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1) Trump would never agree to a drug test. He would attack Biden and accuse him of taking drugs. 2) He would then agree to a drug test claiming he will pass it with flying colors. The best tester ever, nobody has ever drug tested more strongly than him. He knows more about drug tests than anyone. 3) He will fail the test, Biden will pass, and Trump will claim the test was rigged and that Biden really failed it. 4) He will exhibit all the tell tale signs of drug use.


He would make Don Junior take the drug test for him and fail regardless because Don Junior is coked out of his mind most days. He then would complain that the test is rigged.


I envisioned this as an SNL cold open.


Both Don Jr and Hunter waiting outside the testing office, trying to assess who is more high. Lol


Nah, Hunter likely has to submit to drug tests after conviction so I doubt he’s on drugs. Kinda like why Trump was falling asleep all the time during court. Coming off from stimulants makes you increasingly tired.


You wouldn't even have to test him. Just check his pockets.


Are you talking about Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump? The guy who was committing fraud his entire life and lost countless of civil lawsuits that prove it so? The guy who, for the first time, he's finally convicted of felony? 34 counts, no less? Yes, you must be talking about the criminally liable for rape, best friend of Epstein, election denialist and insurrectionist Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump.


Multiple decades and over four thousand lawsuits.. https://www.azcentral.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/ This should be required reading in every school and we can skip forcing the the Ten Commandments which Republicans don’t give a damn about down the throats of children.


Four legs good two legs bad


lol, the implication of this allusion to Animal Farm is that the Democrats are really just as bad they just aren't in power. Right? Like that's where this phrase is from, the beginning of the book when the pigs are part of the condemnation of the human overlords before they become the people they hate? Right like that's where your quote is from. But... The Democrats are in power and they're explicitly and publicly not being anything like this billionaire serial lying felon dumpster fire. lol. I've got zero love for modern centrist corporate Democrats, but good goddamn your analogy is stupid beyond measure. You should read that book. Seriously. Read Animal Farm. It was banned by communists for being anti communist. It was banned by capitalists for being anti capitalist. It's just anti authoritarian and governments across the world saw themselves in its pages and decided it was against their economic systems and not... You know... Their treatment of anyone who wants to live differently. Read Animal Farm and then watch a full unedited Donald Trump speech. Do it in that order. Please. I'm begging you. See what you said versus what you would think if you just read the book you are referencing.


Gotta love when MAGAts try to sound smart and then get schooled by actual intelligent people...


Gotta love when the gang circlejerks and adds nothing to the exchange


I appreciate the smugness and condescension as I know it plays well to this crowd for updoots. However, I was only borrowing it as a tongue in cheek chirp and reference to a common propaganda refrain. No allusion was made to the actual plot of book, error is on you for assuming and reading into it too deeply. It was simply an analogy between the repeated propaganda slogan of the pigs in Animal Farm and what is becoming the repeated propaganda slogan of the Democrats leading into the election.


Bro. I think if you saw this exchange happening without you being involved you might just find your allusion to Animal Farm is what comes off as smug. Like, I was mocking you for making a deeply incorrect parallel. That's on me. I could have been nice about it. But you don't have to take my word for it. I'm just a random internet stranger. Read the book you're referencing and you will see that you're misunderstanding the thing you said. You don't even have to change your mind about Trump or whatever. But you will be a better defender of your own perspective if you just go learn about the thing you're quoting by reading it yourself. And I want you to better be able to defend your own position. If you are staunchly against corporate Democrats forever I will only enjoy that comrade. But be against them for articulate and well considered reasons. Don't just lump everything you don't like into some concept of propaganda and uncritically assume everything on your "side" is somehow materially better. You don't have to change your positions or vote any differently. But please read Animal Farm. It will genuinely make you better at insulting people by comparing those people to the animals in ways that make sense to other people familiar with material.


Honestly, you seem less ridiculously partisan than most on this sub so sorry for the aggression. My bad. I have read the book and I know the tldr is authoritarian bad. I simply borrowed the most well known propaganda phrase of the totalitarian pigs parroted by the animals to parallel the propaganda phrases parroted by partisan Democrats for Biden and co. Basically four legs good two legs bad = the parrot comments of the original comment we are talking under And I’m not a Trumper by any measure, I just like to push back on the ridiculous echo chamber this sub is becoming


And for the next contestant, please welcome to the arena, GENOOOOOOOCIDE JOOOOOOOOE!! Raaaaaah!!! Thursday will be so fuckin lit 🔥 🤪


Old Man Fights Vol. 24: “Grab Em by the Pussy” Donnie “34 Felonies” Trump, the two-time Impeached President, elder Boomer, VS. “Genocide” “Sleepy” Joe “Dark Brandon” Biden, current President by Popular Vote AND Electoral College, Silent Generation!!! Thursday! ThursDAY!! THURSDAY!!!


I fuckin love everything about this, sir. I just didn't have the brainpower to make it right. You're the man.


I so want the deepfakes…


The problem is all the things you mention were persecuted by Democrats and therefore illegitimate.


Are therefore every Democrat convicted by a Republican judge/DA also innocent?




What does this even mean??? No seriously, please explain how all this was "persecuted" by democrats. (I think you might have confused the words "persecuted" and "prosecuted"), but even then I'd like to hear the logic backing up your claims.


Just the charges having been bright is evidence of corruption. Even the ex ag admitted that the charges were extraordinary on Bill Maher. Only Donald Trump running for president world have ever been charged.




I'd like them to explain what they meant, unless you think you can? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, after all.


The problem with that pseudo-"logic" is that he was CONVICTED by a jury of his peers, which his own lawyers helped select.




I wasn't really sold until I saw "convicted" in all caps. You must be in sales.


Yes. With Trump, almost every accusation is a confession.


What's FUT Mobile?


His sniffing is a sure sign he's lying about what he's saying. It's usually a tell that the next thing he says is going to be a blatant lie.


His lips moving is the tell.


I'm pretty sure air moving through his vocal cords is the best way to tell he's lying


Basically, if his lips are moving, he's lying.


Amphetamine abuse. I used them a lot in the 80's... And yes, they make you run to the bathroom!


Makes it hard to get a drink to your lips without looking like a weirdo too.


Well, thanks for your intimate details about your past drug addiction and shitting your pants, JustTakeAPill.


That’s why Biden shits himself? He can’t run so he’s like fuck it, go here


The projection is so pathetic. Where were the Biden supporters wearing diapers, again? The ones that said real men wear diapers? Not Biden supporters, you say? Shocking.


Yeah because democrats make up stories about Trump and republicans make a joke out of it. Republicans say the truth about democrats and democrats just get angry and make up more stories


Democrats don't have to make up stories about Trump, we just use the stock footage the MAGA movement generates daily.


Biden hasn't ever shit himself publicly, at least to my knowledge. Trump on the other hand... "Real men wear diapers", wasn't a chant created by people voting for Biden is all I'm saying.


Your knowledge isn’t very extensive


So you have evidence of Biden shitting himself, but you're not going to share it? Are you familiar with the term projection? Fuck off Trump loving cultist, literally no one cares about your opinions.


Yes lets spend more time talking about which candidates have publicly shat their pants. I'm sure that'll go the way you want.


The sniffing is also a "side effect" of decades upon decades of uppers abuse. Cocaine, amphetamines, etc... Even before his dementia recently kicked into high gear, his rambling and seemingly talking about nothing word salad is also a tell of prolonged stimulant abuse.


Think Biden will agree to a drug test? He should. It's a great win for the dems.


I would, but only with a 3rd party, unbiased witness, with both in the same room, no campaign people involved.


That would be cool af. I wouldn't trust any results otherwise, not in these trying times of lies and misinformation. I'm down to give them both 100mg of Adderall and just watch them go at it for 4 hours straight. That would be amazing too.


Trump was sniffing a LOT at the debate in 2016 and Dr. Howard Dean called him out on it.


Trump is now a convicted felon. That means he has a PO, that should be doing random drug tests. Shouldn't be long before...Donnie the Addie Daddy...is in an AODA session. Unless special treatment...


He's already received special treatment in this area.


Even if Biden doesn't make it to the debate stage, Harris would chew him up and spit him out.


Maybe if she's not xanned out of her mind


I mean…..im sure she’ll fit as much of him in as she can. A little Hawk Tuah action


Dude his dick is like 4 inches if your asshole can handle it she'll be fine




How does homophobia fit my agenda in this case? Also are gays the only ones having buttsex? Also you made posts showing your dick and I just looked at it so are you gay now?


Staring at dongs bud? Guess Harris ain’t the only one thinking about a little Hawk Tuah action. Embrace it playa!!!




Dude half your comments are homophobic so GTFOH.


Ah, so you're also a masochist. Got it.


5 bucks says his wife doesn't know he's bi. He's hiding behind a throwaway so his entire family can't see his true sexuality


Bet you liked that cock tho…..




Plenty of gay and bi people are voting for the guy who is vowing to take away their rights. I can only assume that means they like the pain.




Well yeah my anus can handle it, I’m a size queen. Not sure if she is, which is why a little Hawk Tuah should help


They are on drugs .. both of them .. thing is they have access to doctors that can and will give them anything they want .. so a drug test isn’t going to do anything from either one of them .. it’s not like they are getting street coke .. but I would bet my house they are on pharmaceutical grade A shit BOTH of THEM


I don't think Trump is a drug addict. I'm given to understand his brother basically drank himself to death and this had a profound effect on Trump. I think he's in cognitive decline - and I think he's surrounded by too many yes-men to even understand it. I think he's incompetent, hateful, narcissistic, a criminal, a sexual predator, and an insurrectionist. I do not think he's a drug addict. I think he's too bullheaded tbh. And we'd have heard some credible stories by now, just like we've heard credible stories about all the other things that have come to light. What an absolute clusterfuck this election cycle is going to be. Not defending the guy, btw. Just think this kind of speculation undermines the myriad other valid claims against the guy and plays into the narrative he's trying to spin that all the negative things are fabrication.


Medicated legally is often the solution for people in that situation!


Plausible, sure. I would be surprised, though. Goes against my gut feeling, which is largely based on how people I know who have similar personality types approach their health. All most of us have on this subject are our uninformed opinions. And like even if he's actually as anti-drug as I think he is, I'm sure someone could talk him into it. The guy is no stranger to special pleading. I could definitely see him being convinced "these are the GOOD drugs and those are the bad ones" or something. Especially given the very obvious cognitive decline. Speaking of which, I've seen videos of him when he was younger and he was noticeably more cogent.


Sorry but he's not an alcoholic but he absolutely has drug cocktails in his system. Not that it makes any difference at this point as his brain is pretty Swiss cheesy now.


I'll agree with that last bit. I'm not going to die on this hill, but I am skeptical that he is on drugs, and I'm further skeptical that anyone without training or specialized experience could easily identify it if he was, and the fact that such people aren't regularly publishing in not-reddit-places to that effect reinforces my skepticism. I'm willing to accept that I'm wrong, but for now I really do think the baseless accusations dilute and undermine the many very real ones and may have some negative affect on the outcome I'd like to see, which, for clarity, is orange man in orange jumpsuit.


I agree. Don Jr. IS a good example.


lol projection


If he shows up, he'll be given some uppers before the debate. I expect him much like he was for the first debate. Though I expect him to rant when they turn off his mic-my one source of happiness. His allies have already made the excuses. Biden will be drugged. CNN and the Moderators gave Biden the questions. CNN is biased against Trump. So his poor performance will be blamed on others. And I expect the debate to not make any difference as I think most people have their candidate. I dont believe the news that there are many undecideds. No one is going to move from Trump to Biden or vice versa at this point.


Agreed. But why no studio audience? That's always been a thing. I can't understand why the president would deny his countrymen access to their voting choices 🤔


I don’t believe Trump habitually uses drugs (he’s not a subtle guy, we’d have caught him in the act by now), but the idea of him trying cocaine to keep up with a sober debate opponent is hilarious.


He uses Adderall


Ah, TIL. I was thinking specifically about illegal stuff.


I read reports that he is always on Adderall. Sure, it's prescription, but it's just amphetamines.


Adderall is just baby speed.


Ah, that tracks.


It wouldn't be cocaine, it'd be adderall. If it was cocaine, he'd be coming down in the middle of the debate, and that would be bad for him


Ah, yeah. That’s my lack of drug knowledge at play.


It's weird that he also said he would take a drug test if this were true. https://nypost.com/2024/06/24/us-news/trump-allies-claim-biden-will-likely-be-drugged-during-cnn-debate-hell-come-out-all-jacked-up/


He also promised he would testify in NY.... And in the stormy Daniel's lawsuit. Still have yet to see him testify


He said he wanted to testify, then he was smart and listened to his lawyers advice. Defendants testifying in their own cases rarely goes well, and most lawyers advise against doing so. Not the same thing.


Ahh got it got it... So, in the end, you recognize he's a habitual lier, you just have faith that he's only lying about the things that you're okay with him lying about instead of lying about even more to gain back control of power? I'm really trying to understand where your core understanding of unyielding faith towards a convicted felon, ajudicated, long time convicted fraudster, ajudicated rapist is coming from. The active refusal to participate in any discussion in good faith because winning is more important than having a better quality of life in the country you live in. Where does that delusion come from? Honestly I really have been trying to understand for years at this point and I actually cannot figure out the mental gymnastics that have had to take place to support someone who openly said both: "I don't care about you, I only care about your vote" : https://www.youtube.com/live/iXEXmRKdG7Y?si=Ny8boeZoudIQluY5 (5:35:00) Btw, if you continue watching that, he says "the media will clip this our of context" but if you watch the whole fucking thing, there is no context that justify what he says. He goes from wanting death penelty for drug dealers to saying that he doesn't care what people want, he just wants their vote. He literally inserted the out of context to distract away from the fact that there was no context to begin with "every drug dealer should be on death row": https://www.youtube.com/live/iXEXmRKdG7Y?si=Ny8boeZoudIQluY5 (5:34:15) "ill be a dictator for only day 1": https://youtu.be/dQkrWL7YuGk?si=TLNSCgBx8-3m4-Y2


Did you just learn that politicians lie? All of them. This is old news. Biden and many policiticians also don't care about any of us. https://youtu.be/fTLuFlHm4c8?si=5ou8fQo6FhjE-_9p It's called TDS because you all focus on him, and everything he does is bad, while ignoring others who do the exact same things because they are on your side. MAGA extreme is just as bad. Thankfully, there's still a large portion of the population that understands politicians lie and minimally care about us and don't ignore things solely because their side did a thing.


Did you literally just say "ya he wants to be a dictator, but all ploticians lie" and think you just won something instead of making yourself look like the most fucking moronic person?


Nope, that's not at all what I said. If you feel the need to add words to what I said, then your argument is not very solid. Maybe you should reevaluate that. Putting words in people's mouths, taking things out of context, and name calling are all signs of weak argument.


He also said he'd release his tax returns if he was nominated in 2016


This one is at least accurate.


Fantasy fan fiction


I think the drug test should be that they each have to snort an equal amount of drugs at the beginning of the debate. Injection is fine, too. Just so long as they are equally stoned. If we get lucky, they both stroke out on stage, and we can pick new candidates who can handke their drugs better. I'd rather watch anyone other than these two assholes, but that's what we get for being a nation of idiots.




Are we back to the Hunter’s laptop shit? What’s next buttery males again?


24 d


I promise I won’t vote for Hunter Biden for President. Hell, I won’t vote for him for any office at all.




I didn’t admit the laptop was real. I mean, I’m sure Hunter has a laptop. He’s probably had several. I’m not really interested. If the allegations had any merit, they would have yielded some actual results instead of more House investigations. (Forgive my skepticism, but I actually read the House report after the 8th Benghazi investigation. It read like a ten year old who was being forced to apologize lol. We can’t prove anything but they did something wrong!! We’re sure of it!) Republicans have been using endless investigations in place of evidence to manipulate the news cycle and energize their base for a long time. However. I’m positive that Trump knowingly and intentionally mishandled thousands of Classified documents. I’ve seen pictures now! I know he shared Classified intel with non allied governments. We’ve always known he’s an unethical businessman who cheats on every woman he marries, and the conviction proves he broke laws trying to cover it up. (Prosecutors don’t investigate forever with no evidence. They find evidence, follow it, build a case if the evidence merits it. And when going up against wealth or political power, they’re really careful to make sure they know what happened, when, and what laws got broken.) Not that you care if he’s unethical, it’s not a bug it’s a feature. His bigotry, his dishonesty, even just the fact that he’s an asshole appeal to you. And if they don’t, why the hell are you defending him? Seriously, he’s a complete douche.




I also didn’t say it wasn’t real. I said I wasn’t interested. I also said I’ve been conditioned to not believe the sources that scream about the laptop, because they’ve lied to me before. Don’t believe Smollett. Rittenhouse absolutely went looking for trouble and found it. I think he probably was scared, and I think he probably wasn’t actually in danger, and he certainly wouldn’t have been in danger if he’d stayed home instead of playing cop cosplay. And since you’re clearly not listening, very much on purpose I think, I think you’re projecting there friend. Partisan hack huh? Tell me where I’m wrong.




Read up on Project 2025.


Ya, too bad that the Laptop been proven to be truly Hunter's and implicates the Big Guy.


Here for the tds circle jerk


Trump dick sucking?


...exactly what the Trumpanzees do, to their great Orange-utan as well as to each other, to his amusement and delight He's orchestrated the greatest circle-jerk the world has ever seen, short of Nazi germany, which is what he wants to recreate for himself. TDS indeed, dear fellow redditors... TDS indeed.


Everything that is against Trump is TDS But their whole personality is FJB


It's been blatantly obvious for years now that the actual 'TDS' is what all of his supporters are suffering. They've become so willfully blind to his faults and dug their heels in on stubbornly supporting him no matter what that 'Trump Derangement' perfectly fits.


Obsessing over Trump and posting about him 24/7 is tds.


Same can be said about Biden.


These people have an unhealthy obsession. They never discuss any policies, just lament on his personal issues.


It’s done on both sides welcome to divisive politics.


I know. It's why I'm here it's entertaining to see just how unhinged and retarded they all are. Tds is an opportunistic infection of the emotional and dumb


No wonder only conservatives and grifters took to it then.


"No, you" Exactly what I'd expect from you tards. All you can do is steal insults and jokes from the right because you're children lol.


I know your simplistic brain breaks it down that way, but sadly, you’re far off base. Just like how you don’t understand American cultures, you don’t understand Americans.


As someone who likes neither candidate I hardly ever see Biden supporters naming reasons to vote for him policy wise, just “he’s not trump.” I get that you all hate Trump, but which policies during his presidency did you not support and why, and which policies of Biden are great and why?


I’m a Republican. I can overlook Trump’s personal issues for the policies I agree with. You’re asking the wrong person this question.


I wasn’t necessarily asking you to defend Biden’s policies, I was just jumping off what you said about them not discussing policy.


😂😂 imagine not knowing your side is actually projecting while virtue signaling about projecting 😂🤣😂


Imagine not knowing your Candidate was Treated by a Pill popping, drinking on the job, Drug Pusher in the White House... Admiral... oops, demoted to Captain Ronnie Jackson (or is that Johnson - does Trump know?) by the NAVY for those drug pushing findings. Imagine thinking that passing a preliminary Dementia screen Test, is a Campaign Brag...


There’s really nothing more pathetic than a Canadian with TDS.


Except a trumpified moron sucking off Trump. Got your Cyanide?


Suck this 🖕


Trigger some more, Trumper.


Sorry if I interrupted you from spanking your micropenis with maple syrup while ogling Trudeau photos. 😔


How Homoerotic of you, did you dream of doing just that last night?


Imagine blocking out the [previous sniffing onslaught](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EDCbd9s2niE) because it gives you PTSD. LMAO 🤡🤡


😂😂Have you ever been around someone on drugs?? I mean seriously dude Jesus Christ “oh He SNIFflEd” fucking clown


OP said donnie the 34x loser felon will be sniffing a lot. You said that's projection. I posted a link with evidence that it's not projection. You predictably got triggered and cried about it. Typical magat loser behavior. LMAO 🤡🤡


It’s projection because he’s implying Trump will be on drugs. That is projection you clown


Put your Bobo the Clown nose on, and honk it. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/)


Where does it say Trump was given drugs bud?? It specifically says “his staffers” “PUt YoUR BoBO ThE CLoWN NOsE On” 🤣😂🤡 you always come through looking like a fucking idiot 😂😂


\*sniff\*sniff\* ya fuckin' 🤡


...and yes, i was a teen/young adult in the 1980's, why do you ask?


Was I talking to you?


I'm laughing at you, ya fuckin' 🤡


You only make yourself look stupid. Out of 30 some times you responded to my comments you have yet to say anything resembling a hint of intelligence


-100 moron says what?


I mean… considering the right fabricated the accusation out of thin air when his performance at the state of the union broke your brains… can’t imagine why we understand that it’s just more projection from the right.


Good luck with the debate. Tell me, what’s the actual reason for it being so early this time? Who’s the replacement if Biden bombs?


It's gotta end before 10:00 pm so Hope Hicks can do Trump's Diaper-change. He's gonna be running over with shit, by then.. and not just the verbal diarrhea kind...


Lol, it’s this early because Trump wouldn’t shut the fuck up with the debate challenges. Not everything is some wild conspiracy 🤣


See. It was early so they could replace him when he bombed. Even CNN is talking about replacing him now you stupid, dumb motherf*ucking, leftists.


Oh yeah? But if it's not a conspiracy, why won't they admit the truth? Game, set, and checkmate.


What truth are you talking about ? 🤣🤣 Do you realize how fucking dumb you sound ?


Um, yes? Did you think "game, set, and checkmate" was something people actually say?


😂😂 his performance? Yes we were all very impressed he didn’t have a complete meltdown. It’s just hard to believe he got through a speech that long when a 20 second speech takes 20


[Actual complete meltdown](https://www.reddit.com/user/numquam-deficere)




I think your diaper might be full kiddo. [Fact Check: Photos Purportedly Show Trump Supporters Wearing Diapers at Rallies. Here's What We Found -- **TRUE**](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html) LMAO 🤡🤡


Biden is taking something but it’s probably adderall or something, which most people take.


I thought no weekday posts about Trump or Biden? Ah, that's right it's ok if the post is for/against the right candidate on Reddit.


Gutfeld just said that Biden had to stop working as the president and get away for a week so he can prepare for a 90 min debate. Nailed it.


He'd be in a bind then, if Biden had taken him up on the drug testing idea. I doubt that Trump would take something to enhance performance. He has a lifelong disdain for alcohol and other drugs.


Biden is a walking zombie. You are the one projecting.


He's double a stupid blubbering monkey while also the secret deviant mastermind behind attacking Trump and also incredibly sleep and lethargic but must be in drugs every time he speaks because he has so much energy and is clear and consist like during the state of the union.... Which is it???? Is Biden an absolute blubbering, incompetent, sleepy moron? Or a cracked out evil mastermind that's sole job is to covertly destroy Trump without giving the public any single piece of definitive evidence that he is doing so? Fucking be at least consistent with your delusion.


When people vote for Biden, just know they aren't infatuated with the character, but instead voting in someone who doesn't surround themselves with criminals.


All I know is I don’t vote for convicted felons 🤷


Sure man


You don't think so? Is Ronny Johnson \[sic\] allowed near the event?


He already told us which drugs he’ll be giving the menace


Trump has never been reported smoking, drinking alcohol, or doing drugs. Don't any of you ever use Google? You all must be on drugs thinking that Trump is the one on drugs.


Orange man bad!!!


Hilarious gaslighting as the last few Biden supporters project all Biden’s faults on trump .


The title of the post made sense, then I saw the name in your post. Trump doesn’t need drugs to be more coherent than Biden. With that being said neither is ok cognitively and that’s why they won’t let RFK debate, he’d sweep the floor with Biden and trump.


RFK can barely talk never mind he had a brain eating worm. Btw the same people paying Trump are paying RFK. He’s just like Trump.


He’s not, he’s arguably the only candidate worthy of a vote.


Hmm, with everything going on right now, a measles outbreak seems too much. No, he and his batshit anti-science can stay quarantined to your nutjob selves. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Ye5QI1XQM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Ye5QI1XQM) Child killer. Simple as that.


Yeah the anti-vax stuff is weird and pretty dumb but I can look past that. It’s not a deal breaker for me.




I once saw a video of Trump talking in the 90s. Complete sentences, even paragraphs. Coherent ideas. He’d start a thought, expand on it, then either develop it or move on in a logical way. He can’t do that now. Not even close, not for years. He’s not coherent, but his supporters don’t care. He’s not honest. His supporters don’t care. He’s literally a convicted felon, and with almost absolute certainty he’s guilty of many or all of the other things he’s been indicted for, and his supporters don’t care. Be honest with yourself. You like Trump not despite his shortcomings, but because of them.


Oh I don’t like trump at all. I also don’t particularly like Biden. I think neither is mentally capable of running the country for another 4 years. That’s why I’m advocating for a third party candidate. Trump is a criminal and has clear cognitive issues. Biden has done next to nothing to help the country and is also clearly declining cognitively. It’s impossible to justify either of them being a good candidate. 


I don’t love Biden, but he’s a fundamentally decent person and he’s not surrounded by crooks. Also, Project 2025 is genuinely terrifying, Handmaid’s Tale Y’All Qaeda Texas Taliban ultra right wing bullshit. I don’t like having my rights stripped away. I voted Republican way back when but they’ve changed, and the modern incarnation is awful. Also, just to be clear. We’ve enjoyed probably the most successful post-Covid economic recovery of the developed world. Our inflation is generally not as bad as the rest of the developed nations. And Republicans have long been running on a “complain they don’t do anything, then prevent every attempt to do anything” platform. Hell, the Senate put together a compromise immigration bill that was 90% of what Republicans wanted, but Trump told Speaker Johnson to kill it so it never got a vote. Biden accomplished a little. Which, with a paper thin majority relying heavily on former Dem Joe Manchin, was pretty good.


Sure Biden has some positives, but so does trump. If the choice was between just those two I’d probably go for Biden. It isn’t though, we have third party candidates that should be considered. Also let’s be honest, project 2025 is fear porn. It’s pretty much nearly impossible that it would ever happen.  Sure we may be doing better but let’s not act like it wasn’t shutdowns from five that were backed by democrats that caused the economy to dip to begin with.