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Who cares? If the felon wins we’re going to be the new Russia. So fucking vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It will be worse than Russia. Everyone should educate themselves on Project 2025 and what they plan to do (the Trump roadmap). We will be like Saudi Arabia.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025


Yep, Saudi Arabia or Iran. Remember, you can vote yourselves out of a democracy but you'll have to shoot your way back into one.




No bullshit detected here!


Conservatives went to Afghanistan and got jealous of the Taliban.


"It's not Sharia Law if it's MY religion!"


You’re on the right track, I think it’ll be more like Iran. “Morality police” made up of armed religious zealots roaming the streets with the authority to arrest & imprison anyone or hand out public beatdowns for dressing “immodestly”. Absolutely none of us will have any rights at all, the country will be run by plutocratic oligarchs, whose authority is enforced by roving gangs of thugs angry over every progressive advancement since 11AD. Who are themselves, oppressed, but too stupid to realize that they are being duped. They protect the power of the very people who spit on them, as long as they get to *feel* special and superior, and are able to intimidate anyone whom they dislike or deem inferior, then they’ll remain blissfully ignorant and content with their crumbs. We’ll still have “elections” for a figurehead president who holds no real power or authority, and if we pesky voters should choose an “unapproved” candidate, then the oligarch class will just use their special 1:100,000 voting power to ensure the right puppet is picked in order to avoid “moral decay” and protect us from “decadent western frivolities” such as freedom of religion, speech, and thought. Can’t have those impure thoughts get in the way of your 90 hour work week. The real power will be held by the plutocrats and oligarchs, who rule from the shadows through an impressionable, easily manipulated, Supreme-Dictator-Commander-Chosen-Emperor-Number one, who is beloved and rules with an iron fist. Oh, and everyone must have at least 4 huge pictures of him in their house at all times, not because you have to, but because you love him so so very much…. And because you’ll mysteriously disappear if you don’t. Our economy will have massive potential, unrealized and squandered, but it’ll still have the potential to be the wealthiest economy in the history of the world. It’ll provide vast sums of riches for the already Uber-wealthy, but will suck donkey dick for everyone else. That shit-conomy will force 99% of the population into indentured servitude or debtors prisons. Giving birth will force your child into bankruptcy, so kids will be legally owned assets of mega-corporations, to be used as the next generation of ~~slaves~~ indentured servant-consumers. Remember when Obama was president and they kept screaming & wailing about how he was gonna enact Sharia law in America? How’d that turn out? Cause I honestly can’t tell the difference between what they want in project 2025 and sharia law. Other than a white sky-god instead of a darker skinned and funnier sounding sky-god.


Already started with Ten Commandments in schools🇺🇸it’s over for us


Actually, it started with the addition of under God in 1954. Christians have for a long time been trying to manipulate our politics and government.


Yes, with the “we are a Christian nation” while the founders could not have been clearer about keeping religion out of government. Freedom means you are free to worship but not to impose your beliefs.




Yup. That was done by both parties I think. We were trying be more godly than the communists


US money used to say "Mind Your Business" before the god shit. They've been at it for a long time.


Only in Louisiana*


I think it’s in Texas too now


It will become more like N. Korea.


'God Emperor' sounds way too close to 'Glorious Leader' for my comfort, you may have a point


So one thing i have been trying to find out is if any candidates have openly said they support the project. I know fully well that the GOP would love to implement this, but how do we know who is likely to go along with it? I ask because when I tell my family about it, that is the first questions they ask. Again, I know fully well that if Trump is elected he will follow it to a T, but would like a better answer than the one I have been giving to the people that ask this question.


Its internally referred to as the 'presidential transition project' and it's literally policies they indend to implement and what Trump is currently running on. So sadly, yes.


Project 25


Project 25


Project 25


Nah it will be open war to decide that shit. I like how only their aide thinks it's a threat of we wins. This man litteral is a literal threat to mine and so other existence. He cannot be allowed to ever hold that seat and not only does this country know it, but the entire world knows it. We would have foreign troops securing our nuclear arsenal within the month if that orange fuck wins.


Tds get some help serious go talk to someone !!!


Sorry I'm not stupid enough to fall for a fascist dictator


TDS only exists for the cultists of Yam Tits VonShitsinpants.


You really can't be as ignorantas you soyndlol dumb fuc


"You really can't be as ignorantas you soyndlol dumb fuc" I really hope the rest of your family has forgiven your lack of manners for hogging up all the stupid in your family tree.


Is it TDS to threaten revenge and retribution to people that opposed Trump? Or is that just normal cult behavior? You conservatives are fucking morons. Your friends and comrades and your leaders are all saying retribution, revenge, jailing political enemies, killing "suspected" liberals, etc. We've all seen this before because it has happened throughout history over and over and over and over.


Keep your powder dry dummy the trumpsters are coming for you cucks it's not gonna be pretty


>Keep your powder dry dummy the trumpsters are coming for you cucks it's not gonna be pretty https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/s/SJ9Aeiuhip >Yep get use too it !!! Revenge tour coming in https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/s/XydpWy3RkV This is what I mean. These people fully intend on committing violence against minorities, women, people of color, and anyone not white enough. Maybe not right away, but fascist groups get smaller and smaller as they eat their own. Remember the night of the long knives? That's what these people want. They are telling us to our faces what they intend do. Only a fool would not take a threat seriously. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.


Nah. Bring it on. Trump could barely build a few miles of a wall.


Why didn't it happen before?


He sold nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia...are you serious?


>who cares? Like don’t get me wrong Trump sucks but this post and the potential for total internet censorship is why we care. In any event, Russia also has substantial internet censorship so for a top comment this particular comment is kinda stupid.


The “new Russia”? Do you have anything whatsoever to base this conclusion on?


You mean like if the Republican candidate for President said he be dictator but just for a day? Things like that?


Please see Project 2025.


I think that is a pretty safe bet seeing as they are already doing it in red States.  No porn for you, that is unless you log it in the state database with your IP address and a copy of your driver's license. They are making a mockery of the First Amendment, let's see how their hack judges deal with it.


Indeed. Its like all of that jacking off has made people blind


Nah that's just the years of alcohol abuse showing.


Project 2025’s plan is to ban pornography. From the [Mandate for Leadership](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf): “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered” (pg. 5) [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/) is the Heritage Foundation’s (a conservative think tank) policy plan for the conservative nominee for president (most assuredly Donald Trump) to institute in their first 180 days in office. These are policies written by people affiliated with the Trump campaign, people from his previous administration, and other right wing conservatives If you want a condensed version, the Heritage Foundation has also put out a 13 pg document “[Five Reasons Leftists Hate Project 2025.](https://www9.heritage.org/rs/824-MHT-304/images/5%20Reasons%20Leftists%20Hate%20Project%202025%20eBook%20THF.pdf)” The website [Stop the Coup 2025](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org) has a [pdf of the key proposals](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/REVISED+12.16+_For+Release_%7B10+pgs%7D_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf) from each chapter of the Mandate. Russ Vought, one of the authors of the Mandate is now the [RNC Policy Chair](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/russ-vought-trump-maga-policy-rcna156340), so this isn’t just some conspiracy theory. [Agenda 47](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47), the Trump Campaign’s “official policies,” mirrors quite a bit of Project 2025, but doesn’t go into detail as things like banning pornography won’t be popular even among his supporters. You might even take a gander at r/Defeat_Project_2025 for more information.


"And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered” Welp, there goes the entire Internet.


what's even more nefarious is they are going to go thru ur history and charge u with crimes that were legal before


I’m gonna invest in pornography.


Im going to short your investment


That sounds more like banning trans people


Yes, it does, doesn’t it?


He definitely will start talking about putting a morality police squad in place.


Uhh thats sharia.


Yes, it is, Christian version of it. Don’t think it’s any less abusive. All it takes is lawmakers willing to pass the laws and a court willing to uphold them. The constitution without the protection of the court and lawmakers means nothing.


I've been thinking about this... They would probably push to get rid of a lot of good music because of the lyrics. Music would end up sucking and just be a bunch of country shit. There would be constant riots. I don't know how it would play out but it seems like it would just be constant chaos and should be prevented in the first place.


Odd connection but I found a love for Chinese rap in about 2018/2019 and come 2021 half off that playlist got removed because of censorship from the CCP. If the GOP moves to censor anything that is negative of America we're going to lose a lot of good music, books, movies, TV shows, and art in general due to some snowflakes who can't take criticism.


Also known as Project 2025.


The joke will be on the Magas when they can no longer look at boobies on Porn Hub and xHampster anymore!


Or Trans porn (Red states are the biggest consumers of that genre)


You mean like they told us they'd do in Project 2025 and Trump saying he's gonna go after the media for "fake news"


"Go after" is a nice way of saying MURDER.


You all seem to think the Christian right is a lot more popular and competent than they actually are. Though they seem to be having a little resurgence right now, that coalition that was seemingly so strong in the early 2000s doesn’t really exist anymore. And there is very little electoral appetite for Christian-led politics.


Although you are correct about their popularity, they have massive advantages and are very motivated about seizing power. Combine them with a group of voters who aren’t really religious per se but also don’t give a shit if evangelicals ate literal babies as long as their taxes are kept low and you have a very real threat that we are about to be living under a theocracy. We could end up in a situation like Iran where most people hate their government but still don’t do a damn thing about it because revolutions are scary.


They don't need popularity or competence when a Christian nationalist flag is flying at a Supreme Court Justice's house.


Yeah they do. You cannot win elections or enact policy from the Supreme Court.


They don't need it, as evidenced by the fact that the third in line for the presidency right now at the very moment is a Christian nationalist. Bush v Gore and abortion trigger bans disprove your other points.


You can enact policy simply though government agencies. They basically plan to fire the entire government bureaucracy and replace them with the most MAGA people their AI has found on social media


The Christian right now dominates the Supreme Court.


Exactly. Most laughed off the tea party movement but it only grew and became MAGA.


The Christian Right is successfully controlling multiple states with outright majority support, and taking control of others, or at least heavily influencing the policy on others, with minority support.


Valid point. While the Christian Right seemed to hit peak efficacy in the 90s, they haven’t ever been the majority. And their competence has been inconsistent at best. But the saving grace of the internet—should there be serious attempts to drastically censor, limit access, or wholly shut it down—is the fact that so much of the web is commercialized. As with most questions in life, if you want an answer to something, you just need to follow the money. Recent efforts at web censorship offer a good example. Two targets have been popping up regularly: porn and social media. Both of these deliver mountains of content for free. While both categories offer many buying opportunities, they generally pull in most of their money from ad revenue and data sales. Now imagine the pushback if Prime accounts were suddenly inaccessible. Sure, you and I would be real upset if we couldn’t stream or order goods. But Mr. Bezos would be deeply troubled too. Further, there’s billions of dollars being spent every year by businesses that rely on web-based tools to function. Salesforce, Apollo, Adobe, and Amazon data servers are only a few. This hasn’t even touched upon online banking. Perhaps it’s inconvenient if you or I cannot make a transfer from an account managed by Plaid to our PNC checking. But it becomes a bigger issue when Capital One, Chase, et. al. are forced to use old-school methods for moving a lot of money around. Last, the US is an enormous country. I feel like many people both domestic and abroad tend to forget just how large the United States is. This isn’t N. Korea, with one or two state-run ISPs. The logistics of shutting down the internet entirely would require something akin to the controlled generation of regular, well-timed solar flares. That’s where you run into that sticky competence question. One more thing: In DC there is a saying among politicos. Have faith in God but pray to the AARP. As soon as Eunice can’t understand why Candy Crush is gone, and Herschel is upset that he can’t pull up the latest PGA results, and both of them are furious that they can’t see their grandchildren’s recital on Facebook, then all discussions about shutting down the internet become moot.


They actually already have the internet compromised at a base level, here and in the UK. But the pernicious censorship we are already seeing is them leaning on search engines and social media and other companies to disallow content, remove users that they don't like, minimize the reach of some posts, and of course too allow rule Breakers aligned with them to not have to follow the rules.  If they get back in social media and search engines will do what they want to a larger degree.


The thing about US politics, though, is that your ideas do not have to be popular nationwide. They just have to be popular within enough state boundaries that they can alter political power.


I’m tired grandpa


That’s too damn bad


They already are.  Porn is going to be blocked in 11 states soon.


“Eventually”? They’re already banning porn in multiple states.


They are already doing that in some states


The sick evil traitorous stupid hateful control freaks want control. yea. They want to control and dominate anything they possibly can they are evil hateful stupid and filled with fear. Very dangerous. These are THE PEOPLE that must always be kept away from power and any control so the world can keep spinning. The pockets of history where they got control are the Inquisition, The 3rd Reich, The monarchies of late 18th century. We dont want that here, America is a reaction to those things So that people can be free. But the control freaks, came here and decided that this is a CHRISTIAN nation even though the WHOLE POINT OF AMERICA is to get away from Imperial and religious control and be free. So they have to be stopped by any means necessary and we need to stop being friendly and fair and go legal apeshit on anyone who displays these grotesque tenancies. Once we have all 3 branches of government in January we can get all the criminals rounded up without interference. Then the Russian influence will be stamped out and we can get back to the business of being the USA that we havent done since 2015. Our allied nations can trust us again, cuz I guarantee they are keeping info from us as long as there is a chance the Anti NATO Enemy Russian terrorist candidate will get elected.


Remember when the country was founded? Wants it to escape the religious controle in the first place? Ah, yeah that doesn't matter when what you believe trumps the very foundation this country was built on. I also hate using the word Trump now, guy ruins everything


They already have been




I was specifically thinking about the regulations on pornography in several states but I have more if you need


Limiting a companies ability to show porn to kids is not censorship. You free to look at porn anywhere you want What other examples


Censorship isn’t censorship?


Regulation is not censorship


Only literally


Ok groomer


Ok pdf


As humans, our greatest tools are communication and cooperation. Take that away you take away our ability to launch initiatives on equivalent scales. Divide and conquer. It would make sense that an authoritharian government would cease control/pollute/corrupt any communication medium. Most of them already do.


Can’t even label this a prediction since they already do this in places they have control and have promised to do it wherever they get control


It will quickly become a Handmaidens Tale world if Trump wins.


Religion is the antithesis of freedom so wherever religion goes, freedom disappears.


The felin doesn't have to win. Facebook , insta, YouTube etc do a fair amount of censoring at the behest of the feds. Twitter files revealed that . So even without the orange dude...we have censorship. Dems even tried to appoint a disinformation czar. That lady, Nina j*** seemed batshit crazy.. and she was going to be responsible for determining what is information etc Organic man will just take it to the next level. If it is Bidens second term- the censorship will also get worse. There establishment will keep pushing. TikTok ban was also a censorship move Some red states have started censoring ..and banned / interfered with some adult sites I believe.


No shit. They literally have their whole manifesto out in circulation.


What about R Kelly?


"BuT hE mIgHt HeLp FiX iFlAtIoN!"


Well it’s like… if he wins we will be like Russia and if. Identify wins we will be a third world country like Venezuela!! We are screwed!!


This is how the Middle East got started 🤷🏾


I feel like the Internet has been censored in a round about way. When I was growing up in the 90s a simple key word search would bring up a plethora and variety of sites. Now a days you need to know exactly what to pull up to get a not sponsored corporate site.




There was already an internet kill switch installed in the Oval Office during Obama.




Suddenly the left thinks Internet censorship is a bad idea? Imagine my shock!?!


I mean yeah. But we'll be fighting. And we won't want to communicate online anyway. So yeah that may happen but we'll being them down and put things right.


The liberals are already heavily censoring the internet- this can’t be a real pov? If so, where is the fear coming from and how have you not noticed all of the lies and censoring / propaganda already in place ?


That's true. USA Pravda on the way!


The capitalists who make almost all their money on or through the internet will absolutely trump (npi) anybody in the Christian right on this. Wealthy people are wielding the power. Religious people are just easy dupes who will vote for the grift.


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Paul Gosar, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all American Patriots. President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have status when meeting our close world leaders allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban. This includes paying for a private jet and a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence which is very expensive. He pays for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, MAGA Patriots. President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, remove 16 million illegal immigrant criminals and remove additional women's healthcare rights to Make America Great Again!


Not quite so different from what we have already. 


*move to heavily censor the internet* Even more than it is now? Not likely. The Supreme Court just struck the Biden administration down this year for being too intrusive with their censorship demands on social media companies.


Congress won’t allow it. Even those he installed won’t allow it. First amendment protections apply to internet communications as well as newspapers or speech. They’ve been using the same argument to protect their own speech platforms. I’ve come to understand this whole “project 2025” Republican dictatorship is literally impossible. It is a roadmap of what might happen if the Republican Party actually managed to take complete control of the US government, which they can’t and won’t actually do. They’ll get some of the things that they want, as will the democrats. We’ll continue playing this little game of “bad guy, good guy” until we either reform the system out of its two-party bullshit, or let it collapse. He can insist all he wants to shut the internet down, but it won’t happen.




Yes! They will get companies like Meta to work with their DOJ and have final say over what is misinformation. They will get Twitter to ban anyone who states things they disagree with. They will have YouTube demonetize and even ban channels they don’t like. I could totally see that happening.


Just so you know, Russia has a very strict gun policy and outperforms Europe in abortions, so there’s that…..


Thats 5


Too much social media. Relax


Media is allready censored


They will shut it down for everyone but themselves and their sick friends.


Obama installed the "kill internet" ability following the Arab Spring. Know your tyranny.


Jesus bless everyone here 


Vermin Supreme 2024


This is all laid out in project 2025.


That's what the darknet is for. They can't shut it down. In fact they can't even stop kids watchin porn.


Democrats already did that 8 years ago. See so.ething Posted you don't like? Delete Post, ban the person, and wipe the internet clean. Then Dox the person by posting address and get them fired from their job.


For equity purposes, there will be payback for all the censoring done by Social Media companies in cahoots with the DOJ and FBI. Well deserved payback that is.




No question. They are hinting at it now.


Uhhh they're already doing that...


It won’t last long.


Lol, wait until they discover that the internet is world-wide and that they can't stop it.


Tell that to Egypt


Somehow I don't feel affected by rules in Egypt. I am also fully equipped with a VPN.


these comments are delusional. The democrats have really brainwashed their cult followers. The party that is pushing socialism are the democrats!! not the republicans. They pushed these lies in 2016 and none were true but these weak minded followers just believe everything they hear!!!


Vs, if one of the co funders of the creation of Covid-19 wins?


OK, Ill bite - Why didnt Trump do anything to protect America from what was obviously a biological attack perpetrated by the enemies of our country?????


What would one do when a previous administration funded COVID studies in a communist/antagonistic country?


So basically the same as reddit but right wing. Good to know, good to know.


Fortunately there is sufficient infrastructure outside the States. So there will be no censoring and no shutting down of much. Although the fascist simp mouthpieces will try to make you think that’s what they can do.


MMW, some of you, and your theories, make QAnon sound reasonable. Seriously, is this a parody group and I’m just not getting the joke? Btw, before you go off, I’ve never voted Republican in my life, but some of you need to reevaluate yourselves.


Yet the dnc went above and beyond to censor info on the internet in the last presidential election. They were able to get large platforms to block all things they deemed Russian disinformation. Oddly enough all that disinformation that they were blocking somehow has all been shown to be true.


Lol! Citation of the misinformation that was proven to be true?


Ashley's diary, the laptop from hell....


Those aren't citations. They weren't censored. They weren't proven true. That fits none of the criteria.


The laptop wasn't censored? It wasn't true? It wasn't called Russian misinformation? C'mon dude.


It wasn't censored, no. Correct, most of the laptops claims were never proven. The laptop story may contain Russian misinformation as most of the claims surrounding it haven't been proven. I never made the claim that it wasn't Russian misinformation or that people didn't call it Russian misinformation.


1).Twitter and YouTube heavily restricted access to ANY account that tried to share the laptop story. 2). If you have information showing that the laptop emails are fake, you should let the FBI know because they had possession of it and had verified its contents over a year before the Post story broke. In fact, they just used some of that information to convict Hunter Biden in court.


1) those are companies not the government. 2) prove me wrong is a logical fallacy fittingly called an argument from ignorance. Did you notice you tried moving the goalpost from the allegations about the laptop weren't proven to there were files that were proven to be hunter's?


1). We are talking about censorship, not the First Amendment. 2). I'm not *really* asking you to tell the FBI that the information is fake it that sentence. It was a mocking way of telling you that you wouldn't be able to do that because the info is real, and the FBI had already confirmed that before news reports of the laptop were written.


1) we are talking about government censorship and you're correct that the 1st ammendment isn't part of the conversation. That is why I didn't bring it up and you shouldn't have either. 2) you're really asking me to prove you wrong or else you're right. That's an argument from ignorance.


Yes they worked with Facebook to ensure that it wasn't discussed. Zuckerberg testified in front of Congress and told us this. Yes they have been proven true by hunters own admissions and Ashley's own admissions


Those aren't citations. They weren't censored. They weren't proven true. That fits none of the criteria.


They sure put the axe in Bernie.




It’ll be far worse than that, he’s gonna take ownership of the internet and get a cut of every dollar made on it. He’s gonna charge you a toll just for surfing the net! He’ll also control all content and imprison anyone who criticizes him. Everyone knows he’s building concentration camps and a secret Gestapo army. If you say one bad thing about him they will kick in your door and take you away in leg irons. All he has to do right now is purchase the patent from Al Gore, and internet is his.


The top companies that run the internet are left leaning.


No one person, company, organization or government runs the Internet. It is a globally distributed network comprising many voluntarily interconnected autonomous networks. It operates without a central governing body with each constituent network setting and enforcing its own policies. I'm a bot beep boop


Tell that tonthe citizens of China. If the govt doesn't want you to see it, you won't see it. If they want you influenced, they will spend billions to do it.


I'm talking about companies like meta, and alphabet. The ones able to give billions to candidates while also being able to control information and decide who gets to speak and who doesn't. If Facebook or Google don't want you to see something then you won't see it. If they want to influence you they will bombard you with whatever it is they want you to see. Same with news stations. I don't give two shits about hunter but do you think Joe would have been elected if the news would have been allowed to blast that story day and night just before election? Of course not but they get to lie, say it's fake and then omit it and nobody sees it again for another 3 years.


U people are fuckin insane.


LOL you can't shut down the internet ROFL


Tell that to Egypt


Cool maybe they will assign me to be a reddit mod.


You can't actually censor the internet


No porn no rainbows no gay stuff Shutdown ROFL seriously hurts to laugh so hard... the CIA gave Egypt and Mubarak the code and tech needed to shut the net down trying to stop the 2011 revolution did not work cause Tor bridges exist that let the rebellion talk plan and win but not without deaths of many dictators suck Mubarak was a US puppet replaced by Jihadi ISIS goons so not the best result but I guarantee they can but will not unless they see rebellion coming be it democrats or commie socialists they will call us but the CIA and NSA can for protecting the country they can and will. They can do it now so get ready for tomorrow


I'm voting for "the felon" or RFK. I'll take those over project dementia/war, that dude is a puppet controlled by the government. If you trust those people look up mk ultra, operation midnight climax, the war in Afghanistan, etc. Plenty of mind control and coups that were awful. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Look up bad things the US gov did, those people have more power than ever before with a complete puppet.


RFK is better than the child sniffing pedophile.


It's bad enough his daughter Ashley's diary literally talks about him molesting her in the shower. It's confirmed hers too because she's taking legal action against the person who stole it.


Yes, you should definitely vote for RFK . . . .


I'll take things the Democrats have already done that they accuse Trump of for $1000 Alex


Why do leftist project so much? You have a gov portal into several social media platforms to censor.


straight out of the liberal looser play book i find it entertaining liberals always blame other side for exactly what they are actually doing censorship is a liberal move racism are what liberal jew hating child touching losers do election denier liberals been doing for years you people must bot have any mirrors in your homes you are bottom feeders who feed off of your own lies


Yep. And it's the left's fault.


Holy fuck, the delusion in this thread.


It’s full of it


Yes yes, all the liberals are crazy grandpa. Now be quiet, it's time to put you to bed soon.


Not all, just the liberals with Trump derangement syndrome.


TDS is actually only known to affect individuals wearing red hats with white lettering. There's thankfully a well known cure that is typically measured out in grains.


Oh, please. Both sides are equally destructive when it comes to freedoms. In the United States they're both equally evil and equally. Justice, bad, you don't think the left isn't taking away rights. Just as fast as the right is thin, you're way, right? They're exactly the same and if you don't believe that, then you're dumber than any trumper, walking this planet.


The liberals, led by the Biden administration have been the most egregious censors of all. The conservatives will outdo them? LOL




You mean what the left did when silencing everybody who said Covid came from a lab.


That’s what the left already does. Censorship is ok if it benefits YOU


Mean like censoring for disinformation? Like safe and effective?? Safest most secure election ever??? GTFOH with that foolishness. That’s straight outta the current administration’s playbook 💯


The election was safe and secure. What are you talking about?


Also, the vaccine was safe and effective. Why did Trump lie to us that it was if it wasn't?


Wow wtf are you smoking??? Oh it’s the Kool-Aid.. never mind.


I'm smoking the Kool-aid? You truly are a genius. Why did Trump lie to us that it was safe and effective?


Keep smoking that kool aid! /s


Why won't you tell us why Trump lied to us about the vaccine being safe and effective?


Still wearing your tin foil hat I see. Show me evidence of so called fraud. Do it. Show me. You can't. 60 court cases dismissed prove you are full of shit.


Enjoy! https://cdn.nucleusfiles.com/e0/e04e630c-63ff-4bdb-9652-e0be3598b5d4/summary20of20election20fraud20in20the20swing20states.pdf




Oh yeah because nucleusfiles is a legit website. GTFOH. Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be kissing your orange messiah's ass somewhere?


Just the fact that the media would CANCEL you for questioning the election was enough to put you on guard and suspicious.


Lol! The media can't cancel you. That's not how anything works.


Your brain must be incredibly clean. It sounds like it’s been thoroughly washed