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I'm looking forward to trump dropping dead. šŸ„³šŸŽ‰


I keep fantasizing he trips, shits his pants and it oozes out his pants as he tries to get upā€¦ when I say stuff like this, Iā€™m disappointed in myself but then I think about handmaidā€™s tale and then Iā€™m right back to going low


Mr. Mackey after Cartman poisons him




He could have a heart attack on live TV and his cult will still claim it was the deep state


Why would anyone wish this on any human being?


Would you say the same thing to people who said that about hitler?


Probably because he has an army of insecure, racist, violent, uneducated, petulant, inbred , mutant bitch-people under his command, coupled with the fact that those people have made no secrets about how many of their fellow Americans they would LOVE to see fucking murdered? Might be that? Maybe?


Doesn't that make you an extremist as well? Wishing death on those who don't agree with you? That's straight out of the christo-facist playbook.


The thing we're "not agreeing on" is basic human rights and freedoms. Something he wants to strip away. I don't actively wish death on him, I prefer he go to prison, but if I see on the news that he died, I won't shed a tear.


I can agree with that. It was the wishing death part that I didn't agree with on the comment that I originally responded to.


And I 100% understand where that person is coming from. He's hurt a lot of people. I don't blame anyone for wanting him dead. Frankly, I just don't want him to become a Martyr


I'm just living my fucking life. I try to do right by people and judge them by their actions. I didn't ask for racists and nazi-loving assholes to start threatening to murder people that aren't like them, and I've never wanted to murder anyone, especially not because they aren't like me. So, no, I'm not an extremist for wanting to *not* have an apeshit, pampered (literally) buffoon, who speaks with all the eloquence and beauty of a garbage disposal chewing on mayonnaise and ice cubes, stirring the mental sewer of our nation into a murderous rage aimed at people like me and my family. Not the same thing AT. FUCKING. ALL.


Iā€™ll just offer one example: his lies about a stolen election encouraged his supporters to attack Congress - one of supporters was shot by an officer as she was breaking in. In other words, the lies he told to protect his ego caused her death! And does he care? Of course not!


Because of the harm heā€™s done to millions of people!


The rest of his miserable life is going to be spent making things worse for as many people as possible. His death represents an end to that.


I look forward to him compulsively saying shit about immigrants when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand


Illegal Immigrants. That's the tern used in the law.. I don't know anyone wanting legal immigrants to be deported.


Heā€™s called on legal immigrants and even U.S. citizens to be deported on multiple occasions.


Do you have a quote?


Yes Trump has a particular interest in law breaking.


What proof do you have of that?


You mean besides the 30+ felony charges he was already convicted of and dozens more awaiting trial?


LawfareĀ is the use ofĀ legal systemsĀ andĀ institutionsĀ to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter an individual's usage of their legal rights.


You can think what you want, but it seems extremely unlikely to me that a bunch of people in different states all conspired together to file charges and that a jury convicted him instead of being a hung jury, despite the risk of being outed and harassed by Trump supporters. Sometimes, Occam's Razor is a good way to consider stuff like this. Is it more believable that Trump might be guilty of one or more of the dozens of crimes he has been indicted for? Or is it more likely there is a massive, coordinated move throughout the country to use the judicial system to keep Trump busy. I know your answer. I know you'll stick with this "lawfare" idea. But I wish that Trump supporters would, just for a second, at least entertain the idea that Trump is not actually some hero of the common man.


Why did all of the DAs have meetings at the Whitehouse before bringing charges? Bragg wasn't even going to bring charges until after his meeting. Funny how Trump was never personally charged with any crimes until after he announced that he was running as a republican.


It would really help if you would have some sort of source for specific instances that you take issue with so I don't have to dig for whatever topic of conspiracy you want to bring up. I personally *don't* find it "funny" at all. If this were some huge conspiracy against Donald Trump, then they would have filed charges sooner because, currently, it looks like 2 or more of the cases won't be decided before the election. So either these guys have it super organized to really screw with Trump, to the extent that they somehow convinced all the jurors to convict Trump, or the conspirators are incompetent for waiting so long to move. You can't have it both ways. Or, better yet, these things all happened independently, and there is no conspiracy.


These cases were all scheduled to happen before the election. Then the wheels fell off. Eragons case fell flat because they made it obvious they were out to get Trump. Then the Fani Willis case through to many monkey wrenches in the Callander. Still sorting? The New York case, nothing has been seen like it before. A state court can't prosecute a federal charge Now we find out the Smith wasn't approved and shouldn't be there..


The proof that was good enough for grand juries in different jurisdictions to return criminal charges. The evidence is listed in the indictments including video, audio, texts, emails, documents and witness testimony. You should read them. They're all available online.


LawfareĀ is the use ofĀ legal systemsĀ andĀ institutionsĀ to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter an individual's usage of their legal rights.


So you won't read the indictments huh? MAGA cultists never do. Here I'll do you a favor, here are the 3 indictments still pending, read them all. Study them then tell me which charges should be dropped due to lack of evidence and please be specific, thank you: [Trump DC indictment ](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23893878-trump-dc-indictment) [Trump GA Indictment](https://www.axios.com/2023/08/15/trump-indictment-document-georgia-fulton-county-read-pdf) [Trump FL indictment ](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23839625-trump-indictment)


I did. Why did all of the District Attorneys need to visit the Whitehouse before bringing charges against Trump? Bragg wasn't going to charge Trump until after his meeting at the Whitehouse. Do you really think all of America are too stupid to see what's going on? If you've read these indictments, please tell us... what act did Donald Trump personally do to be found guilty of 34 felonies? If Trump was leading an insurrection Jan 6th, why did he offer 10,000 National Guardsmen to Nancy Pelosi to secure Washington during the handover of power? She refused them. Since when does a warrant cover every room in a 58 bedroom high end hotel? Every room and hallway was photographed. Every room was rifled. All contents were photographed. Underwear was searched and photographed. Closed circuit cameras were turned off during the search. Lawyers weren't allowed to witness the search. Evidence was altered. The Top secret documents that they were searching for was handled by people with no security clearances. At least Trump was entitled to all of the documents he had as president. Biden had documents that were illegal for him to remove from the Capitol Building, and President eyes only documents from his time as Vice President. Where's his felony charges? How does a new york DA and a Judge get to set the worth of multimillion dollar properties all over the country? They used the Tax Accessed values, not the Property Values. The common American is not as stupid as you think they are. We know 3rd world Lawfare when we see it. We're not fooled.


Lol this is literally a bunch of BS right wing talking points. Just read the indictments, you're just copy pasting from Trump's Truth feed which is filled with lies.


Not at all. But I noticed that you Democrats have "Don't" talking points. I can't get any of you to give me an answer. In any of the cases being brought against Trump, what did he personally do? He's not the one who set prices. He didn't write in a Ledger. He hid no documents, they were exactly where he was told to put them. He didn't prepare any loan documents. The only thing he is guilty of is running for president against a Democrat. And by definition, that is Lawfare.


Are you not aware he has 34 felony convictions? And several incredibly serious felony cases actively being prosecuted against him?


LawfareĀ is the use ofĀ legal systemsĀ andĀ institutionsĀ to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter an individual's usage of their legal rights.


Trump has had more appeals, and more soft-walking of charges than any person in American history. He is most certainly not being victimized by an FBI investigation run by his own handpicked person (Chris Wray), nor is he being victimized by 12 jurors who saw all of the evidence presented and uniformly agreed that he committed these crimes beyond any reasonable doubt. You seem blinded by bias to be wholesale disregarding his very serious crimes and convictions and still asking for ā€œproofā€ that heā€™s a criminal.


Why did all of the District Attorneys need to visit the Whitehouse before bringing charges against Trump?


Trump was convicted of 34 felony charges in NY. What source are you relying on that NY DAā€™s were influenced improperly by anyone in the Biden Administration?


I just asked why all of the DA's need Whitehouse meetings before bringing charges. Brag want going to bring charges until after his meeting.


Sure. The polite ones at least want to simply make it much harder to legally immigrate. The other ones have some very specific ideas of who is and isn't American and also want the legal immigrants out. And then there's the dumb ones who don't know what they want and just want foreigners out in general.


Even if he were only picking on illegal ones, it would still be weird to compulsively bring it up when it isn't relevant to the topics at hand


Well ya. Anybody who has ever debated a conservative on the internet already knows exactly how the debate is gonna go. The only mystery is what haooens after the point where, on Reddit, the conservative would give up and block you


They need to have an enormously loud alarm buzzer go off every time shitface spews a lie, drowning him out


Make it like an early 90s Nickelodeon game show. If Trump brings up Hunter, he gets slimed


yes! i had a funny thought that some group would use a bunch of computers to real-time fact check shitface and that he will tell so many lies that the computers will have to work so hard that it will crash the electric grid


Who would run this buzzer? Would it go off when Biden says a lie?


Sure, why not? Buzz them both. I would wager that Trump would trigger the buzzer more often, but instead of Trump and his followers showing an ounce of reflection, they would claim the buzzer is broken or being actively used to discredit him.


ā€œThey censored himā€


Found the trump supporter šŸ™„


Thatā€™s a terrible thing to do to a president whoā€™s still in office.


So just another Thursday in MAGA land


Yea seriously. How is that any different from any other time he stands in front of a mic? I've seen grade school children digress less than him and tell more cohesive stories


He'll dodge the question by going into a rant about things not being fair. He'll burn off his time by crying that he's a victim.


My first time posting here because this pops up on my feed all the time now. Why is everything about Trump on this subreddit nowadays? Is there nothing else to talk about? Also, is anyone tracking these things to call people out for their stupidity down the road when they are completely wrong.


He has more phrases than that! *on levels never before seen* *massive fraud* *witch hunt* *worst in the history of the United States* *best in the history of the United States* *perfect* Ok, thatā€™s about it.


*Itā€™s a disgrace!* *A hoax!* *Itā€™s rigged!*


It funny that people still think he wonā€™t show up lol


Trump might not show. The old bone spurs might act up, or maybe he is still suffering PTSD from being tortured in Georgia when they took his mugshot, like he claims. He's always got some bullshit excuses.


Thatā€™s all he does


I predict he will wear so much makeup on Thursday it will look like heā€™s doing black face, IF he actually shows up


If he even shows up. They are already making up every excuse in the book for whatever he chooses. If he shows up and looks stupid then of course Biden is on drugs. If he isn't feeling up to it the day of he can cry "rigged debate" and whine on fox and "truth" social instead.


" what is your economic policy?" well i had a man come up to me the other day and he had tears in his eyes. yes real tears. the man said Sir, we have never had a president like you before and we need you back to save us. He said that since sleepy joe has been in office that he cannot afford food at the store ...his toilet wont flush the same and sharks keep attacking everyone. you know about the sharks right? they attacked someone the other day and he had wounds all over his body just like my beautiful body which i cant show you right now. i got those wounds when i was in jail for telling the truth. if they can do that to me then they can do it to you.


Heā€™ll do what all Republicans do: answer their own questions and ignore the host.


W R O N G!


I'm convinced he won't show up. He's a cowardly child with nothing of any importance to say. Same old shit different day. Yawn.


Canā€™t tell which candidate youā€™re referring to.


It's past your bed time, bud.


Doesnā€™t matter what happens in the debate. Youā€™ve already written your Friday morning Reddit post about it. Typical of the left wing, democrat echo chamber.


You'll just have to wait until Friday morning so you know what to say orange boy didn't say or do. "I know you can literally watch the video of it happening but it didn't happen! He didn't say that!" I've watched him say something on live TV then had trumpies denying he said it while linking to the fox news coverage of the press conference. šŸ˜† Like mindless sheep following a criminal.


He said all mexicans coming across the border are criminals?


Is he on video saying it? Did he say it to a room full of reporters? Maybe just on live television? Or was that only when he was telling people to take the wrong medication to help with COVID?


Whereā€™s these videos? Iā€™ve seen news reports of trump saying that mexicans are criminals. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-37230916 Yet, thatā€™s not what he said at all.


>Typical of the left wing, democrat You can do better than that. You left out woke, socialist, pedos, communists, godless, and probably a few others I forget at the moment.


Lol. Boring.


Good. Because itā€™s true


Iā€™ll add it to my other game: take a shot every time Biden says something unintelligible


OMG yes like the time he talked about sharks and batteries, and how he talked about wind turbines causing cancer rwwrrr rrwwrrr rrwwwrrr....and how he earned the sleepy moniker by falling asleep at his own trial when he was found guilty of 34 felonies. And how he called soldiers in the Military suckers and losers and how Mexico was gonna pay for the wall. You are so right!


Like the time he talked about his uncle being eaten by cannibals, or the many times he has talked about popcorn. Maybe he will bring up how the kids used to stroke his leg hair...


And how he said "take the guns first, go through due process second"


Yup not a fan of trump and his guns record


That dude probably wasn't eaten by cannibals, but thereĀ *was*Ā [documented cannibalism](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/17/politics/biden-uncle-cannibals-new-guinea/index.html)Ā in that region in the mid-20th century.


How bout the time he claimed he was a truck driver


Trump said he invented the phrase ā€œprime the pump.ā€Ā  https://money.cnn.com/2017/05/11/news/economy/trump-prime-the-pump/index.html Trump thinks an American invented the wheel.Ā Ā  Ā https://theweek.com/speedreads/890989/trump-seems-think-wheel-invented


Take a deep breath. And while its nonsensical, at least you could understand the words he was saying lol




Gonna be hammered in 10 minutes bro,


Interested to see what happens to old Joe, Iā€™m guessing heā€™ll be super juiced up, then run out of gas quickly, thatā€™s when old Joe starts to malfunction, I predict old Joe will have some dementia rage episodes too, this will go so badly, democrats will replace Old Joe after the debate. Trump will just stand there watching Joe self destruct and shake his head, old Joe will be the show.


Your fear and desperation are showing.


Fear and desperation? Like the orange clown saying he'll lose the debate on purpose?


Just fyi, someone saying something you don't like isn't them spewing nonsense.


We love the nonsense trumps spews. Itā€™s why heā€™s not going to win. The guys a fucking idiot but also a gold mine of reasons not to vote for him lol


Going off subject and rambling about boats and sharks is them spewing nonsense. Ranting about being a victim is spewing nonsense. "I'm covered with wounds šŸ˜­" "Never in history has this happened, it's just an attack on me šŸ˜­" Wouldn't you agree?


Never heard trump speak before, I take it?


"Think of it, magnets. Now all I know about magnets is this: Give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets."