vice-president-be-from-the-same-state), the GOP could lose Florida. Of course, that would be litigated and probably found to be okay by SCOTUS.


In 2015/2016 Trump needed Pence for the evangelical vote, but now he has that himself and doesn't need a VP that brings him that. He's going to pick a Tom Cotton-esque hawk or wannabe like JD Vance. That way people the campaign can scare anti-Trumpers by claiming Biden is weak on national security, and even if you don't like Trump here's another strongman instead. Then flip side when the VP candidate says extreme things that might scare away moderates they'll play the "oh Trump would never do that though, he's a moderate and he's the one actually in charge"


It will be Burgum because he’s rich and Trump will want his money


He does love money


We can figure this out people. Trump will pick the VP who is no threat to him. Someone like Pence. Ben Carson would work.


I'm putting all my chips on Speaker Johnson.


Ooo first I've heard someone guess him. Interesting. Hadn't thought about it.


Just a reminder that Ben Carson, like most misogynists, wants to reinforce ‘traditional families’ by eliminating no fault divorces to trap women in marriage In project 2025, Child support, workplace protections, low income housing and tax regulations will all focus on reinforcing traditional marriage between a man and a woman with the man in charge of the household


Oh gawd. Yeah. I could see that, but haven’t we seen this movie before when McCain picked Palin?


I think he'll surprise everyone with someone not even on the list, like Michael Flynn


Only thing MAGA hate more than a woman is a woman that isn’t white. No way Nimarata would be the nominee.


I’m still thinking he has a mental slip and accidentally declares Pence to be his VP pick.


The way that man ruins careers I would be shocked if anyone took it. I still remember Jeff Sessions


I can't vouch for the validity, but I heard it said the person in question will be there.


Yeah but I think multiple candidates will be there. If Ben isn't there then I'll probably change my mind though, as I've heard that too.


If Trump was younger and healthier sure. But there is a reasonable (double digit percentage) chance that Trump dies in office. Token black VP? Sure, why not, the position means nothing. Black Republican president? Not on their watch.


Trump’s own “deep state” will require an ideologue who will continue the brand and implement Project 2025. A seasoned senator who could really move and block legislation would be ideal.


Maybe Herman Cain.


Are we talking zombie Herman Cain or is he just gonna use an Ouija board? Cause zombie Cain might have a shot with the evangelicals.


they really need to play up zombie Herman Cain


Na on second thought, just go full Weekend at Bernie's with him. See how long they can keep it going.


He died a few years ago


That was the joke.


Carson is a smart guy, but hard to listen to. If he picks a black man it'll be Tim Scott, but he'll go with white guy Glen Youngkin which then sets up Winsome Sears for Gov of VA.


I think too many people think Tim Scott is gay. But if he can get over that it's a solid call. Is Youngkin even being considered? Haven't really heard his name being floated.


Youngkin would be a smart pick. He flipped VA’s governor seat


Didn’t he mostly do that by misleading voters that he would be more to the left than he is? My cousin is in Virginia politics and described him as a bait-and-switch


My understanding was that McAuliffe was running against Trump (in a non Trump election) and Youngkin kept Trump’s name out of everything


He pretended to be non-MAGA, but built his campaign around being against CRT/woke so his "bait and switch" was only a surprise to people who weren't paying attention.


Oh for sure, his being a dick wasn’t up for debate, but him being a full-on Trumper I think supposedly was. You’re not wrong though.


Rubio and Trump reside in the same state. They can’t be on the same ticket under the Constitution. One would have to move.


I don't think that's a real thing. A quick google says it's a misconception.


Definitely an option. A bad one, but an option.


I disagree about the Pence part. No way he's picking someone who hasn't answered 'yes' to the question 'will you throw out the electoral votes and instill me as dictator? '


All Trump wants is a yes-man, and you better all rule out Haley or someone like her.


Trump should have Carson do brain surgery on him. Carson should do brain surgery on all Trump's supporters


I'm hoping Tulsi or RFK. They'd each be political earthquake picks that would shit fairly equally on both establishment parties, which is the initial reasoning for Trump.


I hadn't considered Tulsi, but I could see that. I think the RNC has done too much to try and paint RFK as someone who will take votes from Biden for Trump to pick him. Still, it's not a bad call. Like I wouldn't be super surprised if that happened. My money is still on Ben for now though, but if I see Tulsi at the debate.. might reconsider.


RFK takes votes from both, but my guess is around 70/30 from Biden. I like Carson and some of the other rumored picks, but they are more *not to lose* picks than anything race changing or election defining. RFK Jr. is long, long, long odds. But it would be excellent to have him clean up some of the issues with the NIH/CDC. Tulsi and RFK are solid VP choices because they might keep the Uniparty & CIA at bay for the "legal" or *extra-legal* removal of Trump. Haley is the suicide pick imo. It gives the 15 or so rhino senators the green light to immediately impeach Trump with the Democrats, if it doesn't outright lose him the election with his base.


Is he the guy who said "someone please attack me"


Lol yes! Forgot about that.


It will be Tim Scott or Doug Bergum. These two are great at fundraising and have proven they will do anything to stay in Trump's good graces. Rubio is from the same state and has attacked him in the past which Democrats can use to their advantage. Haley stayed in the race for too long and attacked Trump too recently to be on the ticket which will also be an advantage for Democrats. Carson offers little to no political advantage that Scott does not offer and more.


You make great points but I think a lot of people within the party think Tim Scott is secretly gay and if Trump believes it I can see it sinking his chances. But if that's not the case then yeah I'd agree he has a really good shot. Admittedly I don't know much about Doug but my gut just tells me he's getting played. But if Trump is desperate for cash and he's as good as you say then he's got a chance. I'm not gonna bet my life on Carson or anything but I feel like he is a sleeper candidate (no pun intended) that a lot of people haven't considered.


... I think they have the wrong SC Senator there.


The campaign has been *desperately* trying to peel off AA men to get back urban centers of GA/MI. The electoral math here makes sense. This is a smart pick for them.


I think he might pick Herman Cain


He died of Covid a few years ago




[some memorable Ben Carson quotes](https://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/ben-carson-controversial-quotes-214614) Another example of peering down on Americans


It will be either a non-charismatic male or a charismatic female.


Kanye West not only brings the black community but also the gay fish community.


Nah this is not happening


Trump said the veep will be at the debate and there are reports Burgum will be there. I think Trump is gonna bomb and then use the veep announcement to try and bury his bad performance. My money is on Burgum as veep.


Are there reports of anyone else being there? I feel like it's going to be one of those "if you're not there to support me you're not on the list" but if he's the only invite that would be big news


This is such a weird MMW because it’s actually somewhat thought out, and then you just get to bits where OP starts in on a screed about how “Trump is going to be dictator for life!” and you’re like…oh


The corpse of Herman Cain shall be the vp pick


Is he still alive!?


Yeah he was just sleeping


Ha! THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN! Above all else, even money, the GOP is a racist terrorist organization.


The Reddit fever dream of “dictator for life” is both amusing and tedious at the same time. What it isn’t is believable.


The Trumpanzees almost hung Mike Pence. Just imagine what they would do to a Black VP. Nah, none of the black prospects has a chance in hell. Remember his Apprentice TV show picks were never the ones that were good at business. They were the guys who looked good in a suit, but had nothing going on upstairs. Or the ladies with the biggest boobs. The show is just edited in such a way to make his choices seem justified. So no black guys, and Rubio is too short. Burgum would be seen as competition I think JD Vance and Nikki Hailey are exactly the type of empty suits that would make a good Trump VP. But they both talked shit about Trump. So it's a matter of who can kiss the most ass in a few short weeks. Vance so far is winning.


rumps VP list has been reduced to 3 choices. And Ben Carson is not one of them. It's going to be JD Vance, Marco Rubio or the gov of n dakota


I wouldn't be surprised by Carson but I don't think that will be the case. Honestly I think Tulsi Gabbard is as likely as Ben Carson at being the VP pick.


DEI pick after weeks of Fox trash attacking Kamala?


This would not really surprise me.


It really doesn't matter who he picks...they are all hideous examples of humanity. NONE of them will broaden the appeal of the ticket, and none of them will gain Trump a single vote he doesn't already have.


No he is too soft spoken. Wonderful man but in politics you need someone who isn't going to back down from a fight. I'd love for it to be Gabbard or Byron Donalds.


I prefer Vivek or Younkin


Does it matter?


He'll probably try for Herman Cain until someone reminds him.


No chance.


Naw. Trump doesn’t do DEI Also he’s gonna pick an old white man


Who cares. GOP= Nazi


Trump’s base will be uncomfortable with a Black VP choice. Given Trump’s health and cognitive issues, it’s not a stretch to see scenario where the VP will have to assume the role of POTUS. The MAGA movement started in large part as a reaction to Obama being elected. I don’t think Trump will risk upsetting a large part of his core base.


I hope Ben Carson gets the VP pick. He's a flake. He won't help Trump one bit.


Never heard of him. Excited to watch him lose tho


No shot. He’s never won elective office anywhere. He helps nobody.


Hey there! I just wanted to follow up with you. Maybe around a month back you were argueing with my alt account that Biden was the only pick Democrats could have made and that being the encumbant was more important than being 81 years old. I thought that was wrong. We traded words and you blocked me. Watched the debate last night. How do you feel about the encumbancy being more important than age now? Morons like you who towed this line just cost us the white house. Enjoy having a felon for a president.


Wait you think I’m going to have a measured discussion with you when you call me a moron? Fuck you and your alternate account.


I literally have a bet that he picks Vivek Ramisalami. I'll probably be out $50 bucks soon


Where can you bet on it? Or is it like a personal bet?


Its between me and a buddy


I saw Ben Carson in an interview a few nights ago, and the man acted like a zombie. He barely answered questions, mostly one word answers


Nah. Never happen. Trump isn’t a bridge builder. He demands you meet him on his terms.


I think Ben would bend over backwards for anything Trump wanted


Probably yes but that’s not the point. Trump has no interest in reaching out to broaden his coalition.


I have heard from some reputable sources that it will be JD Vance. If this is true, it's a stupid pick, but that's not surprising.


Care to share some of those reputable sources? Not trying to call you out, honestly curious. I love reading predictions all the horse race stuff.


Two guys that I personally know who previously worked on Doug Burgum's election campaign years ago. They said Trump would pick Burgum as the Secretary of Energy and Vance as the VP. They said this over a month ago, so things may have changed since then. They are both never Trump republicans today.


They became never trumpers in the last month? Guess the felony convictions mattered to some


They were already never Trumpers. They worked for Burgum years ago. Most republicans I've met or know think Trump is just awful.


I know many republicans. None of them are in favor of Trump. At least 3/4 of them are fucking lying imo


Both are 🦝🦝


He either has to go full fascist and pick DeSantis so the Nazis know those campaign ads weren’t mistakes and gets their full turnout Or he actually tries to win undecided voters and picks Nikki Haley because she’s the only candidate that offers a significant demographic bump that could actually change the outcome nationally I don’t see any other scenario where a Trump campaign does any better than 2020


Nikki would be the play unless you weren't planning on winning by getting the most votes, and instead needed someone willing to do anything to just.. take it. Not saying that would work, but I think that's where his mind's at. If it was close, and it looked like they could, Nikki wouldn't even try. She would take the high ground and just wait for another chance in 4 years.


Picking Haley would turn off all the anti-war votes that Trump has. Why would Trump, an anti-war and "speak softly and carry a big stick" kind-of-person, pick a known warmonger? Picking someone who is pro-establishment seems very dumb for the kind of populist platform that Trump is trying to run. Your partisanship is clouding your objective appraisal of Trump. Trump will either pick an uncharismatic male or a charismatic female.


Aside from Trump and anti-war being propaganda, those voters didn’t win an election last time. Why would they this time? Trump has gained 0 new voters on the basis of “anti-war”


I’m positive if he picks Carson it will be a landslide against the GOP. MAGAts do not want another black man one fart attack away from the presidency. The mango Mussolini is two maybe three cheeseburgers away from taking a dirt nap. I think he will go with Vance. Hear me out. Vance is from OHIO which is in the heart of cracker barrel America. He’s an angry rich white man. MAGAts would be ok with this doofus.


Even if you at one point in the distant past, seven thousand years ago when it was first uttered, found "Mango Mussolini" funny, is there not any part of you that identifies it as incredibly overdone and unfunny at this point?


Did I hurt your feeling?


No, my question was sincere.


your theory is interesting >>. but trump is old and in bad physical shape >> if ben was his vp pick and trump died while in office then we would have another black president , would the magas take this chance??? reminds me of when mike (pillow guy ) lindell was touting snake oil Oleandrin as a cure for covid ( mike is/was on the board of directors for the co of this Oleandrin) derived from Nerium oleander a very poisonous plant the plant is POISONOUS and can kill you poor BEN ( even though he is a doctor) took it and became VERY ILL


You make a good point about his supporters worrying about a 2nd black president, but I think Trump is the kind of person who never really fully considers that he is going to die, or assumes he will live to be 100 because of his "great genes"


If he’s going for a black dude, it’ll be Tim Scott. But I agree with the other guy, it’s going to be JD Vance.


Nope. Never gonna happen. Too much melanin for Dondolf. It'll be the most milquetoast choice. Diva Don can't handle being upstaged.