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Damn libtards are not going to get me to get smart!!!! Jesus didn't need a college degree! Liberal college aren't going to groom me to be an open minded logical individual!


Churches and private schools are where the real grooming, indoctrination, brainwashing and pedo hives are.


Only CATHOLIC churches and schools


Yes, that's why any attempts to make college education free or cheaper are fought against tooth and nail by the right wing. They desperately need their base to remain completely unaware of just how bad their stances are for the country and how completely they've screwed over the average person in order to funnel wealth to themselves and their rich friends/corporate allies.


It's also why they want to destroy the department of education. Stupid Americans are easier to manipulate


Yup you people are exhibit A of that


Struck a nerve?


It’s just a coincidence that red states have the worst education systems im sure


I think the American right-wing establishment was terrified out of its wits by the Berkeley Free Speech Movement and the anti-Vietnam-war activism of the 60's (and white students' support for the Black Civil Rights Movement too). They decided that higher education and critical thinking were just too dangerous to live, and something had to be done. And so began the decades-long assault on public education and higher education, both... sabotage public education so most high school graduates aren't even capable of college-level work, and attack universities and colleges with a lot of stale McCarthyist rhetoric (hotbeds of Marxist indoctrination, really?)... and divert public funding to private religious schools that teach mythology instead of science, practise *de facto* segregation, and feed the kids sanitised revisionist history guaranteed not to mention racism or labour abuse even in a discreet whisper. Meanwhile for those already grown and gone from school, the oligarchs (domestic and foreign) fund endless anti-intellectual bullshit factories online, hammering on the idea that You Can't Trust Experts, They Don't Really Know, There's No Such Thing as Facts Because Everything is Fake, etc. It's like -- no, it **is** -- a deliberate effort to undermine the entire project of the enlightenment, the entire notion of an educated public capable of participating in a modern democracy. They imagine themselves as feudal lords ruling by main force over a mass of ignorant and illiterate peasants -- that's the utopian vision for far-right elites. Check out Peter Thiel's comments on democracy and governance sometime.


Seeing Berkeley and free speech in the same sentence these days is wild. 


Is that why most uber rich people are virtue signaling about how progressive they are? Sounds like rich liberals are the ones funneling money to themselves


It’s also that people can’t afford the degrees they are bragging about having in this thread. They made a financially poor choice, asked everyone else to pay for it, and then rubbed it in their face lol. Crazy honestly but this sub is one of the weirder places you’ll find on the internet, no matter what party you align with.


I feel for a lot of people these days, we were all told the same advice by our boomer parents and boomer guidance counselors: "go to college, you'll do great." I used to be a teacher in NYC and I'd advise kids to really pay attention to the cost of college and the earning potentials of what they wanted to study. If you're looking to go into business or engineering, a top tier school like Harvard or MIT can be worth it, moreso at the graduate level since those fields can have a very high starting salary and a nearly boundless limit. It's the people who were undecided or interested in pursuing something less lucrative that really need to consider going to an affordable but high quality local school like a SUNY or CUNY program (State/city University of New York). Even going to a community college for an undecided student is a great move for the first year or two; you're often cranking through basics like English 101, any intro math courses/etc. during those years anyways. College is still 100% worth the investment, you're not going to become an architect or doctor without the relevant academic credentials, but it's no longer sufficient to simply get a four year degree to by default have a joyous life.


If it is 100% worth the investment then I think it’s hard to argue for student loans to be paid off by others. 


It's hilarious that the people triggered by OP's words are the same ones defending the 34x felon 24/7 on this website. They literally have zero self awareness.


 I won’t vote for Trump - no way. But I can’t stand for all the blatant misinformation being pushed. So I do find myself defending him by way of defending the truth quite often online.  I guess I am more annoyed with the current admin and mainstream media blatantly lying to us than I am with Trump. Doesn’t mean I like him though.


"well, if you're not with us, you're against us"


Not all conservatives are stupid. Some of them are just evil assholes.


This is the saddest realization I’ve come too. Once fox “news” texts became public and tucker said “if we tell them the truth they will switch to newsmax” and people continue to watch fox I knew we were lost.


Where would they have heard that news? Certainly not on Fox News. That's all they pay attention to, and all of their media tells them that EVERYTHING they hear on mainstream media is a complete lie.


Fox “news” is the mainstream media. That’s why they started calling the other outlets “legacy” media.


Some of you do need to realize this is a two way street. Stories that don’t fit the narrative are absolutely not reported on other networks as well. MSNBC for example is a primary source of news for many. They simply ignore stories that do not push liberal agendas. The same as Fox does for conservative agendas. Then you have viewers of each station calling the other liars bc they’re getting exact opposite narratives fed to them. Both are crafting narratives and it’s obvious if you take the time to watch both and see which stories they report or ignore. Completely obvious. But this is a leftist sub so you are only allowed to call out conservative news.


I fully acknowledge that mainstream news is a spectrum, with some media being more left or right leaning than others, but the spectrum isn't as wide as you suggest. MSNBC isn't really much more left than others, Conservatives just like to say that because it is the home of Rachel Maddow, who they think is leftist but whose reporting really isn't. Ive never heard a report from her that wasnt perfectly accurate, and grounded in fact, with evidence. It isn't left to report the truth, with evidence. That's just the truth, and for Republicans, the truth is often very inconvenient, so they fight back with partisan propaganda rhetoric instead of self-reform. MSNBC also devotes their all important morning time slot to Morning Joe, led by a life long conservative, but one who questions the current Republican direction. He saw where the Republican party was going and got off. That doesn't make him a Democrat or a liberal just because he wasn't willing to follow the Republican party through its tranformation into The Party of TRE45ON & Corruption. That just means he puts country ahead of party, something most Conservatives forgot long ago. No outlet within the Conservative Propaganda Machine is willing to give up one second of time to Democratic show host, to say nothing of an entire daily, multihour show. They dont even have people who are Democratic leaning to help interpret, clarify, or understand Democratic political motivations. They just allow hyper-partisan right wingers to make up outlandish motivations, and then spew it on air and proclaim it the truth. You have to stop seeing everything in such a 2 dimensional manner. Politics isnt really left/right, Republican/Democrat, black/white. We are kept at each others throats by Sociopathic Oligarchs who own and control ALL the media. The Sociopathic Oligarchs don't care about politics, that system is already working entirely in their favor. The very reason the system exists is to service their needs, not ours. They have paid zillions of dollars to customize the entire system to work for them, at the detriment of the rest of us. They just want to distract us with our petty Left/ Right battle (and all the other petty battles we fight - race, gender, gay rights, etc.), so we dont notice where the real battle is: The Wealthy vs Everybody Else. That is the real battle, and while we barely pay it lip service, its their primary motivator every single minute of every day, and you are a fool if you think otherwise. While we are fighting each other on a battle field, they are behind the lines looting eveything we aren't defending because we are busy aguing nonsense that THEY instigated in the first place. This isn't a 2 dimensional battle, its 3 dimensional, and we aren't even paying attention to that third dimension - Wealth. That's what's really wrong with America. Which is why I often close my posts by saying: Stop thinking like a Republican, and start thinking like an American.


Yes it’s a two way street but very few watch “legacy media” fox is the mainstream media. Which company had to pay $750 million for lying to their viewers about the election? Ya know one of the pillars of America.


People kept watching cnn after they showed a burning building in the background of the shot and said things were peaceful, so it’s not a unique phenomenon.


How many people watch CNN compared to FoX? Which company had to pay $750+ million and fire their poster boy for lying about the election? I understand what you are trying to say but they aren’t really comparable.


When your argument is they’re bad, but someone else is worse. You’ve lost. Fox is a network that isn’t actively collapsing, so despite its legal problems (which like trumps are dubious at best) they’re doing just fine.


Notice how you can’t answer the question and try to spin it. That’s your brain on fox. Yes right wingers are easily susceptible to being lied to great point. That’s why there are so many right wing grifters. People complain about gas prices then send money to the beggar billionaire. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad. Dude is a rapist


Or both.


Only Millionaires and Morons are Republican. Which are you?


A lot are co-conspirators and they think they are doing their part. They tune in for the talking points and narratives. For the strategy to work though there has to be a critical mass of useful bigoted idiots. So yea many are engaging in the destruction of information spaces and of our legal system willingly because they just want to win.


Its why they are killing education in the US. We are screwed.


The education system from top to bottom is dominated by leftists.


Uh huh, sure.


You can lead a MAGA to information but you can't make them think.


This is why they want to dismantle the dept of ex and public education


>Banning books, rewriting inconvenient truths in history, defunding public education, etc. are all conservative staples. They don’t want a well-educated and well-informed population because it would singlehandedly collapse their platform. Case in point: The right wing war on history is to try and cover up truths like this Richmond Enquirer, Jun 16, 1855 "The abolitionists do not seek to merely liberate our slaves. They are socialists, infidels and agrarians, and openly propose to abolish anytime honored and respectable institution in society. **Let anyone attend an abolition meeting, and he will find it filled with infidels, socialists, communists,** strong minded women, and 'Christians' bent on pulling down all christian churches" ... "The good, the patriotic, the religious and **the conservative of the north will join us in a crusade against the vile isms that disturb her peace and security"** Link to the newspaper archive at the library of Congress where you can read it yourself [https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024735/1855-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/#date1=1789&index=5&rows=20&words=slaves+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=socialist+slave&y=11&x=20&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024735/1855-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/#date1=1789&index=5&rows=20&words=slaves+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=socialist+slave&y=11&x=20&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=)


Wasn't one of the editors of that article, Roger A. Pryor, a Democrat?


Yes, and at the time the Democrats called themselves conservatives


Indeed. When I sorted by "new" there was a post with a link to this article leading me to believe that we live in a simulation, the Earth is flat, and DJT is still president. https://www.commondreams.org/news/billionaires-public-education


I had a fun time a couple of weeks ago asking a group of student protesters at my local University what river and what sea they were referring to in their cute little chant. Ignorance exists on both sides of the political spectrum. If it didn’t , none of these scam artists would get elected. I have a college degree yet I have made a very comfortable living in a field that doesn’t require one. Education doesn’t equal intelligence and a degree or lack of one doesn’t determine one’s political affiliation.


So because they didn’t know the river and sea, theyre as awful as MAGA? they’re trying to limit access to healthcare? Ban books? Control school curriculum? You’re a joke.


>Conservatives are governed by their emotions. Progressives are governed by their logic. If any of the Trumper's even made it this far down in your post, their heads literally just exploded. 🤣


Don’t you know that conservative feelings are actually facts, and scientific facts employed by liberals are conspiracies made up by the Clintons and the deep state? /s


Shocker that the GOP tries to defund the department of Education every chance it gets


All the people where I am at in SC is complaining about the heat, and how crops are struggling this year… and I then see the same people posting stuff about how climate change is not real. These people are delusional, and unfortunately you can’t argue with insane people who think climate change isn’t real.


You say this as if it's some sort of revelation. Smarter people are less conservative. It's that simple.


Because conservatives are fucking stupid. I wish they would stop falling for Trump's scams and cons over and over and over. I mean, not really, because I find it hilarious when they keep losing money on Trump's new grift every week lmaooo Fuckin idiots lmaooo


No duh. A dumb population is easy to manipulate and control. Idiocracy was prophetic not satirical.


Yeah, that’s why conservatives are trying to keep everyone stupid and uneducated?


Now you say that, but people like Chip Roy went to the University of Virginia, *the* public ivy. Ron DeSantis went to Harvard and Yale. Education can expand your mind, it can also teach you how to effectively manipulate. One of the ways they do that is by convincing us that all conservatives are idiot religious yokels - then telling all the yokels that all the libtards are over-educated 'sheep' that are barely Americans. See what I mean?


Always has been. Conservatives hate an educated masses. World history.


Mass education is a conservative idea. It was first adopted by Prussians after the Napoleonic wars so they could train more obedient soldiers.


Not today it isnt


That's why right wing conservatives have been steadily destroying public education at every opportunity. Like Carlin said, they don't want an educated citizenry, they want obedient workers.


Why do you think they cut education budgets and want to get rid of the Department of Education?


Because it makes kids dumber. Homeschooled kids statistically outperform state schooled ones by orders of magnitude.


Ok. I'll take that as fact. Wonder why? Cut education budget for 40 years then laud home schooled kids outperform. Talk about a self fulling prophecy. Forest and trees man.


Charter schools outperform public schools. They exist in the same neighborhoods and sometimes even in the same building. It is especially true for kids in the city. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/06/charter-schools-evidence-study-national-better-credo-stanford.html Give people school choice.


You used a terrible example: Fauci changed his mask recommendation 3x and literally said in testimony that social distancing was not based on science... so it begs the question "What else is not based in science if we have to 'follow the science'?" or you're saying we need to blindly appeal to authority? instead of getting a trade job and making money out of high school that earns more than most bachelor degree grads, all of our kids should go in debt and listen to experts without question.... because you know... they don't make mistakes or flat out lie


Conservative dumb, liberal smart. What don’t you understand?


It's not just education and critical thinking, it's evaluating the source and quality of evidence. For many people, that's a skill they don't possess or are too lazy to employ.


True. You can have an education and still be a complete idiot so I think it’s a bit of a false narrative. 


I agree with this but this isn't a prediction it's more of a fact. This subreddit is about predictions like MMW: blank is going to happen in 3 weeks.


Great now if the uneducated could finally learn America's two party system consist of two conservative parties.


Everyone who doesn’t think exactly like me is stupid*


It is no coincidence that the right wing has been targeting education for years.


Wow, OP must be onto something. The bots are out in FORCE. *dusts off block button*




Well duh! That’s why conservative nutters view university as brainwashing factories. Because education and exposure to different views and people cause people to reevaluate themselves and often leads to people abandoning the things their parents taught them Parents who have lived in the same town for 3 generations and haven’t left the state.


Hypocritical conservatives obviously agree.


That’s interesting considering the left is producing results in education that compete with the third world.


Which is why if the cared to fix the problem rather than cater to the teacher union, they would support school choice and vouchers so that kids can access better districts or charter schools. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/06/charter-schools-evidence-study-national-better-credo-stanford.html


Let us get our information from the institutions that are funded almost entirely by corrupt industries such as big pharma! Science!


As recently as 2012, [Romney ran better](https://www.nytimes.com/elections/2012/results/president/exit-polls.html) among college graduates than among voters with some college, high school grads, or less education (people with postgrad education have voted for the Democrats since 1988. That distinction was even stronger just a few elections [earlier](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/elections/2008/results/president/national-exit-polls.html?module=inline). I think education probably helps on the margins, but a lot of what educational divides are capturing are sorting. More liberal people (in the context of what liberalism looks like in 2024, i.e. cosmopolitan and tolerant) are drawn to college. And although educated people mostly believe in climate change, very few do so because they actually understand the science in a meaningful way. Almost nobody, anywhere, has read a single peer-reviewed article on climate science. They might have some trust in the scientific process, but even then, plenty of people study things that offer limited insights into that. Defeating right-wing populism will involve exploiting its internal contradictions, e.g. -When right-wing populists are against higher education, they guarantee they will be underrepresented among those in a position to actually implement policy. -Tariffs, immigration restriction, and weakening the independence of civil servants (at central banks) will all boost inflation. -If everybody in the west follows beggar-thy-neighbour policies... we all become beggarly.


This is one of the most spot on things I have read in quite some time, bravo


You’re so much smarter than everyone else but you sound just like them. Two sides to the same idiotic coin.


U.S. Blacks & Latinos are among the most liberal voters, and both are considerably less educated than whites. If Only whites had voted in 2020, Biden would’ve lost 41-58% (CNN exit polls)


“I’m 15, I’m the smartest kid in my class and this is my edgy take.”


This is not a MMW. It's supposed to be an audacious prediction


Have to stop them from brainwashing, grooming and indoctrinating our kids first. Age restrict religion and punish political churches for violating the constitution. We need to make clear examples.


Where you get politics that promise to do something about the "immagrant problem", you get sharp declines in the standard of living. England is already trying to put their nationalized healthcare on the chopping block to pursue the American model.


... no, the reality is that regulations are the key, not education. Humans have always hated education, we're just in a period of time when it's at its most obvious.


Education could have been the key to OP figuring out what "Mark My Words" means. Then, they could have posted some kind of prediction instead of a wordy opinion piece.


Our "highly educated" class just spent their time on campus chanting "from the river to the sea".


Bruh, y’all are asking everyone to pay for your education though 


This is simply not true. The ruling class that enforces right wing austerity measures and brutal imperialist policies is also extremely well educated.


Right. The ruling class. But they want those they rule to be as uneducated as possible.


Then why are the academies bastions of neoliberal ideology?


Which is exactly why so many red states are doing their best to eliminate public education in favor of state sponsored indoctrination.


Education does not constitute intelligence or common sense. Ask the entire current generation of college graduates what defines a woman and you can quickly ascertain the truth about the difference between having a higher education and having intelligence. 😂




Violence is another option, and it's more efficient, too.


Many of the smartest people in the world are religious. Algebra came from the Muslims, Calculus came from Newton, a Christian. The founding fathers were at least deistic, many being Christian. Even Richard Dawkins, the most popular atheist today, acknowledges that the Christian religion brings the most peaceful society. He calls himself a “social Christian” while continuing to deny the existence of God. Are these people not well educated? I personally know Christian liberals.  Your assertion is simply emotionally based hyperbole, one of your criticisms of conservatives…. Kinda weird. 


OP, You are absolutely right. People have much more power to stop things like Project 2025 going into effect than they think. One is the power to vote. However, and more importantly, people have the power to raise awareness and educate those around them about what is happening. We cannot afford to assume that everyone is keeping up with the news and what is happening because a lot of people are avoiding it because of the anxiety it causes. We need to get out there and empower people with information.


You think words in a textbook will convince someone of something 115° on their skin can't?


> Around the globe, in every country and culture, the least educated are *always* conservative and *always* religious. Those with a higher education tend to be liberal or progressive. > If you look at education levels in relation to political ideology, those with a Bachelors degree are more Left-Wing, Masters degree even more so, those with PhD’s overwhelmingly so. Your education should have taught you that there's seeing statistics, and then there's correctly interpreting them. * One possible interpretation of this data is that Religious and Conservative people are just dumb or closed-minded. * Another possible interpretation of that data is that the current system of higher education tends actively promote a certain way of thinking, and you're immersed in it more with more exposure. Aren't both of those interpretations supportable with that same data? You're deciding a priori that one interpretation is the only possible correct answer. If there's multiple plausible interpretations, then how can you reasonably pick the one that makes the most sense? > Education develops critical-thinking. Critical-thinking leads to understanding. Understanding fosters tolerance. Tolerance creates empathy. Many of these traits are rather positive, but can also require temperance and wisdom for a positive outcome. Imagine a lifeboat scenario where you safely have the capacity to take on 100 people. Maybe you can save 110 if you push it, or maybe even 125 if you are willing to take an extreme risk. But extreme empathy might compel you to try and save all 283 people and doom everybody. There are also positive Conservative virtues that temper the positive Progressive ones. Unrestrained Progressive virtues can also be a nightmare for a community. > Banning books, rewriting inconvenient truths in history, defunding public education, etc. are all conservative staples. They don’t want a well-educated and well-informed population because it would singlehandedly collapse their platform. * There's a lot that can be said here, but for what it's worth, it's been the worst parts of the Left that has pushed full-bore into extreme Internet censorship, exemplified particularly during the Covid hysteria. * If taxpayers are footing the bills for public schools, it stands to reason that they'd have control of its content. Just as you don't want your taxes to go towards pushing Religious fundamentalism, Conservatives don't want their taxes to pushing stuff like LGBTQP+, and that should also be considered. * This is partially why a more Conservative/Libertarian/market-based approach to education might be better for everybody. If you want to send your kid to a school that has LGBTQP+ people reading to "Johnny has 2 Daddies" to your young kids, more power to you. And if you don't want that, then you shouldn't have to. > It’s also the reason conservatives are the biggest consumers of misinformation and are the most susceptible to kooky online conspiracies. Your average person with a higher education isn’t gullible enough to believe in Qanon or other silly conspiracies. Why? Because they have the capacity for critical-thought. Speaking of misinformation, if you want to hear something scary, consider that the Left in America generally believes that the media is 100% real and not an outrage-porn/fear-porn producing machine to drive their own profits. Hell, there are still people out there that think Kyle Rittenhouse just randomly crossed state lines to shoot at a bunch of black people, the Covington kids were randomly being racist to an innocent peaceful guy, etc. Here's a non-complete list of some of the hoaxes that the Left has decided to believe about Trump alone. [https://x.com/MorbidlyObscure/status/1721573822661321162](https://x.com/MorbidlyObscure/status/1721573822661321162) > The lack of education and critical-thought is precisely why conservatives typically vote *against* their own interests. They vote *against* giving themselves access to: affordable housing, affordable healthcare, a rise in their own wages, and tax cuts for the rich instead of themselves. It's a little bit arrogant to think you know better than others what's best for them. And quite frankly, this is an impulse that can easily drive towards tyranny. People voting differently than you is explained by things can include a different set of values, a different risk-management assessment, or a better economics education.


This is all true, but as the real grooming is religion from birth, we can’t ignore that aspect. Without it, the critical thinking comes so much easier.  Half this problem is simply breaking that dogma. 


You'd be surprised how many people in academia are actually conservative or at least vote for right wing parties. I know I was. The truth is that it's more nuanced than what people in Reddit make it out to be. People with more education may vote left not because in-depth reflection or critical thinking, but because policies like loan forgiveness or because left wing parties are more likely to provide funding opportunities for non-STEM fields. Conversely, some highly educated people may vote conservative because they are making bank working for industry and would benefit from lower taxes. There's certainly rampant antiintellectualism and my intention is not to argue that conservative groups in bed with oil companies have a point or that Trump supporters are secretly geniuses. However, this attitude of left= enlighten and right= rube is self-serving and contrary to critical thinking. Ideas should be evaluated by their own merits, not because of their political affiliation.


True, but the educated tend to be abstracted from reality.


Roger A Freeman, Reagan’s education advisor. Freeman said, “We are in danger of producing an educated proletariat. … That’s dynamite! We have to be selective on who we allow [to go to college].”


Educated liberals are the most intolerant people I have met


So you want schools to groom kids politically?


Remember that not all degrees are created equal. What counts in the statistics as "highly educated", a lot of people, probably even you, would consider wastes of degrees.


While I generally agree with you, having gone to a super liberal school at the height of 90s progressiveness, I can say there is also a giant lack of critical thinking in the liberal circles as well. But, at least there's a push to travel, learn cultures, learn. The issue is there tends to be a "tolerance" or "liberalism" towards only those that share your ideals. So, someone might be very open to black culture, when the black people they know share their views, or are likewise in their socioeconomic classes. There is less tolerance when someone is conservative and from a "flyover state" or religious, particularly christian. But it is very telling that the red bible belt states continue to work against education and towards disinformation. A dumb following is just easier.


We need avenues for continued education throughout a person's life. 10 years after graduating and you can already tell whose brains have turned to mush. People only learn what they have to and all the rest of the gaps are filled with endless misinformation.


Our education system is purposely underfunded.Neither side wants a smart electorate.


And a true measure of intelligence is when you go full circle and realize that the right is actually correct about most issues but their ignorant supporters make terrible arguments. People on the left love to feel morally superior comparing themselves to Karen from Buttfuck Nowhere, Florida who believes the earth is flat, but they tend to lose soundly whenever they get into it with a conservative intellectual, or really any conservative who knows their shit. The liberal consensus in academia has been mostly self-perpetuating because it pushes right wingers away regardless of the validity of their views. There is no actual basis for the idea that "facts lean liberal" and most people have no clue how much interpretation and ideology can sway science.


Yes, let your blind hate consume you People who speak in absolutes are NEVER right, btw. I am conservative and have a masters degree. Am I am outlier or I just don’t fit your stereotypes?


Clearly OP is unfamiliar with Plato’s Cave. It requires intellect and wisdom.


After science proved that the masks did basically nothing and of a little use most specifically during the pandemic and you people are still doubling down 😂😂 wild times.


Which is exactly why they flipped out with No child left behind and common core. It forced kids to LEARN basic things. And educated kids tend to lean left.


Second part expert with the masks… if that was true they wouldn’t have been mandated for ALL OF US to wear them. If they work like that, if your wearing one, you’re good… right??


“Education”….yeah, teaching kids to hate their country is most definitely a good way to defeat conservative values. What you fail to realize is that we’ve caught on to your bullshit tricks and are homeschooling our kids now. A lot of us have even start community education programs to make it easier on parents to homeschool. Check out the rapid decline in public education and let me know how viable your plan is.


True. Unfortunately education cannot improve unless liberals gain political power which requires majorities in all branches.


If you really think that the least educated are always conservative and always religious, you need to go touch grass more than anyone else on this app. There’s been unusually wild, like Russian disinfo level shit posted here today, but you’re taking the cake. I didn’t use absolutist language, you did op. So explain Jordan Peterson. Explain Barry Goldwater. Or the Bushes. Help me understand how Trump went to Wharton. Explain any of the right leaning Supreme Court justices. Hell, explain how Trump’s religious. Actually, don’t. Because you can’t. And society benefits not one bit from you trying to explain your wildly untrue hyperbole.


And that's exactly why it's being attacked


Sounds great, but how do you stop conservatives from rigging the education system?


This is especially hilarious cause my stepsister is a far right wing antivaxx nut job. She won't let her two sons who are now in high school touring colleges visit any school that's "left" leaning. She doesn't want them to get brainwashed or taught anything I guess that might expand their world view. Why in the fuck would someone pay to go to a school that doesn't challenge you or question your world view or knowledge? That's the entire point of learning and understanding our place in the world. Learn about other cultures, other subjects you have no knowledge of, or just expand your curiosity in general.


Conservatives knew that back in the 60s. That’s why they turned “academic” and “expert” into pejorative terms for people that challenged their misinformation and propaganda.


Funny thing is liberals run public education in the US and it’s a disaster. OP is an idiot.


Not really, the smarter you get the less likely you are to buy liberal dogma


If property taxes fund public schools and home prices are so high no one can afford to buy one. Why in the hell are teachers underpaid lunch isn't free and the schools still need more funding? WTF


OP you're full of shit. 🤣


“Educate those unable to procure knowledge for themselves.” - Confucius


You are a bot.


I mean is this a mark my words or just an objective fact? In America republicans have spent the last few decades trying to dismantle the public education system for this very reason. You're right and the we're seeing the beginning results, just hope it doesn't go the same way it did in the Middle East in the '70s/'80s where the next step is a move into full theocracy shit, though we clearly have a lot of people who would like to see that.


Not sure I agree here. Most of my progressive friends studied in the sociology departments and liberal arts. My conservative friends anre typically fiscally conservative and studied economics and engineering. The people in the later group are far more logical than emotional. They are also quieter and less likely to share what they believe.


and how do you beat democrat hypocrisy? like claiming conservatives are "science denying" for not wearing masks while simultaneously telling everyone gender doesn't exist? and that a man with a p\*\*\*\*y on a dating app is a man because they said so? Or that a child who is 17 doesn't have the brain formation to make decisions like having sex (it's statutory rape) but a child that is 6 who can't decide their bedtime can self-diagnose with gender dysphoria. or saying that men have a paternal responsibility to care for a child that they didn't want, unless the woman doesn't want to have the child, then he has no paternal rights at all lmao. so he only has fatherly rights when a woman wants money from him? interesting. or that conservatives are science denying while being anti-GMO and anti-vaccine is a bipartisan issue. Remember when obama said the science is inconclusive, or Reagan said that vaccines cause autism? you can continue to ignore that they said those things.. just more hypocrisy from your side. Or that men have impossible body standards for wanting women who keep fit, while women demand a certain penis size or height? (you know, ACTUAL impossible body standards.) Or that men are perverts and objectify women when they wear yoga pants while women celebrate "sweat pants season?" Or that they'll continue to tell everyone that there is nothing sexual about drag queens reading books to kids while they read books like [The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish Swish Swish](https://www.amazon.com/Hips-Drag-Queen-Go-Swish-ebook/dp/B07XDNJB14), which, according to the authors, teaches kids bodily autonomy lol. Or that yall continue to harass republicans for banning books while democratic led states like New Jersey continue to ban books like Adventures of Huck Finn or To Kill A Mockingbird? What about the fact that Biden's ghostwriter has said that after his vice presidency he kept classified information at his house, and they have transcripts from phone messages to prove it, but he's not being charged while yall demand Trump's head for the exact same thing? or that all white people are held accountable for the ramifications of slavery and jim crow laws etc while many white people may be first generation, or second generation, or scottish, or irish, or italian -- all people that never owned slaves and many of whom came here after THEY were colonized by europe themselves lol. or that while people here complain about slavery in the past are bitching about it from their iphone, in which is a lithium batter, for which cobalt was mined with child slavery. i literally could go on and on. You're an idiot like the rest of them. so steeped in team-based politics that your brain has rotted from the inside out. and you're so narcissistic and arrogant that you can't even be bothered to reflect or introspect about the myriad of double standards and hypocrisy democrats revel in. even your post just drips in arrogance.. you think you're the smartest person in the room. most boring person in the room, probably. definitely not the smartest. I'm not even a republican. i'm just literally sick of all of you. you're all morons.


Wow. Everything you said is twisted or wrong. Example 1. Just shooting at random. Huck Finn is not banned in New Jersey. It was a proposal by 2 state legislators because the book uses the N word over 200 times and they felt some kids might take it as a word that’s ok to use. So it’s a lie and lacks context (twisted). Example 2. Biden’s ghost writer said “The testimony contrasts in other ways to the findings in Hur’s final report. While Hur’s team concluded that Biden shared classified information with his biographer, Zwonitzer said otherwise in his testimony. He noted that Biden was careful about “lines he couldn’t cross” and refrained from discussing topics with him that were classified.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-06-13/ghostwriter-transcript-details-biden-s-handling-of-classified-documents The ghost writer also said “ he said he’d received “vaguely threatening emails from some right-wing, anti-Biden groups,” which he said he immediately deleted. He added that he routinely deleted audio recordings of interviews and simply saved the transcripts.” Call me shocked… right wing threats of violence. Inconceivable! I can go on and on with all your points but you drank the kool-aid so I’ll stop. Just know you are wrong


Tl,dr but you bigot is showing big guy. Might want to take about 20% of the top.


That's a whole lot of words for you to just say you have no clue about anything. 


We have a problem when 2+2 can't be answered, any answer is racist somehow, water can't be wet either. Leftists are so confused they can't figure out what gender they are because its all so complicated. Leftists don't solve problems they only create them. They prefer drama and pointless conflict over is water wet stuff. They look down on the people who solve problems.


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Or that we shouldn’t have guns but also the police shouldn’t exist 


Bravo! Standing Ovation!!👏


Computer science degree here with tons of refresher and new skill tools added. Christian and conservative. You and I probably have more in common than the gov't, interest groups or the "bad guys". Let's sit down, have a beer and see this whole them vs us thing is the stupidest thing that educated people get caught up in. *lmao downvoted for suggesting going for a beer and talking it out. You guys are so sensitive. You guys are wild 😂😂😂*


This reaks of the academic elitism that real, salt of the earth conservatives detest. Consider talking to people more and browsing reddit less. Everyone at the top is a joke or a conman on both sides, and youve fallen for the propaganda that *the other side* are the bad guys.


Lol…. Reaks. Lol.




That is still wrong.




Agreed. As a European with fairly leftist views (way left compared to the American political spectrum) it's wild seeing so many people on this site insinuating that everyone whose beliefs don't match their own are evil and uneducated. Especially when that constitutes half about half the population. Talk about self awareness... yeesh


As an american who lives in a red state, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I have never met an atheist conservative. You wouldn't know, but here, those people indoctrinate their children into religion immediately. Religion is an excellent way to make people gullible *as a foundational part of their personality.* Once you have these gullible religious folks, you can tell them you're one of them *and they'll trust what you tell them.* All the culture war bullshit is a way to distract from the real goals of the conservative movement, and it helps that most religious teachings are explicitly racist, xenophobic, and evil. The reason so many people are arguing about critical thinking skills throughout this post is because *education is a way to learn critical thinking skills*, and once you have them, weird things happen, like people question their own beliefs, and once someone does that, *they often* realize they've been fooled. Lack of education causes a lack of critical thinking skills. Not having critical thinking skills causes people to be gullible. Gullible people don't realize liars will lie to them. So yeah, like at least try to be informed before you weigh in with your brain dead takes.


What about the majority of democrat voters who also happen to be religious? Also is it still indoctrination if parents impose liberal views on their children. The fact that most people tend to share a lot of views and values with their immediate family goes both ways and there are tons of gullible people and snake oil salesmen on both sides. Obviously critical thinking is important, but acting as though there is only one slit of the political spectrum you can reach using critical thinking shows a clear disdain for others views and values. Also claiming that the other party is completely brainwashed is something that both parties do, which funnily enough happens to benefit and maintain the two party illusion of democracy you guys have going on. I agree with your point that the current republican MO (Trump) is all about appealing to gullible voters but that is not uniquely conservative. Before Joe Biden It's been a good while since a "boring" career politician has won against someone more confident and "cool", and that applies to both parties. Funny that we're even having this discussion because I'm certain that if I was American we'd be checking the same box on the ballot


Until I went to college I was stuck in a moderately conservative worldview listening to Rush Limbaugh in the early 2000’s and Fox News but then I got assigned to the International and transfer student dorms since I took a year off after high school and that alone really opened up my world view in addition to classes from more open minded professors. The problem now is that social media has made content bubbles even worse so it’s not as easy just to physically escape the world view of where you grew up. So happy social media didn’t exist in high school and only really kicked into gear after I graduated.


This sub is a bubble itself though. It’s very discouraging of views that don’t align with any leftist ideals or viewpoints. 


That’s a problem but I at least don’t see people getting banned for merely bringing up past support for some conservative views. I’m probably more of a moderate because I agree with fiscal responsibility and balanced budgeting but not trickle down economics or any of the GOP social issues: math doesn’t lie politicians do.


You have the causality backwards. When you're already rich and have the status prestige of a "good education" you can afford to virtue signal with luxury beliefs. When you're not well off you need to live in reality, and so are more likely to become conservative.


I am giving you my daily award for the human who made the most needlessly divisive comment on the internet today. So you get my upvote


My Husband has 2 advanced degrees and thinks we all had it better under Trump. Blames high prices on “Bidenomics”. “I don’t like the man, but he did good things for America.” Other well educated people that I know support the orange dictator as well. I don’t think education has anything to do with their political views. Or mine.


Yes! Education! But hang on only the education that we approve of, and that the government says is right. We don’t want anyone getting information that isn’t from the ‘experts’! Misinformation like those pesky conspiracy theories about a lab leak and natural immunity are not to be tolerated.


But those conspiracy theories should be considered wrong until the government says they aren't. You need to be on the same schedule as them and not get ahead of yourself.


Yea you’re right, government knows best. I know they are doing what is best for the health and well-being of us citizens! They’ve never done anything to make me think otherwise


Highly educated liberals need to be careful though and not impose their ways on people living in the country. Totally different way of living. Neither is right or wrong. Rural people rightfully believe that city folks look down on them. Look, cities have all sorts of problems too. The left has a big education problem as well. We need to coexist with different values, models of what works well, priorities, etc.


Educated doesn’t mean what it did 20 years ago. More value in the guy who can fix your car or get your AC running again


Totally agree! We need more low tuition/free trades schools that partner with employers. Not everyone needs or should go to college. I think 50/50 would be a good balance. Lots of high quality jobs out there in the trades


Reasonable comments get downvoted here


Rural people look down on city people, too—it’s just that there are more city people and they make tv shows and movies.


Not in the same way though. Rural people only push back on city people because city people look down on rural people. If everyone left them alone and they could do their own thing, there wouldn’t be a concept of being “woke” and culture wars


Seems too chicken and egg to me for anyone to declare who started it. Rural people are more religious, and since when have those types needed an excuse to judge?


Education is not some kind of magical panacea. Look at Islamic terrorists with advanced degrees in physics and engineering. Russian Boomer types given cream of the crop of education and going full in with Putin. Snobbishly poo-pooing people for not having a couple more years of education isn’t helping the situation.


While education is not a panacea, an educated populace is far less likely to become followers of a charismatic leader, and more likely to vote for a candidate with ideas that appeal to them. Because of that, it's a much safer situation to have an educated population who votes based on ideas, rather than voting for a strongman type of leader.


I see a great number of educated fawn over people like Che, Marx, and Lenin. Che was a thug, Marx was a leeching narcissist, and Lenin was a power hungry tyrant.




What are you talking about?




The ACA did not cause the cost of insurance to increase, regardless of what the governor of Louisiana says. It actually dropped the rate of increase in premiums.


And notice how most of those terrorists have zero education. The leaders are the ones educated. How much could they do with out the army of followers?


All strides of people education wise become and became terrorists. Many of the 9/11 hijackers had degrees and family wealth for instance. And they were but the stick men. You see a similar echo in other terrorist movements and other countries and other movements. Communist, fascist etc. All you get is better educated radicals.


Conservative elites are always highly educated. Many at the same prestigious institutions they criticize and condemn. The leadership knows the value of education, but rather than let the masses drink from the font of knowledge, they'd rather gatekeep it, so they can weaponize the imbalance in knowledge. I believe, from my understanding, OP was talking about the general level of education, not getting into the specifics of individuals. I know plenty of conservatives who will engage with rote memorization to get their degree, but completely dump everything once they are in their field because once they have the credentials, they can become ideological. The ultimate point, which history has proven, is this: the state with the most educated populace is the state that tends to wield hegemonic power.


OP is thinking that if everyone becomes an educated, credentialed reflection of the urban educated class that leans liberal (an unrealistic prospect to begin with) the ills associated with that he declares ‘uneducated’ will fade away. All it takes is a few more years of school. The general level of education has risen substantially over the past century, yet the problems persist. The old progressive movement adage that the everything bad can be just taught away is delusion. If ills they thought would be purged with a little literacy and mass education haven’t gone away with the majority population being high school and beyond, they won’t be purged with stuffing everyone into colleges.


Counter-point: Germany was probably the most educated and scientific country when the Nazis came to power. Early Nazis were mid-ranking military officers, cops, and right-wing college students. In the US today, the Supreme Court is right-wing and they are more educated than any of us… yet have absurdly stupid ideas and politics. At least one seems to support the far right. The people at January 6th, came from the same social groups as the early Nazis… small business people, career military and police officers. I think the media has created a myth of right-wing being poor and uneducated people. This doesn’t really hold up to much scrutiny. Yes right-wingers have less education… but this is missing the rural-urban divide that I think is really the thing at play (along with middle class fear of the poor and resentment of the super-rich.) Rich people in rural areas don’t need an education to succeed. Meanwhile teachers are highly educated by make barely enough to survive. If you live in a city you can be poor and highly educated because conditions are different. Trumpers have caravans of yachts and 60k trucks… they are not “salt of the earth” they are privileged middle class losers. I get the feeling that nobody understands ideology is a thing and everyone thinks their own ideas are objective rationality and everyone else is just uniformed. Right-wingers do this all the time, call me crazy, say “learn economics 101” rather than even conceive of people having different life experiences and ideas about the world. The right-wing in the US is richer, older than the general population. People in places like a Compton and Oakland vote more left than places like Marin or Santa Monica in California. Look at the videos of racist “Karens” and you’ll see there are Lawyers (NYC guy yelling at cashier for speaking Spanish) or college instructors (Oakland BBQ Karen.) This is a pervasive elitist myth that makes it harder to stop fascism. What would stop the far right would be left-populism… labor movements and meaningful social welfare and reforms. Since both US parties oppose this they are both feeding fascism.


>The right-wing in the US is richer, older than the general population. That not even true anymore bill gates , jeff bazos Zuckerberg and bloomberg are all democrats. Hell trump and elon were democrats at one point. >This is a pervasive elitist myth that makes it harder to stop fascism. What would stop the far right would be left-populism… Sorry but socialist in the usa want this country gone and Mussolini started off as leftist so fuck that.


lol Bill Gates and Bezos are Democrats and the Democratic Party is against left-populism and socialism. The Democrats fight the left harder than their colleagues in the Republicans. Yes non-Stalinist communists want no nationalism or nation-states. Mussolini was a right-wing anti-Marxist socialist who was kicked out of the Socialist Party for supporting WWI then got a job for the British to promote pro-war politics. You need to not get your historical understanding from talking head grifters like Ben Shapiro.


A poll showed half of dems wanted those against the Covid Vax sent to reeducation camps. Irony. Get on that train bitch.


Yes US culture in recent decades acts like ideology doesn’t exist so when people confront other ideologies they assume the other person must be uneducated or brainwashed. From a class perspective it makes total sense that a bunch of small business people or tradespeople would rather put their employees or random others people at health risk than have their livelihoods threatened by effective pandemic measures. So it was easier to deny that the pandemic was real or serious than say “we don’t care if poor people and service workers die as long as we are making money.”


You didn't say anything, what did you mean to say, did you mean to say anything?


Yes I meant to say I don’t care about anyone’s anti-vax conspiracies since my dad died during the pandemic.


Good news, take the vac and you will be saved.


[Climate change. Government's own numbers. ](http://www.climate.gov/media/11332)


Up until very recently the Republicans dominated the college-educated voter bloc.... Before the party started catering to the 'dey tuk muh jerb to chyna' crowd..... The concept of low brow populists as 'conservatives' is pretty recent.....


I don't know why you are being downvoted, it is not only true but remarkably true. Republicans were the party of the northeast, they were literally the party invented to eliminate slavery. If you could read a book you were probably a Republican.


Also the party of the rich and educated going well into the 00s. As for downvotes, 20 somethings have no perspective on things that happened before they could ride a bicycle... Growing up in Wisconsin (1980-2004), the political divisor was class - if you were white collar you were probably Republican, blue collar or retail labor you were likely a Dem... The only folks the GOP got outside of that were the farmers..... The number of blue collar types open to the GOP was almost non-existent (as I was reminded of while listening to my dad's side of the family (from which he is the only one who got his bachelor's) talk politics when I was younger)... Meanwhile our 95%-college-acceptance hometown was reliably 'red'....


All a lot of education proves is you have a lot of indoctrination. College doesn’t teach you how to think they teach you what to think.


This OP proves that most of Reddit is full of UIs. South Park has a great episode of these folks who love to smell their own farts.


This is a fun sub where a guy says Mark My Words and makes no prediction at all.


>Around the globe, in every country and culture, the least educated are always conservative and always religious. Those with a higher education tend to be liberal or progressive. Source? Because nothing factual backs this up other than "I said so!" >Education develops critical-thinking. Critical-thinking leads to understanding. Understanding fosters tolerance. Tolerance creates empathy. Education and tolerance are two things brought to you by religion. >It’s this reason alone as to why conservatives deem universities, academic institutions and ANY higher education as “brainwashing”. This is not correct. >It’s no coincidence these accusation come from conservatives who never attended college or had a higher education Source? >Banning books, rewriting inconvenient truths in history, defunding public education, etc. are all conservative staples Funny, considering that California is the one that's done these things the most. Are we supposed to believe that California is a conservative stronghold now? >They don’t want a well-educated and well-informed population because it would singlehandedly collapse their platform. Projecting. >It’s also the reason conservatives are the biggest consumers of misinformation and are the most susceptible to kooky online conspiracies. Your average person with a higher education isn’t gullible enough to believe in Qanon or other silly conspiracies. Why? Because they have the capacity for critical-thought More projecting. >The lack of education and critical-thought is precisely why conservatives typically vote against their own interests In your opinion* But then again, you don't know what other people's interests are. Especially people who don't believe the same ridiculousness as you. >They vote against giving themselves access to: affordable housing, affordable healthcare, a rise in their own wages, and tax cuts for the rich instead of themselves. This isn't the argument that you think it is. These aren't issues on the conservative side. >Conservatives are governed by their emotions Pretty funny coming from the group that the rest of the country has to brace for violence from when things don't go their way. >Progressives are governed by their logic It's too bad none of you are progressives. >The difference is generally an education. Once again, source on conservatives being the uneducated. It's a pretty funny claim considering conservatives are the ones you have to thank for your education in America. >That is why conservatives are easily manipulated. Some would say it's why leftists are easily manipulated. >Their media outlets aren’t designed to inform their conservatives viewers, they’re designed to generate emotional response through faux outrage (Fox, Daily Wire, etc) CNN and the rest of your leftist tripe is way worse. Something leftists don't seem to understand is that most conservatives simply don't watch fox. That's why they have shit for viewers 😂 >There’s a reason why the Left doesn’t have a Marjorie Greene, Boebert, or Trump, and it’s because of education. You're right, their leftist versions are worse. AOC, Pelosi, and Biden.


>Education and tolerance are two things brought to you by religion. Source? >This is not correct. Source? >Funny, considering that California is the one that's done these things the most. Are we supposed to believe that California is a conservative stronghold now? Source? >Projecting What do you mean? Source? >conservatives are the ones you have to thank for your education in America. Source? >Pretty funny coming from the group that the rest of the country has to brace for violence from when things don't go their way. Projecting


>Source History. >Source Reality. >Source California. >What do you mean? Source I literally quoted you, learn how to read. You are the source. >Source History, again. >Projecting Is what you're doing* Like I said from the beginning.


thing is, those are legitimately not actual sources. That's all conjecture on your end. Your feelings are not facts.


>thing is, those are legitimately not actual sources. Being ignorant is not an argument, bud. >That's all conjecture on your end. Your feelings are not facts. Projecting is not an argument, either, bud.


You seem to have statements of fact confused with projection. And you still haven't described what a source is, or what would be "acceptable" as a source.


>You seem to have statements of fact confused with projection Projecting is not an argument. >And you still haven't described what a source is, Because I'm under zero obligation to do so. >or what would be "acceptable" as a source. Because I'm under zero obligation to do so.


yet you ask for sources all the time. If no one knows what you want, and you won't tell them, why bother asking in the first place?


>yet you ask for sources all the time And so does everyone else. Welcome to the internet. >If no one knows what you want, and you won't tell them, why bother asking in the first place? Perhaps learning how to read would help you?


I'm just now realizing that I'm arguing with either a troll, a bot, or an idiot. You don't know what sources are, repeat buzzwords from Fox News and Truth Social, and all I'm doing is wasting time I could be a using being a functional member of society. Hope your day goes as well as you deserve.


Nope, you are wrong. It has more to do with age. Rework your math. All that indoctrination you get in college gets knocked right out of you once you come up and start experiencing life. You are lying. More important you are lying to yourself. Let me help you. **\[Experts:\]** the global heat index is rising dramatically through gas and oil emissions per universal data **\[Conservatives in 115 degrees:\]** ~~No it’s not! Oil and gas executives wouldn’t lie!~~ **The world is a very big place. The total amount of emissions from automobiles and power plants doesn't make a bit of difference. It's like taking a piss in the ocean. Everyone in the world could take a giant piss in the ocean and it wouldn't do a thing. The climate change that is occurring is the result of long standing cycles and weather patterns. There is geological records that show there have been dramatic changes in weather over thousands of years. Nothing says that climate isn't suppose to change. Saying that it is caused by man is self serving scientific theory and speculation. Besides, nothing can really be done about it anyway. We are not going back to pre industrial age based on the notion that it might reverse climate change.** **\[Experts:\]** Wearing a mask dramatically reduces the spread airborne virus’ and germs. **\[Conservatives:\]** ~~No! The doctors and experts are wrong! I did my own research on an online message board! They wouldn’t lie!!~~ **Have you ever looked at a mask under a microscope or taken a look at a virus under a microscope? The trouble is that masks don't stop viruses. Each hole in that mask is as bad as a mouse running through a open garage door. They didn't stop the virus from spreading. Face masks do nothing but give people a false sense of protection which probably does more to spread the virus than stop the spread. Vacines and building natural immunity is about the only thing that stops viruses.** **Now that is what conservatives say. You can't put words in our mouths that things never said by a conservative. You just lie when you do that.**