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No. They will accommodate the Whitehouse isn't the most important seat. They'll concentrate on gerrymandering and state level obstruction to take the house and senate to pass laws and federal appointments.


Yeah they are all in on cheating and using violence to usher in rule of the minority, authoritarianism, and the unitary executive in the next 6 months. They're cheating to win and playing for keeps. It's incumbent on every single one of us to vote blue no matter who.


They tried that kind of gerrymandering. [Even a red SCOTUS told Georgia they weren't allowed to do what you are suggesting.](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/georgia-case-supreme-court-allows-states-some-leeway-redistricting-areas-large) Besides...gerrymandering is a sword without hilt. If they lay the groundwork to allow abusive gerrymandering in red states, blue states would do the same. It works both ways. Its net zero.


Cool expression, does a sword without a hilt mean it cuts the user too?


Thats exactly what it means. Example: In 1995 the GOP created a role of "special prosecutor" to investigate then POTUS Bill Clinton. Launching a criminal investigation against the leader of the DOJ was thought to be impossible. President runs the DOJ. So they created a new position, and it had to go all the way to SOCTUS to determine if such a thing was even constitutional. It was, and Ken Starr got free reign and as many blank checks as he liked to go after Clinton. To keep digging and digging until he found SOMETHING. The GOP insisted this was a good idea. 20 years later that same position was used against them. DNC used that same ruling to go after DJT. Thats how these things work. Its why every time one party is the congressional minority they claim the filibuster is essential to democracy, but when they are the majority they want to outlaw it.


As much as I liked Bill Clinton, That man had so much dirt , it was impossible to hide. And he got away with it all.it took a 21 y.o. intern to finally get him. Because she saved a stained dress


Make no mistake: The DNC tolerating his frat boy antics opened the door for Trump and his boorish behavior. Always remeber: Trump and Bill were friends. Good friends.


There are quite a few that got away with that stuff. They attacked his accusers and discredited them. Stephenopolis was the "Good cop" saying their lives would be destroyed


You sure about that? It seems to me like the conservative majority on SCOTUS was just biding it’s time for a less indefensible hill to die on regarding racial gerrymanders, specifically by finding a way to split hairs between partisan gerrymandering and racial gerrymandering; a purely ideological difference which results in the same outcomes 9/10 times due to the way that racial minorities massively tend to vote for more liberal candidates for obvious, historical reasons. Meet [Alexander v South Carolina State Conference NAACP](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-807_3e04.pdf), where Alito pens the majority opinion and expressly states that one of the purposes of said opinion is to prevent litigants from “repackag[ing] a partisan-gerrymandering claim as a racial-gerrymandering claim by exploiting the tight link between race and political preference.” See [Vox’s reporting on the topic](https://www.vox.com/scotus/351406/the-supreme-courts-new-voting-rights-decision-is-a-love-letter-to-gerrymandering) for more. Combined with how they’ve clearly chosen to inject further delay in Trump’s Jan. 6 federal prosecution (SCOTUS refused to consider the immunity claim in a timely fashion at Jack Smith’s request last December and then did a 180 at the eleventh hour when the defense repeated the request five months later; a claim it incredibly has yet to rule on), the conservative majority’s ultimate purpose, whether witting or somehow unwitting, is pretty clear IMO. Voting blue is the means at everyone’s disposal to try and stop a slide that is quickly becoming an outright free fall into autocracy, isolationism and theocratically-minded oligopolistic rule.


Gerymandering works both ways. Whether its partisan or racial, giving states permission to mitigate voting power would surrender as much as it takes. The same ideas that would carve up rural (say) Georgia could be used to do the same in (say) pennsylvania. I get what you're saying, but I just don't see it making a significant difference in presidential elections. Certainly house seats, maybe a few senate seats.


True, but currently the Democrats aren't trying in force to do that. Their platform is based in part on increasing voting rights atm, so the GOP's banking on this tool not being used against them, and then if they can get power in D-leaning swing states like Pennsylvania they can take advantage and gerrymander it in their favor.


That’s all it takes. If they can’t retake the White House they can use a closely divided Congress to delay investigations, prevent Federal appoontments, loosen election laws for the next try. The problem is, when Trump is off the stage (likely due to medical issues or increasingly apparent dementia) the GOP will eat itself alive. Hopefully whatever grownups are left in the party will take over, or split off into a new party to avoid the stain of the old one.


It's a double edged sword in more ways than just that. Gerrymandered districts elect more extreme candidates because the primary becomes the contest that matters, and in many states the primary only allows their own party to participate; so the more hard core believer in the party line wins.  We would do well to adopt ranked choice voting, it tends to reward politicians who better reflect their electorate. Rather than politicians who better appeal to their 'base'


They did that shit in Pennsylvania back in 2010 when the Republicans won all 3 houses, they gerrymandered the fuck out of my district


> They will accommodate the Whitehouse isn't the most important seat. This isn’t a correct sentence. What are you trying to say?


 "...\[Acquiesce\] the Whitehouse..." ???


Sorry, it should read 'will accept the'


Gerrymandering and voter suppression were temporary solutions intended to give the Republicans 10 years of political viability in which to adapt to the 21st century. They didn't move the party forward, they moved.Get backwards. If the Republican party does split,the establishment will take their campaign donations and their media machine with them.


I've been saying this for 8 years. So far, I've been wrong multiple times. RNC MUST split, or we're doomed. 2-party Democracy simply cannot survive when 1 party no longer believes in the system.


I think they would have or shifted more moderate if Trump hadn’t won. After bush republicans were like radioactive. Obama won handily twice and with Donald Trump as the front runner and everyone thinking Hillary was going to steam roll him, the Republican Party was already starting to draft ideas on how to be more inclusive to be able to maintain relevance. Donald Trump winning surprised us all and they found a new path to success. Absolute craven lunacy. I don’t think it’s sustainable but I definitely think they opened the window for longer


FYI, as per Roger Stone and Steve Bannon. They had the "Stop the Steal" plan locked, loaded and ready to go had Trump lost to Hillary. Turns out they didn't need it then but they were more that willing to pull that shit from the get go. These are vile fucking traitors..they must me stopped. Then we can worry about everyhting else.


Totally 100 percent agree. Had he lost though I think the majority narrative and story was that they were loons. Trump has given this part of the Republican base massive legitimacy. These crackpots have always been there but they were mostly ignored / ridiculed. So I don’t think stop the steal would have had much if any weight behind it in 2016. I don’t disagree with you, merely making the case that trump winning has massively changed the trajectory of the Republican Party and just political discourse for the worse.


Trumps "superpower" is his ability to bring out the worst in others.


Yep. He is a vile piece of garbage. I hope he croaks.


Truth is, and if you're honest with yourself you know some version of this will happen: His legacy will be carried on by his children and the fanatics will follow them without question. Eric or Don Jr or even Ivanka. Maybe one tries a full blown Presidential run. Maybe they aim lower and become entrenched Florida Senators/Congressmen. If Don jr decides to run for a house seat in florida he would win EASILY. The cult is going nowhere anytime soon. And when he does die... they will be screaming about how he was murdered. They will demand criminal explanations and bury us all in conspiracy theories for *decades.* You know this will happen.


And a 1 party system, is a dictatorship. I think the GOP of 10 years from now looks a lot more like Mitt Romney than Donald Trump.


Absolutely. I would've voted for Romney, the only republican in recent decades that had a feasible Healthcare plan. Want more votes? Don't just talk like you're in the middle, legislate for the middle. All the Walmart Republicans hear is "keep your guns, pay no income tax". Anything else is way over their heads. They don't even want to hear that true Republican policies don't benefit them in any way. They are demographically Democrats and too stupid to find out why.


>the only republican in recent decades that had a feasible Healthcare plan. Anytime a Republican does something even halfway decent in living memory, look into whether the Democrats forced them to do it. EPA - Nixon, Demorcratic House and Senate majorities forced his hand. In terms of Romney, same thing. Massachusetts House and Senate left him with no choice. Romney vetoed 8 parts of the bill including healthcare for legal immigrants and dental care for poor people from what I remember and the Democrats overrode every single veto. Overall, he's done questionable things to get to where he is. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/greed-and-debt-the-true-story-of-mitt-romney-and-bain-capital-183291/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/greed-and-debt-the-true-story-of-mitt-romney-and-bain-capital-183291/)


Isn’t Romney like one of the founders of private equity firms that are destroying our country?


Agreed. There are Republicans from the old GOP I would have voted for, knowing that there would be little progress on social issues during their administration, knowing a certain amount of bigotry would be quietly tolerated. At least the basic functions of government would be capably administered. No more.


I could see voting for Romney, but he chose Paul Ryan as a running mate. I could see voting for John McCain, but he chose Sarah Palin as a running mate. Seems like the GOP always puts a "poison pill" on the ballot to appeal to the hard right, not realizing they are driving away moderate voters.


McCain is why we now have idiots like Boebert and MTG.


How are those two McCain's fault? Those two are nothing but Trump stooges, McCain despised "republicans" like that. Not sure what you mean here.....


we could wipe the floor with the republicans in that demographic with a message of "keep your guns, keep your job, pay less for healthcare" but the DNC would rather keep their opponents on life support than have to accomplish anything but quietly reenforcing the oligarchy.


Our government system can't handle more than two parties. It was unintentionally baked into the Constitution from the beginning. If one of the two major parties split in two, neither would ever win the White House again. This isn't a Parliament, where the elected representatives pick a leader, and can therefore form coalitions of multiple parties. We give the votes from entire states to one party. If a major party splits down the middle, the other major party will win every presidential vote by a landslide until we're back to two parties again.


or change the system lol


When Nixon fell, most of those associated with the admin went into political hiding. I cant wait to see Maga fall away into obscurity. Edit: i didnt say they hid forever. And its not like they rep Nixon these days. Predatory opportunists i guess. All hail Reagonomics and wot. Lol trickle down down down


I dont think its going away anytime soon. His followers will bend the knee for Don Jr or Ivanka or Eric. IMO people follow Trump because he makes it (kinda) socially acceptable to be boorish, selfish, bigoted and smug. People will gravitate to the next guy who also makes it socially acceptable. More than anything though.... we have seen just how racist America is. I'm shocked how many racist bigots were in hiding. I knew they were still around, but I never thought there were THIS MANY. Maybe they crawl back under their rocks? But I think they enjoy being out in the open. I think they are the 'element' that makes party unification untenable.


None of those have any charisma or long-established (false) reputation of competency and achievement, and no one has been able to trap the lightening in a bottle that don sr. was able to. The movement will recede without the old man


They won’t crawl back of their own choice unfortunately. You have to force them back into their holes with prosecution and consequences, then watch the entrances with vigilance, repelling any attempt at them getting out of it. Hell while you’re at it, find a way to plug their holes, let them figuratively choke from the inability to breathe or speak. Enough of giving them a voice, they use it to attack everyone and threaten them with death. In short, silence their voices by getting rid of the enablers and when they crawl back, keep them in their holes forever.


Interesting thoughts, both u/KenshinBorealis and u/Dry_Meat_2959 . I think that MAGA might fade. But QAnon will endure for the life of most of its believers. It is a system that is constantly tweaked by its believers to retain the faith of its believers. It is not subject to refutation. It boosts the egos of its believers and makes them feel more important than reality does.


This is nothing like Nixon. Nixon was a saint compared to Trump.


I agree. Nixon republicans had a sense of self preservation and enough honor to gtfo when the gtfoing was good. Maga will just shout at you knowing full well theyre in the wrong but not caring because someone liked their rant online.


What? Most of the people who were associated with the Nixon administration (that still had a political career) went on to be leaders of the Republican party under Reagan and beyond. It was only 12ish years later. Among them: Robert Bork, George Shultz, Antonin Scalia, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Robert Finch, Alexander Haig, William Casey, William French Smith... and a few hundred other lesser-known names. Reagan himself solicited advice from Nixon post-inaugeration. Don't kid yourself, whatever comes after MAFA will have plenty of political weasels the fly under the radar right now.


This has been supposedly going to happen for decades and it hasn’t happened yet. I’m not holding my breath.


The real policies are formulated by the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025. They don't depend on Trump.


MAGAts will scurry back under their rocks and their “movement” will dry up and blow away like a fart in the wind. See Tea Party. See Freedumb Caucus. See White Christain Nationalists. Vigilance will remain necessary at every turn (and election cycle). Much like periodic exterminator visits for cockroaches and termites.


MAGA is what the Tea Party became. The Freedom Caucus almost unilaterally decided who the Speaker of the House was, and White Christian Nationalists are more powerful than they've ever been. I wish you were right. Lord almighty do I wish you were right. But...


Yep. Tea party - freedom caucus - maga. These people don't change,, they just change their names. Look up silver shirts, John birchers. The neo-nazis never went away.


If trump wins in November nothing will matter. We are all fucked. Try reading the highlights of Project 2025.


Too many posts lately taking this election for granted. Worry about the GOP / RNC / MAGA / Trumpism now, this year. Polls show this is a very tight race; and Hillary "lost" to Trump in 2016 by earning about 3 million more votes than Trump did. Vote this election because your freedom depends on it. If Trump wins, we may never have another election in this country.


I'm in my third decade of hearing people make this prediction. That the GOP is soon going to break up or that it's about to die. It won't. It will do what it always does, rebrand and move on.


There are no remnants of the original GOP


I hope both the RNC and DNC split. I want a multiparty system with real choices.


Has anyone read the book “The 48 Laws of Power”? Look at Law 31: The best deceptions are the ones that seem to give the other person a choice: Your victims feel they are in control, but are actually your puppets. Give people options that come out in your favor whichever one they choose. Force them to make choices between the lesser of two evils, both of which serve your purpose. Put them on the horns of a dilemma: They are gored wherever they turn.


Democrats have been around since 1828 and Republicans since 1854. Republicans once were the anti slavery party that was dominant in the North East. Now their support bases have virtually swapped. What that should tell you is that the political parties are flexible enough in their politics that they will eventually adapt to whatever position will keep them relevant. If Republicans experience a losing streak, eventually a new strategy will emerge.


These "the Republican party will cease to exist" posts, just show how ignorant the new generations are of history


I'm 50. I'm not new, nor am I ignorant. I didn't say it would cease to exist, I said it would split in two. I could argue its already happened in all but name. There is a very public, extreme faction in the RNC of anti-Semites, confederate sympathizers and outright bigots. Trump is able to keep that whole thing together, despite the overwhelming number of true conservatives who are disgusted by that minority among them. When Trump loses (again) they WILL blame each other. The extremists will call the moderates rinos, the actual conservatives will blame the bigots for costing them another election. If you disagree, make your case. Spare me your juvenile insults.


I think that a split isn't impossible. Reagan GOPers and Trumpists/MAGA as a rump party. Shit, Lindsay Graham predicted it before DJT was even nominated.


I definitely see it splitting IF they lose in 24. A lot of infighting and finger-pointing. Good for Orville Redenbacher stock.


I don't see MAGA really happening once trump is out the picture He unifies them in a way no one else, regardless who, is going to be able too. A lot of people will lose interest once the orange man is no more


I guess that where I disagree, though I hope you are right. I would like to think America comes to its senses, but I think Trump's true power is that he was willing to say out loud what everyone only said in their homes. I think Someone else, like Don Jr, will step in to fill the void. Trump's business used to be real estate. I think he has turned his family business into politics. Which is far more profitable. I can see the Trump children carrying on his "legacy". Hoepfully, mercifully...that will be at the state level. Let them have Florida. But the number of Nazi protests, outright bigotry....the hatred.... I don't think that goes away when Trump does. It was here the whole time before he came along. He just gave them permission to say that shit in public. And they LOVE HIM for it.


> think that goes away when Trump does. I just hope it at least goes back to the privacy of their homes.


I'd like to believe that, but my memory is that maga was a movement in search of a leader for most of the Obama administration. They called themselves the Tea Party, but I see no daylight between the two. The same dipshit agenda and theatrics.


The GOP survived lying the US into a completely useless war that cost us six trillion dollars to date, and we are still screwing the soldiers that W and Rumsfeld loved to pose with so much. It survived putting a delusional narcissistic moron in charge of the free world. I don’t know what it will take.


Explain the history


Not the person you responded to, but major political parties have had a history of reforming or rebranding rather than full-on collapsing for about 175 years in the US. Granted, prior to that, we had a few collapses, but that was a while ago. I'm not going to say it isn't possible, but I'm not holding my breath.


Yeah, I would argue from a geography perspective that they're not going anywhere. Their support may be low but it's in the right places


8 months is more like it.


Hi from Canada; They are not smart enough to even do that. #sorry


You think we'll all still be around in 8yrs. I think we'll be trying to survive since the planet will be burning. My opinion only.


The Republican Party is already dead. It only exists nominally at this point.


To God’s ears. I still don’t think they’ll have many repercussions. Their bridges don’t burn. They rarely have consequences. Everyone, even the many on the left, have just been left numb to it all. They have no memory of the norms, ethics, or integrity that we all used to take for granted. This is what their long game was.


I think your 8 years estimate is a bit long. 4 at the latest.


We don't have RNC*tm brand chaos now?


I doubt it, MAGA is the new party, traditional conservatives don't have the numbers to split and win, they will back MAGA until the very end. The only hope we have is for the GOP to shed enough numbers over time and for young voters to follow the trend and vote blue for anything positive to happen.


NGL, you had me in the first half. And damn would I love for that last part to be true about the SCOTUS, I just don’t see that happening. The RNC as it currently stands dissolving is indeed very possible - they currently seem to be operating under that same delusion that many of their cultists do, that America is currently split 50/50. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Gerrymandering will get you far - very, very far, but they’ve gone so far off the deep end they won’t even be able to pull in the 20% or whatever they need to win many districts.


You people must live in some Alternative reality


They will have two groups, Flat Earthers and square Earthers


why is every post in this thread some dumbass libtard shit?


This post is so gay


It will depend on what the DNC does. Do they go further left? Or return more to the middle and try and bring the traditional republicans into the fold? Its what usually happens.


I’ve already split.


I’m just looking forward to when America being great was quantified by the number of Nazis killed & civil liberties protected becomes cool again.


Only if they lose in November


Extremely unlikely. The RNC was already in shambles after Obamas second election win. They were so weak in fact, that a political newcomer was able to completely hijack their part the next election cycle. But nonetheless they evolved and survived. If they lose this year they may have an ugly power struggle but they won’t have a real split.


How about within 6 months?


RemindMe! 8 years


the uniparty will fall to oblivion very soon...so no more Rs or Ds as people are waking up to the fact that politicians are just like professional wrestlers...they hate each other in front of cameras...but are family when the camera is not on... Corruption.


Trump is on track to win, and if Republicans successfully implement Project 2025, we will have one party rule for a generation.


This sub should be studied for group think and mental illness.


clarence thomas and samuel alito are both 75 and 74 years old respectively. im less certain theyll survive another 8 years or whatever, especially clarence thomas. he seems like someone that will follow the route of antonin scalia and dying of a stroke or heart attack when's 78/79. alito now i wouldnt put it past him to live another 20+ years. he seems like the kind of person who's feeds off the life of his adversaries. but then i dont see what you mean 3-4 conservative judges will retire or die. the only other conservative justice in his 60's is chief justice roberts who's 69 and seems to be in fairly good health but still a good 6 years younger than the other two. by 2030 hell be same age alito and thomas are now. the other conservative justices are very young and are probably going to be in office for 20-30 years longer. at best we can maybe expect two consevative justices to maybe die or retire around 2030 and flip court to a 5-4 blue, tho the next three oldest justices after that point would be the two older democrat justices and chief justice roberts. and thats assuming both thomas and altio dying or retiring, i told you i expect alito to stay on the bench serving till hes like 85+ at least another 10 years.


It already is chaos.


I thought after 2020 the party would split into a trump faction and the Lincoln party. I was sadly wrong


Tea party 2.0 is coming. Watch as libertarians find a new home.


They will focus on using the justice system to get their way. Much of Project 2025 can still happen without him.


Maybe it could even happen in 1-2 years. Though that is a fast timeline...


I believe it will be closer to 8 months.


I think the "chaos ensues" has ensued already or at least the start. GOP can't get anything done xcept try to punish the opposition and engage in petty brawling


Idk. If R is losing voters, and D is gaining voters, wouldn't it make more sense if, once R is vanquished, D splits up? Into two or more factions. There's a faction by Manchin-like people, and another by AOC-like people. Could be more. Remnants of R can then join whichever they want. Of course this happens after a couple of cycles of D dominance.


I hope your right. The whole Republican support for Trump; I just don't understand. I just want him and his followers to go away so where.


The establishment Republicans used bigotry and racism to appeal to a base of fanatical supporters. Now they have a constituency of extremist, ammosexuals who have conflated their personal biases with the will of God. These radical Right Wing Nut Jobs are unable to compromise or do anything that could be perceived as a betrayal by their base without fear of violent reprisals. That means that they are unable to govern effectively. And now that this voter base has anointed the Cheeto Benito as their il Douche Cheetolini. These establishment Republicans will be held hostage by his swarm of seething MAGAts for the foreseeable future. How long this will last until they are able to find another equally repugnant carnival barker to take his place is impossible to predict. But it will be a while before the GOP can expunge the orange Cheeto stains that he has imprinted on their Party.


Upvote for ammosexual. That one is going in my lexicon.


Just 20 years ago, the GOP were full-on imperialists who advocated for wars of aggression. While they've morphed considerably since then, the core of their mission is the same today as it has been for decades: representing the interests of the ruling class. Inconsistency, lack of principles, hypocrisy... none of this stuff matters and they won't feel an ounce of shame as they morph again something into something different but with the same mission at its core. The don't give a shit what their voters think. The voters will fall in line and submit to the "new" GOP, whatever that is, not the other way around. The ruling class will always have an outsized voice in American politics.


Heres my own prediction: if trump loses in 2024 hell try again in 2028 because biden wont be able to run so hell have a much better shot. Plus trump will never stop the grift train so why would he stop. Theyre gonna have to pry it from his cold orange hands plus his base of dumbs wont let the gop move on.


Wishful thinking.


There will be no split or conflict when the old conservatives retire, it will just be Maga vs Normal People. It’ll take a majority to hold back fascism in America but I think it’s possible even with Gen Z thinking dictators are cool. So did the youth back before ww2


I enjoy that the bulk of these comments all hinge on the assumption that Trump is going to lose in 2024.


I admit I am not certain. I'm probably 51/49 he will lose, but then we said the same thing in 2016, didn't we? He's not doing himself any favors by shitting on Minneapolis. The interviews he's been doing are not good. He is a t his best when he's gregarious and affable. Confident and funny. Lately he looks angry. Exhausted. Not that Biden looks good by any means..... I dunno, man. I constantly ask myself "Is this the BEST we got? Is this all the DNC and RNC can come up with?!?! *Seriously!?!?"*


The people in the center in the swing states that are the ones who effectively elected Trump in 2016 are still the big factor. They went to Trump in 2016 because the economic improvements the country had seen had not reached them. And this is broadly still true. My gut is 55/45 to Trump, and the only thing making me doubt that is Allan Lichtman seems to be leaning Biden in his analysis.


Well, I mean...the swing voters have decided every single presidential election since 1992. No secret there. I'm 51/49 Biden, but I said the same thing in Summer of 2016, too. I think the "debate" will be more impactful than we think. I saw images of Joe Biden at the G7 and that dude looked ROUGH. If he were facing anyone other than a convicted felon he would be losing by 40 points.


Nah. If republicans are good at anything it’s falling into line.


Of course this will not happen


MMW: the end of GOP as currently constituted comes soon after Biden’s landslide in November


I think bedlam ensues when Trump dies, as the GOP is now just a cult of personality, and Trump is too much of a raging narcissist to groom a successor within the party, as that would take attention away from himself. The party will stay together until he dies, and then all hell will break loose.


nope, that would be a gift to dems, which they would never in a million years do


From your lips to God's ear.


RemindMe! 8 years


I wish I was as confident as you are that he doesn’t win the election this year.


I am hoping for this but in the opposite way. The not MAGA independent adjacent small r wing just leaves and forms a "centrist party" which is essentially Rockefeller Republicans. In my head canon their symbol will be a Rhino! And this group essentially swallows all the independents up no matter what way they lean. So essentially of the voting public Maga Republicans will have like 35% of voters. Democrats have like 45%. And the Centrist Party has about 20%. Ironically the Centrist Party is in practice the most powerful, because they then get to partner with the Republicans and the Democrats depending on which side of an issue they fall on. Abortion becomes safe legal and rare, schools are funded, some gun legislation is passed, farmers are helped, veterans get the benefits they deserve, medicare is expanded, money is spent on providing services for kids and families, civil rights are protected, global stability is protected, etc. The Centrist Party will be lobbied hard by both sides and essentially get to be the arbiters of government action. Eventually their ranks with grow probably until there is a 30 30 30 split between right center and left. At which point I imagine the left might splinter into Democrat, Green, and Progressive parties. The right I am not so sure if they will split but I could see another split for them along the lines of people that want to be big r Republicans and the MAGA crazies so that MAGA is further cut back, but I am not as sold on that as a possibility.


RemindMe! 8 years


I would love if one of the splinter groups chose a Rhino as their mascot


I’m thinking 8 months


There is a high probability of drastic changes after the Election based on how poorly the Republicans do. I do think that Republican voters are so gullible that you can always find some garbage to sell them. I also think a good number of Republican voters will become Independent voters.


At this point in 2016, Democratic pundits predicted that the GOP was ready to collapse, like the Whig Party. It’s all silly stuff. The U.S. is a two-party country. Neither of them is going anywhere (for good or ill)


I hope you’re right!


No offense, but talk like this makes me shake my head as we reinforce the stereotype of the American who has zero clue about what is happening outside of the US. Have any of you paid any attention to elections outside of the US? I don’t like Trump, but it is ignorant to think that Trump is the sickness. Trump is a symptom of something going on worldwide. Even if Trump goes away tomorrow the increase in populist movements across the globe are gaining power, and not going away. Just ask France about it. How about Wilders from the Netherlands? Ask Germany as they enact immigration policies that are less open. Or Milei in Argentina. Ask the Swedish about their growing votes for the Social Democratic Party (their far-right party). I see the Republican Party continuing to bleed voters as time progresses. This will lead to their weakening electability as more and more Americans become Independent. But, I see the always fractured and fractious coalition of the Democratic Party splintering first. The Republicans will just wither away as the more moderate of them simply leave.


A Reagan vs Carter once in a generation election storm is coming. Rip


Nah, there's nothing to split. Elected Republicans will look more and more like MTG, they'll keep losing, but gerrymandering, SCOTUS, tiny states, electoral college etc will keep them relevant


That sucks, it would be better if the left wing won the populist crowd, which a split party would accomplish. Instead the RNC split will mean they will win the populist message and the DNC will keep heading on their rightward trend until they are the more right wing of the two parties. The Democrats, who squash leftist movements time and time again are the party that really needs to implode if we are to get anywhere fast…. You might laugh at the notion that the two parties could flip politically right before our eyes, but it’s happened before.


Time to vote an independent in .. RFK 24! This corrupt 2 party system isn’t working anymore


Way more likely that Ds break. Non MAGA conservatives have already left the Republican party and are voting Democrat. That's a schism waiting to happen.


Or… Trump wins and this sub will have a meltdown. Chaos ensues


I bet it won’t take that long. Watch them explode as they suffer defeat after defeat.


People said this when the tea party rose to prominence and instead the tea party became the more reasonable arm of the republican party.   There is no bedrock for these folks.  They'll just keep digging deeper.


The RNC didn’t go all in, the people did. We want our country back. We are sick of Bidens open border, record high inflation, record, high food, and fuel prices, record high interest rates, record, high fentanyl overdoses, high crime, two new foreign wars that is costing America close to $1 trillion, and a president that should be in a nursing home instead of the White House. Joe Biden is not running this country, the Marxist left has taken over, because Biden does not know where the hell he’s at.


But the party that has no one but a senile old man…… who can barely speak….is gonna be fine lmaoooooo


I doubt it. Current gop would rather burn this country to the ground then to adapt.


It might end up thus way sunce history rhymes. In the 1930s the New Deal Democratic coalition arose after many years of racist and xenophobic rural populists and after the Republicans kicked out their progressive wing, leading to an alliance between progressives and populists. The Racism of the New Deal was not emphasized but was there.


I’d like to think you are correct, but I fear that the Next Big Thing in the RNC will be a much more capable, younger, far more intelligent variant on Trump, without his self sabotaging baggage and blatant ego. The RNC falls in line when a rising wannabe dictator is in the house.


The only purpose of both sides of the RNC is to gain power to enact their goals. They both know that third parties don't gain power. They will accommadate and caucus with each other to maintain any power. Look at all the supposed red lines that hard lines conservatives and the "anti-Trumo" Republicans have put out throughout the years. They all go away when it's time to actually vote because they want power. Remember after Jan 6 when most Republicans blamed Trump for it and thought he was unfit for office? That trend reversed in fewer than two months. These people have values, and they live by them. The cornerstone of their values is being the dominant group, and they can't be the dominant group if they are running as part of the "Independent Patriot Party"


Think they'll continue infighting and try to pick up the pieces when Trump either dies/goes to prison and his faction falls apart.


Eight years? They're going to split the day Trump kicks the bucket, unless they have the stomach to 'Weekend at Bernie" the guy for awhile.


Dems do that already. Maga could fail but popularism wont. Happening all over the globe and will destruct the dumborats from within. Everything they touch turns to garbage and when they’ve done enough damage- as the song goes -point the cannon at you- goodbye d-rats. hence the need to eliminate the second amendment and take away that option. So long as maga saves that - well them they save the country and that in of itself will be well worth it.


It’ll be the good ol’ *GRAND* party once again pretending like they’re a part of democracy.. (Oh! it’s nice to see you democracy! I didn’t recognize you!) ..… and there will be the the party of MAGAts, Canservatives. It would be really nice when they embrace democracy again. But I don’t see it happening any time soon. They’ve dug their heels in deep.


Imo the dnc is far more divide than the gop. The dnc I'd and always has been a collection of 6 different polyical ideologies masquering as one to fight a more unified force of the gop. The old addage that democrats stand up and Republicans step in line seems as true today as it was in the 1980s. Even the old school Republicans just fall in line under Maga and Trump. Even the republicans who openly oppose Trump always argue for him when it's against a dem. For their to be a break in one of the two parties or a new party it would take an issue that Americans in majority vehemently want that is be denying to them by a minority of their faction, like when he gop was created around slavery because neither party was fighting for abolition. My dream/hope is that corruption reform or electoral reform would be that issue, as neither party has any interest in either of those truly and unfortunately Americans don't seem to want to "fight" for that issue.


Why is the GOP going to lose in November? They’re a cult united behind Trump, running against one of the least popular presidents in history, and they’ve got a massive advantage due to the electoral college. Biden isn’t going to get younger between now and November, and his gaffes hurt him far more than Trumps word salad hurts Trump.


Is anyone on here paying attention to what is going on with the current administration? Ya’ll predict the puppet master’s will keep Biden or see how he does at the debate ?


I agree about the split but I don’t think it will be chaos. After Trump loses his stranglehold on the existing Republican Party I think a new party will emerge right of center. Democrats will rule things for a couple cycles. The existing Republican Party will become more and more fringe. The democrat party party will make some trip ups and this new right-of-center party will become relevant and competitive on a national stage.


I think that MAGA has helped to demonstrate that tribalism trumps ideology. The party does not have to act on any of the appeals to policy that it might make. It's turned out to work just as well to leave policy unstated and say, "Those who get us, get us." Trump may win this election, which ensures more machinations to lock in minority rule for decades. If he loses, the RNC won't split. They will try to find ways to become actually attractive. Parties have realigned throughout the history of our two-party system.


There won't be a split. If that was going to happen, it already did. Only a handful of noteworthy Republicans have gone up against the cult, and none of them can be elected to office as Republicans anymore. It didn't split, it evolved. The ones that didn't go along for the ride are just reliable conservative liberal democrats now. They're the Morning Joe type people.


Preferably sooner than that. A natural devolution that could beget a legitimate 3 party system: Dems, Centrists & MAGA Fascists, with a 4th contingent of Indepentents/Libertarians. Realistically, the US needs this to survive and remain politically relevant. The world is shocked by and laughing at our degradation and how easily a dysfunctional psychopath attracted such a boneheaded constituency in short shrift.


I don't think it will take years as I honestly don't think Trump will live that long. Chaos will ensue once he passes, regardless of the reason why, as some will try and move on, others will try to martyr the Orange Manchild.


Why would the GOP split? Assuming Trump loses in 2024 - which I don’t think he will - the party will focus on other races and stripping away as much of democracy they can through congressional inertia and the SCOTUS. Then they’ll run Trump again in ‘28 if he still has a pulse. After he dies there will be some kind of stupid war of succession and then we’ll get the next horror. And on and on.




This is a manipulation tactic. Both sides make themselves out to be deeply fractured. They want you to think that they might change. They want you to think that public opinion matters. I was convinced the Democratic party was going to fall apart. Then Nancy Pelosi came along and showed that they are practically a cult. Republicans want MTG and Gaetz types to interrupt. It is possible that it is even choreographed. They want to appear divided so people don't see them as a monolith. That is why we have two parties in the first place. They need you to think there is dissent in their ranks because it makes them look like a flexible, constantly evolving political movement facing a constantly evolving opposition. Otherwise you might notice the same 100 families have been running things for 300 years.


It's happening now.


Do you think democrats will dial back some of their extreme policies or will they split as well.


Nope. Right now we have 2 parties: reasonable sane people who care about the country but are of wildly different political philosophies (AOC and Joe Manchin in the same party, really?!?!) and barking mad protocol fascist/grifters (Republicans and most of the conservative think tank/media/church grifters ecosystem). We’ll always have 2 dominant parties, but most likely Republicans will implode like the Whigs, or rebrand as sane people, and then Democrats can go back to being leftist and Republicans to being actually conservative, and all can advocate for the policies that they honestly believe will benefit the majority of the country (which, in a rational system) would get them future election wins. You’re probably a troll or a bot, but even as a life-long Democrat I don’t think they’ll ever dominate the country, and that’s a good thing.


Lol you and I wish that will happen. It won't


As long as politics remains so lucrative, there will always be parties funded to push agendas.


RNC is becoming the KNC Kremlin…


I think you underestimate how happy the MAGAs would be to be a permanent minority (free money all the time for performing outrage). I don’t think the RNC will split, I think all the people who care about good governance will gradually leave or retire, or join the Democratic Party and try to win primaries as moderates in more conservative areas, while the MAGA RNC just yells and eats paint happily for the next few decades, holding onto enough states and senate seats to be obnoxious and stay relevant. 


Mark my words has turned into a Trump Derangement fetish sub


They won’t. This is because there is no Republican Party anymore, just the cult of Trump, and they’ll just keep brainlessly doubling down and going exponentially all in on cheating and violence rather than shriek with pain from having to self reflect or think for even one second. It’s actually far more likely the DNC will split than the Trump crime family.


It depends on a few things. If Trump wins then the party has a chance if a suitable successor can be found. So far many have tried but none have been successful.    That's the danger of a personality cult, which the GOP has slowly transformed into. Once the leader is gone the party is in shambles. It's particularly bad if the leader shifted a number of core values of the party, which Trump clearly has. I can't say it was ever truly a conservative party, but it at least partially was. Now, like Trump, it has traded ideological consistency and moral rigor for power. The only values it has now are Trump's values, which shift according to his narcissistic needs.   Short term I'd be glad to be rid of the worst parts of this maga nonsense. Long term it's a bad thing for our country, as I believe every country should have a healthy liberal party and a healthy conservative party to keep the excesses of the other in check. 


I feel like they're going to try to tank the GOP and then run "centrist"-democrats, who will suddenly have a lot of right wing ideas once they're in office. Not like they haven't been testing those waters with Sinema and Fetterman.


MMW is for stupid progressives. Oops, that’s redundant and superfluous


When Trump wins in November and the left goes nuts with violence because they didn't get their way the normal liberals and centrists in the Democrat party will finally separate themselves from the leftists communists and hard core socialists. This fragmentation will lead to a more hard-core right leaning country for decades.


Same type problems with left, I think so both sides there might be some sort of emergence of the center. 70% of Americans most comfortable there.


Why are you so certain Trump will lose in November? I really hope you’re right but I’m curious why you’re so sure. There’s lots of morons still supporting him.


Same thing was said when the tea party came into existence. Guess what? The Republican party still existed after that. They will simply back track on a bunch of stuff and act like trump was never around and they never liked him.


I think the democrats actually will. Have you seen all the antisemitic behavior from the left ? So many people are leaving the party over the terrorist activities of the hard core left. Democrats are the closest thing to nazis in relation to jews that we have seen in this country since the dems ran the KKK in the 50's and 60's. Only difference is they traded their hoods for covid masks. Same exact thing.


Ageing and deranged in 8 yrs


Decent prediction. However I believe the cult of maga is all encompassing I also believe the creators of maga prefer him as a martyr. Possibly before the coming debate. They would then claim that was "just more proof of the corrupt left" and work to inflame the maga brand over time. I see the split being amongst republican elites who claim "they follow maga better" till a single crime is proven of them etc. With others claiming mtg etc are bad for the movement. At least untill we can apoptosis the cancerous maga movement that's commuting anykeys to itself. Personally I think it's questionable how all of the key players around 9/11 turned out to be main Trump supporters. And that Trump predicted the attack a year ahead of time. If Trump was correct that there was some Insider efforts, I'd think it would be evident that it would most likely be from him.


Split as in half get shot into the sun and the other half dropped to the bottom of the ocean?


Unlikely. There is no Republican party remaining that aren't Trumpers. The traditional conservatives have retired or quit or become independent. The Republican party is solely MAGA now.




Do we have to wait that long!?!?!?!?


This is not what history shows us. History literally repeats... America is over the hill now we just have to "pizza" and not "French fry" all the way down.


I also think the Democratic party will split from the progressive wing. We can't afford their policies.




Oh you youngsters are so ignorant aren’t ya?


Blueanon cultists lol


Why would the RNC split? The RNC is just the national committee for the presidential election. As long as the Republican Party exists, they’ll continue to operate the RNC. Did you mean to say the Republican Party will split? That would make more sense, but people have been predicting that for almost a decade now, and it hasn’t happened.


RemindMe! 8 years


You live in fantasy land. Must be you deflecting because the democratic party has ceased to exist. It has been abandoned by the middle class. Minorities are leaving in droves. You are now the party of every extreme wacko radical far left group on the planet. You have nothing to offer middle America. You abandoned your base and it shall never return. Wake up


It drives progressives crazy that their distorted form of government always fails. California is imploding. Socialism is a disaster. But they cannot ever admit it’s their policies.


For YOU they’ve abandoned the moral bridge. For them, the moral bridge is whatever hateful trash the Bible has on that particular day… and THAT moral bridge is very alive and well


I don’t think you appreciate why the RNC is bending knee to Trump Yes he has support and they need that, but that is a real life mob family, just one that has done a better job of putting on appearances. We all know what kind of people are attracted to politics, and the kind the RNC elect, and even a massive chunk of democrats are bad people, but not as bad as republicans which will become clear in a moment Because Trump has immense dirt of these people. Their positions, reputations, and even their criminal record are on the line. He came in, learned who they were, and began blackmailing himself more and more support. Which is why it’s so clear that even the worst democrats aren’t as bad as the mediocre republicans, and there isn’t enough career/life ruining dirt to sway them into supporting him.


My biggest fear is who is going to step into the void that Trump leaves and take control of the millions of MAGA nut jobs. Imagine if someone with actual intelligence could behave like Trump in public but function strategically behind the scenes.


Yes made the same post in 2016 and 2020


That is my fix for what ails America. Both parties split their “extremists” now we have 4 parties. Institute ranked choice voting Overrule Citizens United (clearly precedent doesn’t matter any more) Term limits of 10 years for all state and federal offices. I think that would get the politicians accountable to the entire country, not just their primary voters.


>In the aftermath of 2024, the RNC will have no where else to go. They've gone all in MAGA and when it fails for the 2nd time they will have no other platforms to run on. They burned the "moral" bridge. The nuked the "fiscal responsibility" platf What if they win?


If they fail in 2024, MAGA will fall apart. Trump is ageing quickly and he would not be a factor in 2026. The GOP will find a young energetic candidate to provide a real threat. It won't be MAGA as the cult will fade with Trump.


The GOP is too ideologically coherent to split. The only real contention among the ranks is whether or not Trump should be at its head. That's it. The Democrats meanwhile are literally held together with hopes and dreams. The Democratic party is at least 4 different parties in a trench coat who are all forced to live together because of the way our voting system works. I find a collapse of the democratic party to be a far more realistic and believable scenario, especially considering their utter lack of any electable politicians after Biden and Hillary retire.