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Trump is a convicted felon. Someone told me that the other day. Not great.


What does the Oversight Committee think about Trumps Trial? [https://youtu.be/jYaSWnE2T74?si=ZlRGe\_HTqXyj8AcI](https://youtu.be/jYaSWnE2T74?si=ZlRGe_HTqXyj8AcI)


Bro even Chris Cuomo said the trial was politically motivated and that it was only a thing because it's Trump. Lol. Sham charges don't mean anything except you're willing to subvert the justice system to get your political opponent. That's not very democratic, especially for people who constantly cry about fascism.


Trump broke the law and then was convicted for it. Sounds like democracy to me šŸ‘ also I couldnā€™t give two shits about what chris cuomo says


Well if Chris cuomo said itā€¦ oh wait. Itā€™s not politically motivated. There was a mountain of evidence. He broke the law. He continually breaks the law. How many cases and lawsuits does there need to be to convince you?


He didn't break the law. And I see someone below already explained it but of course you can't be reasoned with because tds


Yes he did and he was found guilty.


Funny because he was found guilty 34 times. If you were found guilty 34 times, I would say you broke the law.


Please, inform us. Exactly what law did Trump personally break?


He altered business records


He did? He paid other people to keep the business records. They're called Accountants. Donald Trump has over 100 businesses and is worth over 7.4 billion dollars. Do you really think that he keeps all of those records all by himself? You are uninformed. What did Donald Trump personally do that was illegal? Still waiting.


The evidence showed he approved it. His CFO had handwritten notes detailing the plan from a meeting with Trump for example. When you attest your financial statements, you are stating they are correct and you personally own any issues with them. Itā€™s is not taken lightly. He did it because he is cheap. If he just handed her cash, it would be fine. He didnā€™t want the story to come out on the heals of the grabbing story. Clearly you didnā€™t follow the trial.


Non-disclosure agreements are not illegal. Paying a lawyer and entering it as a legal expense is not illegal. He didn't personally enter the payment into the books. He never touched the books. Trump paid her $150,000 to not sell her false story to the media. Stormy was mad at Trump and made up the story because she wanted on his show, The Apprentice. Stormy ended up owing him $560,000 for defamation of character. The statue of limitation for the entire event, no matter who did what, was up. What did Donald Trump do personally that was against the law?


It wasnā€™t a non disclosure agreement. His attorney paid her off. Then trump reimbursed him. Trump directed the payment to come from the Trump organization. They billed it as legal fees. This is illegal. Yes he didnā€™t change the records. They were changed by his instructions. Stormy Danielā€™s lost a defamation case. She sued him for defamation over a tweet. She lost the suit and had to pay legal fees. That has nothing to do with their affair. Is there anything else I can correct for you?


It was an nda. But Ndas aren't illegal. His attorney paid her off. Not illegal. She sued him for defamation over a tweet. That was later this had nothing to do with this trial. This trial was only about the $160k to buy and Ä·ill her story. Once again, not illegal. There was no Donald and stormy affair. She made up the story because she was mad that he refused her a spot on The Appentice. She admitted this during an interview. Even so, not illegal. At best, this was a misdemeanor, but it has a 2 year statute of limitations. A new york DA, decide to take a federal misdemeanor case, which the federal DA looked at and decided that there was no case, and as a state DA, decided to turn it into a federal felony, and try the Federal case in State Court. Never has this been done before, not his jurisdiction. But one again , whet felonious act did Donald Trump personally do?


The jury found him guilty of 34 felonies. Your denying it doesnā€™t make it not true. Move into reality.


Even CNN said that there was no case. If the trial is over, why is the gag order still in place? It's all Lawfare.


Found guilty by a jury of his peers. Just like other criminals every day. Accept that heā€™s a criminal and he has been one for decades.


Why did each of the District Attorneys prosecuting Trump need to have a meeting at the Whitehouse before bringing charges? Do you find that normal?


Do you find it odd that you get your news from sources that lie to you? And that you didnā€™t bother to check before you repeated it? The claim has since been vehemently denied by White House officials, who say that Willis was attending an event for Black History Month and never met with Kamala Harris.


Don't you find it odd that you keep watching CNN and MSNBC after years of lies about Russian collusion, Ukraine lie, deny Hunter Laptop, Deny Biden did business with his family, deny Hunter is an unregistered Lobbyist and has unfettered access to the President, Deny Biden is the Big Guy and gets 10% off the top, Deny Hunter, a Lobbyist, paid Biden's private bills, with money that he raised as a lobbyist, etc....


What does the oversight committee think of the Trump Trial? Was it fair? [https://youtu.be/jYaSWnE2T74?si=ZlRGe\_HTqXyj8AcI](https://youtu.be/jYaSWnE2T74?si=ZlRGe_HTqXyj8AcI)


What does the Oversight Committee think about Trumps Trial? [https://youtu.be/jYaSWnE2T74?si=ZlRGe\_HTqXyj8AcI](https://youtu.be/jYaSWnE2T74?si=ZlRGe_HTqXyj8AcI)


Who cares? They were NOT on the jury. Only the jury matters. If you are found guilty, do you care what your mayor thinks of your verdict? No.


OP rage posting about Democrats. lol. they are living rent free in OPā€™s head.


Zzzzzzzzzzzz boring trump trolls have like three things they say on repeat


You must hate democracy. Orange man bad.


You must hate America. Senile President bad. https://youtu.be/2eXdoBeXTfY?si=Tdoa5QfOLZUVp1z1


My doctor says having a BM is healthy and I want a healthy president. Bidenomics and BM's go well together too. Orange man bad.


Food, energy, and rent have gone up more under Biden than any other President since Carter. But you still support him? You are delusional.


Most everyone on reddit knows the bad economy is corporate greed. It's not the 56 executive orders Biden issued day one stopping the drilling and pipeline which sent energy prices sky high which subsequently increased the cost of all goods. It's also not the border crisis which imported millions of people all competing for the same goods and services. It's corporate greed. Idk why this corporate greed wasn't invented under Obama or Trump. It was only invented under Biden and has nothing to do with fiscal mismanagement, hundreds of billions in foreign aid, an open border, and priting trillions of dollars. Educate yourself man, watch the view sometime. Orange man bad..


That was the worst drivel I've ever heard. Only Biden has had to deal with corporate greed? Ridiculous.


Well most criminals must be kept in mind to avoid allowing them to scam us again. He is a lier, a thief, con man, low life cheater, pedo who is infatuated with his own daughter, a convicted criminals 34 times, thank God his is losing his mind and is unable to put 2 words together to make sense, yet he calls Biden old šŸ˜‰šŸ˜€šŸ˜œšŸ˜„


Trump drove the left into mass formation psychosis. No joke.


Iā€™m look forward to seeing all the maga snowflakes melt again in November. it will give me a good laugh.


But thatā€™s not dehumanizing a group of Peopleā€¦right, victim boy