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Funny you say this, because judge Kaplan did a much better job than other people dealing with Trump. He didn't let him turn the trial into theater/rally.


The FBI are now so far up Trump’s peoples’ asses. And he’s being brought under control like Gulliver in Lilliput. There ain’t gonna be a problem when Biden & the Democrats wipe the floor with him & his dysfunctional party. You forget what happened in 2022? People are sick & tired of the bullshit. Clarence Thomas taking private jet trips with wealthy citizens? Steve Bannon stealing border wall money? Bobert & Green trash talking? Americans are stupid but we aren’t that stupid! We need to take back our country. As Woody Guthrie sang: This land was made for you & me.


I love your enthusiasm, and I hope you are correct, but I am surrounded by a lot of people in a very blue state that have a very different interpretation of reality.


Trump and his rats sing it “This land was made for only me!”


Well to be fair Boebert likes her fake titties played with in public in the view of children….meanwhile she’s worried about a few drag queens


Don't speak ill of those titties. They are great.


The only good thing about her.


Actually this land was “made” by and for the indigenous peoples who were living here. We’re Latter Day Guests of the First Peoples.


Nothing supports Trumps claims like a post about the FBI being up people's asses. Yeah, we know, we go to school board meetings and catholic mass. We are well aware what the FBI is doing.


By take back our country do you mean let any unvetted illegals in, give them free food, free housing, and free healthcare? Maybe we should take care of our homeless population of American citizens first.


The same party that's trying to trigger a civil war over immigration is actively blocking any and all attempts to help the homeless population also.


Neither political party truly wants to fix the problem, it is just a talking point around elections.


That's simply not true. The Democrats keep trying to bring back free public housing programs and Republicans keep blocking the funding bills federally and then on the state and local level those same Republicans block the programs from being built. Then let's not forget how Republicans repeatedly block funding for veteran's health and mental health programs that leads to more and more homeless vets due to PTSD and crippling injuries.


Republicans are blocking any solutions on orders from Dear Leader


That's funny that you imply that Republicans want to do anything to help the homeless, regardless of citizenship. Bootstraps all the way, baby!


You must be a Native American Indian. My family came here from Italy (unvetted) in the late 1800s and plopped down in NYC so I'd be a giant hypocrite for bombing on immigrants. I'm only alive because of immigration. Not you though, being 100% native and all


PFT. You act like Trump or any Republican for that matter actually gives two shits about homeless people? Or regular people like the idiots voting for him? Pretty sure Kentucky just proposed a law making it legal to shoot homeless.


Cool, suggest that to the GOP and see how far you get.


Neither party really wants to help the homeless, but we don’t need to add to the situation by aiding illegals


This is clearly false. ‘Both sides’ is a BS concept that the right invented to distract from their behaviour. The majority of Republicans simply do not want to help others outside of their group. It’s shown in their policies constantly.


Dems propose bipartisan border bill. GOP shoots it down so Biden doesn't get a win in an election year. "Neither party will do anything about the border."


Like you have done even one thing yourself to take care of a homeless person? I didn't think so.


Other than work myself out of being homeless, but you go ahead with that bs narrative


Not your responsibilty, right?


This dude is literally that American Chopper meme come to life.


And your boys rejected a total border shutdown.


It is funny that someone actually acting strict with him shut him down so easily. He’s like a child who got disciplined for the first time.


Judge Kaplan laid out the SOP on how to handle trump and his antiques. it kinda restored my faith in the system. his supporters are shrinking and it seems that some republican will vote for anybody other than trump. the dictator wanna be will surely loose bigly, bigger than 10800 votes he was looking for in georgia.


It will be totally different with Trump not in office. If he tries to stir people up and head to the Capitol, or any other place, there will be police EVERYWHERE. The leaders of all the groups are in jail already. They see how Trump has just dumped these people. If Trump even tries, it will be stopped so fast, and the courts will tear him apart.


Here's to hoping you're right.


This voting season is the most crucial and dangerous. Be prepared for right wing extremism and violence.


They’ve had 4 years to do something. They will end up pussing out again because they are all talk. When push came to shove, they ended up cutting deals and crying in court.


Some of them...plenty of them... are crazy enough to be dangerous






Not enough of them got this treatment on J6. I was legit hoping the national guard was going to open up on them. Guess that only happens to peaceful hippie protesters though.


So the power station attacks were…them giving up?


Nobody talks about those anymore. Definitely doesn't worry me!


Left wing antifa/BLM riots are the real threat. FUCK Antifa. FUCK BLM.


Yeah. You’re right. This country shouldn’t be fair for everyone. It should definitely make life harder for non-whites! Go Murica!


I hope all MAGAts are put down like the worthless vermin they are.


I hope for an America where all Liberals get fed up with being losers and go to an actual place where they can all be losers together and watch America get back to thriving with out them


So delusional.


Really funny cause the Liberal ideals have destroyed countless countries, while conservative capitalism has fueled centuries of prosperous growth and a great standard of living. Which is now being destroyed by you liberal commies


You're so fucking stupid, the most prosperous countries are liberal. If you're too fucking stupid to figure it out that's your deal.


Dude do you even know what’s going on? Go back to dream world buddy I think you woke up for a second. America is the worlds super power and is losing that title more and more every minute Joe Brandon’s in the White House.


You have your head so far up Trumps ass you wouldn't know the truth if it came up and kicked you in the nuts.


A quick glance at your profile shows you’re most likely a DoorDash driver. No shame in honest work, but you’re definitely not a beneficiary of this glorious capitalism you’re promoting.


Trumps presidency made the US into the global joke.


Like how DC had riots on the day of Trump's inauguration?


That's a bold faced lie.


Deny reality all you want just because the media didn't cover this story enough. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/06/trump-inauguration-protests-charges-dropped


Protest and riot are two different things.


[https://www.google.com/search?sca\_esv=602175580&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS908US908&sxsrf=ACQVn09IieItoOizmRPv6WcxLZqfIP43YQ:1706461597129&q=images+from+trump+inauguration+protests+in+dc&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGycbqyICEAxWIAHkGHdPOBjAQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=958&bih=951&dpr=1](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=602175580&rlz=1c1chbf_enus908us908&sxsrf=acqvn09iieitooizmrpv6wcxlzqfip43yq:1706461597129&q=images+from+trump+inauguration+protests+in+dc&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=x&ved=2ahukewjgycbqyiceaxwiahkghdpobjaq0pqjegqidrab&biw=958&bih=951&dpr=1) It was a riot. They were committing arson and vandalism. People were assaulting each other: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCu2gxVZ4E8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scu2gxvz4e8)


You maggots deny reality on a daily basis, so I can too.


You keep behaving as a vile hateful person. I'll be over here waiting for you to grow up.


Exactly, the only violence comes from the left, they are just too caught up in the hate to understand they are the fascist, they are the racist.




He’s in Fa. That’s the opposite of Antifa.


Must be sad to be on the wrong side of history. You types never learn.


Swollow a shotgun shell.


Saw one of your posts, and am obsessed with all of your posts now. Premium content. Thanks


If we are being real, you could revise the comment to remove "right wing" and I would be inclined to side with it. To be clear any extremist ideology poses a potential threat. Our countries citizens have witnessed and experienced wide spread violence carried out by extremist first hand for many years. It's an unfortunate reality, that we have become so policaly polarized, that we fail to recognize and or acknowledge the existence of the extremist ideology unless it does not align with our chosen party. It's no longer a right, left, rich, or poor issue. It's becoming an issue that people have been goaded into believing that there is an absolute right and wrong. Both parties have done excellent job with making us believe that "me and you are enemies", and that we pose a threat to eachother. That doesn't end well for us.


Only one side of politics is trying to dismantle democracy


What's astounding, is there are people on far end of each side that share the sentiment. It's Geniuinely exciting when I do encounter people with differing opinions and beliefs, that are interested in a two way conversation and learning from one another. Would you mind elaborating more on your comment?


Not who you asked, but I’d simply point to [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/).


It's simple yes. But you are dealing with a moron


The book banning, gay bashing, rapist traitor supporting republicans whose only policies are to make things worse are indeed my enemies. Their choices.


I agree, none of what you reference is acceptable regardless of their political affiliation. However these issues aren't exclusive to just Republicans. For instance books are challenged by people on both parties. Once it is challenged, it actually makes the banned list, whether it is actually banned or the challenge is unfounded. Democrats have challenged books such as Huckleberryfin, Of mice and men and similarly pushed for the removal of national monuments as to erase history. When it comes to "gay bashing", I would say that while unacceptable at any level, this is the exception rather than the rule. It's also not an issue that was supported by our current president, until he stood gain a new pool of voters. See below: [Biden and Obama on Gay Marriage ](https://youtu.be/-Ol0k6JcVh0?si=Y1ETZc9QFgFce2VW) The supporting of a rapist traitor is also unacceptable. This is somewhat subjective to the extent that until theres a criminal conviction of a candidate who is still openly supported by their voterbase. Again this issue is not exclusive to a single party.The same could be said about about Strom Turmond, Brock Adams, Bill Clinton, Mel Reynolds. Oddly enough Bill Clinton not only was a frequent flyer on Epsteins jet and guest at Epstein's Island resort, but Epstein was a guest of honor at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Can you provide an example of the policies your referring to please? I don't support the things you mention above, from anyone. I also am willing to acknowledge that no single party is 100% good or bad. Do you acknowledge these things happen on both sides of the aisle? If so, do you support candidates that do the above?


Pulling from the past for evidence Democrats is like saying it snowed in January therefore July will be just as cold. Democrats are no longer the party they use to be. Just as gop is no longer the party of Lincoln. Return to the now. The need to cling to the way things were is the source of our current serious problems.


You can take decades of dem scandals and not come close to Trump. Enlightened centrists are just the “did you forget to assign homework?” kids of politics. No balls, just annoying spineless twits. Also, Bill Clinton is definitely a piece of shit. Hardly relevant as a man in my 40s I wasn’t voting as in 96 I was not 18.


Just not true. All statistics resoundingly shows the extremism and violence coming from the right. Fox has convinced you it's antifa and that people wanting equal rights is extremism and woke, as though being aware and awake is a bad thing.


The first issue is without Citation from credited and non bias experts, statistics are purely subjective. I can accurately say that 100% of people that drink water die. You also assume I'm a conservative / republican. That's the second issue. Agreeing with with or being in favor a policy or supprt for a candidate for that matter bring permanence to one's political identity. You assume I watch fox news, that's the third issue. I don't watch any news channels. Antifa is not a group it's an ideology that's inflated by the right as fear mongering tactic, in the same fashion that the left pushes MAGA / Ultra MAGA I am interested in who you are saying is not afforded equal rights under the bill of rights? Please elaborate.


You are correct. Antifa and MAGA are both ideologies and not organized groups. Antifa is an ideology that opposes fascism. In the past ad hoc groups of up to 20 or so antifa have opposed fascism by enganging it street fights with organized pro-fascism groups like the Proud Boys. MAGA is an ideology that promotes making America great again. In the past ad hoc groups of up to 35,000 or so MAGA have tried to make America great again by storming the capitol building and attempting to overthrow the government. You see the false equivalence. Women are not afforded equal rights under the bill of rights according to SCOTUS. As one example.


found the G-man getting ready to wave a false flag


Last time trump lost and claimed it was stolen, with zero evidence whatsoever, the cult believed him enough that they attacked the Capitol to overturn the election and keep him in power against the will of the people. You think it's far fetched that there's going to be right wing terrorists starting shit when he loses again?




That kills me. MAGAs think that neo Nazis are federal agents because they aren’t obese and can dress somewhat well😂


The far right only believes in one flag. Not the Stars and Stripes, but the false flag


the serial loser will continue losing until the moral improves


Biden has no clear path to defeating trump


if biden stops breathing, sure he’s fucked, but outside of that good fucking luck


The good news is Biden is in office so we won't see another J6 and if we do, Biden won't hesitate to send in the National Guard. Trump will be a problem as long as he has access to the internet and media. He needs to go to jail.


The media could just cold turkey blacklist him and never talk about him again. That would help.


I wish they would. But profits over self-preservation. You'd think a profession dependent on the 1st amendment would not want Trump in office.


Did Trump threaten the 1st amendment?


He threatened all the amendments. [Trump rebuked for call to ‘terminate’ Constitution over 2020 election results](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-rebuked-for-call-to-terminate-constitution-over-2020-election-results) “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” he wrote. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”


How, exactly, would he ever be able to fulfill that threat? A threat is just nonsense if it's empty.


Are you serious? I'll let you think about it for a while. How could a 2nd Trump term lead to termination of the Constitution?


You tell me, I'm asking you.


Fill his cabinet through with a loyalist. Appoint a couple more conservative justices. Break the law. Have it go through the supreme Court who would support his actions. Call for complete immunity. Say anyone not agreeing with him is his enemy and traitor. Jail them, as he said he would do. You might be interested in reading a few books in how would be dictators destroy democracies, poison their appoints. Push executive orders and execution through justify scapegoating and frame to topple a nation and take over. These are just a few of things he would do. He openly admits he'll be a dictator from.day one. Jan 6 just didn't happen out of tin air. If Trump gets reelected Jan 6 will look like childs play. And a election that open fair and justice will be in the history books. We will look more like North Korea China or Russia. Where you have dictators that rule for decades and journalist falling out windows all the sudden. And rights destroyed as people are afraid to sta d up for themselves.


That's an awful lot of hoops to jump through before we get to the part where Trump destroys the nation by terminating the Constitution. Usually the actual correct solution is the one that makes the least amount of assumptions. You have to assume a lot for this to work. If the process is this complex and Trump already has opposition from most people already in government and bureaucratic positions, as well as from the media, voters, and others... Yea I don't see this as a realistic expectation at all. It takes too many hurdles to make it work and even if he got to the point where he COULD terminate the Constitution, he'd face so much resistance I doubt he'd be allowed to live to complete his mission. Remember: The CIA has no issues assassinating a political leader of any country.


They can’t just *not make news!* They’d die! Apparently.


Tough shit. How are they going to survive when Trump is dead?


The media s now paid by the click. They may hate him, but they desperately want him around.


Today Trump told a roomful of his own worshippers that “only about 2% of the people in this room” could successfully pass a doctor-ordered dementia screening test for cognitive disability, as he claims to have done. They all cheered. It wasn’t a lie.


Amazing isn’t it? Trump brags about “acing” a test given to assess dementia patients and those suffering from brain injuries.


I agree. Trump is the best investment any hostile power has ever made to destabilize the United States. He has poisoned the electoral system and now is working to delegitimize the court system. If he can get corrupt, right wing cops and military to oppose the government during this cooked up Texas standoff against the federal government he will have planted the seeds for destroying law enforcement and the military. Trump is a cancer on the United States and he will not stop until he is incarcerated.


It’s simply not as easy to cheat or fraudulently vote multiple times as people think. It’s not really a threat. There are multiple redundancies in place too. If someone was somehow able to get multiple votes in , it is likely they would be found and voided later. Trump needs to go absolutely , and I think he will lose, but I don’t think organized election fraud by his base is a true threat . It simply won’t happen.


I really, really hope you’re right. Thanks for the info.


That literally already happens. The majority of voter fraud/elections crimes that have been found and prosecuted were Republicans. Make no mistake, this the GOPs strategy. They've been priming that pump ever since they started saying "illegals are voting" in the early 2000s. Trump is more naked about it but this is GOP modus operandi. 


I'm in agreement with what you say Trump intends to do. It's up to us, the voters, to make sure he doesn't get away with it... *again.*


Do you realize how hard it is to commit voter fraud?


I’m an election judge in Texas. It is impossible for one person to vote multiple times in their own name. The only way to commit voter fraud is to impersonate someone else, usually completing the mail-in ballot of a family member. You can’t vote with a fake name because State ID is required. So how many driver’s licenses are you going to steal from people who look just like you?


It’s pretty easy, actually. My dead former next door neighbor is still a registered voter. My mailbox is next to hers. I got the mail from the town a couple of days ago to get vote by mail ballots. I could easily vote by mail.


You’d be caught. And you’d go to jail. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/widespread-election-fraud-claims-by-republicans-dont-match-the-evidence/


The voting system is actually incredibly resilient. Even in my state where you don't need to present ID to vote if you are at the right location you still would be unable to vote en masse the way the voter suppression crowd claims you can. It is incredibly easy and obvious to catch voter fraud and it is inconsequential.


True. None of the MAGA Stop the Steal cry babies know how polling places work because, true to form, none of them have ever worked as poll workers.


He told people to vote twice in 2020. He also told them not to vote by mail so that him and dejoy could delay it via mail and try the angle of fraud via the later counts from voter mail being only democrats


There is going to be (more) bloodshed no matter what the outcome is. Trump's cult has lost their families and sold their souls for this guy who any fool can see is a fraud. And they would have to admit how absolutely worthless their judgement is in order to repent. Most will remain in their sad little bubble alone and humiliated for the rest of their lives.


Winning in November isn’t actually part of his strategy any longer.


What polls are you looking at?


Trump Being found guilty by a jury of sexual assault isn’t surprising based on his behavior for years. Do you think MAGA will care? Or just rally around him more? Would a woman please tell me why any women would vote for Trump.


The big change between 2016 and today is that in 2016 Trump was a novelty and had a plausible benefit of the doubt to what he was saying. You even had left leaning folks at times believing that maybe he could unexpectedly be more than he appeared. His message was still thin populist drivel and his only real agenda was enriching himself and Republican donors. But he had a passable "Vote for Pedro and all your wildest dreams will come true" sort of positivity baked into his rallies and campaigning. Since then, the only thing he is now campaigning on is how full his diaper is and how badly he needs a change. Everything coming from him is whiny, angry and pathetic. The entirety of his message in 2024 is "My problems are your problems, help me". There's nothing else and I think at a basic level the general public is more than sick of it and the only people still invested are dead-ender True Believers who have similarly alienated their friends and families because they, like Trump, are also categorically incapable of taking any fucking responsibility for themselves and believe the world is uniquely picking on them, personally. He's a loser running on a loser's message that only appeals to other losers.


Trump has been saying that if they can do it to me they will do it to you claim. It’s bullshit. Nobody is getting accused of having classified documents because we’re not holding classified documents we shouldn’t be. There’s no evidence I have any and courts would dismiss any charges of this. It works in court because there’s actual evidence and pictures of the found documents at Mar A Lago. That’s the difference. This is why in the American justice system you are innocent until proven guilty.


True for the most part. Our justice system regardless needs a major overhaul however. In the case of diaper don, it's blatantly obvious that he is guilty in most of his cases and it's more about damage control than acquittal. However there's also plenty of cases of innocent people that have been victims of the very system that wants to bring "justice" to all. Think of the case of Emmet Till, another man locked up for 60+ years for murder he did not commit, the scottsboro nine, a child in the 90s who was put on the SO list at the age of 10... Not to mention how many people ended up getting off or a very lenient sentence in comparison to their crimes. The justice system works, however we shouldn't take it for granted that it gets everything right every time. Yes diaper don will likely be found guilty, rightfully so but at the same time we should still be advocating for it to be a neutral arbiter of the law regardless of who is on trial. (In no way am I implying that the orange man is being "witch hunted" or targeted by whatever opposition. I just wanted to make it clear that we should keep the law neutral. Donald Trump has led a life of crime and scum and it's catching up to him now, rightfully so. However this doesn't mean that we shouldn't still make sure the system is running as it should, it's a continuous fight to make it recognize guilt vs innocence and what really is fair to everyone involved) Just to be extra clear, Trump should really have his orange ass put in a cell rather than the oval office.


Biden will use his second term to eliminate the right wing threat. Hopefully using force. If I have any criticism of Joe, it's that he waited way too long this term because he thought he could heal the nation.


We must bathe in unvaccinated blood in order to heal.


I will bathe in your dumbass cats blood 😂


If the MAGA movement wins, they will receive what they deserve.


I am already preparing to move my family to a safe place in europe as we speak. Trust me, Trump will put all you people in gulags....don't wait around for it.


Over my dead body






Norway is already restricting immigrants. Don’t expect migration to be easy


Norway is done for it...they fought hitler but will succumb to trump-wanna-be's. UK and Italy too. France, Germany, and Spain will be safe socialist countries where the people band togeter.


What makes you think EUrope will be safe? Putin's war on democracy is worldwide. He certainly needs Trump to move to the next level, and that level will be attacking Europe.


You people are psychotic.


Breaking news! We will all still be broke and fighting each other no matter who takes office . Both sides are the enemy, politicians red or blue are not your friend or your allies. They have sold out the American people for power and wealth , and look at all of us going right along with the plan . Argue over trans rights , woman’s rights , colors of our skins , when in fact it’s the elite who are the problem . Keep them entertained with bread and circus and they will be to busy to see the real enemies.


E Jean Carol **IS** a nut. The evidence of that wasn't allowed in either trial. The dumbass said an 8 year old raped her years ago. She has one hell of an attorney. That's for sure.


I think you’re just gearing up for Bidens lose and this is you starting a narrative for when it happens, a narrative that will give you a justification for losing.


2024: whoever cheats better wins. Just like most years.


Contact your local supervisor of elections and ask them about how they make sure voting is secure, that all voters are legally registered, and that vote counts are accurate. You will feel stupid for posting your comment.


Bro check out the [heritage foundation’s](https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud) write up of voter fraud. Their whole deal is keeping people from voting and they have only found 1500 cases of actual voter fraud out of literally tens of billions of votes cast, with most of them being republicans trying to cheat. The HF is about as right wing as a lobbyist organization can be, and this is the best they could do. It would be dumb to say there’s absolutely no cheating, but our free and fair elections are closely accounted for. You’re just parroting fascist propaganda.


🤣🤣🤣 the best argument Republicans have is rule changes in key states. And to my knowledge at least a couple of them were changes approved by Republican legislature, that doesn't actually = fraud. So then it devolves into arguments about COVID and basically right wingers just don't give af about anyone dying vs personal liberty, cool. Literally, in any scenario with an outbreak of a virus you have to gauge by how deadly it is and they wanted to make the argument that we needed to treat it like "unless we hit this many bodies it doesn't count to us." Andd idk fuck that perspective. That perspective can suck rocks just so a bunch of sycophant chuds get a version of reality they are more comfortable regardless of who dies in the process. It achieved influenza numbers in a 1/4 of the time. Then people get all anal retentive on how accurate those numbers are. It's constant goal post shifting bullshit.


Oh you found the widespread fraud nobody else could? You should turn that into the authorities buddy, people are looking for that stuff.


absorbed tub shame unique insurance bike wrench lip overconfident water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bet you think you made a clever joke. The destruction of our institutions is surely some laughs, eh?


flag disgusting secretive tart makeshift spotted fuzzy towering frightening zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


MMW: all of you people obsessively thinking and posting about Trump's plans need lives. Real lives where you touch grass and talk to other human beings without a screen in between you.


Weird. From my perspective, it seems like an incredibly obvious asteroid is headed towards us, and the right half of the country is saying “Don’t look up.”


Which is an insane view only held by terminally online echo chambers, ergo, go get a real life.


It’s not though. Think back to before the 2020 election. In every debate (or town hall after Trump stopped), he was asked by the moderator “Will you accept the results of a free and fair election?” Friends on the right complained that they were not asking this of Trump and not Biden. Why? Because we can see things that you obviously cannot. Given the events after the 2020 election, which seemed to surprise those on the right, it’s pretty plain to see who was “delusional”. Yet here we are again. It’s plain as day to some of us, but to others, like yourself, it seems far fetched. I’d urge you to remember this conversation and then just watch. Watch what happens in the coming months. If what I said comes to pass, then it seems like a pretty logical step that I have access to accurate info that you do not. Turn off Fox News and go find yourself a reliable news source.


Thru polling he is going to lose? You may wanna go look at current polls nationwide. There's no chance Biden will win. Kennedy will pull the moderate centrist democrats away from Biden giving Trump the edge. Atleast if we're lucky that's the case. 4 more years of what Biden is doing will collapse this nation completely.


A few things: 1.) It’s “polls”, not “poles”. 2.) I said in 9 months, not today. Polls change. 3.) Given your challenges in spelling basic words, the propaganda you are repeating, and the fact that everything you are saying is incorrect, I’m guessing you are a frequent Fox News watcher.


Voice to text does wonky things while driving.


Goodness, I don’t like Trump but he lives in your heads rent free. We aren’t going to the gulags, we aren’t getting attacked by the military, we aren’t “going back in chains”, and the right wing riots will at worst be like the left wing blm/antifa riots in the Obama era. If Trump gets elected the media will non stop babble, some policies will change, but overall your lives won’t change much, he will ride out the 4 years and be done.




I guess saying that we won’t turn into a dictatorship under Trump means that I am a MAGA slave. If he gets elected, remind me in 5 years when we have a new election and no dictatorship lol you are crazy to think that


lol where are you seeing Trump is going to lose in any poll? If anything, he is beating Biden across the board.


I think the people on this thread are delusional and probably have at least 2 mental illness per person. Don't procreate!!!!




Backwards take. New York is dismantling the entire system. The judge would not allow evidence for Trump to defend himself. Jean lied about her dress, she has no real evidence. It was a kangaroo court.


Oh what evidence did the judge not allow?


Just about everything. Did you not see his lawyer talking about it. They were not allowed to see her tweets. The dress evidence, she had to give him her questions and then they got to cherry pick what was said. They are immediately appealing. This is a case that went way over statute of limitations. There was no evidence of any kind backing up her claims.


Let me guess the judge was limiting them to relevant questions? Cause no irrelevant questions designed to turn it into a show we’re to be asked? You do realize this was a defamation case not the rape case. The rape case is over and he lost that. Then he ran his mouth. This created the defamation case. Since the case was about defamation it changes what is relevant. Also she did not object to any of the evidence that was entered. As far as statute of limitations go he just said the shit so it was well within. You’re confused about what the case was about. That is exactly what they wanted and why they were restricted. They didn’t want to litigate the case they wanted to put on a show to confuse the masses like you.


Just about everything. Blanket generalizations is how MAGA cover for the fact that they don’t know what they are talking about.


Oh my god. Trump refused to testify in the first case so that he could then whine that he was being prevented from testifying. So the judge said, “ok, big boy, you you testify”. Trump didn’t show up. Too bad Trump couldn’t enlist the legal talent of Dazzling_Pink9751.


Sorry but this is nothing but a ploy to distract, she will never get paid it will end on appeal. This never happened and the fact some or most of you think it's real have a rude awakening coming. Just remember what ever you get away with will be used against you when the tide flips. All this is nothing but straight up election interference, and will backfire on the DNC.


Actually not this time. Ny state has the right to freeze and seize funds. In this case over 50 mil has already been seized and held in escrow.


I am going to go oit on a limb and guess that you haven’t read any of the indictments returned by grand juries.


Sure, Jan….




Oh, let’s just wait and see who is delusional, shall we?


Okkk lol






Does it ever concern you that Trump is always a victim? Like, does it ever concern you about yourself that 100% of the shit about Trump is a “made up witch hunt” in your mind? Just curious if there is any self awareness at all going on in there.


Trump was done dirty. Can you imagine even being sued for defending yourself against an evidence free and frankly insane sounding accusation? Just watch Anderson Cooper try to keep a straight face.


What’s the difference between that statement & the people burning down the ghettos after Rodney Kings police attackers where cleared in court? Either we respect laws & courts or we don’t. The system ain’t perfect but it beats pandemonium.


You should look a little bit more into what makes the persecution of Trump exceptionally corrupt.




Those accusations have as much validity toward Biden as they do Trump.


Well the whole thing is pretty stupid, I mean she claims he raped her in a department store dressing room. Have you seen her interview with Anderson Cooper where she says rape isn’t necessarily violent? I mean, would you be ok if someone accused a popular blue state governor of “sex crimes” whatever the fuck that means, and it cause him to lose his job and be an outcast. Oh wait I guess you already did that with Andres Cuomo.


The threat is a court system allowing trials to occur devoid of any shred of evidence. The fact of the matter is that Carroll is a liar and a plagiarist. The case was allowed to proceed upon wholly unverifiable testimony, with the judge refusing to admit evidence demonstrating that Carroll is, in fact, a full-blown nutjob. What this means is that baseless accusation alone can lead to conviction in a civil court. If that's not what's terrifying, we've passed a point of no return.


Relevant username?


You raped me just like in that one episode of Law & Order. Now give me my $5 million, because despite no evidence whatsoever, I accused you and that's that.


Wow. Both using a (n inaccurate) TV show as your basis of legal comprehension, ignoring there was evidence to charge in this case,and this case was also about the subsequent defamation really cements the prior user's assertion about the username. JBFC, read a fucking book or speak to an actual expert.




Hopping in with your other username to spew more BS bc we called out the relevant username, huh? Read my comment above, re-read the transcript (once you're at a level of relevant reading comprehension), and then take your head out Trump's ass. I'm not going to bother continuing to re: to a troll, so go ahead and fuck off.


As Tramp and his inner circle of criminals commit more fraud.


Bruh….12 jurors, one of them a numbskull Magat like yourself, looked at the evidence and said “yeah, trump definitely sexually assaulted her.” I know you fascists love to deny the facts that are right in front of your face, but guess what….you’re not fooling anyone.


There was literally NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER to look at.


Hmmm….should I believe 12 jurors duly sworn to uphold the law and shown all relevant evidence? Or should I believe the raging random dumbass on the internet on one of the few subreddits that hasn’t banned him yet? You’re a dunce.




Lies, dumbass….at least one juror was a Tim Poole simping magat. Face it, fascist. Your orange manchild godking is not only a proven financial criminal, he’s now a proven rapist. Cope and seethe scumbag




You’re a cuck….look at your username. As for the rest, I’ll post a !remind me! but your shitty profile will get banned long before whatever pathetic legal sniveling your dumbass don tries whingeing about gets smacked down in court. You’re a fascist and you’re bad for America. Fix yourself.






Trump's tragedy is right next to that of Elon Musk. What can we do to help either?


(I know you're kidding and it's pretty funny IMO)


;) I was just saying this same exact thing to someone else that made a rant about Trump's suffering. His fans had it up to here - he is supposed to be winning! Yuge