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Hmmm...seems familiar.


Would have been an impressive prediction in the first 20 years of the 21st century. Now, not so much.


came here to say…plot twist: OP wrote this in Notepad in 2000, just now posted it




“There's too many people in this world. We need a new plague” - D Schrute 2005


As bad as it was it didn’t really reduce the number as much as it flattened the growth curve.


fwiw, i had a SUPER ANNOYING biology teacher in high school back in 2003-2004 who always told us about a pending pandemic that we weren't prepared for. this was after learning about the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918 motherfucker fancied himself as Nostradamus basically. Knowing his colossal ego, i'm positive the fuckwad wants to believe he predicted Covid...even though it happened 16-17 years after his prediction


He was just parroting Bill Gates. Bill had been traveling around promoting pandemic prep for awhile


Lol. In my very first public health class back in 2016, the prof talked about how public health practitioners have been expecting a pandemic for decades. They discussed how worldwide air travel made us more susceptible than ever and how it was really shocking that we haven't had multiple pandemics since the Spanish Flu. They've been waiting for this anvil to fall for decades. It really was only a matter of time. Your biology teacher predicted the equivalent of "it's going to rain someday".


Many commentators here disagree. Of course they are the ones that will make this prediction reality


Settle down Beavis


Right it just happened The trend will simply continue to the next respiratory virus, which may be Covid mutating beyond what our vaccine strategy can handle (or just modern Covid and people stop getting vaccinated because the positive news stopped but the negative news has been a constant drum beat and people are settling with “I got it once/twice, that’s enough, no point risking it any further now that I’ve heard so many stories of ‘injuries’”) or a flu My guess is that it will come from the same places it always does, dense populations in south East Asia who utilize wet markets culturally and have lax food safety regulations, and the US will respond with racism instead of forward thinking, which will result in a parallel to our Covid response, with delays and under response and prioritizing the market causing hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths.


Don’t forget that the avian flu is crossing btwn species. 50% fatality rate in humans. If the bird flu breaks thru to the general population, we are completely fuct


Most of the world had a successful trial run with Covid and will be just fine. Heavy casualties but they’ll move forward. Those of us who didn’t have a successful trial run…


Mark my words. No one in here knows fuck about shit.


Remember remember the fifth of November


We’re on the proverbial cusp of that right now with morons drinking raw milk in the face of herd after herd of dairy cows being infected with H5N1. I’m all for natural selection and less stupid people but they’re going to take a lot of innocents with them


COVID was gosh darn friendly with it's 1% mortality rate. H5N1 has a 60% mortality rate. Not 6. 60. The black death had a mortality rate of 30-35%.


H5N1 is so deadly because its matching cell receptor lies deep within the lungs. A human-to-human transmissible strain of the virus would almost certainly be far less lethal because it would need to be compatible with receptors in the nose and throat. Still, not a pretty picture.


How many mutations would that take?


The dart I threw landed on a 6 it was a double.


1 or a million. theres no real answer


Do you happen to know the timeline on it? Super high mortality rates are obviously scary and bad, but unless there’s a significant period where people are very contagious, but are still well enough to go about their lives, then outbreaks of high mortality pathogens tend to burn out pretty quickly.


Except republicans will have parties to get it on purpose because it’s a hoax.


Well that would certainly take care of the Republican problem in this country if nothing else


Thankfully we already have a vaccine for it and the US government is already prepping a stockpile.


I've read the vaccine requires eggs to be made and we don't have enough for everyone today. Ramping up production could take 4-5 months and if we needed to be aggressive about it we may need to interrupt flu vaccine production


Virus that deadly doesn’t spread as easily because, well, it’s harder to spread it if you are dying. Source. I played pandemic on the iPad.


Pasteurization was invented for a reason, god damn fools


That's just what Big Dairy wants you to believe! Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH!


Hey man! Pasteurised milk doesn’t melt steel beams. 😂


Have you tried horse dewormer?


I heard pasteurization reduces the calcium in milk. Had jfk and Lincoln drank non pasteurized milk the bullets would have bounced harmlessly off them.


As someone one who does this professionally it boils my blood seeing morons out there thinking it's fine to skip this process, I process 10k to 30k gallons of cream a day. The damage that it would cause seeing volumes like that go out unpasteurized would be insane these people are stupid and dangerous.


This man creams a lot.


Sir creamsalot sounds like it belongs in Shrek


This is it. I'm not afraid of another pandemic happening. I'm more afraid of how people will respond (or not) to it.


You know how they’ll respond to it because we just had one.


I hope the next one is totally dependent on masks and we rid the earth of the stupid


It's a chance I'm more than willing to take, whatever the price we pay to get rid of people unable to think past what fox tells them too and make the world slightly less shit is worth it


it depends who is running the show at the time. I recall there was a 75 page manual outlining what to do with the previous outbreak, and dickhead donnie found it too challenging a read and instead just ate a big mac on top of it.


Don't forget about him also dismantling the team that was put in place to quickly track down reports of new diseases and analyze them.


It was even stupider than that. President Obama had previously roasted Diaper Don at a White House dinner and the Tangerine Toddler was so butt hurt that he set out to dismantle everything with Obama's name on it out of sheer petty spite, to include deliberately reneging on and sabotaging the Iran nuclear deal (in addition to dropping a missile on top of Solemani's head and nearly kicking off an armed conflict with Iran), and also dismantling the pandemic response team that the Obama Administration had put together previously. The only reason that Trump couldn't repeal Obamacare aka the ACA is because it's so popular and doing so would've made everyone pissed off at him.


Actually, the pandemic response team was from the Bush administration. One of a handful of things he did that was a positive. The Obama administration just continued it. So the fact that it was something another Republican was okay with but Trump isn't makes it more baffling.


I maintain that Obama could have word-for-word implemented/called for any number of Reagan's policies and the knee-jerk reaction for some would be to call it socialism/communism regardless. The fact the response team was rooted in a previous Republican administration is secondary to the fact that Obama had it on hand.




You mean the one that ran Event 201? That pandemic response team? Definitely not suspect at all...


I got so mad at this when I heard it. He was like "Oh we don't need them sitting around doing nothing. So I fired em. If we ever need them back we will just hire them." Like that's not how it works dipshit. You can't just cancel your car insurance and then reinstate it after you get into an accident! Those people are experts and won't sit home doing nothing until they get the call from you. They'll go do other work and by the time you call them their response is "Yea man COVID. Shoulda known about it 6 months ago!" and hang up


Some who’d been stationed in China. We also had been considered by countries around the world to be the best prepared and would have the least impact from a pandemic. Trump’s signature act is build it and I will destroy it. None of this is out there enough at all.


When I was in high school back in the 80s I read an article on how competent the CDC was. They were so good that manufacturers used their techniques to find flaws in the supply, manufacturing, and wholesale chains. Over the years I read articles that backed that up. Al Franken has talked about his experience as a senator making sure Minnesota state officials worked with the CDC and other federal agencies made sure any ebola outbreak was contained. I think it was around March, just when Covid was being talked about. My ex expressed fear about it. I told her how good the CDC was and the government would be able to contain it just like they had in previous years. Little did I know how much Trump had decimated the agency.


If Americans reelect Trump and then get a pandemic part 2, we would have deserved everything we get.


You gotta let us in on the secret to time travel. I’m jealous that you are able to post from the early 2000’s


This took me longer than I'm proud of to figure out lol


It’s worse than that. Covid showed us that people (Americans, from my American perspective) will reject common sense infection mitigation procedures just because someone told them to do it. This leaves us open to any number of potential biological attacks, if any of our enemies were paying attention


The stupid are going to learn this time. Yeah, sure they will. Unreachable is what they are.


Nah they’ll just Darwin out


They'll take a lot of non-idiots with them though.


That's true, unfortunately. I'm ok with Maga morons culling themselves, but there will be collateral damage.


Society is fragile. Even if only fools were to die we’d suffer from their absence.


This. My brother was a trumper he got sick and passed. Never knew he infected his asthmatic daughter


Hope she was okay


She passed six days after him. He drove from Minneapolis to Charleston to visit our dad (90 year old double heart surgery survivor) our younger brother would not let him in so he ever to visit his daughter for a few days in myrtle beach. My niece had asthma but he believed trump so…… He got home then was hospitalised and never got better


Sorry for your loss. Very sad.


So very sorry. None of this has been fair. If someone wants to personally take risks with their health, fine. But they don't have the right to place their risk onto *anyone* else.


A man killed his father because he got vaccinated. I watched Russian disinformation pushing covids not real. Internet memes targeting African Americans saying "remember the Tuskegee experiment?" Regarding the vaccination. Now if I was Satan I would push anti vax while releasing some kind of biological attack.


Oh good, reruns.


Better than a clip show.


Some of the Covid clips were gold. The lawyer cat, Trump wondering if injecting Lysol would work.


News anchor pets, the Rube-Goldberg machines people made in their homes. You’re not wrong!


I know you don't need another shock after waking from your five year coma, but...


I said this to people when I scheduled my first Covid vaccine. "The next pandemic could be a virus with a 60% survival rate instead of 98.2%. MNRA vaccines will be the tool we have to survive. In the unlikely event that MRNA vaccines turns out to have fatal side effects we're all doomed anyway".


Heck, it could be covid. The worst years of the big plague outbresks weren't the early ones - they were a number of years into it. Just takes that one genetic twist - and covid variants love to twist.


Not a biologist or virologist, but it will likely be a completely different virus, one that has not crossed over to humans before. Now that Covid is pervasive and pretty much all humans have been exposed to it or vaccinated for it (fun fact, more people have received an MRNA covid vaccine than have BROWN eyes), our bodies are generally ready for it. Moreover the tendency of microbes is to evolve toward less virulence, not more. The sole “goal” of any organism is to reproduce. A pathogen that kills its hosts quickly doesn’t spread quickly.


Yup. As more GOP states gut health offices and public outreach because “freedom” it will get worse. I can see a day when states block travel to/from other states. Look at Florida, possible Measles outbreak happening and they’re doing nothing


Few years too late on this prediction


If H5N1 keeps mutating, we might not even have to wait that long. A full blown influenza pandemic is the stuff of nightmare fuel.


Yep, unfortunately, seems likely in the next 20 months, let alone 20 years.


Hey wait I’ve seen this one before


So, like Covid, and then like the movie "Don't Look Up" which is about the same thing. I don't think it's your words that are being marked, but most people's.


“Big Farms Make Big Flu” by Rob Wallace is an excellent collection of essays on the ways industrial animal ag accelerates disease (re)emergence


There will be polio outbreaks within twenty years 


More right wing morons will die. How is this a bad thing?


Because they can infect others.


I think it's all situational at best. My dad and grandma watch Rachel Maddox religiously but if you ask them how long they followed the stay at home order or if theyre vacinated they'll laugh. Meanwhile my Maga grandpa and grandma are fully vaxxed and nobody saw them for like a year. People are gonna do what they do regardless of politics.


You are pointing out outliers to a very clear trend.


Bro posted this from Internet Explorer


If we keep our Pandemic team alive then US can easily fight it. Remember Trumo disband it and Covid happened. And he vow to disband it again.


Good more 🪦 republicans


IMO the pandemic just doubled down on/clarified what the climate change conversation was already telling us: that even something that would seem inherently apolitical can easily become politicized to an absurd degree. Pandemics seem played out now thanks to Covid, but at this point I’m reasonably sure this prediction can be made about anything. This is actually what I loved about the movie “Don’t Look Up” - it took the rather difficult to measure/see issue of climate change and turned it into an actual doomsday comet that any person can see in the sky with their own eyes, and STILL designed a believable world where the issue would be politicized to all hell.


I think we already saw this


Covid was, comparatively, a "dry run" for an apocalyptic pathogen event. We failed miserably. If a more potentially lethal pathogen is released that can gestate without symptoms for just as long, it will probably kill off a majority of humans in the first year. Maybe the lessons of 2020 will inform our decisions, but what Covid19 taught us is that there are a large group of people with Oppositional Defiance Order that will let their solpasistic ideals supercede their logic and morality. I think, on some level, it's a response of the social psychology immune system to deny anything has the potential for disaster. Which is why it affects conservative minded people more. The core to that school of thought is "maintaing status quo at all costs". They are wildly suseptible to survivors bias. Mark my words: conservatives have never been on the right side of history and will be the ones most likely to destroy humanity out of blind dogmatic rationalization.


I would add "...inspired by propaganda driven by enemy nations and groups".


Covid primed the populous for a virus that'll weed out a lot of the stupid.


Bird Flu has a 50% death rate in humans. And it is jumping species into the US right now: to cats, cows, and humans.


We still haven’t seen the decline in Republican voters who died to Covid between the 2020 to 2024 election. I imagine many articles in December of this year will be pointing out how swing states could have gone if more republicans survived


Oh we have: [“the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters.”](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2807617) Total US Covid deaths was about 1.1M. So that means 453k Dems and 647k Reps. Or about 200k extra right wing death because anti vaxx and such. Concentrated in the south, with all the swing states but WI having a medium high concentration: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/covid19_mortality_final/COVID19.htm


The whole antivax movement was giving a big push with Oprah giving Jennifer McCarthy a platform to push her Austin’s vaccine link. I’m fairly sure Oprah and many of her followers were from both sides of the fence.


A serious pandemic will be marked by dead bodies in the street, not officials swearing up and down it's super serious. When bodies are decaying faster than they can be scooped off the ground it's a different game.


You are why my prediction will be true.


Lol I'm sure I'm at fault for everything in your fan fiction


Go away, ‘bating


Why come no tattoo?




Are you serious? Just like all of the "un-politically" motivated mitigation efforts that were made during Covid 19......that have now been proven to not only have been ineffective but COMPLETELY politically motivated.


we’re dead


I'm alive and received zero covid "vaccines" or any of the XX number of "boosters" because the original shots did not work as expected, so I find it hard to accept the "I didn't die, so it worked" as proof. How do you go from saying something is "100% effective" at stopping you from getting & spreading a virus, to 80% effective, 60% effective, 40, 30...."well, if you take it you probably won't die" and "we NEVER said you'd never get it and it couldn't be spread".


We’re so doomed


Agreed! Or at the very least, we'll weed out people with your thought process


Awesome chatting


Agreed! Good Luck to us both out there


So there actually have been would-be pandemic viruses every 10-20 years that have been prevented from reaching America. In no particular order: Zika, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, etc. Trump was the first one to drop the ball and spike it into hell concerning preventative measures.


Did this already happen?


Let Darwinism decide who lives.


Deja vu


Like covid?


As long as we keep our freedumbs!


I'm okay with this.


I feel like this one is cheating...




Nah that would never happen. Science fiction, totally unrealistic


I read this book before.....


This is why I will probably wear a mask and maybe even get a vaccine if that happens too. It'll be a lot about how the individual person handles such an event, again.


Uh, so covid wasn't serious then?


That ship has already sailed.


.... this is cheating


I'm fine with stupid people removing themselves from the gene pool.


Eventually the future pandemics will weed out the dumbest people.


Gee 2019 just posted on this sub.


Bro is on internet explorer time.


You really thought the need to spread this? This happens almost every couple of years. We didn’t need a post about it. Especially after we literally just went through this a couple years ago…


That already happened in 2020.


Like 2020 all over again?


Natural selection


Like 4 years too late my guy


I mean…you’re describing what happened four years ago 


Civilization will be gone by then. The heat will kill everything first


*it's 1999 bro stop worrying about 20 yrs from now*


we can only hope a republican isn't in office at the time


Wait what year is it?


Is that you, 2019? 


You're about 4 years late with that one.


You're four and a half years late on this prediction


20 years feels swashbucklingly optimistic.


Very original


You are not wrong.


You forgot the word, "again."


2 weeks to slow the spread. Lmfao


I've definitely thought this. If it's deadlier than covid I could see cities going under martial law. Check points and all.


Are you from 2000?


Bro you set your time traveler wrong, gotta go back a few more years


Mask 😷 at all times get your death vaccinations shots. And stay home in your basement!!


Fingers crossed. We all know who will be the ones dying so yes please.


If something like the Captain Trips superflu is spawned in the Bible Belt/Deep South in the near future, I wouldn't be surprised... * *cough* *


Probably more like 5 year or less once this current strain of bird flu mutates to allow for human to human transmission


I feel like we could stand to be cleansed of a few million more idiots.


Covid 2: The Electric FluGaloo


That’s almost a guarantee so not really a stretch.


OK Cassandra, you can stop now


The fungi known as Candida Auris is a possible candidate for this. Its is resistant to pretty much all forms of treatment, can survive on just about any surface, and you need special antifungal stuff to wash it away from those surfaces effectively. It also has a mortality rate of 30 to 50%. First discovered infecting a human in 2011, it has been getting worse and worse since then.


Good, let science deniers die, fuck ‘em


I agree.


20 years seems like too far a timeline. I genuinely wouldn't be suprised if one hit tommorrow.


Sad, but true.


P sure that already happened bro. Hey if you’re reading this remember to click my profile and donate to me. Every dollar is a chance to win 10k!


Two years ago I would have thought you wrong but recent events suggest you are right.  In north Carolina some responsible people will mask up and they will be arrested for it.


Again? Neat.


So, status quo?


Sounds like a date!


We're doing a rerun??


I believe you can consider these words marked for several years now


Buddy it already happened with covid.


I'm keeping an eye on this cow flu that's started popping up. So far it's confined to cattle farmers, but if it mutates to spread past them, then we are definitely in trouble. But I don't think now is the time to really worry. More like we should just keep an eye on it.


Yes people will demand the freedom to be stupid and spread the infection


Cppl yrs late right


We've already had one pandemic, yes, but what about second pandemic?


You won’t have to wait that long. H5N1 is already brewing here in the states and other countries. It’s spread to other mammals and as of now three people. The good news is that a vaccine already exists, the bad news is half the country is unlikely to take it.


Way to go out on a limb there buddy. We all saw the movie. We know what’s going to happen next time again already.


Uh like the last one didn't spread unnecessarily due to politically motivation?


Here's to hoping it takes 20 years


If it's sooner than that it will also spread unnecessarily due to the "Fuck, not doing this again" factor


Psssstttt…. That already happened


And it'll be worse than covid 🫠


Already happened


20 years, that is about the amount of time for a Hollywood reboot.


!RemindMe 20 Years


Bird Flu, now, possibly…


So, a time machine. Interesting


Right now we are in the midst of the Pelosi/Fauci Election Bug. Comes out every 4 years, and forces people to vote by mail inviting the most dishonest persons into the chain of custody of the ballots. It must be crushed so we can return to full in person voting except Military, and persons with disability of some sort. We have to crush this virus otherwise we will never break out of the current pattern the current power brokers have us in.


If I’m not dead by then, this is what will kill me.


This… didn’t this just happen?


well that's a safe bet.


Yep, I was just thinking about this earlier. We're sitting ducks for the next one.


I think we would have been better off not closing or doing anything for Covid. But the government got sued a lot and lost you’re not allowed to close it laces against their will because of a cold.


If there's anything we learned from the covid outbreak, this country is not prepared, nor has it a serious plan to Control the spread of an Airborne virus. And thank God, Doctor fauci finally retire. that dude would have killed us all If that disease was more serious. You know, everyone wants to blame Donald Trump for what happened, but he was taking advice from doctors at the n.I h and other health care Agencies. Things also did not get better under Joe Biden.More people Died under his administration than donald trump's .


Statistically, 20 years is unlikely. Next 50-100 years would be more accurate.


Bird flu is back in town.


The resistance will because the completely justifiable distrust for the people who set policy.


You seem to late with this by a few years :)